Chapter Seventy-Six: You Are the Talent I Need!.

Skill damage outside cannot fly in, and will be blocked by dungeon barriers.

But Li Mo’s invincible resurrection has invincible characteristics, and this dungeon barrier is obviously unstoppable. Feel free.

When he was resurrected invincible, Li Mo also added a line to himself.

“Come out! Dirt reborn! ”

Rich golden pillars of light almost penetrate the dungeon ceiling.

Waves of golden qi, like the tide at high tide, permeated beyond the dungeon barriers. The posture is very handsome, the lines are very strong, and the golden light that penetrates from the top of the cell is also very dazzling.

However, the bones on the ground did not move.

“Huh? No effect? ”

“Is the corpse activity gone?”

Li Mo could see that the corpse still had some attributes on it.

Whether it is corpse activity or not, Li Mo is not clear, after all, Li Mo has not seen corpse activity. Li Mo was trying to try it again.

The corpse snapped up. Li Mo’s eyes instantly widened.

“Lie in the groove, the corpse is fraudulent!”

The corpse bounced into midair.

Then in the golden light, the shriveled flesh quickly regained its vitality.

The breath of death re-pervaded, and then under the golden light of resurrection, it began to transform into life vitality. The career framework has been reframed.

Even Li Mo could feel that the soul of this corpse was constantly re-breeding. With the establishment of the career framework.

Health bars, attacks, defenses, and other attributes are built quickly. The whole process of resurrection.

It’s like a reverse replica of the collapse of a property house.

The entire attribute lifeform was restored according to the original collapse trajectory by reversing time and space. Li Mo, who watched this scene, was also amazed.

About half a minute later. As the golden light disperses.

A man with beautiful short black hair.

An alien female warrior wearing a shabby dark blue short, snow-white skin, and a faint dark gold skin rune on her face appeared in the cage.

This female warrior has broad shoulders and a burly figure, which is estimated to be one head taller than Li Mo. Between different races, the difference in body size is still relatively obvious.

In the process of resurrection, Li Mo also found something different. For the confirmation of the specific situation, I am afraid that I have to ask this female warrior.

“Hey! Do you understand what I’m saying? ”

Li Mo asked in a broken sequence camp lingua franca.

The alien female warrior looked at herself, then at Li Mo, first confused for a while. And then this brought back many memories of the past.

Although I don’t know how long I died.

But it can be resurrected, but obviously not for long.

After all, even the most powerful resurrection skills, even the resurrection skills possessed by the gods.

At most, it will only be a day or two, and for too long, the resurrection skill of the gods will not be able to play a role. But the alien female warrior felt as if she had died for a long, long time.

Very weird feeling.

“You resurrected me?”

The sequence camp lingua franca of female warriors is very proficient.

“How else?”

Li Mo said lightly.

“Thank you!”

Alien female warrior, very crisp thanks.

“However, I can’t get out, even if you resurrect me, I will just die here again.”

“Hmm… You look at your equipment, how’s it going? ”

Li Mo’s words made the alien female warrior a little curious. What does the equipment do?

Resurrected me and then equipped from me? Even if I want to give it, I can’t give it away.

However, after the alien female warrior saw it, she was instantly stunned. Because of her equipment, it was all broken.

After death, the career framework collapsed.

Equipment is buried under the Death Collapse attribute framework.

Over time, these attributes that do not possess the cultivation of the career framework will lose their attributes and finally crumble under the erosion of the aura of death.

But that will take at least years, even decades, or even decades.

“Could it be…”

A thought that she didn’t dare to think about lingered in her mind.

“I’m dead for a long time?”

“But after a long death, it will not be resurrected.”

“So what’s with this equipment of mine?”

“And this dress on my body has a clear smell of decay.”

Suddenly, the female warrior thought of important information.

The female warrior looked at Li Mo cautiously.

“What era is it now?”

“12th century after the Sixth War of the Gods, 4870 AD.”

Li Mo responded lightly.

“What… It’s 4870, are you sure? ”

“What did I lie to you for? Otherwise, I’m resurrecting you just for fun? ”

“4870, 4870….”

The female warrior muttered to herself in place.

“It was 4842 when I came in, have I been dead for 28 years?”

“After 28 years of death, can they still be resurrected?”

“This is even a god… Nothing like this can be done! ”

An absurd feeling of difficulty pervaded my heart.

The other party does have the possibility of deceiving themselves.

