Chapter 246 Dealing with the Demon God! New Plants?

Lin Feng used the special skill of the Mingzhi master: the power of the devil.

Azura responded to his call.

It seemed that he had the same idea.

This Azura Star had been controlled by the Necromancer.

But after all, it is the territory of the Demon God.

I use the Demon God’s power skill here.

The most likely is to summon Azura.

Neither the Dawn Demon God Mertia nor the Demon God Angelis came.

What makes Lin Feng a little strange is.

Before Azula and the other two demon gods snatched the opportunity to trade with him.

But this time summoned her out.

But she didn’t feel how anxious she was.

Is it possible that what you wanted to do the last time has been done?

What Lin Feng didn’t know was.

At this time, Azula is expecting to respond to his call!

At the same time, she was still resisting the harassment of the other two demon gods.

Both Meritia and Angles felt Lin Feng’s call at this time.

They did not hesitate and contacted Azura as quickly as possible.

And the attitude of Dawn Demon God Azula was also very natural.


She knew Lin Feng, a special gardener, a long time ago.

The profession of a gardener is very special.

They are on a peculiar path.

It is rare to see gardeners walking on the normal road of 693.

But Lin Feng’s performance gave these demons a surprise.

There is still a lot of connection between the devil and the gardener.

They know very well how important things a truly powerful gardener can do.

And Lin Feng is a gardener who is on the right path.

He has changed jobs twice.

It is very difficult to transfer an ordinary career once.

However, Lin Feng could change his job twice in a row.

Look at his situation.

Maybe you can continue to change jobs in the future.

Thought of this.

The demons who have been in contact with Lin Feng will have expectations.

And Azura is very excited now.

The strength of this human being has become stronger again!

Various factors have caused Azula, the demon god of dawn, to be very curious about Lin Feng, a gardener.

“Dawn Demon God Azura, I am on the Star of Azura now. I want to make a deal with you.”

“I’m listening.

The brief words hide Azura’s expectations.

Lin Feng also found no abnormalities.

He continued: “Can you perceive the evolving tree? He is evolving now.”

“I learned that tier 7 powerhouses are not allowed on Azura Star?”

Otherwise, “they will be automatically counterattacked by the artifact and become a soul state?”

“I hope that my plant can continue to upgrade. If it reaches the seventh stage, I also hope you can keep it.”

Lin Feng bluntly stated his needs.

The previous comment system had hints.

He is very clear.

The skill of the meditation master: the power of the demon god, there are strict restrictions on both sides.

The Demon God couldn’t easily agree to the conditions set by him.

But once she agreed, she couldn’t break her promise.

The law will be backlashed by the skill.

This kind of backlash is greater than the benefits that the demon gods get after completing the transaction.

Therefore, most demon gods will follow the transaction.

Coupled with the limitation of trial space.

Lin Feng doesn’t have to worry too much about the other lion’s open mouth.

Moreover, the demon god Meritia and Angles are also vying for a deal with him.

If the other party really speaks loudly, make a random offer.

It’s a big deal to change a trading partner.

With such thoughts, Lin Feng bluntly stated his needs.

And Azura also immediately agreed to his request.

“I agreed.”

“I need to help me grow four seeds.”

“Once any seed survives, the fruit and the seed will be divided into half.

The words fall (ahcc) down.

A whirlpool appeared in the purple ball of light in front of Lin Feng.

Four seeds exuding strange luster appeared in the midair in front of him.

Those seeds exude a strange fragrance.

Just looking at them, Lin Feng feels hungry.

This feeling is very strange.

They seem to be able to awaken one’s appetite.

He suddenly remembered a plant that hadn’t been used for a long time.

Ming Qi Mushroom.

I used it as MSG at the beginning.

At the same time, he used this plant to anger the frenzied zombies he encountered for the first time, and finally completed the advanced trial.

Another time I used it to tease other testers.

Since then, this plant has been used as a monosodium glutamate by itself.

I didn’t expect to encounter plants with similar functions here.

What does this demon god want to cultivate this kind of thing by himself?

Is it possible that the Demon Realm is still lacking in essence?

These unreliable thoughts were in my mind.

He did not immediately agree to Azura’s terms.

He looked straight at the plants in the sky.

Lin Feng needs more information to judge this transaction.

The annotation system is his best helper!

“The seed of the flower of Mora: the seed of the flower of Mora. Mora is an ancient god who is proficient in the power of the elements. These four seeds are the seeds of the special flowers cultivated by Mora. They can produce special fruits. Enhance the attributes of the eater!][Note: The fruits produced can be used to synthesize an artifact: Ampera’s Lamp. The specific conditions are as follows: Mora Fire Elemental Fruit. Mora water element fruit, Moradi element fruit, Mora wind element fruit. still need

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng’s eyes shined!

What is this?

New artifact?

Is it possible that besides Dawn, I still hope to obtain another artifact?

You know, although Dawn hasn’t shown much effect yet.

But that’s because I didn’t specifically wake it up.

If, as the comment says, use the corpse tide to enhance the strength of the dawn artifact, then you may be expected to obtain a top-level weapon!

Although his main fighting method is to use various plants to fight.

But no one can say whether this artifact will have other functions in the future.

Like the fallen priest who attacked himself before, he was able to use the deterrent ability of dawn.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled.

Actually, there is still hope for another artifact.

This is simply a surprise!

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