Chapter 208: Powerful Burning Fruit! Sudden Change!



The violent burning flame swept the various test targets in the distance, making a violent sonic boom.

The air was rapidly heated by the extremely high temperature, forming a huge explosion.

After Murong Qi ate the burning fruit, the strength of the whole person was greatly improved.

He just felt that his body was full of power at the moment.

The long-pressed mood and the power in his body made him want to let go of it wantonly.

So Murong Qi planned to increase his magic output.

In this wide test site, under the attention of everyone, the temperature of the burning blue-violet flames in the settlement rose sharply, and the color was also deepening.

The flame was beating and flickering.

The air was continuously heated and expanded rapidly, causing bursts of sonic booms.

The special target was melted into liquid, and it sizzled on the ground.

Lin Feng, the other juniors of Murong’s family, and many mid-level professionals felt a warm wave of air on their faces.

Even after such a long distance, many people can still feel a burning sensation on their skin.

The more powerful people are, the more uncomfortable they are.

Among the people sitting in the front row of the test site, top researchers such as Li Yiguang, Chen Huanian, Wan Xin, etc. all stared wide, looking at the fire of Murong Qi’s incarnation!

“How did this happen? This broke the law of material transformation! Could the so-called demon god violate the basic rules?”

Wanxin looked at this scene in shock.

Become an element!

It’s actually true!

how did you do that?

Murong Qi is just a Tier 5 professional!

As the top scientific researchers of the Trial Space Institute, they have a good understanding of Trial Space.

Especially Chen Huanian, his own research direction is the development of various occupations.

He knows very well what kind of concept it is to become a flame, like an arm dictates.

Even the element mage with the strongest magic affinity can’t do this at the ninth level!

How exactly is this done?

Wan Xin and the others opened their mouths and did not close them for a long time.

“I think we really underestimate the “four, five, three” young man Lin Feng. His real ability is far stronger than we thought.

He looked at Lin Feng, who was sitting calmly, with scorching eyes, and then at the flames tumbling in front of him.

“If we can understand the mystery of this incarnation element, then we will definitely be able to develop more potions!”

As a top pharmacist, Wanxin was very excited.

Li Yiguang looked at the flames in the distance, and he was full of imagination!

“This can be applied to aerospace technology! If our astronauts can become various elements, then their survivability will be greatly improved! The duration of their exploration missions can also be enhanced!”

These people are top scientific researchers.

Everyone is very strong.

Even if Murong Qi ate the Burning Fruit, he couldn’t make them pay too much attention to it, and could not be their opponent.

But their focus is not on increased strength.

They pay more attention to the phenomenon of “incarnation element!”

If they can break through the mystery, everyone’s scientific research road will be even broader!

As the oldest and highest-status researcher, Chen Huanian thinks more.

If Lin Feng can really provide a lot of fruits of the Devil God, he might be able to help Long Country cultivate a large number of powerful testers in the future.

It’s not just young people!

There are many mid-level and high-level powerhouses in Longguo who can’t make progress!

If such a strong man can obtain a Demon God Fruit, he can definitely break through the current barrier and reach a higher level!

How many high-level powerhouses can then be cultivated for the Dragon Kingdom?

Thinking of this, Chen Huanian’s body was shaking slightly.

He remembered the conditions he had said when he was joking with Lin Feng when he was trying out the space.

If the other party can prove that he is more effective than ten or twenty rank nine powerhouses, then he can give him so many neutron ingots!

This kid seems to really prove that he is comparable to so many Tier 9 powerhouses!

Thinking of this, Chen Huanian was shocked!

Boom boom boom.

The sonic boom continued to sound.

Everyone could feel Murong Qi’s excitement from this series of roars and the flames that continued to jump.

Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie’s eyes widened, keeping a forward movement.

He looked at his son who was turning into a flame in the distance, raging wildly, and he was heartily excited.It’s like something is crawling on my back, so that my whole body is trembling.

This is the trembling brought about by happiness!

As a rank nine powerhouse, his perception is very keen.

No matter the special targets are melted, vaporized, or the constant roar, or the burning sensation from the skin.

These feelings all illustrate one thing.

My son’s current strength has improved a lot!

Can actually make himself, a Tier 9 powerhouse, feel a slight threat!

There is a huge difference in the strength of the high-level powerhouses and the mid-level powerhouses!

As a result, now he felt a slight threat!

Even though this sense of threat is weak, it still makes him extremely excited!

Seeing this scene, many juniors in Murong’s family also stood up in shock.

“Isn’t this true? Such a terrifying power? Just a fruit can make Murong Qi reborn?”

“I feel that I can’t stand the high temperature of the settlement. Doesn’t it mean that I was surpassed by him?”

“Isn’t it inevitable that you will be overtaken by him? This fruit is exchanged for neutron ingots! It is still Aunt Xue’s quota! If Murong Qi can’t beat you after eating the burning fruit, wouldn’t it be a waste!

