Chapter Seventy-Four: God Sends [Turia] to Come!.

Look at the 500-level World Tree Replica Pioneer Announcement in front of you.

Above the face of the thousand-level powerhouse “Anuk” of the Dark Light Clan, there was no pressure from the past. Instead, he laughed softly.

“A mythical replica that opens up 80 human territories.”

“I also dare to open up a level 500 world tree.”

“You humans… So greedy! ”

“Soon, you humans will pay the price for your greed.”

Immediately, Anuk asked the shadow on the side.

“Has His Highness contacted His Highness the Turia Divine Envoy, when can he arrive?”

“Soon, it should be these days.”

“Very good!”

Anuk nodded.

“Lord Anuk, the messenger of Naturia, is hot-tempered and… IQ and his big head are completely inversely proportional. ”

“Will it cause us trouble if you let that adult come?”

“We? Troublesome? ”

Anuk shook his head and smiled.

“This is human territory.”

“With trouble, that’s also something that humans need to have a headache.”

“Moreover, the human territory has eighty copies of mythology.”

“You should guess the generous extra reward if you open up the mythical copy!”

“Of course!”

Shadow nodded.

“That’s amazing to have an extra 80 percent of the world’s roots.”

“That’s it.”

“Whether it is a priest or a great god of war.”

“The number of roots they extracted is calculated according to the basis of the copy of the World Tree.”

“The additional output of the mythical tree is not counted.”

“Level 500 World Tree copies, they take 12.”

“Level 800 World Tree Copy, they take 32.”

“And the useful 80 mythical copies of the human world.”

“Now that you have developed a level 500 World Tree copy, you will have an additional 20 units of World Root.”

“There are 33 units that fall into the hands of humans.”

“You say, with so many world roots, how much will that Turia divine envoy leave them?”

“That god envoy will take at least seventy percent!”

Shadow thought for a moment and responded.

Anuk smiled.

“You think too well of that Turia god.”

“Being able to leave one percent to human beings can be regarded as burning high incense.”

“And… There is more than just a copy of the World Tree. ”

“There are also many mythical copies of humans, and these are massive resources.”

“More importantly, human beings are weak, so Li Mo is slightly more powerful.”

“But Lord Turia, that’s a god of more than 1,500 levels.”

“Then Li Mo doesn’t say if he can fight the Naturia divine messenger.”

“But even if he can fight, does he dare to blaspheme the majesty of the God of War?”

“Then Li Mo did not dare to storm our safe zone, and he could see that 343 he was very jealous of the leader god of the sequence camp.”

“At least, that Li Mo is very smart, within the sequence camp, there are many priests, divine envoys, pseudo-gods who have been justified, and super genius professionals.”

“Then Li Mo, don’t dare to mess around.”

“They don’t dare to mess around, so can’t the Turia god envoy mess around?”

Speaking of this, Anuk’s smile became more and more wanton.

“It’s a dead knot.”

“They dare not provoke the Turia gods, so they must bow their heads and let the Turia gods divide them.”

“With our relationship with the messenger of Turia, it is enough to clean up the territory of mankind.”

“If, then Li Mo dares to clash with the Turia God!”

“Wouldn’t that be better?”

Anuk’s exposition made Shadow also marvel at this hand layout.

“If you want to blame, blame them for being too greedy humans!”

“Opening 80 mythical copies is amazing enough.”

“It’s not enough for God to make an adult come to this trip.”

“But with the blessing of 80 mythical-level replicas, you dare to open up a 500-level world tree.”

“That’s enough for the god Turia to come.”

“There will be a lot of extra world roots.”

“A good show is about to be staged, we just need to watch it here.”

“Perhaps, in the future, we will be able to divide the mythical copies here.”

“After all, every mythical replica is an endless resource mine.”

Completed the development of the 500-level Mythical Tree quest.

Then there is the matter of human beings stationed here, steadily collecting the roots of the world. As for the other four alien races, they did not dare to come and harass them at all.

This is a resource for the gods.

Whoever dares to disturb is blaspheming the majesty of the god of war. It is still necessary to provide the gods at the root of the World Tree. Racial boundaries under each sequence faction.

The development of the World Tree copy will be sensed by the gods. Dare not confess, that is betrayal.

Extermination is an inevitable encounter.

Under normal circumstances, if you have opened an 800-level copy of the World Tree, you are eligible to apply for the position of “Ethnic Garrison” in the territory of the Kingdom of God.

If you want to really get it, you need a lot of work.

Opened a level 500 World Tree copy, although it is impossible to apply for the “Ethnic Garrison”. But it can already be filed with the priest of the kingdom of God.

