Chapter 81: The Third Floor of the Old Prison!.

15-star sequence sequence!

Treasure of the gods!

The appearance of these two top treasures, as well as Li Mo’s gift.

So that the original team that did not fit well began to really have a trend of gathering. These guys are all Li Mo’s own power.

Gather these people as their own core combat power in the future. For his own people, Li Mo is naturally not stingy in cultivating.

These people, the stronger they are, the better. The Dawn faction of the human world is fine.

Other factions, only in the later suppressed state, they will be honest. If they are not suppressed, they all have backbones.

Li Mo will inevitably embark on the road to becoming a god in the future. If you want to become a god, you must have a territory.

There are a large number of copies of the World Mythology Tree, as the root of the world, a steady stream of refining divinity. Only then can the gods become strong.

But now, a huge number of ethnic frontiers have been opened up. Even the territory of human beings, which is not very powerful, has been opened.

The major god sequence camps are extremely involuted. And Li Mo will become a god at level 2,000 in the future.

Whether it’s materials, resources, or territory. Can you roll up and win over those veteran gods? That’s obviously not a good roll.

Even if the volume wins.

Those old gods will inevitably tear their faces and directly open the divine war. Between the camps of the gods is the cold and cruel law of the jungle.

This is true externally, but it is also true internally.

But if there is a group of tough “gods” under him. Then Li Mo could have found another way.

Embark on a path that is different from everyone else’s becoming a god.

Avoid involution with other gods and complete corners to overtake. And this road is extremely special.

Other strong people simply can’t get through. Only Li Mo can go.

Once it is done, in the future, when Li Mo becomes a god, he will be extremely powerful. And this is a path that no one else has traveled.

These powerful gods are needed as basic plates.

And this is why Li Mo cultivated his subordinates.

In the following time.

Li Mo began to collect many “talent” resources on the second layer.

The second layer, like the first, gave Li Mo more than 500 units of corpses. All of them are high-star rank, high-level professionals.

And while Li Mo and others continue to collect resources. Belet’s attributes have not improved much.

But the high-star career framework of the fifteen-star rank has strengthened its career framework a lot. It can also be regarded as a lot of improvement in soft power.

The real strength improvement is “Feilia”. The framework of the gods is highly compatible with his professional framework. It absorbs quickly.

With refining the Godhead, it accommodates the Kingdom of God and absorbs the Divine Nature. Feilia’s attributes have almost doubled.

In particular, the blood bar has skyrocketed by more than twenty times.

A normal level 899 eleven-star tier warrior has 50 million HP. His HP directly soared to the 1 billion level.

The ability to exert attributes is improved by about 150% in all directions. The play on attributes is a potential passive characteristic.

For example, two professions, the same strength, the same attack. When the “Pick and Fly Skill” is unleashed.

One exerts 150% power characteristics and one exerts 300% power characteristics. Hurts the same.

But the effect of the blow is completely different. Face equally tough enemies.

150% strength trait, able to barely repel enemies but can’t fly.

The 300% power characteristic is the ability to directly blow the enemy away, and can also suppress the enemy’s ability to lift the flight. The latter set of combos may be able to take away the enemy.

At this time, the effect of exerting the depth of the power attribute is highlighted.

Even high-intensity power characteristics can strike at the opponent’s career framework and make the opponent’s attributes unstable. As a deity!

Attribute toughness is one thing.

Another aspect is that the depth of the attribute is played in a high proportion. Warriors, with a high proportion of the power attribute.

Assassin, high attribute for agility. The legal system has a high attribute for the exertion of spirit. The meat shield exerts high on the attributes of the physique. These are all peculiarities of the occupational sequence. And the gods.

It is the attributes of the whole system that play strongly. And this is also the power of becoming a god.

As Feilia gradually digested the divine treasure, the increase in her strength was also exaggerated. But!

This kind of [pseudo-god] like Feilia does not have the blessing of the World Tree root.

It is still not comparable to the star god, a natural deity from the void of the universe. After all, the star god, the broken star sea where the mother source meteorite took root, has world roots.

It is regarded as a “right god”.

And Feilia is just a [pseudo-god] with empty god characteristics and no god roots. And.

As a natural deity, the star god is not the same as ordinary gods, and her blood bar is very long, dozens of times that of a pseudo-god like Feilia. Other attributes will also be stronger than Concubine Lia of the same level.