“Tu, it’s good to be the son of the Patriarch, to be able to eat such a good thing. I want it too!”

The discussion among the younger generations of the Murong family gradually turned into controversy.

Their voices gradually became louder.

The Murong parents who were watching Murong Qi test on the field in shock frowned.

The middle-aged man turned his head and his face was full of anger.

“Are you a hindrance now? When Murong Xue said he wanted someone to test, why didn’t you step forward?”

When he said this, everyone closed their mouths.

They stared at their uncle in a daze.

Some people have their mouths slightly open, as if they want to refute, but don’t know what to say.

“Envy and admire Rong Qi? At the beginning, as long as you stand up, this burning fruit will reach your mouth, and now it is you who show the limelight on it!”

“You are the best among the younger generation of my Murong family? Why are they all such unaccountable waste?”

“Good look! Shut up! Still envious of your face? What qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks here!”

“If you are really capable, what Murong Qi still envy? Did you see the student sitting there? Lin Feng, should you all know?”

“There is a kind that grows Devil Fruit like others do! Or get something of the same level, I promise you won’t envy Rong Qi anymore!”

After saying these words, the high-ranking powerhouse of the Murong family looked at the younger generation of the family with hatred for iron and steel.

Although he had previously doubted the effect of the Demon God Fruit, he would not be jealous of Murong now.

These younger generations of my own family have a really bad mentality!

He looked at Murong Qi who was still venting with some relief, and looked at Lin Feng, who was sitting calmly there, enviously, and shook his head.

Such a good junior, if only someone from Murong’s family would be fine.

Next to the test site, Murongxue smiled slightly.

As a ninth-level peak powerhouse, the wind and grass around her are all in her perception.

She listened to the discussions of the Murong younger generations just now.

But for these guys, she really didn’t bother to take care of them.

In the younger generation of the family, except for Murong Mingyue who can make her value, no one else is valued by her.

She looked at the flames raging in the test field again.

Now we are going to add a Murong Qi.

She thought.

Everyone was quietly waiting for Murong Qi.

After a period of venting, he also discovered this.

He began to shrink his strength and stopped the flame.

When the flames gradually stopped spreading and began to shrink, finally scientific researchers from the Trial Space Research Institute stepped up.

“I am a researcher in the Trial Space, you can call me Wang Hong.

“Now, I hope you will listen to my instructions and start testing your abilities.

After calming down, Murong Qi looked at the researcher in front of him and nodded.

He is a soldier after all.

I also know what the test is this time.

Everything is to show the power of the Demon God’s fruit.

Therefore, he obeyed the arrangement very cooperatively.

“We have collected the data you just had. But we need more detailed data now.”

Murong Qi nodded, everything cooperated.

Soon, a test order came.

Murong Qi became a flame again.

Under the command of researcher Wang Hong, he first tested how various parts turned into flames.

The people in the test site watched this scene carefully, afraid of missing any information.

Murong knocked his left hand into a flame, and once again turned his right hand into a flame.

Even, at Wang Hong’s request, all the skin and muscles outside his body turned into flames.

However, his internal organs remained intact.

This test did not last long.

But it was shocking.

Under the current super-developed medical level, Murong Qi’s ability to localize into flames will provide infinite possibilities for him to clear the lesions.

The medical staff in the distance opened their mouths wide.

The doctor in the team was shaking with excitement when he saw this scene.

“Have you seen it? He can partially turn his body into a flame!”

“If this ability can be applied on a large scale, it means that he will never get stone disease again!”

“As for diseases such as tumors, he only needs to turn good body organs into flames and let people remove the tumors!”

“In other words, if we can study the abilities of this incarnation element, then everyone will not be afraid of these intractable diseases!”

Although the words of the leading doctor were too far away, looking at Murong Qi in the distance, these medical team members suddenly felt that what he said just now was not a fantasy!

Boom boom boom!

Under the leadership of researcher Wang Hong, Murong Qi began to test other data.

The range that the flame can spread, whether you can control the flame, and how strong the flame can be controlled…

Everyone watched him go through a test.

“In the temperature test, you directly increase the temperature of the flame to as many degrees as you can reach.

Murong Qi listened to Wang Hong’s order and desperately increased the temperature of the flame.

Under the detection of various high-tech instruments, various data have been recorded.

Murong Rong’s flame color began to deepen.

From dark red, to fuchsia, to orange again

As the flame color changes, the temperature also increases rapidly.

Everyone watched the numbers on the instrument keep increasing.

500 degrees.

600 degrees.


Soon, the temperature increased to 1000 degrees.

What is this concept?

As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of flames.

But the temperature of the flame Murong Qi emitted was already able to melt gold.

Everyone changed their complexion.

