Chapter 166 Harvest! Tourmaline Palace! Preparation before Trial!

In the trial space, in front of the Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng checked the changes in the trial space.



The ground is still trembling.

Lin Feng felt that the vibration from the soles of his feet was getting smaller and smaller.

This feeling made him know very clearly that the advancement of the trial space is about to end.

He looked expectantly at the surrounding scenes.

The mountain on which I was standing became taller.

In the distance, originally at the foot of the mountain, the iron-skinned high nut wall as the outermost line of defense has moved to the mountainside position.

The height of the entire mountain has more than doubled.

Correspondingly, the area available for planting on the mountain is also increasing.

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he saw the huge open space expanded.

The trial space has advanced to the third level, and the concentration of energy and magic elements floating in the air is rapidly increasing.

The changes in the environment benefit not only the testers.

The plants planted by Lin Feng have also been greatly improved.

In his vision, the plants that have been planted for a long time grow better.

Frozen watermelon exudes more chills, and white frost overflows on the blue skin of the watermelon.

The leaves of the corn cannon are greener, and the corn shells have become thicker.

Sunflowers, sunshine mushrooms, iron skin high nut walls…

All plants are enhanced.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and walked into the barracks in front of the Emerald Palace.

That is the laboratory built before and the greenhouse.

The elixir inside also exudes an extraordinary breath.

Lin Feng could clearly see the dots of light floating on the elixir.

[Youquan Grass: Medicinal materials infused with dark magic power can increase the affinity of dark magic elements. ”

[Note: The current efficacy of the drug has been increased by 150 times and is continuing to be enhanced.

[Note: Can evolve, advanced condition: Tier 5 gardener, use dark…

Lin Feng smiled happily.

Both combat plants and auxiliary plants have been highly improved.

These ordinary plants are still so, what about those special plants?

Lin Feng walked out of the cultivation greenhouse very expectantly and walked towards the small garden of the Emerald Palace.

He saw that many of the radiances of the morning light were already full of fruit.

Those fruits made up of special light are connected together to illuminate the entire garden floor.

【Morning Fruit: The fruit of a special plant cultivated by the devil of the morning, Azura, possesses magical powers and strengthens stamina after consumption. ”

[Note: You cannot take it again until the effect of Dawn’s Fruit disappears. The interval cannot be less than two months. ”

[Note: After the addition of the trial space, the efficacy of Dawn Fruit is improved, and the physical strength after taking it +50]

Seeing the last comment, Lin Feng felt a burst of joy.

He clearly remembered that before entering the Dawn Ice Field, the Dawn Fruit he took had increased his stamina by 40 points.

After the improvement of the trial space, the strength of the fruit of the morning light he cultivated now increased to 50 points.

The effect of the medicine is directly enhanced by a quarter!

Lin Feng tentatively plucked the fruit of dawn and stuffed it into his mouth.

The brilliance of the morning light was held in the hand like a gathered sunlight sphere, and in the mouth, it turned into a stream of light and poured into the abdomen.

The warm feeling spread from the stomach to the limbs.

His skin became younger and his eyes became sharper.

He felt his body appear lighter.

Lin Feng exhaled comfortably.

The radiance of the dawn has been so enhanced, what about the other special plants?

Looking forward to it, Lin Feng came to the silver apple tree.

In front of him, there is an apple tree more than four meters high.

The branches of the fruit trees are very strong, and the rough bark appears tough and thick.

The biggest surprise was the dozens of silver apples hanging on the fruit trees.

The quantity is too much!

Many times more than before!

Lin Feng’s previous harvests are not as good as half of this time!

It is a pity that the effect of repeated use of silver apples is not good.

Otherwise, with so many silver apples, how much can the recovery ability be enhanced by themselves?

Shaking his head with a little regret, Lin Feng came to the last special plant.

A space tree that I haven’t paid attention to for a long time.

Unlike other plants, the space tree does not seem to have changed much.

But Lin Feng knew that this space tree had also been greatly improved.

【Space saplings: magical saplings related to space. It can connect the trial space and build a channel. People cannot pass through, but materials can be transported. ”

[Note: It has been enhanced and can now be connected to the third-order trial space.

After the advancement of the trial space, all plants have been upgraded.

After checking the changes of plants, Lin Feng felt a little empty when he looked at the broad mountain peaks.

Looking at those open spaces, he suddenly remembered something.

The special reward obtained last time in the Dawn Icefield, the essence of Tourmaline Palace has not been checked.

Now that there is such a large space, it is just right to plant a tourmaline palace.

He opened the inventory and took out the essence of tourmaline words from it.

Just like the last time he planted the Jade Palace, Lin Feng walked into the Jade Palace with the essence of the Tourmaline Palace and placed it on the ground.

The sea emperor’s sunlight spilled out like running water.

The essence of Tourmaline Palace shines!

The entire Emerald Palace is glowing!

The essence of the tourmaline palace on the ground glowed with aquamarine green light, which looked dazzling under the shining of the sun.