However, when [Feilia] gets a high-star rank profession and has a strong world root, when it is 1000 levels, it is difficult to say once reincarnated.

Star Rank! World Roots! And other treasures and so on. It also has a relatively helpful effect on the gods.

While everyone was waiting for Feilia to digest the resources on the second layer, everyone was also improving their strength. News of a tough squad with resurrection skills.

It reached the area of the third layer. Compared to the second layer.

On the third level, there are more professionals, more than two hundred people. Except for scattered high-star rank professionals.

There are also many powerful factions, sequences, top professionals, and “gods” gathered here. And it is also the “right god” of the sequence camp.

Those many strong sequence camps know that this [Old Prison] has treasures.

Naturally, a group was formed to send top priest professionals to search for resources here under the leadership of low-level gods.

Therefore, on the third level, there are more than a dozen god squads of major sequence camps.

Their targets are those god treasures, chaos treasures, and high-star rank professional treasures. Even this [world root] that built this side of the old caged world.

【Old Prison】

It’s a world in itself.

And it is also a very powerful and special [Twin World]. Level 200, level 500, level 800 World Tree quest.

All are professionals of the ancient old god master, opening up depth. Level 500 is depth two.

Level 800 is depth two. So.

There are also many world roots produced here.

Just bringing it here and closing the roots of the world is also a good deal.

Not to mention, because of the [Old Prison], the characteristics directly welded to the twin world tree. Moreover, treasures will be born here from time to time.

Therefore, there are many strong people stationed in the third layer.

As for the fourth floor, there are prison guards, which have not yet been developed on a large scale.

Only those professions such as assassins, thieves and the like can periodically go to explore the roots of the world there. There are not many professionals here themselves.

The news of a tough squad came, and naturally spread quickly. Indiscriminate killing on the second level.

There is no doubt that this should be another strong team sent by a certain god sequence camp. It is a strong competitor.

However, the team led by many gods was not too afraid. After all.

They are all strong teams led by gods.

The teams that can survive here as squads are all ruthless characters. Even, I heard that the squad that is currently stationed on the second floor.

When you still have the means of resurrection.

Some of the sequence faction god squads of the third layer world also have plans to join forces. The resurrection ability of the other party is strong.

If they cooperate with this squad, they may be able to monopolize the resources of this third layer. If they really did that, the gods of their sequence camp would also be very happy.

Old Prison. Second layer.

Accompanied by a fluctuation of divine aura. Feilia slowly opened her eyes.

Looked at his rank. Class 942 skips its many attributes. Feilia smiled softly.

After being promoted to a deity, her attributes have greatly improved. And the comprehensive strength is even more metamorphosis.

This squad, if Li Mo is not on it, the other six people may not be her opponents combined. Even! Plus Li Mo, they can also win.

However, Li Mo said that he had fought against the gods. Whether you can win or not.

It’s hard to say yet.

“Feilia! Refining for half a month, how is it. ”

At this time, Ling Yi appeared outside the cage.

“Seven, seven, eight, eight, and then it will take a lot of time, and it may not be much improved.”

“It’s almost time to officially leave for the third floor.”

As Feilia said so.

The rest of the squad also ran over. After all.

Go to the third level, where the treasures, if suitable, can belong to them. Even if there is a treasure of the gods, it will be given to them.

Their boss, Li Mo, had promised.


“Feilia said yes.”

Lingyi acted as a microphone on the spot.

“I’m next door, and you talk so loudly, can I not hear me?”

Li Mo, who was sitting quietly, slowly opened his eyes.

During this time, Li Mo was also constantly digesting all kinds of resources scavenged from other you. After all, they are all top professionals.

There are still some roots.

There are also some treasures that strengthen the attribute framework.

Li Mo naturally did not refuse these treasures. Get out of the cage.

Li Mo looked at Concubine Lia.

“Boom! This breath is strong, worthy of being a god. ”

Li Mo said with a smile.

“Lord Li Mo, all this is your gift.”

Even if Concubine Liya became a false god, she still respected Li Mo as always.

“Interested in a fight?”

Li Mo looked at Concubine Leia for a moment and smiled.

Using a god to practice their hands will also make the team members more loyal to themselves.

“Then you have to be careful.”

“I’m different now.”

Feilia crossed her fingers and began to do warm-up exercises. Li Mo walked straight in.

The other team members immediately gathered strongly. They are also very strong as the captain:

But soon, they were completely shocked.

