Chapter Eighty-Two: The Four-Story Prison Guard!.

Li Mo looked around and ignored these people.

Walk directly towards the depths of the prison area on the third floor.

“Another one who is not afraid of death.”

“I’m not afraid of death! But it’s long dead, and I don’t care about this one more. ”

Li Mo entered the third layer, and the target was not these guys.

It’s the fourth layer.

There are no prison guards on the third floor. But the fourth layer has.

Moreover, the prison guard on the fourth floor. That’s a level 800 powerful deity.

It is a powerful deity who has enjoyed the roots of the world for endless years.

Attacks, defenses, god traits, and health bars are all amazingly long. If.

What would happen if Li Mo could pull the prison guards of the fourth layer to the third layer? That kind of scene, Li Mo is looking forward to it.

As Li Mo continued to go deeper.

Every time you move forward, you will feel the gaze. Compared to the more chaotic second layer.

This is a team of the god squads of the major factions. It’s a little bit of order.

But this is without treasure. Once there is a treasure.

It was a complete battle of gods.

Although I have never seen these low-level gods leading the team to fight to the scene. But Li Mo was obviously able to guess some as well.

Basically, the gods slaughtered each other’s professionals, and finally the gods checked and balanced each other. Even join forces with the gods of the camp to kill the strong of other gods.

This order.

It looks calm, once the fight starts.

That would be even more terrifying than the second layer, and extremely dangerous. A dozen or so star professionals will be easily killed.

“There are so many strong people here, and the two seniors of our human race came in for nothing.”

Feeling the breath of those 10 star steps, eight or nine hundred levels, Li Mo secretly said.

After all, it is the “ancient forbidden land”, and it is not a joke. 9 stars of top professionals outside.

In this, the probability will be smashed to death by unknown A0E. Along the way, the bright came over.

Many eyes fell on Li Mo. But no one did it.

It is estimated that they are also afraid of each other.

Li Mo was also happy with this scene where no one attacked. Of course, there really have to be guys who don’t have long eyes to catch up.

Li Mo didn’t mind an invincible charge that knocked the enemy into the cage and made him feel trapped in a trap. Come to the entrance on the third and fourth floors.

Li Mo did not hesitate and stepped into the huge curtain barrier. Pass through the curtain barrier and enter the fourth floor.

This fourth layer is very silent. Deathly silence.

On the fourth floor, there are prison guards.

They have powerful world-class traction skills and are able to send enemies directly into the cage. Professionals who come in, want to get out.

Or, kill the prison keepers. Either lure the prison keepers away.

The prison guards on the first three floors were all killed.

The prison guards on the fourth level are still alive, and they are obviously not so easy to kill. Therefore, leaving is only one way.

Lure away the prison guards on the fourth floor.

However, the strength of the prison guards is very terrifying, fast and capable. Basically, who leads who dies.

In addition to the fourth layer, there is also a fifth layer. Anyway, if you want to get out, it’s hard.

But once successful, you can go out in a big piece.

Li Mo, who was riding a phantom dragon horse, walked in this wide prison corridor. In this fourth layer of cages, the number of detainees is slightly smaller.

After all, there are not many professionals here who come in.

Most of the professionals who are imprisoned are equally distributed when the prison guards send people in.

After turning around, Li Mo entered the curtain area of the third layer on the fourth floor and stood firm.


Li Mo used his shield gun and slammed the ground hard.

However, Li Mo waited for a long time, but found that there was no movement. Not attracted?

Just as Li Mo was lifting the gun again and about to strike a second time. A black chain swept in an instant.

A silhouette force was about to pull Li Mo to the cage not far away.


The invincible overlord activated instantly.

Directly resisted this powerful traction force.


It’s like a thunderstorm.

A powerful and terrifying aura appeared in front of Li Mo. Prison Keeper.

Riding the old death war horse, it is ten meters high. The flames of green old death burned all over his body.

In the flames, there were black chains that fell to the ground. The prison keeper holds a heavy scythe.

This guy is so tall.

So much so that Li Mo couldn’t touch the other party’s horse belly when he rode the phantom dragon horse. And at this time.

Li Mo obviously felt that the Phantom Dragon Horse was trembling slightly.

Even, the Phantom Dragon Horse has a tendency to prostrate and bow down.

“This fucking Seven Star Realm phantom beast is really unreliable.”

Li Mo cursed angrily in his heart.

