Chapter 84: Seven Turns Level 772!.

Numerous phantom attacks.

The normal stat is just -1 damage.

The soul defense of this prison guard is still very strong. After all, it is also a level 800 god, which should not be underestimated.

But in the face of invincible blood demon damage, even the gods can’t bear it. Each Phantom’s Invincible Blood Demon damage is calculated individually.

That is, each person stacks his own.

But even so, after two or three hundred phantoms were stacked, the damage was amazingly high. About ten minutes later.

This blood bar is estimated to exceed 100 billion fourth-tier prison guards. That’s when he collapsed.

The level 800 god was just shot by Li Mo and poked to death. It’s really just a shot.

After killing the prison guard.

These phantoms all stopped in place.

Li Mo was also not in a hurry, just looked at these phantoms. About ten minutes or so passed.

These goalless phantoms smashed apart on a large scale. Scattered in an instant.

This is the same as what Li Mo thought.

There are targets for attack, and these phantoms will be in combat mode. It continued until their framework crashed.

That’s about a week.

The energy creatures condensed by the replica also last for this time at most. And once there are no combat targets.

These phantoms disappear on their own in about 10 minutes. These phantoms attack themselves and also produce phantoms.

Like a lit wildfire.

If there are enemies, they will burn and split, and the more they burn, the more they burn. But if there are no enemies.

Then they also lose their burning target and disappear on their own. Suppose that……… There are an infinite number of enemies!

What about these phantoms……… Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“Unlimited burning, infinite increase!”

“Normal phantom skills, if they are too far from the body, the duration will be correspondingly reduced.”

“Invincible Phantom, this distance will obviously be greatly enhanced.”

“A well-deserved large-scale war divine skill!”

Endowed by Li Mo’s invincible frame meat shield characteristics. This skill alone has endless possibilities. Walk up to the dead level 800 prison guard.

Li Mo clicked on the package that this guy had died and exploded. Just a little on.

Li Mo saw the colored skill scroll.

“This guy is a knight, shouldn’t he…”

As Li Mo clicked on this divine colored skill scroll.

【Old Undead Contract】

You can contract any unit and transform it into your own old undead mount unit. And give the unit powerful old undead characteristics!

Inspecting this [Old Undead Contract], Li Mo’s brows condensed slightly. This skill is the type that Li Mo needs.

It’s just that the direction is a little wrong.

“I really want to contract 023 about a lot of old undead.”

“I’m afraid I’m going to become the Lich King of this world.”

“I hope that the invincible meat shield system can change the characteristics of this old undead to a certain extent.”

“If it doesn’t change effectively.”

“The skill development in the back also needs to be repaired to a certain extent.”

“Otherwise, it is really possessed by the Lich King.”

Immediately, Li Mo began to collect all the treasures of this fourth layer. The next treasure.

Three copies of the treasure of the gods.

Two 15-star classes. There is also a Twin Equipment Slot.

And there is no limit to the location of equipment. This can make Li Mo happy.

This twin equipment slot, you can perform twin development in the weapons slot.

At that time, Li Mo can be equipped with two weapons.

The shield gun, needless to say, is a powerful artifact shield by nature. And another artifact.

Li Mo needs to choose an output artifact.

The previous [Chaos Lightsaber] didn’t this come in handy. And this thing also has this long-range attack of about thirty meters. A large number of phantoms, releasing sword qi.

It feels very handsome to look at. And.

Double weapons.

It can increase Li Mo’s attack power by a lot. This time, there is no need to worry about the output.

After gathering the resources of the fourth layer.

Li Mo sat up directly at the checkpoint position from the fourth floor to the fifth floor. Then he took out a 7-turn promotion pill.

“Before, I killed a lot of thousand-level formers.”

“The experience is great.”

“I don’t know if I can go straight to level 799.”

With the promotion of seven turns, Danshita belly.

The rich white light on Li Mo’s body pervaded. The level began to skyrocket.

[Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight] [12 Star Rank] Level: 7 turns, 772 levels.

Blood Demon Pool Life: 2.6 million/2.6 million. Surface health bar: 4.2 billion/4.2 billion.

Core health bars: 1,392 billion / 1,392 billion. Health regeneration: 7.645 million/sec.