But the equipment and the clothes on the body, will not lie. When he looked at Li Mo again.

An indescribable feeling of fear pervaded my heart.

“He… How is it done? ”

Li Mo could also roughly guess that this woman should have been dead for a long time. Being resurrected at this time is indeed a bit incredible.


Incredible things, there will be more in the future!

“You still haven’t answered my question!”

After waiting for the other party to digest it, Li Mo spoke.

“The equipment spring was shattered, and almost all the contents of the package were broken by the erosion of death.”

Li Mo thought about the female warrior’s words slightly, and nodded slightly.

“Then that’s right.”

“When I was resurrected, I saw a large number of broken attributes.”

“Theoretically, resurrection is the reshaping of ontological life, attribute framework, body, soul, and so on.”

“It’s about itself.”

“It doesn’t work for equipment, and it doesn’t wrap props.”

“And her equipment, wrap props, these things are buried in the framework of the death collapse profession after her death.”

“I didn’t lose anything, but it was eroded by death for a long time.”

“Things end up broken.”

“If it takes a little longer, those things will even dissipate as attributes.”

“If you are resurrected shortly after death, say, die for a few hours, a few days and a month at most.”

“Equipment, materials, etc., can still be preserved fresh.”

After understanding the logic and characteristics of the resurrection, Li Mo was very satisfied. The more you understand the characteristics of many skills, the easier it is to apply. Secondly, Li Mo also found an interesting point about the resurrection skill. That is, when Li Mo unleashed the resurrection skill for the woman.

After being released, the resurrection skill immediately entered a 9-second cooldown.

In other words, Li Mo released on the others, and the invincible resurrection immediately entered the cooling.

If Li Mo himself is resurrected, it will be three seconds of resurrection first, followed by 180 seconds of invincibility. Finally, it starts to enter the cooldown, recovering points.

The devil lies in the details.

This characteristic means that Li Mo is safe.

You can let your professionals carry out unlimited resurrection invincibility.


After the female warrior answered Li Mo’s words.

I was still in deep thought.

It is clear that this state of resurrection after more than twenty years of death has completely turned the worldview upside down.

And Li Mo couldn’t help but start to conceive more space for his invincible resurrection.

“I don’t know if the bones of the two seniors of our Terran have been preserved.”

“If I keep them, I’ll be able to get them back.”

Reaper Realm!

Beyond a huge palace with the breath of death. A wide river of death, pervaded by death.

Countless soul-extinguishing professionals. They fell from the world of life into the quietly flowing river of death. The blood bar is emptied, and the life soul is annihilated.

That will inevitably breed the corresponding “root of the revenant”.

And these “revenant roots” are the cornerstones of the construction of the Shinigami Realm.

The more powerful the “Revenant Root”, the more it will be valued by the Shinigami Realm.

But this time.

It has long become the source of some scattered revenants in the river of death, quietly disappearing. A Grim Reaper of more than 900 levels seemed to feel something.

He swam gently.

Those dead spirits, feeling the breath of death, fled one after another.

After some inspection, the Nine Turns God of Death did not feel anything wrong, so he shook his head and left. A female warrior sitting cross-legged inside a dungeon.

The initial shock gradually dissipated, and she began to investigate some ordinary and durable props in her package. Such as a [Starlight Quartz Clock], this thing will not be broken if placed for thousands of years.

Moreover, when placed in the package, it will also be synchronized with timekeeping, even if the attribute frame collapses, it will not delay the passage of time.

The time on the [Starlight Quartz Clock] does show that the current time is 4870.

She was literally dead for 28 years.

After a long time, the Valkyrie gradually realized the fact that she had been resurrected after 28 years of death. And the opponent’s ability to resurrect is outrageously strong.

After such a long time, she was not only resurrected, but her attributes were similar to those before she died. Even the current state is at the peak level.

It’s just that without equipment, you can’t play your strength. But!

Even if it is equipped, it is useless. Should I go out or not.

At the beginning, she entered this ancient forbidden land.

But I saw many people trapped in this dungeon.

I also saw many people imprisoned in the dungeon, waiting for death, falling into madness. If she was given another chance, she would definitely not provoke that damn [Prison Guard]. It was the [Prison Guard] who personally sent it in.

The female warrior who gradually stabilized her mind looked at Li Mo outside the cage.

“Thank you again for resurrecting me.”

“I don’t know how you did it, but I’m thankful..”