In the future, the race will also be qualified to participate in the reclamation of some areas of the Chaos Star Domain in some of the realms of the Kingdom of God. The entire sequence camp is owned by a huge clerical bureaucracy.

Although bloated.

But this is a powerful camp of gods that operates effectively. Otherwise, the light is the order of the gods themselves.

Thousands of territories. A large number of thousand-level powerhouses, as well as fronts in many directions, a large number of chaotic city-states attack and defense, chaos territory reclamation and so on.

The God of War alone can’t manage it at all.

However, docking with the above priest is what human thousand-level powerhouses have to do. As far as Li Mo’s level of more than five hundred levels.

I’m afraid that even the gates of the realm of the Kingdom of God can’t enter.


Holy Radiance City-State!

Li Mo began to make final preparations for his entry into the [Ancient Forbidden Land]. The first is the rank.

Li Mo wanted to enter the forbidden area of the 500-level class.

Li Mo, who is already 599 level, naturally cannot be upgraded to this level.

Otherwise, you will miss this great opportunity to enter and explore. The second is a lot of resources.

Li Mo was also not sure if he would be trapped inside. Judging by the available intelligence.

Inside, there is a high probability of being trapped. Therefore.

Li Mo not only needed to prepare various escape resources.

More need for massive food resources, energy resources. Really trapped inside, Li Mo can resist for a long time.

As long as you live, you can find a way to come out.

Finally, there are resources for equipment creation and upgrading. After entering, Li Mo can upgrade.

After leveling up, the level of equipment must also keep up.

To craft upgrade materials, you must have enough equipment to reach the level of 990. If it had been before, there would definitely not have been so much material in the human territory.

But it’s different now.

So many copies, hundreds of millions, or even more than a billion professionals sniping copies every day. And Li Mo enjoys part of the resource income of many resource copies.

Naturally, there is no shortage of these materials.

However, these may involve resource considerations. Li Mo didn’t have to worry.

Li Mo’s logistics regiment of dozens of people, think tank, more than a month ago. They have already begun to calculate and consider all aspects.

The resources that needed to be carried, they all prepared for Li Mo.

Even the situations they may encounter, they listed them one by one, and even compiled a manual for Li Mo. At the same time, given that Li Mo did not have a deep understanding of the current major god sequence camps, the situation between different races. They also specifically include information about the major sequence camps.

Let Li Mo learn at his leisure that those camp races are friendly, those are neutral, and those are hostile. At the same time, Li Mo entered the matter of the [Ancient Forbidden Land].

It is also highly confidential.

Externally, human beings must declare that Li Mo is a retreat cultivator.

After all, the news that Li Mo would not be able to return when he entered the [Ancient Forbidden Land] for a while and a half must not be leaked to the outside world. Otherwise, it may not be possible to breed any strange ideas from foreign races.

Now, humanity is guarding a huge treasure trove of resources. When Li Mo was there, Megatron was a junior.

Once Li Mo is gone, then mankind will definitely suffer the fate of being divided.

Li Mo can also continue to guard the human race, slowly waiting for the human race to become stronger. But… That doesn’t make much sense.

It will only waste Li Mo’s strong period.

After all, there are really too many strong people outside.

Li Mo will slowly upgrade in this way, and it will be difficult to make up for his shortcomings and strengthen his strengths. Li Mo’s deterrent power has been successfully constructed.

For at least a few years, alien races did not dare to easily test humans. Moreover, Li Mo’s strength at the level 500 level is invincible. Naturally, he wanted to take advantage of Li Mo in this class to expand his advantages.

It is to take advantage of the past few years to continue to improve his heritage, potential, and strength. In this way, Li Mo was at the eight or nine hundred levels, or even the thousand levels.

In order to become a deterrent to many territories. Even the gods dare not despise the strong.

After Li Mo reached the thousand-year-old level, the upgrade was slow. Li Mo has time, guarding mankind.

Let mankind gradually rise and grow. A few days later.

The territory of mankind, an ancient vein. Long Yu walked in front, and Li Mo followed behind.

“This is an underground mine that was pioneered in the industrial age before mankind.”

As he walked forward, Long Jiu said.

Li Mo looked around and saw many products left by human beings in the industrial age. Mining machines, tracks, mine trucks and much more.

These are all products of a long time ago.

But as a traverser, Li Mo also learned a lot about the industrial age of this world when he was ordinary. Probably the same as the world he was in before, but a little behind.

“With the advent of the national occupational attribute system.”

“The original industry was abandoned in an instant.”

“Upgrades can become stronger, the kind that can be seen with the naked eye becomes stronger, more than thirty levels of defense are a little higher, and the bullets hit the body are only -1 point of damage.”