Invincible Single Frame Health Bar: 99,000. Energy: 673,000/673,000. Attacks: 448,000.

Defense: 857,000 Strength: 220,000 Physique: 595,000 Agility: 165,000 Spirit: 22. Wan [Talent]

Invincible Chaos Physique: LV10. Invincible Blood Demon Damage: LV10.

【Core Class Skill】Invincible Defense: LV10 level.

Invincible Taunt: LV10 level. Invincible Overlord: LV10 level.

Invincible Charge: LV10 level. Invincible Shield: LV10 level. Invincible Phantom: Level LV1.

Li Mo’s level was directly raised to level 772. It’s pretty good.

In terms of attributes, it is as stable and stable as it is. Take out the previous [Old Undead Contract].

Li Mo slapped it with one hand, turned into white light, and poured into his body.

“Ding! Learn the [Old Undead Contract] and automatically promote to the Invincible God-level [Invincible Contract]. ”

[Invincible Contract].

You can contract any unit and convert it into your old mount unit. And give the unit a strong old-day character.

[Old Undead Contract] became [Invincible Contract]. The effect has changed a lot.

“Old days?”

Li Mo felt it carefully.

You can feel this so-called “old character” as if it is shrouded in time.

“With a longer lifespan, more robust attribute frame.”

“At the same time……… The damage also seems to have changed. ”

“Later, the contract will be contracted for a unit, and it will take a closer look at the effect.”

Take a deep breath.

Li Mo stood up.

With this [Invincibility Contract] in hand.

Then Li Mo can really, start to build a certain strength of his own. At the same time, the journey of this old prison is coming to an end.

Go back to the second level.

The members of the squad are in the cell, practicing the practice, sleeping and sleeping. When Li Mo arrived.

All members immediately got up.

“Boss, how’s it going?”

Ling Yi asked first.

“Stuff arrived, and……… There are still a lot of good things. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

Li Mo looked at the crowd.

Then throw them over [Invincible Contract] one by one.

“This invincible contract has the characteristics of the old days.”

“Once signed, it is the soul contract of the highest level.”

“As soon as my mind moves, I can kill you, even the gods!”

“Therefore! You have one last chance. ”


Li Mo’s words were not finished.

All seven have signed up.

“Boss, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“Follow you, do you still need to say this?”

“That god doesn’t have such a fierce and anti-heavenly existence as you.”

“You don’t have the mind to abandon us!”

Looking at the appearance of several people looking at themselves with burning eyes. Li Mo smiled heartily.

“In that case, that’s good.”

After pulling everyone out.

Li Mo took out one treasure after another and began to distribute them to everyone. Naturally, getting the treasure of the gods is a joy.

And those who did not get the treasures of the gods also got the profession of the high star rank, or other treasures. They are all treasures that help them tremendously.

Then Li Mo directly told in the channel.

“In the next few days, you will explore every corner from the first and fourth floors.”

“Especially Ling Yi you.”

“Yours is a thief god treasure, and after you get it, you will be a false god.”

“I want to find out all those little rats hidden in the shadows.”

Ling Yi nodded cautiously.

“Boss, you are afraid of hidden thieves and assassins and the like, find out our actions, right?”


Li Mo nodded.

“Although after going out, we can grow very quickly.”

“But……… It is naturally excellent to be able to not reveal any wind noise. ”


Ling Yi shook his fist and said cautiously.

“I’m going to get out all the hidden guys here.”

Li Mo bowed his head gently.

“Wait until it’s confirmed that there is no one.”

“We can kill everyone here.”

“Take all the treasures and get out of here.”

Listen to Li Mo, it’s time to leave here.

Everyone was also stunned in their hearts. They all died here before.

If it weren’t for Li Mo, they would really be dead. Now, you can get out of here.

He even carried a heavy treasure and was about to leave here.

It can be said that Li Mo’s arrival is a complete transformation of them.

“That’s right!”

“Who among you will forge refining weapons?”

Li Mo looked at everyone.

“I will, and I’m still a top-level forging event, as long as the materials are enough, there is no problem in creating artifacts.”

The burly Magic Mountain that spoke.

“Very good!”

After that, Li Mo threw the “Chaos Lightsaber” and the other seven myths on your body, as well as an epic, all to the Magic Mountain, plus many crafting upgrade materials.

