Chapter 59: [Invincible Bloodsource Pool].

A new mythical quest is out.

And it’s also a level 400 mythical copy.

This level, without a doubt, is the class where the main forces of the major groups are upgraded. At the same time, the resources produced are also the resources most needed by the market.

And the location of the Shattered Star Sea is the pivotal area of the territory of the five ethnic groups. Plus the gods here are in the neutral camp.

But anyone with a little brain can see the great advantages that the location of the Star God City-State can bring. The neutral camp does not exclude the entry of any professional.

In the future, the golden age of the sea of broken stars has brought. It may even be possible to leapfrog the Golden Age directly.

Enter countless worlds and want to enter the “chapter of the legendary era”. Ten in the afternoon.

Night has just fallen.

The entire Xingshen city-state, full of lights, gongs and drums, a joyful atmosphere. The taverns were full.

These professions under the influence of high-grade alcohol, inarticulate at every turn, will hissing and shout “great gods”

“Great Angel” and the like drew laughter and loud echoes from the crowd.

And at this time.

Inside the Star God Palace.

The star god also put down the posture of the gods.

The presidents, vice presidents, core professionals, and god envoy Li Mo, as well as the thousand-level powerhouse Dragon Drink, were invited to a warm dinner reception.

Between the interlacing, it is natural to avoid all kinds of fragrant scenes.

In just a few moments, at least five beautiful women with beautiful looks fell drunk in Li Mo’s arms. Many guild leaders also took the opportunity to gift Li Mo a lot of resources.

And these resources are all life recovery materials that Li Mo needs. These guilds also have some resources at the bottom of the box.

The core copy of the Shattered Star Sea is not just a Shattered Star.

In the other two more distant areas, there are also core replicas, but not at great depth. If Li Mo is willing, he can go over and carry out deep land reclamation.

And as far as Li Mo’s performance is concerned, this is probably also a show of hands. And it’s still a level 400 copy.

More advanced core depth, there are also 500 levels, 600 levels, 700 levels, 300 levels, and so on. Usually, a single copy of the myth is already enough.

The same copy of the double myth, that effect is naturally more.

If it is a copy of the Three Myths, the effect is so strong that it cannot be described in words.

Although the depth of many mythological copies is reclamation, the probability is that it is a PY transaction between the gods and the gods. But it doesn’t prevent them from adding oil and vinegar to the side.

The more copies God makes open up, the more they will sell copies in the future, which will be a huge income.

The carnival of several days gradually came to an end.

Many professionals began to work on the next copy of 820 successively.

Mythical quests, legendary equipment, and epic equipment await them.

Faced with this kind of copy that even exists for mythical equipment, every professional is full of energy. No matter how bad it is, there are still legendary equipment, and the dark gold suits are also promising.

What’s more, every round of large group copies is a lot of resources, which is enough for the professionals of the group to earn a lot of money. Li Mo cleared the land to a depth of 15 broken stars.

Got a piece of mythical equipment.

It is a level 420 [Star God Staff]. Just look at the name to know who this equipment is suitable for.

Li Mo was also not stingy, and directly dedicated himself to the great star god at the party on the night of the land reclamation. If there is any god raider system or the like, this mythical equipment is offered.

Maybe you will get the prompt of the system, open the strategy of the great goddess and so on. Begin to enter the right path of the Star God City-State.

Star God began his own careful repair of the mother source meteorite.

Long Drink and the leaders of several major guilds in the Shattered Star Sea conducted round after round of consultation and cooperation. Other races may not be able to eat the dividends of the Broken Star Quest.

But what identity is Li Mo.

Therefore, the dragon drink naturally needs to eat the dividends of the broken star mythical copy to the greatest extent. With Li Mo’s instruction, and the goddess’s instructions that “everything is subject to the dragon drink”.

Dragon Drink can be regarded as eating several major leaders of the Star God City-State these days. The Stargod City-State began to operate efficiently.

After Li Mo collected many resources.

Also today, he officially entered the secret room of the gods and began the construction of his own [Blood Source Pool].

Deep in the Chamber of Secrets.

Li Mo sat down quietly.

Construction of the Bloodborne Pool.

For meat professionals, it is also a step of strategic significance.

Theoretically, [Blood Pool] can have the limit blood bar of the professional’s own characteristics. In other words, a perfectly cultivated [Bloodsource Pool] can make the Meat Shield Professional’s HP *2. Of course, Li Mo can increase his [Invincible Blood Source Pool] HP without upper limit. But that doesn’t make much sense.

