Chapter 209 The new year is still early, why did you kneel down?

Beiping, Trial Space Research Institute.

Test the Devil Fruit in the open field.

The strong from all major forces gathered here.

Nearly one-tenth of the 9th-order powerhouses who stayed in Beiping by the Dragon Kingdom appeared here.

When people looked at Murong Qi after eating the burning fruit, they were conducting a special test.

Abnormal change rises sharply!

A stranger who looked strangely dressed in a casual sweater and flared pants suddenly appeared in the middle of the test field!

He is tall and muscular.

From the powerful magic power around the body, it is enough to see that he is not a professional who attacks the enemy by physical attacks.

He appeared abruptly on the test field.

Even if the face is covered by sunglasses, the western face is very conspicuous.


The violent collision sounded suddenly!

The Dragon Kingdom powerhouse on the scene watched the sudden appearance of the powerful tester collide with the magic circle in the test field.

The huge shock wave radiated to the surroundings.

The whole venue shook.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the Western powerhouse suddenly rushed towards Lin Feng’s position.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked!

With a burst of afterimages, the figure of the Western powerhouse suddenly disappeared.

As a ninth-tier peak powerhouse, Murong Xue had the fastest reaction speed.

She felt the chaotic magic in the air, felt the powerful pressure, and easily determined the strength of the enemy!

Tier Nine Peak!

From that surging divine power, the opponent’s profession can be determined!


A special professional at the peak of Tier Nine!

Same as myself!

Perceiving that this Western powerhouse is rushing to Lin Feng, Murong Xue is in a hurry!

The Tier 5 gardener faced the attack of the Tier 9 peak powerhouse, and he was bound to die!

As a guardian, she and Lin Feng signed a guardianship contract!

In any case, you can’t let the other party die!

A huge light wing spread out behind her, and magic power circulated rapidly in her body.

After reaching the peak of Tier Nine, more and more surging magic power filled her body.

Under the acceleration of Guangyi, Murongxue rushed towards Lin Feng at a very fast speed.

While galloping, a golden holy shield light and shadow appeared in her hand.

Guardian Tier 9 skills!

Fearless Divine Shield!

The Holy Shield that once appeared in the Pacific Ocean, resisting the attacks of countless powerful people, and still standing!

The golden light shield was thrown out by Murong Xue!

As long as it appears in front of Lin Feng, it can block the attack of the ninth-tier peak powerhouse!

Even if it only blocks for a moment, it is enough to rush to Lin Feng!

The Western powerhouse who launched the attack is the ninth-tier peak powerhouse. Only by standing next to Lin Feng can he be absolutely sure to protect him.

Murong Xue’s movements are very fast.

Her thinking is also completed between lightning and stone fire.

When the others reacted, Murongxue 07 had already summoned Light Wing to rush towards Lin Feng.

Her Holy Shield also shot towards the teenager sitting there.


A deafening explosion sounded throughout the test site!

Murong Qi, who had not yet reacted, was directly knocked to the ground.

The other Longguo people below Tier 7 behaved even more unbearably.

Some of them sat directly on the ground, and some lay on their backs.

Many high-level powerhouses have reacted.

They operate magic power and instinctively use various methods to resist the violent shock wave and magic pressure.

Everyone could see that in front of Lin Feng, a solid golden light shield blocked ten meters in front of him.

And the Western powerhouse is holding a lightsaber of red, white, and gold, bombarding the light shield.

Ten meters away from Lin Feng, there was a mess!

The flat floor was completely melted, and a deep hole appeared around him.

The place where he was standing was the only place that remained the same.

The floors in other places were melted and collapsed into a circular pit.

His figure is vaguely visible.

Lin Feng looked at the light shield in front of him, and looked at the Western powerhouse holding a lightsaber bombarding the light shield, his heartbeat quickened.

This is the ninth-tier peak powerhouse!

A series of notes refreshed crazily in front of him.

[Ninth-Tier Peak Fallen Priests: Transitioned professionals! There are two skill trees, both priests and fallen priests! Very powerful!”

[Note: Its strength is extremely strong, with a variety of skill combinations, very people can resist!][Note: The followers of the demon god Meritia cannot pose a threat to the host. ”

Lin Feng, who summoned the endless suit, had difficulty understanding the comments he saw.

What’s the meaning?

This ninth-level peak powerhouse is a believer of the demon god?