“When I go back, I will burn you and eat it.”

Phantom Dragon Horse was afraid, but Li Mo was not afraid.

Li Mo directly forcibly manipulated the Phantom Dragon Horse. And at this time.

The prison guards seemed to be quite curious.

Why didn’t his skills lock up this little guy. Just when the prison keepers are ready to try it here.

Li Mo released the past with an [invincible taunt].

“Wow…” the old undead war horse roared with thunder.

The prison guard, the green flames in the depths of the pupils of his bright eyes, and the green flames all over his body quickly turned into a blood flame. The surrounding tens of meters were burned into a sea of fire.

The prison defender was a fierce blow to Li Mo.

Li Mo retreated directly, sneaked into the curtain leading to the third layer, and then reached the third layer.

When Li Mo was speculating whether the cage defender of the fourth layer would be pulled over by the invincible taunt. The huge black curtain was instantly ignited by red flames.

The surrounding area of hundreds of meters is red. The next moment.

The four-story prison guards rushed over.

Its scythe against Li Mo was a devastating cutting skill. Li Mo immediately accepted the invincible domineering.

Then, Li Mo was like a golf ball that was beaten flying.


slammed into the cage barrier not far away. In the moment of being absorbed by the cage.

Li Mo threw the target direction of the invincible taunt into the distance.


The four-tier prison guard rode his old undead war horse and roared out. Li Mo, on the other hand, leisurely leaned against the cage barrier and looked out.

“Although this prison guard is a god, he is not an intelligent creature.”

“It’s easy to be irritated by mockery.”

“Pull this big guy to this third layer, and now, someone is watching it lively.”

“This plan is simply perfect.”

With the state of extreme anger, the prison guards began to charge in this third level of prison. The entire third layer exploded directly.

Whether it was those professionals or those gods, they all felt the breath of the terrifying prison guards and gods.


“Prison guard?”

“What’s the situation, isn’t that prison guard staying well on the fourth level? How could it suddenly jump to the third layer. ”

“What’s the fuss? Come on. ”

“The prison guard is here, run!”

“Not good……… Save me! ”

The voice just fell.

The black chains had swept in.

The team of six people in the corner was instantly rolled up by three. Seeing this, the other three directly used escape props.

Among these three, there was even a god of more than eight hundred levels.

But these more than eight hundred level gods, if they were outside, he would dare to fight with the prison guard. But here, once caught, in the blink of an eye, it is sent to the cage. Even if they are sent to a cage, they will surely die.

Even the gods, in this old prison, did not dare to confront the town guard head-on. They can only escape.

The three escaped. And the three people who were caught in black.

Under the pull of the black chain, it disappeared directly, and then appeared in a random cage from one to five layers. The speed of the prison guards is fast.

And his black chain has a distance of five or six hundred meters. Those professionals.

If you don’t pay attention, you will be caught by the prison guards. And the direction of these guys’ escape is clear.

That is to flee to the second layer, or even to the first layer.

Feeling the powerful qi one after another, he headed towards the second layer. This scene made Li Mo stunned.


“So many people rushed to the second floor.”

“The seven of them won’t be directly trampled to death by everyone!”

The third layer of the cage of the pot was blown open, and the excitement came and went quickly. Just a few minutes.

The previous voices of resistance and escape were silenced. Unlucky guy, most likely he was directly caught.

Those who escaped all ran to the second floor.

A small number of those with strong stealth ability are hiding in corners.

Li Mo was at the entrance of this fourth floor, but he really didn’t see a guy running to the fourth floor.

“This guy should be back on the fourth floor.”

“Running to the fourth layer is looking for death.”

“They all run to the second floor, and that’s easy.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay to attract this guy to the second layer?”

Immediately, Li Mo walked out along the gap in the prison stone pillar. Come to the entrance to the second floor on the third floor.

Li Mo twisted the shield gun and slammed it on the ground.

Sure enough, the prison guard quickly rushed over again. At this time, the prison guard was still in a state of rage and rage. Li Mo was mocking, and then ran to the second floor. Li Mo just ran to the second floor.

Massive attacks swept over.


“These guys actually guard the entrance to the second floor.”

Densely packed in attacks.

There’s also this massive number of knockback, ram skills.

Obviously, these guys are preparing to directly beat back the prison guards who are about to come in. Li Mo was directly beaten for the prison guard.

But it was not Li Mo who suffered.

