Chapter 167: Long Country’s Great Remuneration! Murong Xue’s Change of Mind!


A distant wolf howl came out from the floating garden in the distance.

The corners of Lin Feng’s mouth curled slightly.

It seems that the hurricane wolf “San Ye” had a great time at the Tourmaline Palace.

He turned his head and glanced at the Hanging Garden, then looked back at the communication video interface in front of him.

“That sky garden was your reward for this advanced trial? You got the highest evaluation again?”

Murongxue’s puzzled voice came from the video interface.

“That is the Tourmaline Palace, the reward I got in the Dawn Icefield before. The same as the Emerald Palace.”

Simply answering her doubts, Lin Feng began to talk about business.

“I have successfully advanced this time, and the trial space has advanced to the third level.”

“All plants have improved medicinal effects, I will trade them to you, and you will give them to the military.”

Lin Feng rushed to participate in the trial of the Sky Realm, not wanting to delay too much time.

“In addition, is my father’s situation okay?”

He traded the items arranged before to Murong Xue while asking about the situation.

“Your father is now under the protection of the Peking Military Camp. He is safe.

He simply answered, watching the faintly shining elixir in Lin Feng’s hand, Murongxue was a little frightened.

Before Long Nation took a beheading action, sent in many ninth-tier powerhouses to teleport to Eagle Nation.

At that time, many Tier 9 strong men were seriously injured and it was difficult to recover.

At Lianhaigang Hospital, when many Tier Nine experts were rescued, everyone was mentally prepared.

Everyone knows that not all Tier 9 powerhouses can recover their full strength.

But the medicinal materials cultivated by Lin Feng are extremely powerful.

The effects of the medicines produced by the Trial Space Research Institute with those medicines are far beyond everyone’s imagination.

All the magic circuits in the body of the 9th-order strong who were seriously injured were penetrated and repaired again.

Only in the second-order trial space, the elixir cultivated has an effect far beyond everyone’s imagination.

Now that Lin Feng’s trial level has reached the third level, how powerful will the elixir he cultivated?

Regardless of Murongxue’s shock, Lin Feng introduced several more important elixir.

“This is a blood sacrificial mushroom, it can help the blood mage, berserker and other professions who use the power of blood to increase their strength.

“This is the secret Ganoderma lucidum, which contains a variety of elemental magical powers, which can help increase the speed of the magician profession to absorb magical powers.

“I cultivated both of these plants, and their seeds are also here. You can try to plant them. I’m not sure if they will succeed.”

“Anyway, the effect of my planting in the trial space will definitely be better than the effect of the medicine you planted outside.

After trading half of the elixir cultivated in the greenhouse to Murongxue, Lin Feng solemnly took out two medicine boxes.

“The previous medicines were all mass-produced elixir. These three things are the most important elixir. They cannot be mass-produced, and you cannot cultivate them.

973 saw Lin Feng speak so solemnly, Murong Xue also looked solemn.

“This is a silver apple. I don’t need to say much about its effect. You have eaten it before.”

Lin Feng opened a rectangular crystal box with ten shiny silver apples neatly placed inside, which looked mysterious.

Seeing those apples, Murongxue was surprised.

“This thing can also be cultivated?”

She looked at Lin Feng in shock, with willow eyebrows raised and Feng’s eyes wide open.

She has personally experienced the effect of this silver apple!

Previously in the preparation space of the Death City, affected by the Silver Apple, the four ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Kingdom were all pitted to death in the Death City!

Although after the trial, Murongxue never encountered such a situation again.

Silver Apples cannot bring good luck in every trial.

But even if it only exerts the effect once, it is enough to make the user very rewarding!

The last time the four ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Nation were killed, they obtained the crystallization of destiny as proof.

Now Lin Feng can actually cultivate this kind of treasure?

Didn’t you say that this silver apple is a reward for SSS-level evaluation?

Has Lin Feng found a way to cultivate it?

Even if the silver apple can only survive in Lin Feng’s trial space, it is better than nothing for this kind of spiritual creature!

Seeing her look, Lin Feng smiled.

Anyway, this silver apple can’t be reused by itself. Putting a small part out can give yourself a bigger bargaining chip.The higher your irreplaceability, the more benefits you can get.

And after this time of getting along, Lin Feng has already trusted Murongxue, Fan Guang and others.

Whether it is the military or the Trial Space Research Institute, if you take your own things, it is definitely not justified without a little blood.

He opened another pill box.

“This elixir is called the Fruit of Dawn. It is a plant cultivated by the SSS-level trial reward.”

“It can strengthen people’s stamina. Like the silver apple, it cannot reproduce in the outside world, and its number is scarce. You can watch and use it yourself.

After the transaction was completed, Murong Xue looked at the shining fruit in her hand with shock on her face.

It’s another plant that I haven’t heard of!

It is another special elixir!

Can enhance people’s physical strength!

