Chapter 77: [Invincible Resurrection] The correct way to open!.

“If you die for more than twenty years, I can save you and get you out of prison again, what’s the big deal?”

“If you can get me out, don’t talk about following you, even if you want to sleep with me, I won’t refuse!”

This alien female warrior has a bold and wild personality. Li Mo smiled.

This is not needed.

After thinking for a moment, Li Mo continued.

“After rescuing you out, I don’t have the means of soul enslavement for the time being.”

“But I should have it later, and when the time comes, I will enslave your soul.”

“Of course, this soul enslavement was signed to keep the secret of my ability to resurrect.”

“And the loyalty you showed for me.”

“In other respects, there is nothing to be too constrained.”

“Agree or not?”

As Li Mo finished speaking.

The alien female warrior looked at Li Mo for half a day before saying.

“You shouldn’t, you’re not kidding!”

Li Mo smiled lightly. The invincible overlord activated instantly.

Then squeezed in along the gap in the dungeon pillars. Then in the astonished gaze of that Feilia.

Walked out again.

“You… Unrestricted by Forbidden Dungeon Barriers! ”

Li Mo’s approach made Feilia’s world view once again fiercely carry out a critical attack.

You know, the false gods, even the right gods who are justified by the sequence camp, have passed through the dungeon barriers of this ancient forbidden land. This is not a professional of the gods.

It can come and go freely. Moment!

The desire to survive, which had long been extinguished, instantly grew and filled her sea of thoughts.

“Save me!”

Her tone trembled a little, and her body trembled slightly. Can live, who wants to die.

Li Mo knew that this kind of desperate state of distress was under circumstances.

People who come out on their own will most likely only compromise with themselves because of the desire to survive. As for after it comes out, it is not credible.

Only soul slavery is the only solution.

At least, this female warrior can barely believe a little, but not much. Li Mo reached in with one hand.

The alien female warrior immediately came up.

Li Mo manipulated the invincible hegemonic power to sweep away. Invincible hegemony, with Li Mo’s cultivation.

It can also be extended, and there is no problem at all in wrapping the other party. With a force, Li Mo directly pulled this concubine out directly.

Feilia, who came out, turned to look at the 25 cage that had trapped herself, and then at the corridor where she was now. Free?

No need to die?

After a moment of stunned in place, she collapsed emotionally, sat on the ground and cried. Li Mo had not experienced that kind of despair, and he could not understand her feelings.

“Let her cry!”

Li Mo rode the dragon horse forward and continued to search for the resurrectible corpse. Those corpses that have corpse activity.

can be resurrected.

And the professionals here are very high-ranked.

According to this concubine who has been dead for 28 years and can be resurrected.

Other professionals, if there are no accidents, should be able to be resurrected. So!

This ancient forbidden place.

A proper “rebirth place of dirt” plus a “large-scale talent recruitment market”. And all of them are the top talents that Li Mo needs.

After all, if you are not a top talent, you can’t get in. Compared to those many “treasures”.

Aren’t these high-level professionals treasures? For Li Mo.

These top talents.

The value is not inferior to those material treasures. The only problem is.

Everyone is a talent, it is difficult to control and control!

“Don’t rush to resurrect too many people first.”

“At least master soul slavery, and invincible soul slavery, in order to be able to master so many talents perfectly.”

“Before, the seniors all said that one of the two genius seniors of our Terran race died here, and the other is likely to be enslaved or trapped.”

“If you’re lucky, you can also find two seniors!”

Li Mo was in the area near this floor, slowly turning. Don’t say, this area is quite large.

Li Mo even saw a lot of corpses. They are all dead bodies.


Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“After these corpses are resurrected, even if they do not serve me, they are extremely valuable.”

“Bloody Goddess, they have the ability to steal the framework of the sequence order star rank.”

“And I can bring these dead guys back to life.”

“After resurrecting them, kill them again, and by the way, steal their Order Star Rank Framework.”

“Get these framework of order.”

“We human professionals can directly inherit these top-level professional frameworks.”

“We humans can directly give birth to a large number of top professionals.”

“It’s a bit risky to do business with an evil god like the Bloody Goddess.”

“But the higher the risk, the greater the reward!”

Li Mo’s eyes gradually lit up.

“These lying on the ground are all proper treasures of the high-star sequence sequence!”

Li Mo already had a plan.

Willing to follow their own, soul enslavement, honestly follow their side. Unwilling to follow their own.

Kill directly, and the corpse is packed and taken away.

