Chapter Eighty-Five: Return to the Terrans!.

“What you said can be a reason for me to release you, but it is a reason to kill you.”

What the other party said made Li Mo a little jealous and had some interest.

At least this guy is really strong and cool and scary.

“But what I said above, I can tell my ethnic group, but I don’t reveal a word.”

The bone undead looked at Li Mo and said.

These words made Li Mo’s heart move slightly.

“I just said that there is someone who can break free.”

“But being able to break free of the cage has historically existed, and that’s not important information.”

“So, I haven’t revealed any information about Your Excellency.”

“People outside don’t even know who the person who can break free of the cage is and what he is capable of.”

“And… My people told me a lot of news about the old prison. ”

“I think that should be the fake news released by Your Excellency, right?”

“You’re smart!”

Li Mo nodded.

“I can confirm this to my community.”

“And then……… Allegiance to Your Excellency. ”

The bone elf said.

“You can’t get out, there’s a good chance you’ll get caught.”

“So… This is the way back you left for yourself? ”

Li Mo looked at this smart guy and said slowly.


The bone elf nodded.


“With you, it is clear that the future is brighter.”

“Our ethnic group has constant internal strife and fierce fighting with each other, and even the two ethnic groups are fighting for the domination of the territory.”

“That’s pointless internal friction.”

“It will only weaken my race even more, maybe in the future my race will fall into the war of the sequence camp.”

“Are you tired of fighting? Want to break away from your ethnic group? ”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“But follow me, I’m afraid you’ll have to fight more.”


The bone elf shook his head.

“I’m not tired of fighting, I’m just tired of the greed of the gods of those two races.”

“I’m not trying to break away from my race.”

“I hope that I will become stronger by your side, and one day I will be able to go back and slaughter those two gods.”

“Save my race from the destruction of the Sequence Faction War.”

“I’m an ordinary professional, worthy of a super genius like you?”

Li Mo spread his hands.

The bone undead took a deep breath.

“I don’t know if you’re joking, or you’re tempting me.”

“Don’t you really know what your horror is?”

“Rich health, powerful damage reduction, you still have a single health bar, right?”

“That phantom of yours even surpasses the characteristics of the phantom knight of the 18th star rank in the record.”

“Just the Phantom Knight who inherited certain attributes and class framework characteristics from you, one-on-one, I’m afraid I’m not an opponent.”

“Of course, your Phantom Knight will continue to increase, and I am not an opponent.”

“If you have such a powerful existence, you can’t rise in the sequence camp.”

“Then I really can’t imagine who can rise in the war of the sequence camp.”

“And, to show my allegiance.”

“I was sent in voluntarily.”

“You can ask that god of yours.”

Did he surrender on his own initiative?

Li Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked at Ling Yi.

“On the fourth floor, I found some traces of him.”

“Just when I wanted to follow the vine and touch the melon.”

“This guy volunteered himself and went into the cage.”

Ling Yi on the side said.

Li Mo nodded.

It’s still good to be able to gather one more subordinate. Li Mo then cast a “contract of invincibility”. This skeleton elf did not have any refusal and accepted it directly. 8-person squad, add one more.

“It’s kind of cleaned up here!”

Li Mo stretched his arms slightly.

“What’s your name?”


The skeleton elf responded.

“Very good, next, you and Lingyi, you two guard the first floor and enter the entrance of the second layer.”

“Anyone who enters the first layer of the old dungeon will kill all the professionals, and leave no one behind.”

“Concubine, Shadow Moon Eclipse, you two will follow me to kill from the first layer.”

“Magic Mountain, Belet, the five of you, build the corpse map on the third layer.”

“In a month at most, we can pick up everything here.”

“Then officially leave.”

With many professionals in cages. As well as hidden professionals are cleaned up.

Next is the loot scavenging time for Kazuma Shinagawa.

This wave, Li Mo harvested so many resources in this ancient forbidden land that it cannot be described in words. Especially that sentence and bone, it is so many years.

A sequence of top professionals hoarded throughout the Ancient Forbidden Land.

And Li Mo has opened up the use and idea of invincible resurrection. After going back, mankind will usher in its own era of great development. Get moving!

With Li Mo’s order.

Everyone took action.


Fast passed, and before you knew it, a month had passed. The fifth level of the dungeon.

Li Mo sat quietly and digested a large number of world roots to improve his agility, as well as attack distance and skill casting distance.

And not so long ago.