The radiant essence of the Tourmaline Palace flew into the air, flying over the small garden of the Emerald Palace.



A loud noise appeared out of thin air and spread rapidly.

A huge magic circle suddenly appeared in the sky!

Although Lin Feng could not understand the effect of the magic circle, he could feel its power through the breath of the magic circle.

The magic circle expanded rapidly and soon surpassed the area of ​​the entire Emerald Palace.

Not only the area is rapidly increasing, but the height of the magic circle is also increasing.

Soon, in the high above the top of the mountain where Lin Feng was located, a huge magic circle was suspended in the air!

The brightness of the light emitted by the magic circle has rapidly increased!

The faint green light illuminates almost the entire mountain peak green!


Countless plants appeared on the magic circle!

All kinds of plants that Lin Feng has never seen are growing fast!

Some plants grow rapidly, intertwined, and become exquisite pavilions, which naturally grow many exquisite patterns.

All kinds of beautiful plants are competing to grow, blooming gorgeous flowers, competing for beauty!

In this way, a wonderful building automatically “born” and grows out.

Presented in front of Lin Feng is a tower-shaped garden floating in the air!

The garden is divided into seven floors, with the largest floor area and the smallest area at the top floor.

Every layer is covered with plants that have never been seen before, with all kinds of flowers blooming, which is very beautiful.

Even Lin Feng, who is accustomed to big scenes, was attracted by the beauty in front of him at this time.

[Note: Tourmaline Words: The Hanging Garden of Villaril, the Palace of the Elves. 】

Looking at the notes in front of him, Lin Feng nodded in admiration.

As expected of the elves!

Both the Emerald Palace and the Tourmaline Palace are gorgeous and exquisite, revealing the breath of art.

The huge garden floating in the air slowly rotated, looking sacred and solemn.

At the same time, a huge portal appeared in the Emerald Palace garden.

The portal is engraved with exquisite patterns, and an artistic breath rushes to the face.

Lin Feng shook his head regretfully.

It’s a pity that I don’t have time to play in that garden now.

Now is not the time to rest.

He must take the guidance of the demon god Meritia to participate in the third-tier trial before it has completely dissipated.

Only in this way can one teleport to the realm of the sky.

Although I don’t know what kind of place the sky realm is, but the demon god regards it as a report to Xizhou, he must be very rewarding to go there.

He whistled.

The giant wind wolf “San Ye”, who had been waiting in the Emerald Palace for a long time, swooped over and shook Lin Feng’s hand affectionately, his tail swaying constantly.

“It’s cheaper for you, kid, go and play over there.

Hearing his order, Sanye refused to leave easily, but continued to act like a baby in front of him.

Lin Feng played with it for a while and drove it into the portal.

After checking all the harvests of this advanced stage, he divided the silver apples, dawn fruits, and special plants into two parts.

Some plants were put into the inventory by him to prepare for emergencies.

The other half of the plants were packed in a packaging box provided by the military.

After doing all this, Lin Feng opened the communication list.

He needs to send these plants out.

Then I will go to the realm of the sky.

He tried to send a video communication request to Lin Zhengde and Murong Xue.

Lin Zhengde did not respond.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

But he is not too worried about his father’s safety.

The opponent must be under the protection of the military now, there is no doubt about this.

It was said in the previous private letter that he had already arrived in Peiping.

No one can break through the protection of Beiping Barracks and hurt the people that Long Kingdom wants to protect.

Light and shadow flashed, and a video communication screen appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Murong Xue appeared in the video.

She still dresses her own routine.

Wearing a black suit and short professional skirt, a pair of straight long legs wrapped in translucent stockings, and a pair of high heels.

Still dressed up as a standard superwoman (Nuo Zhaohao).

It’s just that her expression is not calm.

On her delicate goose-egg face, her eyebrows were raised upward, and a pair of Dan Feng eyes looked behind Lin Feng in shock.

Perceiving her gaze, Lin Feng looked back.

The huge and exquisite garden is floating in the air, slowly rotating.

Countless beautiful plants are fighting each other.

Luxurious but not vulgar, exquisite but not complicated.

A trace of Lin Feng’s face flashed clearly.

After all, it is the garden of the imperial city of elves, so the scenery is naturally beautiful and eye-catching.

It took a long time for Murong Xue to recover.

That garden is too magical! Too beautiful!

That is not something that humans can make!

Looking at that garden, Murong Xue thought of her sacred palace!

Presumably that garden and his emerald palace, like his own sacred palace, are special residences! They have powerful uses!

She shifted her gaze from the floating beautiful garden to Lin Feng’s body.

All kinds of complicated emotions flowed in her heart.

This guy can do incredible things every time and shocks himself every time.

Murong Xue didn’t know what to say at this time.

When I contact Lin Feng every once in a while, I can see all kinds of shocking things from him.

Murong Xue meditated without saying a word.

What she didn’t know was that the shock Lin Feng brought to him this time was not just the sky garden!

There are even more shocking things waiting for her!

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