Back to the human realm, it is carried out according to the method of extracting the framework of the occupational sequence. There are ways to squeeze oil and water out of these guys.

“Hmm… With a divergent line of thought, we humans can also collect the corpses of some powerful sequencers. ”

“The living kind.”

“Necromancers, don’t you just like this resource?”

“In the market, there are also a lot of these similar resources.”

“Just let them buy it, and they won’t make others suspicious.”

“Buy a little more, the corpses of the starting six-star sequence are not too much!”

“Anyway, these guys are dead, and resurrecting and killing them can be regarded as exerting their surplus value.”

“It’s just… There is a feeling of digging people’s ancestral graves! ”

“Anyway, necromancers are all in the business of the dead, so what can’t be done.”

“Your family’s ancestral grave, I–planed!”

“Expand your thinking.”

“Chaos Star Domain War, aren’t there many strong people who will die in battle?”

“These professionals, 6 stars, 7 stars, 8 stars, there are a lot.”

“Let humans buy the corpses of the strong over there.”

“After you buy it, resurrect it, and kill it again.”

“It is completely possible for us humans to quickly appear a large number of high-star order sequencers.”

“Although not a super professional above 9 stars and above.”

“But there are many of these 6, 7, and 8 star ranks!”

“And, if it’s a freshly baked corpse. The equipment on the strong man can also burst out. ”

“Those strong people have a lot of powerful equipment on them, and even they have a lot of resources in their packages.”

“After resurrection, threaten to hand over the parcel resources first.”

“And then let the thieves take turns stealing.”

“Hmm… I seem to have found another way to get rich. ”

“Sure enough, how bold people are, how prolific they are!”

Li Mo thought carefully.

The crazy temptation system gives itself the limit of the power of the trait.

“Invincible resurrection can be resurrected in full state, that is, it does not drop the level.”

“Gee… It seems that a small bug has been found again. ”

“For example, a professional with more than 2,000 levels does not have the kind of god.”

“Hmm… It seems that most of the 2000+ level professionals have not become gods. ”

“Becoming a god is not that simple.”

“Let’s look at it according to ordinary 2000-level professionals!”

“After killing, there are many experience thieves.”

“After I die, I directly raise a hand.”

“Kill after resurrection.”

“Kill and resurrect.”

“Dead and alive, endless!”

“Repeatedly give experience, that upgrade, thief fierce!”

“However, I remember that the transformation of experience also has an empirical root, and it is estimated that if you draw more, it will also weaken.”

“It’s impossible to blow up unlimited oil and water on one guy! If it’s really going to be fried dry, it won’t be able to blow it up. ”

“But even so, a 2000-level professional.”

“The experience given is enough for a 1,000-level professional to upgrade dozens of levels.”

“Come a few more times, and you won’t have to worry about upgrading.”

Give yourself invincible characteristics to the system.

Li Mo also knows that invincibility is characterized by following rules and being above rules. Override the rules, but certainly not reverse the rules.

Invincible defense, immune to damage.

The world does have immune damage.

Rebound damage, too. Life restored, too.

It’s just that Li Mo has recovered more than 100 million points. Resurrection!

Not to mention. The same has.

The logic of many invincible features follows the rules. But take advantage of these features.

Li Mo can do many things that no one else can do. For example, resurrection, extracting sequence framework roots, and so on.

The train of thought is completely wild. In an instant, everything was wide. When you look around again. Li Mo couldn’t help but laugh.

“This ancient forbidden place is completely right.”

“An infinite amount of huge treasure!”

“The most important thing is that I developed the correct way to use the Invincible Resurrection.”

Li Mo was thinking.

There were footsteps behind him.

Although Feilia’s eyes were still a little red, her emotional state had recovered.

“I said before, you saved me, I will follow you.”

“My concubine, words count.”

This female warrior concubine Leia said sonorously.

“I just like your honest and frank personality.”

Subsequently, Li Mo traded a set of more than 500 levels of warrior dark gold sets.

“I don’t have much good equipment, you can make do with it!”

“Wait until you get it, you will equip it!”


Feilia is also not picky, and directly changes into this set of more than 500 levels of dark gold warrior suit. Her tattered equipment, as soon as she took it out.

All of them are broken into a large number of pieces, and there is no even recycling value.

The power of death erosion is terrifying, let alone twenty-eight years.

“So what are we going to do next?”

Feilia asked.

“Is there a soul enslavement class core skill scroll here?”