She looked at the fruit made of light as if there was no entity, and pulled her mouth.

Since knowing Lin Feng, the things that shocked her one after another, she has become a little numb.

“By the way, this is the plant essence for this time, you remember to use it for the guardian giant tree.

Speaking of this, Lin Feng is still a little embarrassed.

I got all kinds of help through Murong Xue, but in the end I never went to see the guardian giant tree.

“After this trial is completed, I will go to Murong’s house to see the guardian of the giant tree. Don’t worry.”

Murongxue looked at Lin Feng and nodded.

She is now very confident that guarding the giant tree can be rescued.

The plant essence given by Lin Feng is of great help to the protection of the giant tree.

Before in the East China Sea of ​​Long Kingdom, the guardian giant tree was able to fight once.

Murong Xue knew that as long as he could continue to grow, he would be able to heal the guardian giant tree in the future.

I will transfer these “spiritual medicines” to the military and the Trial Space Research Institute.

In addition, “Wait later, I will let Mingyue trade you the previous batch of potions from the elixir refinery.”

“Your batch of elixir is very effective, and the potions you refine are also very strong.”

“Whether it is a healing potion for wounds, a magic potion that replenishes magical power, or a potion that increases various special effects, they are stronger than the pharmaceutical agents refined by ordinary medicine.”

Murongxue is a ninth-tier powerhouse, and she needs to pay too many points as a handling fee to directly trade items to Lin Feng.

Therefore, it is most suitable for Murong Mingyue to trade those refined potions to him.

Hearing this, Lin Feng was delighted.

This is the benefit of being organized.

He and the military also trade with the Trial Space Research Institute. This is not the picture!

I am just a gardener. Although he can cultivate plants, he is not good at refining pharmaceuticals.

I need those high-level potions, and the priests of God bless him to refine the elixir he provided into powerful potions.

After dealing with everything, Lin Feng looked at the guidance of the demon god Mertia, who was dimmed next to him, and said goodbye to Murongxue.

“You have to make Murong Mingyue hurry up. I’m going to participate in a trial soon. I must act immediately.”

Murongxue’s expression was startled when she heard what he said.

“Are you going to take part in the trial again? Didn’t you just advance? Don’t take a break? The injury trial is too dangerous!”

At this point, Murong Xue said suddenly.

She looked at Lin Feng in the video communication interface and observed it carefully from head to toe.

Alone “Participate in the trial, are you unscathed?”

Murong Xue’s eyes widened.

How can this be?

This is not a college entrance examination, nor is it a first-level trial, and the trial space will not help resurrect the trainees.

Lin Feng participated in the trial as a single person, and it was a miracle to be able to complete the trial.

What’s more, every time he tried, he almost got an SSS-level evaluation!

As a result, Lin Feng not only achieved such results, he was actually unscathed?

Murong Xue suddenly remembered something.

Lin Feng participated in the second-order trial for the first time, and when he contacted him, he was in a preparation space.

Judging from the situation at the time, although he looked very tired, he was unscathed!

Just the same as now!

This time the trial is even more excessive!

Not only was he unscathed, he was not even tired at all, and he looked vigorous.

How is this going?

Murongxue was shocked by her discovery on the one hand, and regretted her slowness on the other hand.

Lin Feng has participated in several trials, and he should have discovered this a long time ago!

This big boy has his own secret, something she has known for a long time.

After all, if it is really pure luck, how did Lin Feng get to this step?

But judging from the current situation, his strength and reliance are far beyond his imagination!

She also thought of Lin Feng’s use of one enemy and one hundred in Baisha City to kill Loki the Raider of the Night and others.

This gardener is invincible at the same level!

Lin Feng looked at Murong Xue who was suddenly silent.

“what happened to you?”

Hearing his question, Murongxue was silent for a while, and said: “Even if you already have almost the same level of invincible strength, you can’t go to the trial!”

(ahcb) “Not right now! You are thought of by the strong eagle country! If you go to the trial now, you will definitely be attacked!”

Lin Feng was stunned.

“What does it mean to be thought of by the strong in the country and be attacked? I’m participating in a trial. Could anyone break into me?

Having said that, he stopped suddenly.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered that when he was on the icefield at dawn, four mages from the sixth-order peak had broken in.

At first, I thought those mages were part of the trial.

It was later discovered that they were obviously testers!

In the end, they were killed by the god sacrifice zombies, and they were temporarily put down.

After he finished the trial and came out of the Dawn Icefield, the hint of the trial space allowed him to figure out that someone had broken into the trial.

Later, I was busy with the advanced trial and ignored it.

Hearing Murongxue’s words now, he instantly reacted.

“You mean, the four sixth-order peak mages who broke into my trial before are all the hands of Eagle Country?”

Murong Xue suddenly raised her head.

“Four Tier 6 pinnacle mages? The Eagle Nation dispatched four Tier 6 pinnacle mages before? Not other professions?”

