Chapter 73: [Level 500 World Tree] Announcement of the Whole Territory!.

As he moved forward, Long Jiu narrated on the side.

“A 500-level copy of the World Tree, which is the group base of 20 people.”

“There is only one battle, and the opponent is 10 ancient mythological heroes, and they are very strong.”

“When ordinary professionals go in, they are sent to death.”

“The other 19 people who followed you in, protect themselves.”

“That’s good.”

Li Mo nodded.

“It’s really not possible, and it’s not a big problem to go in and repay the cost yourself.”

“Anyway, it’s all about looking when you go in, and it’s the same inside and looking outside.”

Li Mo’s big truth, normally speaking, must make the 19 people who followed into Ben hang up their faces. But as far as Li Mo’s current level of strength is concerned.

Of the nineteen people who followed, none of them were surprised. Isn’t that true?

“Senior Dragon Drink, ask you something.”

On the way, Li Mo suddenly remembered the question he wanted to ask Long Drink, and asked immediately.

“What’s going on?”

“After the death of professionals, their corpses are corpse active, right?”

“Well, there’s such a thing.”

“Then what exactly does this corpse activity mean, and how long can general corpse activity exist?”

Long Yu’s eyes moved slightly, and he pondered carefully.

After a moment, Long Yu, who stretched his brows, spoke.

“This… I do not know! ”

Li Mo: “…..”

I wonder if you still think about it for such a long time?

“Does any of you know similar information about corpse activity?”

Li Mo turned to look at the many thousand-level powerhouses behind him.

“Your Highness Li Mo, what do you do when you ask the question of corpse activity?”

A thousand-level wizard powerhouse responded at this time.

“It’s not convenient to say, but it’s important!”

Li Mo naturally will not reveal that the invincible resurrection can follow the characteristics of the corpse’s activity and resurrect the corpse. That thousand-level wizard powerhouse didn’t mind Li Mo not saying anything.

After all, Li Mo has many secrets! He elaborated on it to himself.

“Corpse activity, according to the research of our wizard faction.”

“It can basically be summed up as… Corpse! ”

“Isn’t it the same as if you didn’t?”

Li Mo was speechless for a while.

“Your Highness Li Mo, think again!”

The thousand-level wizard smiled and reminded.

“Corpse activity, including corpse!”

Suddenly, Li Mo’s eyes lit up.

“You mean to say that as long as the corpse is still there, it is corpse-active?”

“That’s what it means.”

The thousand-level wizard nodded.

“Then if people die, in a few months, the bodies will decompose, but the bones are still there.”

“Corpse activity is still there?”

“Yes! Still there. ”

The thousand-level wizard continued to nod. Li Mo continued to ask.

“Then the bones of this deceased, after more than ten years, there will still be corpse activity?”

“Of course! That’s corpse activity, it exists naturally in the corpse, and the bone is part of the corpse, of course it will exist.”

“Unless the body is burned to ashes, the corpse will be active for a long time.”

“For a level 1 professional, corpse activity can also exist for half a month, a month. The level is slightly higher, that is, in years, more than ten years is normal. ”

“Top powerhouses, such as thousand-level powerhouses, after death, corpse activity can probably exist for decades, hundreds of years.”

“If it is a 2000-level god death, there is no problem with their corpse activity for hundreds or even thousands of years.”

“Of course, if you contaminate the corpse, or are summoned by a necromancer with a corpse or the like, or in an environment with more destructive power, naturally the corpse activity will be quickly annihilated.”

Li Mo nodded and also summed up the restrictions of [Invincible Resurrection].

In general, after death, the activity of the corpse is not destroyed by special techniques, just fine. Even after a long time, it can still be resurrected.

The summary of the thousand-level powerhouse made Li Mo’s heart jump and shout!

“Dead for a few years, more than a decade, or even hundreds of years, as long as the corpse is still alive. Invincible resurrection can still be rescued, which is too… Invincible! ”

“It’s a bug.”

“This is invincibility… Resurrection? ”

This is if the strong who died of mankind are resurrected.

What a large-scale dirt rebirth site!

“Madara” looked at it and called it an insider!

I brought your grandfather’s grandfather’s grandfather back to life! Have fun!

Li Mo had thoroughly felt the anti-heavenly characteristics of this [Invincible Resurrection].

But then again, which capability of the system is not a bug?

After thoroughly realizing that his [Invincible Resurrection] is a little different from ordinary resurrection. Li Mo’s thoughts gradually opened.

“That senior, what is the principle of action of the general resurrection skill.”