Why can’t he cause harm to himself?

Isn’t he trying to kill himself?

Although the annotation system says so, Lin Feng still doesn’t want to take a risk.

But under the hands of this ninth-level peak powerhouse, he has no good place to go.

Can only stand behind the Fearless Divine Shield, receiving protection.

The confrontation between lightsaber and light shield continues.

That fiercely opposing magical collision burned the surrounding air.The person who suddenly launched the attack was the fallen priest, Haskar.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the holy shield that was blocking his sword of brilliance in front of him.

It was very unexpected that his attack on himself was blocked.

Looking at the Holy Shield, Haska mobilized more divine power.

The Scepter of Redemption in his left hand also exudes strong spatial fluctuations, increasing his attack.

“Quick! Stop him!”

“Lin Feng must not be lost!

“Asshole! Damn it!”

A roar sounded in the mouths of those ninth-order experts.

At this moment, everyone was terrified and fearful!

Lin Feng, who has just cultivated the fruits of the Devil God, is the treasure of the Dragon Kingdom!

Such a person can greatly enhance the national power of the Dragon Kingdom!

How can you lose!

The powerful aura of the major powers broke out.

The entire test site is shrouded by all kinds of ferocious magic!

Elemental magic, blood, shadow power…

Whether it is an elemental blaster, a berserker, a shadow dancer, or a celestial sacrifice, an armed craftsman, or a wandering walker.

Many Tier 9 powerhouses attacked the Western powerhouses in the air at the fastest speed.

The sword aura that soars to the sky, the sharp blade light, the fireball that exudes terrifying high temperature, the roaring thunder…

The clouds above the test site are reflected by various lights, which are beautiful and moving.

But under the cover of this beauty is amazing murderousness.

The magical elements are intertwined and appear to be chaotic.

The ground was splashed by the afterwaves of various skills, and layer after layer of floor tiles were shattered and turned into dust invisible to the naked eye.

Among all the people who acted, Murongxue was the fastest.

With her wings spread out behind her, she put on all the equipment and stood in front of Lin Feng instantly.

The white full-body armor enveloped her body, only revealing a cross-shaped gap in the eye area.

A golden beam of light emitted from her hand, shooting directly into the air that was holding a lightsaber and bombarding the Western powerhouse on the Holy Shield. ??

Streams of golden and white light shot from her hand in all directions, thinking about it.

Soon, the entire venue was guarded by her.

The people here are not the high-levels of various forces, or the researchers of the Dragon Kingdom.

There is nothing to lose.

If it were in the aftermath of the battle between two ninth-level peak powerhouses, they might not be able to survive.

What’s more, this Western powerhouse who suddenly appeared is a priest.

A powerful holy light enveloped the opponent’s body, and a strong coercion pressed everyone around.

This is not a role that the general ninth-tier strong can deal with.

Fortunately, Murongxue is not an ordinary profession.

She is the guardian.

It can completely reduce the aftermath of the battle’s damage to these bystanders.

Along with Murong Xue’s attack, the skills of other people also shot at the figure of the priest.

Unexpectedly, the Western powerhouse disappeared from everyone’s eyes again.

Everyone’s attacks failed.

When he appeared again, he was already in the middle of the field.

Even if it is covered by sunglasses, everyone can see the shock on his face.

Although he didn’t know why he was shocked, no one cared about it.

They attacked at a faster speed and blasted towards the Western powerhouse.



The surging divine power flowed in Haskar, who had become the target of countless powerful skills.

The casual sweater on his body instantly swelled like inflatable.

The dazzling golden brilliance echoed with the sunlight in the sky, illuminating the entire venue.

There was no trace of shadow in the entire proving ground.

Along with the dazzling brilliance, there is also a hot high temperature.

The dragon powerhouses around were shocked.

He is obviously not an elemental mage, but he has a fire skill that is comparable to the ninth-order fire magic fire god’s wrath.

“Sheng Hui washes away!

Huskar said indifferently the name of the skill now being released.

The fiery heat melted the ground and turned the soil into a liquid.

The lightsaber in Huskar’s hand disappeared, and a dazzling ball of light appeared.

As if holding a small sun in his hands.

Murong Xue stood in front of Lin Feng and used a guardian barrier to protect the others as well.

She separated her hands, and a white inverted bowl-shaped mask changed from small to large, instantly enveloping other people.