She looked at Lin Feng blankly.

The Eagle Nation actually dispatched four Tier 6 pinnacle mages last time?

With such a powerful combination, how did Lin Feng withstand their pressure and complete the trial?

Lin Feng looked at Murong Xue and understood the answer.

He looked at the direction of the Emerald Palace.

To be precise, he was looking at the lush space tree!


Actually dare to yin me!

This is to kill myself!

Wait for me!

When I come out of the realm of the sky this time, I will let the people of Eagle Country understand what is meant by the cycle of heaven and retribution!

Your young strong guys don’t want to pass the trial!

Lin Feng took this hatred in his heart.

At the same time, he also increased his vigilance.

Own trial, facing the threat of the strong Eagle country at any time!

However, he does not intend to give up the trial.

After the advancement, his plants have all been strengthened.

With the life flowerpot, I am finally no longer limited by the environment and can grow plants freely.

Coupled with many skills to cooperate.

Lin Feng is confident that even if he comes to the sixth-order peak powerhouse, even if he can’t defeat the opponent head-on, he will be enough to deal with them!

It is impossible for him to give up special trials!

He pointed to Meritia’s guidance next to him, and said: “This ball of light is a reward that I got before, and it allows me to participate in the designated trial.”

“It is time-sensitive and it is dissipating now. I must go to the trial as soon as possible.

Murongxue looked at the golden light group and didn’t know what to say.


He has come into contact with this level after all!

Set-point trial!

For special trials, you need a guide to enter. ?The task is very difficult and dangerous.

And the number of people participating in the mission is limited!

Only those who have obtained the guide can enter the trial.

This will disrupt the cooperation of the trial team and increase many risks.

This is why Murongxue was unwilling to tell Lin Feng of this kind of task before!

She was silent again.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng actually relied on his own ability to obtain such a thing.

Time and time again, he was proving his strength.

She suddenly smiled helplessly.

Lin Feng has participated in so many trials alone, so what impact does it have on him if the number of trials is limited?

Moreover, he participated in an advanced trial and was unharmed, so this fixed-point trial didn’t seem to be bothering him.

Perceiving this, Murong Xue took a deep breath.

Lin Feng, a gardener, has actually achieved this step now!

Invincible at the same level!

Enough to try it alone!

She suddenly discovered that her worries about Lin Feng’s safety were unnecessary.

Facing the threat of trial, he has enough strength to protect his own safety!

Even if this trial is difficult, I’m afraid it won’t be difficult for Lin Feng.

In addition, this time is a fixed-point trial, and the trialists will be restricted.

There is no guide, even if the Eagle Nation teleports those Tier 6 powerhouses, I am afraid it will send food!

Thinking of this, Murongxue suddenly raised her mouth and laughed.

As the spring snow melts, it’s beautiful.

“If that’s the case, then you go to the trial, I will take care of the real things for you.”

“A fixed-point trial requires a guide to be able to teleport. Now that you have a fixed-point teleporter, you can guarantee that you can teleport to a specific trial.”

“If those strong Eagle nations must have tricks, they will definitely suffer a big loss if they don’t have a guide.”

“But even if you don’t care about the interferers of Eagle Nation, you still face great difficulties. I just hope you can be cautious.”

Lin Feng-stunned.

Is the sun coming out from the west?

Murong Xue didn’t stop herself from participating in the trial alone?

She was always worried about her strength and safety, and she didn’t want to take risks.

Although he wouldn’t pay attention to her obstruction, Murong Xue’s change of attitude still surprised him.

“In this case, you can quickly ask Murong Mingyue to give me the medicine. I will go to the trial later.

After a brief goodbye, both parties cut off the video communication.

Murong Xue looked at the black communication interface in front of her, her heart was turbulent.

Lin Feng’s strength is getting stronger and stronger.

She suddenly remembered what the Dragon Kingdom military and the research institute had said before.

Lin Feng is now too capable and the plants he cultivates are too important.

The help and attention given to him by Long Kingdom is not enough.

Lin Feng is racing like a speeding car now.

According to the current situation, his growth rate is very fast, and he is also very dangerous.

He must be given stronger protection before he grows up.

Long Guo had already begun preparations.

There were several plans before.

Those equipment and special skills made Murong Xue feel shocked.

That is almost the strongest equipment a low-level tester can use.

But now it seems that Lin Feng is totally worthy of those preparations of Longguo.

She looked at the silver apple in her hand, the brilliance of the dawn, and the plant essence.

The value of Lin Feng is even higher than Long Guo previously assessed!

Without hesitation, Murong Xue sent out the trial space and went to inform Murong Mingyue.

Lin Feng is now improving himself, but the danger he encounters is getting bigger and bigger!

Whether it is the Long Kingdom military, the Trial Space Research Institute, or she, you must prepare early!

More equipment must be prepared for Lin Feng!

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