Li Mo’s own characteristics of increasing health when he is injured are fierce. It doesn’t make much sense to consume resources and increase the life limit.

On the contrary, let the Blood Source Pool fully exert its invincible blood recovery characteristics. That’s the right way to open.

When he began refining the [Bloodborne Star Crystal].

Li Mo successively put mother source meteorites into it.

Although the parent source meteorite body is hard, it cannot support the decomposition characteristics of the system on the material. The huge mother source spar was broken down by Li Mo into more than 60,000 points.

It’s just that with so many materials, Li Mo did not stimulate their blood return characteristics. Instead, it was used as the basic framework material for the [Bloodborne Pool].

At the same time, the treasure [Wounded Star Life Stone] obtained before was also integrated into the bloodsource pool as a core feature.

The three top-level treasures, the [Bloodsource Pool], obviously made Li Mo feel that his 12-star rank Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight career framework had increased a lot of depth and strength.

You know, now Li Mo’s career framework is already very strong.

These three treasures can also increase the strength of the class framework, which is already very powerful. Besides.

The unit of the mother source meteorite can also effectively increase Li Mo’s professional divinity. This was a bonus.

After the discovery of a mother source meteorite with a little divinity. Li Mo had two options.

First, stimulate divinity and increase one’s professional divinity. Second, as a material for restoring life, it purely increases one’s own life recovery.

Without thinking, Li Mo chose to stimulate the divinity. The strength of the divine nature, Li Mo is clear.

And the restoration of materials, this is not much?

Three kinds of treasures, plus such a large piece of mother source meteorite, which made Li Mo’s smelting timeline lengthen a lot. It took half a month for Li Mo to initially complete the construction of his blood source pool framework.

With the [Blood Pool] structure can be completed. The system tone is also coming.

“Ding! Build a [Bloodsource Pool] and automatically promote to [Invincible Bloodsource Pool]. 】

【Invincible Bloodsource Pool】”

Life: 2.6 million / 2.6 million.

Base Health Regeneration: 4200 points/sec. Special effect 1: Basic health recovery +300%.

Special effect 2: After bearing injuries, you can obtain a star life aura, and you can get ten layers in total. Each layer of Astral Aura increases the base health recovery by 50%.

“My own life recovery trait has also been added to the Invincible Bloodsource Pool.”

“The current base is 4200 points per second.”

“Special effect one, my life recovery reached 12,600 points.”

“After being beaten ten layers, that’s 33,600 per second.”

“I already have half the level of a single blood bar.”

Then Li Mo looked at the remaining mother source meteorite on his hand, and there were more than 20,000 copies.

“Keep it and slowly absorb the divinity in it! Although the amount is not much, mosquito legs are also meat, and the accumulation of divinity is not all at once, it needs to be accumulated slowly. ”

“Then next!”

Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“It’s about increasing the amount of health you recover.”

Taking a deep breath, Li Mo began to pour various materials into the Blood Source Pool to increase life recovery.

“Level 100 material, blue sea spar, a piece that can increase blood return by 0.2.”

“Level 200 material, blood essence, one piece can increase the return blood by 0.4.”

“A level 300 insect mother eyeball, liquid spirit spar, one piece can increase the blood return by 0.6.”

Li Mo put in the materials one by one.

Life recovery is permanently enhanced and endless, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, every second is in effect.

Therefore, the monomer effect is very slight. But this also complies with the attribute rules.

If a single blood return increases by more than ten or twenty, any individual can easily have thousands of blood return, with an additional percentage of base recovery.

That’s amazing.

At that time, everyone will be a meat shield old yinbi, if you can’t beat it, you will run, run a circle to recover your life and fight again. The real shield fights each other and belongs to yes.

But the reality is that even if you invest a huge amount of resources, you will not get too much health recovery. And the further back, the difficulty of increasing the blood return by 1 point is very high.

The recovery characteristics of the bloodborne pool are biased towards long-term time recovery. It’s not for professionals to fight injuries with life restoration.

Therefore, for the meat shield, the bloodsource pool is only used to increase the health bar, not to restore life. But at this time.

As Li Mo continued to invest in the material. The material properties are quickly absorbed perfectly.

When Li Mo invested thousands of materials.

The effect is still as much life recovery as you put in as much material.

“The characteristics of the [Invincible Bloodsource Pool] can perfectly accommodate an infinite number of materials, and then……… I can get an unlimited number of recovery features. ”

Even if this situation has been guessed before.

