Chapter 262: Trial of the results of the Space Research Institute!

Boom boom boom.

Just as the generals in the conference room were waiting for Lin Feng to continue his speech.

There was a knock on the door.

Many generals frowned.

This is the military camp.

An emergency meeting is now in progress.

Except for the relevant personnel of the meeting, who will enter the meeting room at this time?

Although they are not currently holding combat meetings, the confidentiality measures and security levels are the same.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun raised his head and motioned to the guard at the door to open the door.


As the door bolt fell, two figures walked in.

Lin Feng looked up.

Two old people walked into the meeting room.

A person is Huanian.

The academician of Longguo organized a number of trial spaces and professional development-experiments.

Many professional departments are matched and developed by him.

Lin Feng has dealt with him many times and is very familiar with each other.

As one of the senior managers of the Trial Space Institute, he is very interested in the plants he provides.

The exchange channels for special materials such as neutron ingots and endless blooms are all obtained from his hands.

If it weren’t for him and Long Guo, there is also a trial space research institute.

I still can’t get so many supplies.

As for the other person, his hair is gray, his face is full of furrows, and his brows are frowned together.

He is too old and his entire face looks wrinkled.

But if someone touches the other’s eyes, they will find the sharp gaze revealed in that old and muddy gaze.

A special domineering spirit emerged spontaneously, making people daunting.

Because of his age, the muscles of his body have curled up.

But he still fought straight, and his body didn’t have any Xianglou.

Even if the muscles are already curled up.

But his skeleton is still very straight, it can be clearly seen that he was also a strong fighter when he was young.

An aura of aura exploded from his body.

The old man was wearing a neat military uniform. Lin Feng swept his shoulder, seeing the military rank made his pupils shrink.


This is the first time Lin Feng has seen the admiral of the Dragon Kingdom in reality.

So old, but still not retired in the barracks, and the rank is already so high.

All signs indicate that the old general who appeared in front of him is the real high-level military.

The kind of high-level with decision-making power.

How could an old general of this level suddenly appear here?

Not waiting for Lin Feng to express his doubts.

Everyone in the conference room stood up and gave a standard military salute.

“General Ho!

The neat voice, deafening, floated in Lin Feng’s ears.

He also paid a military salute seriously.

The old man who appeared in front of him was the old general who had presided over the battle and hunting plan of the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom.

Also the heroic veteran of the Long Kingdom.

He smiled and motioned for everyone to sit down, and then came to the top of the conference room with Chen Huanian.

Lieutenant General Ge Yun was about to give up his seat to the two of them, but they refused

Wait until everyone sits down.

General He looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile: “Lin Feng, I have been following you for a long time. You are very good when you are a hero.”

Simply saying this, he immediately got into the topic, acting vigorously and vigorously.

“We already know what you just discussed.

Hearing this, apart from Lin Feng’s some surprises, the remaining generals had no surprises.

They knew very well that in front of people of the rank of General He, the content discussed in the conference room would be delivered to them as soon as possible.

After all, when the Devil communicates, Blue Star is the place for trial, and there are trialists from other worlds who will come to this world.

The combination of these kinds of news is a very big thing.

This means that there is a surging tide of corpses on the Blue Star or the surrounding planets.

It’s okay if it’s on the surrounding planets.

If a large-scale tide of corpses broke out on the blue star, the consequences,

Therefore, it is normal for people like General He to know the content of the meeting.

But what they didn’t expect was that the old general would personally rush over because of this incident.

This is still an unverified message.

Is it possible that Long Kingdom has already received some information?

All of you present here are talented and intelligent people.

They easily thought of the various changes that have taken place in the Dragon Kingdom recently.

Raise the upper limit of the exchange and supply of resources.

Provide better resources to outstanding young people.

Give stronger benefits to auxiliary professionals.

Various factors indicate one thing.

0……Look for flowers……

Long Guo had already discovered some anomalies, and began to make changes.

Thinking of this, everyone’s hearts shuddered.

Everyone looked at General He Lao.

“This news first came from the Trial Space Research Institute.”

“According to the observations of the institute, they found an anomaly on Mars.”

“Under the shooting of some satellite photos, traces of biological actions on Mars have been seen in many places.”

“And what is certain is that those are human footprints!”

The information revealed by these few words alone is enough to shock everyone.

Even now that technology is so advanced.

Under the blessing of various magical props in the trial space.

No alien creatures were found in front of me.

No traces of biological activity were found for Blue Star.

But now, General He said, human footprints have been found on Mars?

Several people stood up abruptly.

Under the sign of General He, Chen Huanian took over.

“According to the judgment of our research institute.”

“Those people are not out of civilization.”

“We cannot deny the existence of this possibility, but the traces on Mars are not humans in nearby galaxies.

“According to the analysis of the Martian soil and many traces of human activities that we transported back from the rover, we found many remnants of the skills of professionals.

“Detected the magical power of the Ash Mage, the Elemental Mage, and the breath of the Dark Eye.

“I won’t say more about things that are too detailed. The important thing is that we can determine one thing from the evidence.”

“That is, Mars has become a new trial ground.

“People from other worlds came to our world through the trial space and participated in the trial.”

“The results are not so good now.

“Because we cannot determine the highest level of the person coming.

“It is also impossible to know the attitude of those testers towards Blue Star Civilization.”

“If they come from the strongest person far beyond the ninth rank, and at the same time are hostile to the Blue Star civilization, it will be difficult to handle.”

We “must take precautions before they happen.”

The words of General He and Chen Huanian affected many people.

What they said suddenly was too sudden.

In the conference room, many people were short of breath and had difficulty digesting the information they brought. Knife,

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