“After all, but to be alive is the hope of escape.”

“Although there is little hope.”

“Also, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”

“After all, I’ve been here for quite a while.”

“I just like this kind of Zhi’en Tu Pao’s personality.”

Li Mo laughed.

“Do you need me to throw a rope and pull you out to try?”

Mo said with a big brain.

“Don’t think about it, it’s not used at all, and the rope can’t be pulled out when it comes in.”

The warriorwoman shook her head.

“If you can really use the method you said, some of the treasures in the cell will be dragged out in this way.”

“Pulling someone with a rope will trigger a wide range of attraction, and maybe it may drag you in.”

“Once you’re stuck here, you can’t get out.”

“You don’t have to risk it for me.”

“This man’s mind is not bad.”

Li Mo thought secretly.

“There are treasures in the cell?”

The female warrior’s words made Li Mo a little curious.

“Yes! And it’s also a good treasure, very attractive, once someone wants to try to get it, and then find a way to get it, but they fall into the trap. ”

This method of straight hook fishing looks stupid, but someone really fell for it! Li Mo asked the female warrior some questions.

While thinking about whether he wanted to save this female warrior out.

After learning that he could save a professional who had been dead for more than ten years, or even decades. And he will enter this forbidden place full of the dead.

And these dead, they are all top-notch existences. If you resurrect these people yourself, recruit them.


The strength of the battle is indescribable.

But this also raises another problem.

One: These people may not really be willing to follow Li Mo sincerely.

Maybe there are some white-eyed wolves who are rescued on the front foot and run away on the back foot. Second: such a large-scale recruitment of the dead to return.

This special resurrection ability will definitely be seen by others as abnormal, and when the time comes, it may cause some big trouble. This kind of heavenly anti-heavenly means, to be used, obviously cannot be easily concealed.

Instead of expecting others to have a conscience, be grateful to yourself. That is obviously a good effect of soul enslavement by yourself.

Li Mo’s Chaos Knight Sequence has a strong soul and also has the ability to enslave souls. But he does not have the means of soul enslavement.

Fortunately, Li Mo can now be promoted to six turns, or even seven turns, at any time. If you get the means of soul enslavement, you can give it a try. If you can trigger [Invincible Enslavement].

Then Li Mo is about to start his own soil rebirth plan. If not.

Then there are many bones here, you better stay here honestly! With this in mind, Li Mo looked at the alien female warrior.

“What camp were you in before?”

“Goddess of Oracles!”

“Boom! In the same camp! I am the god of war. ”

Li Mo said with a smile. The alien female warrior only nodded faintly.

The novelty and shock of the initial resurrection gradually faded, and all that awaited her was to die again.

I have died once, and the unwillingness, despair, helplessness, and regret of the first time have long been experienced by 3.3. No matter how much she dies, she will also see it lightly.

“Aren’t you going to search for treasures?”

“If you go to explore, it is best to be careful, there are many strong people here, and it is also dangerous!”

The female warrior spoke.


“I’m the biggest danger here!”

Li Mo did not answer her words.

Instead, he asked.

“What’s your name?”


“Don’t you ask what my name is?”

“What’s your name?”

“Li Mo!”

“Hmm… I know! ”

The female warrior just nodded faintly, but apparently did not take it to heart.

Anyway, it won’t be long before she dies, with the experience of the last death, this time she will even take the initiative to choose suicide, and it is more refreshing to end herself than to slowly burn herself.

She is grateful to the knight who resurrected herself.

Li Mo is not in a hurry to leave, anyway, she has most of the time, and she can chat with Li Mo until death!

“How many levels are you?”

“Class 899.”

“Hmm! The level is quite high. ”

“What profession? How many star ranks? ”

“Eleventh Star Rank, Heavenly Feather Saint Warrior, Asian of the Angel Sequence, good at long-range attacks, melee combat is stronger than long-range attacks.”

The female warrior of the alien race directly said all her old bottom.

She has nothing to say.

“This profession, this level, this star rank, powerful!”

Li Mo laughed. Confirmed looks.

You are the talent I need.

“Anyway, if you are stuck here, you are going to die, and it makes no difference whether you can return to the camp or not, it’s better to…” Follow me! ”

Li Mo said.


The female warrior frowned slightly.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“I said, I can get you out of prison, will you follow me?”

Li Mo said cautiously.

“How is this possible?”

The alien female warrior looked stunned.

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