“Career framework? Or is this corpse active? Or is it a simple corpse? ”

There must always be a precise rule for resurrection.

“Your Excellency Li Mo, you can be regarded as asking me this question.”

The wizard laughed too.

“At present, the exact mechanism, to be honest, we wizard factions also have different understandings.”

“But based on the results of a lot of actual experiments we got about resurrection skills.”

“The mechanism of action of the resurrection skill, the career framework, the integrity of the corpse, and the time of death are all related.”

“But the most important thing is the integrity of the body, and the time of death.”

“If you die for more than two hours, it will be difficult to revive after basically killing it.”

“The corpse is too broken, such as being crushed by a giant beast, and the corpse is spread on the ground, becoming a large two-dimensional form, naturally there is no way to talk about resurrection.”

“Relatively complete corpse, not too long dead.”

“Generally an indicator of resurrection.”

“If someone else steals your career series framework after your death.”

“Even if it is resurrected, the career sequence framework cannot be recovered.”

“Will become a 0-star professional.”

“And a 0-star level professional?”

“Of course there is.”

Li Mo was now an eye-opener.

“That is to say, after death, if you do not resurrect as soon as possible, you will have no chance to be resurrected at all?”

“Of course!”

“The resurrection has a powerful character, and it can be said to be eaten from the mouth of the god of death.”

“The more powerful the skill, the greater the limit.”

“And the cooldowns tend to be extraordinary.”

“Otherwise, there would not be so many dead professionals of many races.”


Li Mo naturally agreed with a little.

Resurrection skills, cooling down that are all very exaggerated.

The narration of the thousand-level wizard made Li Mo realize the powerful limitations of general resurrection. As well as the many incredible characteristics of his own [Invincible Resurrection].

Cool down every 9 seconds.

A “corpse activity” trait that can be saved after a long time of death. and, the “state of perfection” after the resurrection.

“We humans, generally the strong die, are buried.”

“Instead of cremation.”

“That is to say, the strong people who died of human beings, their corpse activity, should still be intact.”

“Hmm… The bodies of some genius professionals of human beings will also be buried. ”

“Most of the activity of cadavers is also present.”

“It seems that if the time is right.”

“There will definitely be a need for a wave of large-scale dirt rebirth.”

“That picture is so beautiful, I can’t imagine it!”

“But… Can’t go too far. ”

“Digging other people’s ancestral graves and bringing back their ancestors feels strange to hear.”

“It is a huge impact on the ethical logical worldview.”

“If only this was known by those gods of death in the Grim Reaper Realm.”

“Then they don’t form a group to come to our human world and make a copy of our human territory?”

“Small-scale, just bring back those dead powerhouses and fallen top geniuses.”

“By the way, it is not impossible for them to form a “return of the dead” guild. ”

Thinking about it, a brand new tumultuous operation was born in Li Mo’s mind.

If he could, then Li Mo would really have an “infinite resurrection” player legion in the future.

“Wizard senior.”

Li Mo asked in a low voice.

“You said… If. ”

“A professional’s arm was cut off.”

“Then, the Life Priest, use the Growth-Class Skill, to restore his arm.”

“Then will the arm he dropped also have corpse activity?”

The thousand-level wizard was not only patient with these strange questions about Li Mo, but also very interested in answering them. After all, wizard sequences have a very deep understanding of the sequence rules of the class system.

Most people don’t ask these questions.

But they know that behind every strange problem lies the principle of the operation of the rules of the world. And that’s what their wizards need to explore.

Li Mo!

The strongest of humanity, like such a question, that is obviously very good. A strong person, insight into attribute rules, this is the right way.


“In terms of life mechanism.”

“The arm is the dead part, it is corpse-active.”

“Of course, the arm is part of the professional, and if you lose it directly, it will damage the overall strength of the professional framework.”

“I suggest that it is better to pick up the arm and let the pastor heal it.”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly, and he suddenly clenched his fists.

“It’s done!”

“Wait until the future, let these strong people of the human race cut off a finger for me.”

“I have preserved their finger bones completely, which will make the corpses in them active and preserve them for a long time.”

“If they die, I can borrow my finger bones and use the invincible resurrection to revive them.”

“The strong collectively cut off their fingers?”

“This painting style is getting more and more wrong!”

Li Mo sighed softly.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the invincible resurrection, and the operability is too strong. Through the teleportation array.

Everyone came directly to the [World Quest Area].

Previously, it had always been the Dark Light Clan who came here to open up the World Tree copy. Several major ethnic groups have also completely occupied this place.