“A three-story dungeon, there should be, there is a killing field for the strong.”

Feilia thought about it and said.

“Moreover, there are many treasures there.”

For the situation here, Li Mo knows a lot.

And this female warrior has a high level, a high star rank, and strong strength. He obviously knows much more about this place than Li Mo.

“Let’s talk about the situation here first!”

Feilia thought for a moment before she spoke.

“The forbidden place here is called [Old God’s Prison].”

“It is said that the very ancient Starry Sky Origin Pillar God built it to seal and imprison many gods.”

Listen to Feilia’s story.

Li Mo quietly digested this information.

“Starry Sky Origin Pillar God? Old God Age? ”

“It’s a bit ancient, hundreds of millions of years old!”

“But this old god-era cell is still in function today.”

“The quality of this building cannot be overstated to give a wave of architectural model awards.”

“It is precisely because there are many old gods imprisoned here.”

“Therefore, there are also a lot of divine treasures here.”

“As far as I know, there are eight copies of the old god treasure.”

“In addition to the treasures of the old gods, there are a huge number of other kinds of resources.”

“Career sequence framework such as the high star rank, the roots of the world.”

“And some special treasures and so on.”

“These treasures are of great help to us high-star level professionals above the Ten Star Rank.”

“Even in terms of shortcomings, metamorphosis.”

Listen to Feilia’s explanation. Li Mo nodded slightly.

In this ancient forbidden place, the most attractive thing is the [Divine Treasure]. Once the inheritance of the treasure of the gods is completed.

At least a pseudo-god-level existence.

Although it is impossible to have its own large territory like the Sequence True God. Enjoy plenty of offerings of World Tree roots.

But also essentially a deity. Shouyuan is eternal and endless. Though.

The power of pseudo-gods will be limited by their original god sequence height. But for many professionals.

Except for a very small number of people who have resources, confidence, and talent, and can impact the gods after 2000. When most of them attack the gods, they will only become 2,000 “demigods”.

False gods!

There is still a chance to become the righteous god of the sequence camp.

But demigods, it is very difficult to become the “right god” of the sequence camp. And only when the level reaches level 3000, there is a chance to transform. And it doesn’t necessarily happen.

How many can become the leaders of the powerful sequence faction gods? So!

A treasure of gods is a coveted existence for many professionals.

“This old god’s prison has a total of five layers.”

“Each floor is very large, and it can be called a large city-state.”

“We’re on the first floor.”

“The further down, the more treasures there are.”

“The first layer has basically been scavenged.”

“There aren’t many people left.”


Li Mo nodded.

I just circled around here. No trace of anyone else was found at all.

“On the second layer, there will be some people, but so many years have passed.”

“The current situation of the second layer, I don’t know now.”

“The third layer should still be the main contention area.”

“However, the treasures here are difficult to get.”

“And the competition for resources here has been going on for thousands of years.”

“Many treasures, in this short period of more than twenty years, most of them should be motionless.”

Feilia’s words made Li Mo more sure that there were a large number of corpses of powerful professionals here.

The “big talent acquisition market” can’t run away.

However, whether the corpses of those guys who have been dead for hundreds of years still have corpse activity is difficult to say.

“What about the fourth and fifth layers?”

Li Mo asked curiously.

“The fourth layer, the fifth layer, there should be dungeon guards, you can’t go over easily.”

Feilia said.

“Dungeon Keepers are terrifying.”

“They have traction skills, the kind that can lock people up with one skill.”

“Many people got the treasure and wanted to leave through the exit of the fifth floor.”

“And the dungeon keepers there will guard there, and once they catch them, they will be thrown into the dungeon.”

“Many people are imprisoned in this way, the energy evaporates and is starved, and finally the professional framework collapses and dies.”

The career framework collapsed! It’s also deadly.

When the gap is too large, it will directly crush the career framework.

Of course, this huge gap is probably only 1000 levels to 100 levels. Or 3000 level to play 1000 level to be able to do it.

Normally, it’s all attribute confrontation.

For Li Mo, too, this is also the core meaning of his professional attribute framework that he has been constantly strengthening.

“Are we going to the third level to find skills like soul slavery or soul contracts?”

Feilia asked.


Li Mo shook his head.

“Let’s first resurrect all the guys who can be resurrected in this layer.”

“Then, form a force and explore deeper dungeons.”

Li Mo’s words made Concubine Liya’s heart tremble slightly.

She vaguely sensed what Li Mo wanted to do!.

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