“He is a ninth-tier peak powerhouse! Be careful!”

Hearing this reminder from her, everyone was shocked!

This is Peiping!

It was actually sneaked in by a strong ninth-tier peak!

Is this okay?

What’s more, he was obviously here to kill!

This is the end of the matter, and everyone knows that the current situation cannot be improved.

They saw the proud smile on the mouth of the Western powerhouse, and even under the dazzling light, they could still see clearly.

The opponent threw the little sun in his hand towards the holy shield.

The intense high temperature burned all the chairs and tables to ashes.

Entrapped with powerful divine power and exuding fiery heat, the little sun smashed towards the holy shield.

Without any hesitation, Murong Xue burst out with the strongest strength.

The surging magic power flows in her body.

Under her control, the Fearless Divine Shield suspended 10 meters in front of Lin Feng instantly became larger.

Carved with fine patterns, the extremely solid light shield resisted the bombardment of the little sun.



The violent explosion sounded instantly.

A fiercely burning flame rose from the test field.

Orange-red light shone everywhere.

Zi Zi Zi!

Murong Xue’s guardian mask was burned, making a harsh sound.

She looked cold.

The power of this “Shenghui Cleansing” was much stronger than she had imagined!

The magical impact feedback from the guardian shield and the fearless divine shield is too strong.

She must also do her best!

“You entangle him, and the other ninth-tier peak powerhouse will come soon.”

“I will lead them to evacuate first.”

At this time, Murong Xue did not intend to stay to fight.

There are many ninth-tier powerhouses here.

Although their level does not have the ninth peak.

But it was enough to withstand the ninth-order peak priest that suddenly appeared.

Just evacuate everyone safely immediately.

I have no scruples when I fight myself.

This Tier 9 strong man who dared to break into the Dragon Kingdom test site must die here!



Because Murongxue is guarding the others, these ninth-tier powerhouses can finally let go and fight.

When several ninth-tier powerhouses began to go all out, the entire test field was affected by surging magical powers.

The surging red blood mixed with black murderous aura spread across the ground, and the Tier 9 Berserker was holding a large sword, gathering strength.

The originally cloudless sky became densely covered with clouds, and blue-violet thunders were shining in the sky.

Many potholes appeared on the ground, which was soon covered with layers of hoarfrost.

The ninth-order ice division began to condense the storm.

The entire trial field was shrouded by violent magical elements.

In order to protect the others, Murong Xue did not personally play.

She was using her magic power to draw other people in the distance around her.

As long as everyone is pulled over by her, she will take them away.

The battle between more than a dozen Tier 9 powerhouses and a Tier 9 peak powerhouse is about to begin.

High-level testers who had discovered problems in the distance rushed over.

Although the Western powerhouse was very strong, he came very abruptly and caught everyone by surprise.

But this is Peking after all.

Not everyone can run wild here.

The people here have rich combat experience.

The sneak attack failed. At this time, the best way for the Western powerhouse is to retreat immediately.

Otherwise, he will die if he is besieged.

Non-combatants like Chen Huanian have begun to call for support, and at the same time provide intelligence and deploy interception teams.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on the Western powerhouse in the sky.

There was no panic on his face, only a strange smile.

The other party raised a short stick.

With the appearance of a strange breath, the figure of the Western powerhouse disappeared.

But all the ninth-tier powerhouses felt the warning signs in their hearts.

“Be careful!”


Everyone exclaimed.


There was a loud noise.

The golden holy shield that Murong Xue erected was hit by something in an instant.

The violent shock wave spread to the surroundings.

The frost on the ground was lifted and melted.

The soil underneath seemed unable to withstand the strong impact and sank toward the ground.


Zi Zi Zi.

Sorrowful voices echoed in the trial field.

Murong Xue sensed that the guardian enchantment she had unfolded was encountering fierce bombardment.

“You actually reached the ninth peak! This really surprised me! But it is still impossible to stop me!”

Rampant laughter reverberated.

Boom house.!!

Loud noises sounded continuously!

The ground vibrated frantically.

The residential buildings in the distance began to vibrate.

The residents inside thought it was an earthquake.

On the test field, the lights of various colors complemented each other, and while the beauty was abnormal, it also exuded an extremely dangerous feeling.

After all, it was the light emitted by the skills of the ninth-order strong man, naturally full of murderous aura.