If human beings want to open up the land, they must gather all the strong people to come and fight. But now.

Several major races such as the Dark Light Clan and the Blue Scale Clan were all withdrawn. Even, their strongholds were directly set on fire. As people gather.

Li Mo opened the human’s level 500 World Tree replica area.

Open up mythical copies, for Li Mo, they can brush as much as they want. Level 500 World Tree Copy, that is, go in and brush it.

Even, Li Mo brushing this 500-level World Tree copy may be faster than ordinary mythical-level copies. After all, mythical-level copies also need to be brushed up one by one with difficulty, level by level.

And this 500-level world tree copy is only 10 ancient mythological spirits with more than 500 levels. Equipment, all of them are mythical levels.

Career star, 9 stars.

Moreover, these ancient myths are very wise. And the combat ability is a top-level existence.

More importantly.

These ancient mythological spirits have thick blood bars. All of them are lord boss-level existences.

Even if it is 20 of the top 5-turn professionals of mankind, against 10 ancient mythological heroes, they will be tortured and killed. But after Li Mo went in.

The style of painting changed on the spot. Invincible taunted a pull.

The ancient Ying Ling took root in front of Li Mo on the spot, and he was madly output at Li Mo. Li Mo gradually released the invincible taunt.

Soon, the 10 ancient mythological heroes were all pulled by Li Mo.

And the 19 people who followed in, all rubbed their hands, thinking that they would also come to participate in this big battle. As a result, they were not needed at all.

Just like Li Mo said.

Come in and see the scenery, inside and outside the same view. Soon.

With the fall of 10 powerful ancient mythological spirits. The full proclamation of the mythical copy of the human territory, sweeping the territory.

【Notice of the Territory of All Mankind】

[White God Guild, conquer the 500-level world tree quest depth 1, officially opening the world roots. ] 】

[White God Guild, conquer the 500-level world tree quest depth 1, officially opening the world roots. ] 】

[White God Guild, conquer the 500-level world tree quest depth 1, officially opening the world roots. ] 】

With the vast territory announcement.

Looking at this announcement that is different from before, many people can’t help but take a look at it more.


“Groove! World Tree Mythical Copy! ”

A professional who was brushing the book exclaimed.

“Surprised by a hammer? Did you become human on the first day? ”

“Lord Li Mo brushes the copy of the myth, just like you go to the kiln, you can go if you want, what is the surprise.”

“I remember the level 500 World Tree copy, didn’t it open up a long time ago, how did it open?”

“You kid brushed the mythological book too much, brush yourself out!”

“Before the pioneers were all mythological copies, as if there was a copy of some tree, which is a bit similar to the name of the world tree.”

“Oh, this way! That’s all right! ”

“Keep brushing!”

Before, there were too many similar announcements.

People have long been immune to such so-called major events “all of humanity will be proclamated”. After many people pay attention to it, they all do their own thing.

Quests should be brushed, equipment should be strengthened to craft, upgrade Dan, experience reserve, net victory materials, career framework cultivation, etc. Now, every human being is busy, constantly becoming stronger and stronger.

With the official opening up of the 500-level World Tree replica. World Tree replica entry location.

Automatically condensed a “World Tree Root Pool”.

After that, the World Tree will produce roots, and humans only need to collect them here. If you build some energy magic arrays here and accelerate the extraction, it is also possible.

But when it comes to their own world tree roots, human professionals obviously don’t do this.


In just ten minutes, Li Mo completed the reclamation of this 500-level World Tree copy. Mankind has officially entered the World Tree Age!

It will also be a major turning point for a group from weak to strong. World Tree Copy One Pioneer.

The professional awakening within the group will raise a small level. One star will become less.

Two stars, three stars, will become a little more.

At the same time, four-star and five-star professionals will also have a higher probability of appearing. If the subsequent development of the 800-level world tree copy higher depth.

Then the occupational star ranks of the whole people will generally move upwards. At that time, really three-star four-star was everywhere.

Five stars and six stars are not rare. And now.

Five stars and six stars are all top professionals in human beings. Three stars, four stars, is the mainstay.

The World Tree replica is the core replica of all mankind in Fukuzawa.

It is also the core copy of the upper limit of human thousand-level professionals.

At the same time, human beings who provide for the roots of the world will be further protected by the gods. If in the future, humans have pioneered 800-level copies of the world tree.

Humans can even stay in the office department in the realm of the God Kingdom of the Chaos Star Domain and communicate directly with the gods of war. But now.

People are still far from it.

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