“Oh! That’s right! Bullets, guns, artillery, tanks and so on… You should know! ”


In this world, most of the current professionals were born in the era of national occupational attributes. These so-called “ancient” industrial products of the last century are not understood.

But Li Mo is naturally clear.

“Thermal weapons quickly withdrew from the stage.”

“Guilds, mercenary groups, and other forces have sprung up like mushrooms.”

“Then it was the alien invasion, which directly blinded the human race.”

“With prayers to the gods, we humans finally formed the city-state security zone pattern we are today.”

“The mine cave here has been abandoned for a long time, and the entrance has collapsed.”

“But this internal space is not small.”

“We got a lot of big treasures and put them here.”

“Put it here, aren’t you afraid of being stolen?”

Li Mo asked curiously.

“Then they have to find here, too.”

Long Jiu smiled.

“This southwestern territory is an extremely barren land, and the terrain is vast, and if you say something unpleasant, dogs will not come.”

“For so many years, they didn’t find out.”

“Secondly, deep underground, there is a secret place here, and after we humans have mastered it, we have locked it with special shackles.”

“Even if the alien race finds out, they can’t get in.”

“Is there a secret realm underground? That’s good. ”

Li Mo laughed. The two were talking.

After a while, he came to the entrance of the secret realm. The guards were two professionals of more than eight hundred levels.

“I’ve seen His Highness Li Mo!”

The two bowed and saluted.

“That rune stone coupon of the ancient forbidden land, has it been charged?”

Long Yu confirmed as he walked inside.

“It has already been recharged, and His Highness Li Mo can enter at any time.”


Long Yu nodded and looked at Li Mo.

“Li Mo, nowadays, there is nothing in the human world, what is needed is stable development.”

“And after the level 500 World Tree copy is developed, we humans will be safer.”

“You can develop and upgrade safely inside, just explore the treasures.”


Li Mo nodded.

Not often, in the corner of the secret realm.

Li Mo saw the entrance ticket treasure of the so-called ancient secret realm. A huge obsidian-like stone chair.

It is about five meters high and more than three meters wide.

On the back of the chair, there are various complex runes the size of fists. The entire stone chair exudes a deep and dark atmosphere. Li Mo, who had been prepared for a long time, stood on it.

“Dragon drink senior, I’ll pass here, in the human world, you thousand-level powerhouses just have to worry more.”

“Don’t worry, we will.”

Accompanied by a nod from the dragon drink. Li Mo stimulated the energy in the stone chair.

Black energy swept over, drowning Li Mo. Accompanied by a violent “buzzing” sound.

The black energy suddenly restrained, and Li Mo had disappeared.

After looking at the status of his friend and confirming that Li Mo had arrived safely, Long Yu was relieved. Although Li Mo can communicate with the outside world.

But the communication channel can only be through this “ancient stone chair”. Next, the main job of Dragon Drink is to sit here cross-legged.

If there are any questions that Li Mo needs to ask, he should contact the human powerhouse in time to give a solution. However, the dragon drink that had just sat down, his butt was not yet hot.

His heart moved slightly, looking at the surrounding space.

The next moment, an announcement of the territory of all mankind came with a bang.

【Announcement of the Territory of All Mankind】

[The divine envoy Turia Harrow came to the human territory, and all the thousands of races immediately went to the copy of the World Tree to receive His Highness the divine envoy Turia Harrow. ] 】

[God envoy Turia Harrow came to the human territory, and all the thousands of races immediately went to the World Tree copy to receive the God Envoy Turia Harrow, Your Highness. ] 】

[Divine Messenger… 】

Three announcements sent to the territory of all mankind through the copy of the World Tree.

In an instant, all the thousand-level powerhouses in the human territory knew for the first time. This kind of special announcement, it is difficult to think about it.

And at this time. The faces of all human powerhouses changed suddenly.

First of all, this “Turia Harrow” they have not heard of at all.

Second, it is possible to send announcements through the copy of the World Tree currently occupied by humans.

That is obviously not the thousand-level powerhouse stationed by humans doing this.

That can only be done by aliens.

The Aliens came to the territory of the Terrans with the so-called divine messenger “Turia Haro”. It was even a high-profile announcement to summon the human powerhouse to see him.

This is definitely not good news.

“Dragon drink, did Li Mo go in?”

As soon as he felt that something was wrong, Long Drink received Gu Liguang’s message.

“Li Mo’s front foot just entered, and the information back foot came.”

“Now, I’m afraid there is trouble.”

“Come quickly, the four races of dark blue blood thunder, and that divine envoy, are now in the copy of the World Tree, waiting for us to pass.”

“Let’s see what they have to do first, so that everything is not changed!”

“Yes, I’ll pass!”

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