Where is the strength that a Tier 5 powerhouse possesses?

And he is not a magician!

Only after the seventh rank, the tester truly possesses the ability beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

At this time, Murong Qi already possessed some abilities that can only be achieved by high-level powerhouses!

Incarnation of flame is exactly what the strongest mage can’t do!

The most shocking thing is that the temperature of the flame continues to rise.


1200 degrees.


The color of the flame also gradually turned red, and occasionally blue and purple light was intermingled in it.

When Murong Qi exerted all his magic power, the temperature of the flame reached 2000 degrees!

Everyone changed their expressions.

Those with weaker powers felt a rush of extremely high heat.

The moisture in the air evaporates rapidly.

Lin Feng felt that the air inhaled in his nasal cavity was too dry. As for other peers, he could not bear it for a long time, and left his seat and stood far away.

One indicator after another was recorded.

The expressions of the crowd onlookers became more and more envious.

This is too exaggerated!

After Murong Qi ate this burning fruit, he no longer feared physical attacks!

People saw him turn into flames and spread in the air.

All knives, axes and chisels passed directly through his body.

Those physics professionals have their eyes widened.

They didn’t feel relieved until they discovered that Qi, blood, shadow and other powers could still pose a threat to Murong Qi.

Although he may not be an enemy, no one wants to have a strong person who can be immune to all his attacks.Murong Qi is still testing one item of data.

Burning flames and charred ashes were everywhere on the test site.

A pungent smell began to spread.

But no one cares about it.

They all turned their attention to Murong Qi.

The young people present are all rejoicing!

“Fucking, fucking, fucking! This Demon God fruit is so strong! Just as good as I thought! I want one too!”

“Aftermath! Do you want to get one too? This thing needs to be exchanged for a neutron state ingot, can you afford it?

“That’s not necessarily! I’m a rare auxiliary professional rune formation master. It’s just that the skills I have learned before are all auxiliary magic formations. If I can obtain a demon fruit and obtain a powerful attack method, I will definitely be able to afford one in the future. Devil Fruit!”

“Tour! Why am I just a mechanic! I can’t afford to change.

“I guess as long as it is a person with sufficient potential, there is hope for the Demon God Fruit.”

“But I heard that the effects of the Demon God’s fruits are different. Who knows if other fruits have the ability to burn fruits?”

“Then you don’t want it!

“Go! I’ll go back later and find a way to apply!”

There are many young people here.

Representatives of various universities, young researchers of the Trial Space Research Institute, and young representatives of the military.

They were already full of expectations for the Devil’s Fruit.

Now that I see this scene, I am even more excited!

Young people are so excited, and older people are even more shocked.

Many people were not optimistic about the Devil Fruit before.

Bi Jing’s statement is too mysterious.

Ninth-order elemental wizards can’t make incarnation flames, so can the fruits cultivated by fifth-order gardeners in this area do it?

But now, they have all been slapped in the face.

It is not only those young people who hope to get a demon fruit to change their destiny.

Many of the trialers 2.2 who were stuck on the level were also moved.

If you can obtain a Demon God Fruit, wouldn’t it change your destiny?

In the entire test field, countless people looked at Murong Qi with scorching eyes!

The eyes of the fallen priest, Haskar, hidden in the dark, shined brightly.

When he was about to do it, he was attracted by the test over there!

The effect of the Devil Fruit is too magical.

He looked greedily at the other two Demon Fruits.

He decided that he would get those fruits in his hands!

Huska held the Scepter of Redemption in his hand.

At the same time, he ate a high-level fantasy potion!

everything’s ready!

When everyone was marveling at Murong Qi’s strength.

Haska shot!


In a wave of invisible fluctuations, his figure disappeared from the place.


A loud noise suddenly rang in the testing venue!

At first everyone thought it was Murong Qi’s flame that caused the explosion.

But soon, the golden light booming in the sky attracted everyone’s attention.

A person wearing sunglasses and casual sweater suddenly appeared in the air!

Huskar’s teleportation was stopped by the magic circle in the test site!

With the blessing of the scepter of holy redemption, the power of the ninth-level pinnacle is surging.

The magical power of the magic circle collided with the mighty power of the fallen priesthood, making a violent collision!

Haska looked down!

He never expected that there would be such a powerful magic circle inside this seemingly empty test site!

He actually cut off his teleportation!

But such a magic circle, it is impossible to stop him!

Haska stared at Lin Feng, who was surprised, and his figure disappeared again!

Murong Xue felt blue veins on her forehead.

A strong sense of vigilance flooded her mind.

Without any hesitation, she got up instantly, with golden wings of light appearing behind her, rushing towards Lin Feng!

The golden holy shield has appeared in her hand. Shrouded in surprise Lin Feng!

In front of Lin Feng, the attacks of Haska and Murongxue are about to collide together!

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