“Be careful! He is not only a ninth-order peak priest! His equipment is also very strong! Be careful!”

“Murongxue led the team to let everyone leave, I used Void Magic to separate him!”

“I have activated the magic circle here! Come and provide energy for me!”

Several ninth-order powerhouses began to communicate loudly.

Several space magics have appeared in the trial field, trying to control the ninth-order priest.

Strong spatial fluctuations swept the entire trial field.

Murongxue has already led Lin Feng and others to move out of the field.

“Priest?”A mocking rhetorical question came from the Western powerhouse.

Hearing this, many people’s hearts sank.

What does it mean?

Before they could take any action, the Western powerhouses who had just appeared disappeared again.

At the same time, the sun shines in the sky.

The dazzling sunlight was too dazzling, and instantly enveloped the entire test field.


With a piercing, sharp noise.

A crack appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The Western powerhouse who had attacked got out of the crack.

Everyone was shocked!

What’s this?

Space Teleport 5177

Can actually pass through Murongxue’s interception?

He actually appeared in front of Lin Feng like this!

The hearts of the ninth-tier powerhouses sank, and they rushed towards Lin Feng at the fastest speed.

The others in the rear stared wide-eyed, looking at the sudden appearance of the Western powerhouse, their expressions horrified.

Murong Xue directly mobilized the guardian contract!

A special connection appeared between her and Lin Feng.

Damage transfer!

She has decided to let herself bear the harm Lin Feng has suffered!

Lin Feng looked at the face that emerged from the gap in the space in front of him, his heart beating violently.

With a thought to him, black smoke rose up around the endless suit.

The endless suit enhanced by Demon Soul Jade is the only life-saving method he can call now!

At the same time, he felt a flow of heat in the position of the back waist.

It seems that something is emitting high temperature, extremely hot, but it is not hurting itself.

But now is not the time to take care of this.

All Lin Feng’s attention is focused on the Western powerhouse in front of him!

Huskar’s figure is getting closer and closer to him!

Yaoyang’s lightsaber appeared in his hand, piercing the endless suit!

Everyone panicked!

If this sword is stabbed, Lin Feng will undoubtedly die!

Murong Xue is ready to help him share most of the damage!

At this critical moment.

Sudden change!


A strange tremor suddenly came out of Lin Feng’s body.

A golden light suddenly enveloped his body.

Bold “!”

A sweet and clear voice echoed throughout the test site.

The voice seemed ethereal, but it revealed indescribable majesty, beyond doubt!

With a look of excitement, Haska grabbed the Scepter of Redemption with his left hand, and stabs forward with a lightsaber in his right hand.

This sweet voice made him struck by lightning!

Is that the voice of my god?

Huska felt the surging divine power in her body suddenly dissipated.

A heavy pressure surged from Lin Feng in front of him.

Is that the breath of my god?

Haska’s eyes widened, and she didn’t understand what was going on.

The surging pressure is directly on his body!

He could no longer stabilize his figure, his knees softened, and he knelt in front of Lin Feng!

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded!

They don’t understand what happened!

A powerful ninth-tier peak powerhouse, when he was about to kill Lin Feng, suddenly knelt in front of him!

What’s going on here?

Among all the people, only Lin Feng reacted.

Demon God, Meritia!

The Western powerhouse in front of me is a believer of Meritia!

The thing that just got hot in the back is a magic artifact, dawn!

No wonder you just commented the system prompt, the other party can’t cause harm to yourself.

It turned out to be for this reason.

Lin Feng looked down at Haska, who was kneeling in front of him with a daunting expression.

The feeling of just facing a life and death crisis made his heart beat faster.

But now, the other party is kneeling in front of him.

Lin Feng smiled suddenly.

In this silence, his laughter was even more strange.

“The new year is still early, so don’t rush to give me a New Year’s greetings.”

“Besides, I don’t have a red envelope for you.

This remark seemed inexplicable.

But looking at the ninth-order peak powerhouse kneeling in front of him, it really seemed so funny.

No one can say a word for a while.

There is only one thought in everyone’s mind.

What the hell is this?

They all looked at the 9th-order peak powerhouse who was kneeling there and lost the ability to move.

There is also Lin Feng standing in front of him, wearing a black armor, looking calm and composed.

Everyone is waiting for his explanation.

What the hell is this?

Should I explain it?

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