The Magic Mountain also created a powerful Chaos artifact [Chaos Lightsaber] for Li Mo.

【Chaos Lightsaber】

Quality: Chaos Artifact Level: 770. Attacks: 345,000. Accuracy: 66,000. Serious injuries: 54,000. Attack speed: +600%. Attack speed: +400%.

Chaos Sword Qi: Your attacks will transform into the Sword Qi form and have medium and long-range attack effects.

Chaos Sword Damage: Your attacks will ignore enemy physical armor and magic armor, and ignore the enemy’s 90% fixed damage reduction and damage reduction Chaos Vision: Your “Vision” effect will not be invisible to your several units, and will be perceived by you, and will guide precise characteristics.

Compared to shield guns.

[Chaos Lightsaber] doesn’t have so many bells and whistles.

Its only core effect is to hit damage.

And it’s a high-intensity hit, and every blow is a powerful attack. Precision, making it easier for Li Mo to hit the enemy.

Heavy damage, which can slow down enemies and reduce enemy recovery.

“Clear-sight” special effects, after hitting the enemy, the enemy is basically unable to hide. Catching an enemy is a crazy output.

Li Mo used this [Chaos Lightsaber] and had to admit a fact. That is, he really does not have the talent for the sword.

Fortunately, Li Mo is now a double weapon.

The effects of the two weapons are perfectly integrated.

Li Mo now uses a gun, which can also trigger the long-range effect of the lightsaber. A shot burst out, and it was more than 30 meters of gunfire.

And it’s still a three-shot gun, quite raw. With the blessing of the double artifacts.

Li Mo now attacks a whopping 832,000.

The soul blessing of the shield gun itself, Li Mo’s ordinary attack with every blow now, is a soul attack of up to 1.6 million. It also comes with various powerful attack effects of the Chaos Lightsaber.

Before, when Li Mo himself was fighting the 5th-level gatekeeper 900-level prison guard. Li Mo suppressed the phantom characteristic.

【012512428 Fei 214082510] Li Mo himself uses attacks to output.

Armor, Demon Resistance Double is completely reduced, plus 75% damage reduction is exempted from the opponent. This allowed Li Mo to deal a huge amount of 1.5 million in damage per attack. A dragon breath spearhead.

Hit 4.5 million damage in 12 segments. The armor breaking of the Chaos Lightsaber ignores the damage reduction.

Let Li Mo’s output ability complete the gorgeous transformation.

Just when it began.

To be honest, Li Mo really didn’t see where the attributes of this [Chaos Artifact] were. But after trying it, I found out.

Equipped with the Chaos Lightsaber, this damage is really high.

You know, Li Mo used a shield gun, more than 500,000 base attacks, and soul damage was 1 million. Hit those 900-level gods.

Directly is not to break the defense. -1-1-1 damage floats.

The low one made Li Mo doubt life. Well, this is also 1 million damage! But the Chaos Lightsaber is equipped. It’s completely different.

Damage reduction, and percentage damage reduction, were directly cut by 90 percent. Li Mo’s output went directly from -1 to -1.5 million.

1.5 million times increase!

This ignores the 90% Solid Injury Relief and the 90% Percentage Injury Relief. It’s really strong.

And serious injuries, precision, and “clear vision” special effects.

Let Li Mo close his eyes, and he can clearly feel where the other party is. Even if the attack has a certain deviation.

The powerful precision characteristics still turned Li Mo’s “gun” towards the enemy. The shield gun has damage, but it obviously can’t be hit and has the Chaos Lightsaber, Li Mo’s current damage, proper explosion. Not to mention that Li Mo also has the god-level skill [Invincible Phantom].

The only thing that is a pity is.

Li Mo did not find a suitable high-star order sequence for himself. Sequence of Meat Shield Knight 12 stars or more.

Not here.

Then you can only look for it later. Still, even so.

This trip, Li Mo’s harvest is also huge. Li Mo who did not use Phantoms.

Just use your own dual weapon shield gun output.

Standing alive and killing the 900-level gods of the fifth level. Now Li Mo’s attack speed is almost seven times a second. Together with the Phantom, each shot is a four-shot combo.

42 million seconds. Just highlight an exaggeration.

With the last world root, digested away. Li Mo opened his attribute bar again.

Compared with when he was first promoted before, there is not much difference in other attributes. The only thing is that the attacks have increased from 448,000 to 832,000. Agile from 165,000 and 275,000 previously.

