Chapter 245 Demon Devouring Tree Evolution! God Devouring Tree Species!

On the star of Azura.

A green jungle sits on the plain.

Hundreds of miles are shrouded in the shade of the jungle.

The tide of corpses around began to hit the forest.

But in the face of the powerful Demon Devouring Tree that had been strengthened by hundreds, those zombies could not survive.

More and more zombies turned into nutrients for the Devil-Eater Tree.

One huge zombies fell to the ground.

Under the bombardment of the branches, even the largest zombies could not stop them.

Even if some zombies can withstand the beating of a branch or two, it will not help.

Because the Devil Eater is very big.

He has a lot of branches now.

Even if it escaped the beating of one or two branches.

There are hundreds of thousands of branches lashing over

Almost all zombies could not withstand such an attack.

Their nutrients will also become the nutrients of the Devil’s Tree.

But these are just passive attacks.

The main energy of the Devil-Eater Tree is now used to devour the angel’s soul.

Lin Feng could not clearly perceive the process of devouring the angel’s soul by the Devil-Eating Tree.

He didn’t know how many souls the current Demon Eater had already swallowed.

But he can feel it through the changes in the jungle

All the branches stretched madly into the air.

A huge tree branch appeared in mid-air.

Through the gaps of those branches.

The white holy light can be clearly seen from inside.

But as the branches wrapped around more and more.

The holy light was gradually concealed.

The number of branches is increasing rapidly.

Tender green branches protruded from the main trunk.

Then they quickly become larger at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

The green skin on the outside slowly turned yellow, brown, and eventually dark brown.

The length of the branches has also become larger and thicker.

These thick branches will split into more branches.

If someone was watching this jungle in the air at this time.

They will find that the area of ​​this jungle is rapidly growing.

At the very beginning, a wave of corpses in the distance hit the Devil-Eater tree.

Later, the Devil-Eater Tree had already begun to actively pursue those zombies instinctively.

Lin Feng has gone through so many trials.

There has never been a trial like this.

A counterattack against the tide of corpses can be launched with just one plant.

This made him have to marvel at the power of the Devil’s Tree.

At the same time, Lin Feng also felt a trace of worry.

This Demon Devouring Tree is growing too fast.

The current star of Azura can’t allow strong people beyond the sixth-order peak to exist with this.

Once the level of the Devil-Eater Tree reaches the seventh level, it will also be attacked by the Azura Star.

At that time, what should I do?

Lin Feng has concerns in his eyes.

But the comment system has not given any hints yet.

He believes that this will not happen so easily.

He once again looked at the unstoppable growth of the Devil Eater Tree.

Lin Feng intends to put the devil-eating tree here and let it devour the angel’s soul by itself.

And he himself has a place he wants to see.

The highest mountain.

The place where the necromancer is.

It is also the place where this twelve-winged angel just appeared.

Wait until I come back from the probe.

This devil-devouring tree must have successfully swallowed the angel’s soul.

If there are no surprises.

He will get a Demon Devouring Tree of the sixth-order peak.

This is simply a moving plant fortress!

If it can continue to grow.

You will get a mobile fortress far surpassing the guardian giant tree and the war giant tree!

At that time…

With such longing.

Lin Feng looked back at the majestic Demon Eater, the huge jungle, and the branch ball in the sky.

Let’s go”, let it stay here and devour the angel’s soul.

“Let’s take a look at the highest peak first.

“I want to be the base camp of the necromancer, there must be something there.”

“Maybe I can get something useful.

Lin Feng said interestingly to the plant heroes.

“Yes! Lord!

Plant heroes such as Colonel Corn and Master Rose salute respectfully.

They looked shocked at the Devil Eater tree that was still devouring.

All plant heroes are very clear.

The strength of this newcomer will increase rapidly.

With it, the master can completely let it complete the trial by itself.

And the Lord himself can do what he wants to do.

Several people did not care about the changes in the Devil-Eater Tree.

Lin Feng flew up and flew towards the highest peak.

The distance from here to that mountain is not close.

Bring your own time to get there.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng urged the flying speed of the endless suit to fly over there.

Along the way, the scenery on the ground retreated rapidly.

Now, Lin Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The rest of the trial is water milling time.

As long as the Demon Devouring Tree continues to devour these zombies, the trial can be completed.

Therefore, he has nothing to worry about.

I can completely sink my heart to observe Azura’s star seriously.

He was still thinking about the question just now.

What if the level of the Devil Devouring Tree breakthrough exceeds the seventh level?

This matter worries him a little.

But Lin Feng thought of a solution.

After he changed his job as a master of meditation.

One skill has only been used once.

The power of the devil.

Through that skill, he made a deal with Anglis.

Finally obtained the Demon Fruit.

Also traded through the Devil Fruit and the Dragon Kingdom.

Now, he can make a deal with another demon god.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled.

Without any hesitation, he activated this skill.

I am on the star of Azura.

Although this artifact may not be by Azula’s side.

But it is an artifact of the other party after all.

I use the skill of the power of the devil here.

It must be possible to summon Azura.

A purple ball of light (Wang Nuohao) appeared in his hand.

Throw the ball of light into the air.

An aura of majesty spread from the inside to the outside in an instant.

The breath was trembling.

Although Lin Feng wore an endless suit and was not affected.

But his three subordinates, the plant heroes, felt threatened instinctively.

They shuddered in unison.

After that, the three plant heroes looked at Lin Feng with more awe.

The strength on the board is getting stronger and stronger.

This inexplicable skill doesn’t know which powerful being is summoning again.

But they know that the other party must be much stronger than themselves!

“My, Azura.”

“Respond to your call.

“The gardener who is on the right path deletes.

“You summon me, what can I discuss with you?

The purple ball of light in the sky changes rapidly.

Soon it became a light gate.

The voice of the demon god Azura came from inside!

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