A mage’s powerful attack directly emptied his health bar. And many others attacked.

Feel your own crazy descent of blood bars. It’s all blindfolded.

They had never felt such a horrific rebound of damage before. So much so that there were four guys with violent outputs, as if they were shot to death.

“Hate transfer!”

To a god who hits himself the most violently.

Li Mo instantly transferred his hatred.

Immediately after that, in the gaze of these gods and top professionals, Li Mo’s invincible charge plunged straight into the cage not far away.

“Run! The prison guard is coming! ”

Li Mo, who entered the cage, did not forget to yell outside.

“You’re all locked up and dead, and you remind us?”

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and their hearts felt absurd. But it was just a few seconds of delay.

The prison guard is really here. Rushed directly to the second floor.

In an instant, hundreds of people here once again collectively fryered. But it was too late.

These people come together so closely. Dense chains swept in. This one hundred forty and fifty people.

Half of the guys were swept away by black chains on the spot. Among them are three gods.

Locked by black chains.

Even the gods take a while to break free.

But during this time of breaking free, the gods will also be imprisoned.

The frightened crowd did not dare to stop at all, and ran madly towards the first floor. With the chain clicking.

More than seventy people were all sent to the cage. Among them was the god that Li Mo transferred hatred. I saw that this group of people was sent in.

Li Mo’s eyes were quick, and he made another mockery, and transferred with mockery. Throwing hatred at a guy who fled one level lower. Then the prison guards rushed directly towards the fleeing people. A few minutes later.

The aura of the prison guard disappeared on the second floor. Then, there were various angry voices from the second layer.

“I fucked his mother, who provoked the prison guard.”

“Damn, it’s over, it’s completely over.”

Li Mo was looking around.

Suddenly, I found that there were three people squatting in the 420 cage opposite. Take a closer look, boom!

The three guys of Feilia, Lingyi, and Shadow Moon Eclipse were squatting there. Ling Yi was giving a thumbs up to Li Mo.

“Boss, you’re doing a pretty job!”

“This offends everyone.”

“What is offended, I will kill them all later.”

Think about the swarming of several gods just now. Feilia was angry.

Fortunately, she ran fast and got into the cage, otherwise she would have died.

Li Mo got out of the cage and came to the entrance from the second floor to the third floor. The bodies of Magic Mountain, Belet and others were lying on the ground.

Belet, the unfortunate child, whose head was trampled to pieces by the prison guards. Li Mo unleashed the invincible resurrection.

Soon the four who died were resurrected.

“Boss! Just now…” Belet was just about to speak. Li Mo made a boo.

“Advanced cage!”

“Then the town guard may come back later.”

Several people nodded.

Speeding towards the cage.

As a result, all seven people ran together.

“Can’t you disperse and huddle together?”

Li Mo went directly into the opposite cage.

“Boss, what’s next?”

Ling Yi asked.


Li Moyan said succinctly.


“Anyway, now the prison guard has gone to the first floor.”

“When that guy finishes cleaning up the guys on the first floor, he will definitely go back layer by layer.”

“Those who escape from the first floor will be arrested by the prison guards again.”

“By that time, the seven seven eight eight who have been caught.”

“We’re slowly killing from the first floor.”

“Ruthless! Boss, you’re so ruthless! ”

Ling Yi gave a thumbs up, and his thumb did not come down during this time. Sure enough.

It didn’t take a while.

The two gods ran out of the first layer again, and then rushed to the third layer in a fiery manner.

Except for these two gods, at least Li Mo didn’t feel any movement coming out of the first layer. Li Mo’s plan for this wave can be described as perfect.

Directly sent a large number of god sequence faction squads on the third layer to the cage. Even the two gods who escaped.

Previously, he took advantage of the chaos of personnel to escape. When the prison guard went back to start the patrol. Just their two light pole commanders.

They may not be able to escape.

And next, Li Mo can completely harvest those guys who are imprisoned in the cage one by one. The only trouble that exists:

There may be some guys whose stealth ability is very against the sky.

They are hiding in the corner and may find the follow-up of Li Mo and others. After all, this matter cannot be leaked.

Once leaked out.

Li Mo and the others are bound to be hunted down and killed by the major camps.

Even, the Three Gods camp wanted to find trouble with Li Mo, and even let Li Mo hand over the treasure. Good thing, those guys who are stealthy here.

Li Mo also has a way to deal with them.

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