Chapter 263 New World! New Demon Fruit!

The words of Chen Huanian and General He made the entire conference room silent.

What they said was beyond the imagination of most people.

Alien civilization?

Other testers?

People from other worlds?

Is Blue Star also a trial place?

Has an abnormality been found on Mars?

All kinds of questions hovered in the minds of the generals of the Dragon Kingdom.

They sat there, unable to calm down.

Everyone here felt a dazed emotion.

Because there are too many unknown things.

Most of the generals here have adapted to the confrontation on Blue Star.

Whether it’s fighting with Eagle Country, John Bull Country, Sakura Country and other countries.

For the vast majority of generals.

So many years of intelligence collection and a wealth of experience against the enemy have given them a good understanding of their opponents.

But now, there has been an alien civilization.


What is their strength?

What is the organizational structure?

What kind of strength do you have?

How strong are the top powerhouses?

How many ordinary strong people are there?

Everything is unknown.

But the thing that makes these generals feel at a loss is.

Those outside the civilization are now in contact with the real world.

According to previous academician Chen Huanian’s words, traces of the other party have been found on Mars.

That is to say, when the people of Blue Star have not found the trace of the other party.

They can already see the Blue Star civilization.

The attitude of the other party is not clear.

If it is the enemy…

Fighting an unknown enemy is the most difficult thing.

What’s more difficult than this is not knowing your enemy.

But your enemy probably knows you.

See the heavy atmosphere in the conference room.

Chen Huanian smiled and comforted everyone.

“Don’t be so nervous.

“Although based on the current situation, the trialists from other planes are only performing missions on Mars, and have not directly contacted us.”

“But everyone can’t take it lightly. What we can do is to understand them as much as possible and take precautions at the same time.

“The reason why I will come with General He Lao this time is to let you know about this matter, and at the same time not to disturb the military’s mind.”

“We have learned a lot of news from the Trial Space Research Institute, and the situation is still under our control.”

Chen Huanian smiled and talked about the current situation.

His self-confidence has infected many people.

The generals who were still a little anxious breathed a sigh of relief.

In the entire Dragon Kingdom, these soldiers have the closest connection with the Trial Space Research Institute.

They knew very well what kind of ability Longguo’s Trial Space Research Institute had.

It can be said that there are not only the strongest in the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also a variety of powerful research products.

Most of the armors, weapons, and equipment of those high-ranking powerhouses were developed by this mysterious research institution.

The military and the Trial Space Institute are close research partners.

If another person said this, it would be impossible for these generals to relax.

But Chen Huanian’s status is different.

He is an academician of the Dragon Kingdom.

Many things, once said by his mouth, have their own authority.

“General He, please give instructions on what we are going to do next.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun breathed a sigh of relief and asked General He for instructions.

“Intensify training while adapting to new equipment and medicines.

At this point, General He smiled.

“Although there is a dangerous force on one side, we do not have any intersection, it is difficult to know the strength and position of the other side.”

“But after so many years of research, our strength is also rising rapidly.”

“It’s not just us who knows about this now, but other countries have also discovered anomalies one after another.”

“At the subsequent International Federation Conference, we will conduct transactions and contacts on this matter.

“Up to now, it is difficult for us to survive on Mars stably.”

“But those testers can fight against zombies on Mars, indicating that their skills are better than ours, or their professional composition is different from ours, and their body structure is different from ours.

“Regardless of the speculation, we must be prepared.”

“So, now that all countries have deliberately slowed down the dispute, we can focus more on the intelligence of the extraterritorial trialer.

After a brief summary of the situation, General He looked at Lin Feng kindly.

His eyes were full of admiration.

“This young man has changed the pattern of our Dragon Country, and has given us much more confidence than before. It’s amazing.”

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Changed the pattern of the Dragon Kingdom?

Although he successfully treated the guardian giant tree, at the same time let the trial space research institute get a large number of potions, and cultivated the fruit of the devil.

These things can definitely have a profound impact…

But this can’t be said to have changed the pattern of the Dragon Kingdom, right?

At least it can’t be said to have played such a big role.

That being the case, why would General He suddenly praise himself so much?

The other Long Kingdom generals also looked at him suspiciously.

Although everyone knows that this young man has a limited future.

Many people also know his case, knowing that he, as an auxiliary occupation, will definitely affect many combat testers.

But if a small Tier 5 gardener can affect the entire Dragon Kingdom, that would be an exaggeration.

General He also felt everyone’s doubts.


He laughed out loud, as if feeling heartily because of something.

It took a long time before he suppressed the smile.

“Because of the emergence of alien civilization, coupled with the traces of the activities of those who experimented, it has aroused the vigilance of many countries.”

“The medicinal materials previously provided by Lin Feng can greatly enhance the effect of the medicine.

“This has attracted the attention and robbing of many international pharmaceutical companies.

“And his Demon God’s fruit has attracted the attention of the entire Blue Star.”

“Many pharmaceutical companies have already cooperated with Longguo and communicated with enterprises and institutions within Longguo.”

“Our” alchemy technology and as long as the technology has grown rapidly.

“There are even many eighth-tier alchemists who have made breakthroughs because of this matter, successfully completing the conditions for advancement, and at the same time using points to upgrade to ninth-tier alchemists!”

“Several ninth-tier alchemists are unexpected joys for the entire Dragon Kingdom!”

“With their 2.2 types of powerful alchemists, plus the medical resources harvested from external cooperation, and the powerful medicinal materials cultivated by Lin Feng.”

“My Dragon Country, why not be prosperous?”

“If a corpse wave really broke out somewhere, then our Dragon Kingdom is the country with the strongest ability to defend the city!”

“Lin Feng really changed the pattern of our dragon country with one person.

“Your standing potions and equipment will all get an upgrade.”

Having said that, General He looked at Lin Feng excitedly.

“Of course, the country has prepared generous rewards for you, and you will go to the Trial Space Research Institute with Chen Huanian to collect them afterwards!”


Lin Feng’s attention was instantly attracted by this word!

Although he didn’t know what reward it was.

But one thing is certain.

In this case, the level of the rewards awarded will definitely not be the bottom!

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