Chapter 287 Fire-breathing dragon zombies.

At this moment, Colonel Corn had thrown a few, a few huge destruction mushrooms, near the fire-breathing dragon zombies.

After the fire-breathing dragon zombie exploded in an instant, the corpse became fragmented.

In this way, these huge fire-breathing dragons and zombies have been wiped out by Lin Feng and his plant heroes.

And here, the sacred tree began to absorb all the nutrients from the fire-breathing dragon zombies~ afterwards.

Lin Feng took them back with the War Garden Pendant and expressed his gratitude to them.

At this moment, countless red vines appeared in the woods, and they came to Lin Feng near them. Lin Feng took a look.

It turns out that these are the legendary devil vines.

After these things saw Lin Feng, they were almost bowed to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng saw them.

Towards Lin Feng and their claws, they came over.

At the beginning, Lin Feng thought that these companions were going to attack them, but he did not expect that they would stand beside Lin Feng obediently, just like other plant heroes.

Lin Feng took a look there and found that these red devil vines were of very high rank, and they could even reach the fifth rank.

But their natural enemies are those fire-breathing zombies, because they will turn into ashes as long as they encounter fire-breathing zombies.

This is also their fatal flaw, but Lin Feng looked at them and said, “What do you mean, do you want to bow to me?”

Seeing those vines is like saluting Lin Feng, expressing their sincerity.

So Lin Feng nodded and said: “Then since you want to submit to me, then follow me.”

Those devil vines nodded, and Lin Feng directly received them in the War Garden Pendant

In this way, Lin Feng’s team has added another strongman, because Lin Feng knows that this devil vine is quite powerful.

Their nirvana is to tie their enemies to death and strangle them alive and suffocate them to death.

Anyway, their attack power is still quite strong, if it weren’t for those fire-type zombies, they would definitely not fail.

It seems that they want to express their gratitude to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng rescued them, if Lin Feng hadn’t rescued them in time, the woods would soon be burned to ashes.

They and these devil vines will not be spared, I did not expect to encounter such a small episode on this road

But still very happy to be able to get the devil vine.

Lin Feng looked at this place. The plant heroes who led him continued to fly in the direction of the Emerald Palace.

The green crystal wings gleamed quickly behind him, and they came to the boundary of the Emerald Palace.

The Emerald Palace is still exactly the same as when he first saw it.

It is still an indispensable thing of beauty. Under the high platform, green vines are used to wind down the light ladder.

Everywhere is full of beautiful colors, and the green vines entwined around that emit a faint green fluorescence.

The magnificence of this palace is evident everywhere. I saw it, after Lin Feng came back.

The vines over there even opened colorful flowers, blooming in front of Lin Feng at the same time.

Looking at Lin Feng, I didn’t expect that these plants are here to welcome the return of Lin Feng, the owner.

At this moment, all kinds of flowers competed wherever Lin Feng went, and Lin Feng saw the beauty here.

0.……Look for flowers……

I couldn’t help feeling very good. I was walking there and watching with a smile, when everything here went to the second floor, his luxurious master bedroom.

The supplies there are still clean and well-stocked, Lin Feng thought it would be better to go back home.

After he took off all the clothes on his body.

It directly exposed myself, in that luxurious big bathtub.

Appeared in the bathtub instantly, countless petals, soaking in the fragrant petals, not to mention more comfortable.


It was drowsy there, and when he opened his eyes again, he almost fell asleep here.

So Lin Feng hurriedly got up, got dressed and arrived in the kitchen, planning to get some food.

Thinking of the hot pot I ate before, I couldn’t help but feel appetite. I saw that all the ingredients over there are ready.

I felt very happy, eating there while watching everything in front of me, after eating and drinking.

Lin Feng went to the jade palace to the garden, and went there to see the sunflowers he had planted before.

Countless sunshine has been collected so he will. He took out his sunshine ball and collected all the sunshine there.

I thought these were enough for a long time. Then he looked at the special plants he cultivated in this entire garden.

They are all growing very well, so Lin Feng used the War Garden Pendant to release all the plants he had obtained for racing.

Seeing a bright light flashing, at this moment, the garden of the Emerald Palace was full of plants. Do,

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