Even Concubine Liya, who had become a god, did not last for thirty seconds in front of Li Mo. After a taunt, Feilia went crazy and completely lost her rationality.

And then………… There will be no then. Directly shot to death.

Aren’t they the opponents of the boss if they become gods?

This simple and brutal battle once again refreshed their understanding of Li Mo. In the rich holy light.

Princess Leia was resurrected.

Jinni! Can also be resurrected!

This further confirmed Li Mo’s unshakable status.

“You’re still too weak.”

Li Mo wanted to shake his head.

These words made everyone’s eyes twitch. Becoming a god or weak?

Does this still make people live?

“After all, your time to become a god is short, and your foundation is too weak.”

“Your divine framework was directly pulled by my mockery.”

“Of course, you can still save so little sanity that you want to break free.”

“At least, much better than the average professional.”

“I will practice well and strive to fight you one day.”

Although she was defeated, Concubine Liya was still very happy, after all, Li Mo, who made her loyalty, was really strong and outrageous.


“Let’s go to the third floor next.”

Li Mo said in a deep voice.

“The third layer is still the same as the second layer?”

Ling Yi on the side asked.

In the past few days, Li Mo has also learned some information about the third layer. There is a powerful sequence faction Divine Energy Squad there.

There are powerful super pros.

It is far more powerful than these bulk professionals on the second layer. And.

It is also a place for the game of the powerhouses of the major sequence camps. If you really kill the major god squads there.

Obviously, this is to tear the skin with many god camps.

Moreover, Li Mo and the others took away many treasures, and they will definitely be discovered by those professionals who come in later. In other camps, Li Mo may not care much.

But the professional of the Three Gods camp, Li Mo is still a little jealous. After all, the other factions could not directly attack the human territory.

But the Three Gods Sequence camp, they really have the ability to destroy the human world. Fortunately, Li Mo has his own plan.

As long as it is well planned. Completely disrupt there.

Li Mo can naturally fish in troubled waters and kill everyone.

Anyway, the major sequence camps are fighting each other, and this is not to blame on Li Mo’s head!

“In the third layer, there are many strong people in the major sequence camps.”

“Moreover, there is also the sequence camp I am in, directly killing it all, which is obviously not suitable.”

“In case you provoke the leader of the Divine Spirit Sequence camp, there will be a lot of trouble.”

“So… We have to kill them all. ”

“Our next plan of action is this…”

Li Mo spoke directly in the team channel.

With Li Mo’s narration.

Ling Yi couldn’t help but be amazed by Li Mo’s insidious plan. Wait until Li Mo finished elaborating.

“Can it work?”

Concubine Liya on the side frowned and asked.

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll use stupid methods.”

“If you can, you can make a complete mess in one go.”

“It’s easy to even put all the 2.5 strong people in a cage.”

Li Mo smiled and said.

“As long as those guys are locked up, we can kill slowly.”

“Even slaughtering gods is convenient.”

“After all, the major sequence camps there themselves do not deal with each other.”

“At that time, I don’t know what kind of mess it will be.”

“You guard the entrance to the second floor on these four or three floors.”

“The guy who escaped, kill if he can, but if he can’t beat it, he will run to the cage.”

“Don’t worry if you die, I’ll save you.”


The members of the squad nodded one after another.

“Okay, let’s start the action plan!”

Half an hour later.

Li Mo came to the third layer alone.

Compared to the second floor, there are people guarding the entrance position to kill.

The entrance position of this third floor leading to the second floor is also a lot of people here. Merely.

These people are not squatters. Seem!

Here is a small trading market.

“That’s him!”

“He’s the captain of that squad.”

As soon as Li Mo came over, someone immediately pointed at Li Mo and said.

As soon as Li Mo looked over, someone warned Li Mo.

“Hi……… Boy, near this entrance area, fights are not allowed. ”

“Whoever does it will die.”

“This is the rule set by the god powerhouses of many sequence camps.”

“If you want to fight, go inside, there are strong people there.”

When the man said this, the people around him immediately laughed.

“That deep area, full of gods, all carved out the territory, this kid used to be dead.”

“That’s not necessarily, I heard that this kid has the ability to resurrect, if you find their sequence camp, you can also join it.”

“Boy, aren’t your team members very violent? Why not come with you? ”

“How are your resurrection skills? Interested in joining our squad? ”

The people around me said in a variety of tongues.

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