The attack range, with the basic attack distance of the lightsaber is 30 meters, plus the increase in roots, it reaches about 50 meters. Now, Li Mo is completely able to resist and fight and output.


Or a small remote.

The small ADC with meat and output is now Li Mo. The treasures here have been scavenged clean by Li Mo.

And the boss of the fifth level has long been killed in Li Mo as a test for gun training. Stretch your body a little.

Feel your current level strength.

Li Mo let out a long breath.

“It’s time to go back, and before I know it, it’s been about half a year.”

As Li Mo got up, everyone around looked over.


“It’s time for us to leave.”

The eight team members also got up one after another.

These people, except for Reynolds, have only been here for about three years. The rest have basically been carrying for decades.

Especially the Magic Mountain, this guy came in two hundred years ago.

After being saved by Li Mo, he learned that he had died for more than 200 years, and he was completely in a state of confusion.

“Boss, the fifth layer is good to be able to go out.”

“But the position after going out is the position when we came.”

“How do you assemble?”

Ling Yi asked.

“It’s not simple, just pack it and take it away.”

Reynolds on the side said crisply.

Although the time to join was short, after learning about Li Mo’s heavy abilities from other people’s mouths, he naturally understood how Li Mo was going to treat them out.

“Ah! To die again! ”

Ling Yi raised her eyebrows. During this time, Li Mo was cultivating.

There was no less fighting between them.

As a result, he died many times.

Even if they are already gods, there are four gods in the team. In addition to him, the other three are also very tough.

“It’s already good to be able to go back dead, and those gods who are used as second-hand material units are brought back, that’s really miserable.”

Concubine Liya on the side said with a smile.

The imprisoned gods here were also slaughtered by Li Mo one by one. Plus the gods who fell here before and were imprisoned.

Li Mo obtained 15 low-level “Divine Treasures”. It’s just that 13 of these divine treasures are second-hand. Only two copies are treasures of the natural deities.

These low-level gods, they are also the [Divine Treasures] that inherit other gods.

This divine fire characteristic second-hand absorption, divine kingdom transfer, and low-level [divine spirit treasure] of divine personality inheritance. Reabsorbed, weaker than normal pseudo-gods.

It is better to simply absorb the godhead and become a demigod, so that you can start a new stove, and the potential will be higher in the future. Just when Ling Yi still had to ask something.

Reynolds on the side suddenly struck.

“Kill you first!”

With Reynolds making a move, everyone else was not idle. Strike at Ling Yi together.

Ling Yi, this guy owes a special mouth.

He is the first person to kill when everyone fights. Soon a battle of gods came to an end.

Feilia survived to the end.

Then she attacked Li Mo. Directly killed by bullets.

Li Mo unhurriedly packed their corpses. Then look at the exit curtain on the fifth floor.


Li Mo stepped into the five-layer curtain.

The black light surged and completely swallowed Li Mo.

The familiar drowsy underground secret realm, slightly turbid air, and the area illuminated by night pearls not far away. Everything here is exactly the same as when Li Mo left the human realm before, and it has not changed.

Feel the familiar feeling of your mother world. Li Mo has a leisurely comfort.

“It’s nice to be back!”

Li Mo stretched his arms and took a deep breath.

Look left and right. Li Mo did not find a single person.

“Didn’t you say that Dragon Drink Senior is staying here?”

“Why is there no one?”

“It’s really unreliable, if someone steals this thing and exils it to the void of the universe, then it will be exiled!”

Li Mo muttered secretly.

Immediately, Li Mo began to release his eight teammates.

Resurrect one by one.

The eight people who were resurrected all looked around with interest.

They are also curious about what kind of world gave birth to an existence like Li Mo.

“Boss, your world feels very weak!”

“The World Tree Capital has only opened up 500 levels.”

“The 200-level world tree has not yet been developed.”

As false gods, their perception of the roots of the world is particularly clear.

“Haven’t I reached level 800 yet?”

“When you upgrade to level 800, it will naturally open.”

“That’s true, too!”

And at this time.

Two level 800 professionals stationed outside. I already feel the situation here.

That one is more fierce and terrifying than the other. The absolute crushing of that high-order sequence over a low-order sequence.

There are even four gods.

This made the two garrisons tremble in their hearts.

But they still dutifully twisted their weapons and came over guardedly. One of them had sharp eyes and saw Li Mo in the crowd at a glance.

“Lord Li Mo!”

The man trembled and spoke.

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