If it was before, everyone would definitely have to watch the attributes of the Chaos Lightsaber again. After all!

Even outside, chaos artifacts are rare. But now, in the team, there are four gods alone. All of them are high star ranks.

Li Mo’s chaotic lightsaber, they are not strange at all.

“All built to level 770.”

“In addition, Chaos Lightsaber, Extreme Plus Attack Speed.”

“Understood! Top dog. I will build it well and promise to satisfy you. ”

After everyone began their respective cultivation actions.

Li Mo also got into the cage on the side.

In-depth development of [Invincible Phantom] and [Invincible Pact] began. The direction of the development of the Invincible Phantom is the speed of attack and the control of the Phantom. As for the effect itself, it will naturally improve as it is upgraded.

The attack speed, and phantom control, are not possessed by the invincible phantom itself.

【Invincible Contract】

It is to deeply develop and apply the skill context and interact with other skill characteristics. Speaking human words is.

Li Mo can remotely revive his contract unit.

Before Li Mo’s people left in the old cage, the time of the last enhancement.

The disaster in the Old Prison.

It’s already been passed on.

The prison guards ran away, trapping a large number of professionals and gods.

This situation made the gods of many sequence camps frown. After all.

Trapped in it, the end speaks for itself. And!

The prison guards stormed out, and in the past, it also happened. But they all stormed the town guards.

And this time the storm, although the news said that the prison guards ran to the second level, or even the first layer. But the specific details, outsiders obviously do not know very clearly.

But according to some sources that came out of nowhere. After the prison guards stormed away.

Others operate inside the old prison.

Even………… There are also people who can break free from the cages of the old prisons.

Breaking free from the cage of the old prison, this kind of thing is not uncommon. This kind of news is not too noticeable.

But in the next few days. The situation has changed again.

One after another, a lot of news was passed back through the “old stone gate” through the entry of the professional in each camp. And these messages, although mottled and complex, are relatively uniform.

That is, the prison guards continue to run wild. Constant killing of escapees from prison.

And some treasures began to be unsealed one after another, and were stolen by those hidden thieves. Thieves are the biggest harvesters of this wave of Old Prison riots.

In addition, the prison guard riot is very alarming, during this time, do not come in. The probability of death coming in is extremely high.

During this time, I am afraid that it will enter some kind of riot level. At this time, send personnel in, and give it for nothing.

The old prison is in a cage.

Look at the “Time Thief” with a level of up to 999 in front of you. Li Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This month’s time.

While digesting the treasure of the gods, Ling Yi carried out his own plan to catch mice. Before and after, there are 14 Rogue Assassin classes.

Killed by Lingyi.

It looks like one to four floors have been caught. But Ling Yi told Li Mo clearly.

And a guy, and a very cunning guy.

When Li Mo knew that there was a guy secretly observing them. And this guy may pass information out when.

Li Mo naturally found those major camp sequencers.

If you don’t want to die, you can sign a contract, and then send a message as I tell you. What Li Mo had to do was prepare with both hands.

One hand is to pave the way for the disappearance of the treasures here. Let the outside world realize that there is a state of riot here.

The other hand is to cover up the real message sent by the thief. Outside the first time, Li Mo and the others did not act first.

Let Ling Yi catch those rats as fast as possible. When the rats that tell the truth are killed.


The lies that are made up will become the truth.


Li Mo also tried to do less real action before the mouse was caught. Even do some wrong actions.

Even if it is passed by the other party, it will not be real.

Today, Ling Yi can be regarded as having caught this last thief mouse with a level of 999.

“Can you not kill me?”

The thief, looking at Li Mo, was very calm, calm as if he was waiting for death. The clan of this “bone elf race” looks like skin-covered undead. But they are real elves.

Thin body, sunken face.

And those eyes that were like dark gems.

Lying on the ground and playing a starving ghost, not wearing makeup.

“Give me a reason not to kill you.”

Li Mo spoke lightly.

“I saw you kill the fourth layer prison guard.”

“I saw the action when you collected those treasures that the gods could not open.”

“I saw you bring the bones back to life.”

“I also saw your plan to kill the others with the prison guards.”

“I even spied on you discussing in the channel how to compile illusions into truth.”

This thief’s words made Li Mo’s heart beat hard.

In this old prison, there are really many people!

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