But when he really faced this unlimited recovery, Li Mo was still shocked. Although each input material grows relatively little.

But it’s cool to watch.

With a steady stream of resources.

Li Mo’s basic life recovery is also constantly improving. 5000 points/s.

8000 points/s.

2000 points/s.

6000 sec/point.

When Li Mo put all the materials on hand into it. Li Mo’s basic life recovery has reached 42,000 points per second. The normal state is 126,000 per second.

In a state full of injuries, that is 336,000 lives per second of recovery. During this period, Li Mo also tried to put in several maternal source meteorite blocks. The fast recovery effect of the parent source meteorite is amazing.

One has 16 health regeneration. More than 20,000 pieces were smashed in.

Li Mo’s basic health recovery can increase by 320,000 points per second on the spot. However, the difficulty of obtaining the life restoration material is not high, but under normal circumstances, this thing is not a necessary material.

Basically, there is not much demand, let alone reserves.

Now that Li Mo has spoken to Dragon Drink, let the human side also collect materials. The Star God City-State side also collects here.

It won’t be long.

Li Mo was able to obtain hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of basic life restorations. Plus 8x health regeneration for additional base.

Tens of millions of lives restored in a second are not a problem. Before.

Li Mo also needs to rely on the shield to maintain his invincible state. And now.

Cases where the borrowing system breaks the rule feature. When life returns strong enough.

Li Mo will usher in the invincibility of his life mechanism. Li Mo suffered a single injury, no more than 68,000.

If life is restored, there are 6.8 million.

Then if the enemy does not hit Li Mo 100 times a second. Then Li Mo is a completely invincible existence in mechanism. It is commonly known as “mechanism monster”.

Supporting the shield, invincible above the attribute level.

Life restoration, with a single health bar, invincible mechanically. Moreover, this mechanism is invincible and has growth characteristics.

It can be said that now Li Mo has all-round resistance in the face of various levels of depth damage. Disarmed, suppressed, seriously injured, etc., Li Mo is not afraid.

All-round features can help Li Mo face a variety of complex situations.

【Invincible Starry Sky Chaos Knight】【12 Star Ranks】

Level: 4 turns, 442 levels.

Blood Demon Pool Life: 2.6 million/2.6 million. Surface health bar: 1.2 billion/1.2 billion.

Core health bar: 286.5 billion / 286.5 billion. Life recovery: 42,000/sec.

Invincible Single Blood Bar: 46,200. Energy: 110,000/110,000.

Attacks: 86,000. Defense: 143,000 Strength: 66,000 Physique: 119,000 Agility: 33,000 Spirit: 99,000 [Talent]

Invincible Chaos Physique: LV10. Invincible Blood Demon Damage: LV7.

【Core Class Skill】Invincible Defense: LV10 level. Invincible Taunt: LV6 level. Invincible Overlord: LV8 level. Invincible Charge: LV6 level. Invincible Shield: LV4 level.

Before Li Mo opened the land alone, cleared several depths, and gave a lot of experience. Level increased to level 442.

The properties have been increased slightly.

With the level of the Invincible Shield increased to LV4. Li Mo’s single-cell health bar has also become less.

At most, one injury has changed from 6.8 to 4.62. This injury is based on the percentage of the basal blood bar.

The increase in skill level will reduce the value of the single health bar.

As Li Mo’s level increases, the increase in the basic blood volume will increase the amount of health in a single cell of blood bars. But on the whole, it is maintained within a certain range and will not change much.

As Li Mo came into contact with more and more things, the attribute framework system became thicker and more complicated. But in general, these attributes are Li Mo’s heritage and foundation.

The attributes of heavy responsibility and strong mechanism will not be easily restrained. If you are simply a high physical defense, someone else will be harmed by magic, and you will be restrained to death.

There is no special injury relief.

Other people’s epics, mythical equipment, special damage attached to equipment, continuous combat, you are not an opponent at all. You don’t have the ability to break the shield.

Other mages holding millions, tens of millions of shield values, twisting staffs, can hammer your head. The details of the attribute stacking of the major classes are very important.

For example. Aimed at high-level Hundred Burst Assassins.

Damage reduction is more effective than critical strike chance reduction.

Against warriors, physical damage reduction is full, and mages are also able to stand up for warriors.

Against arcane mages who like multi-stage damage, there is no fixed damage reduction number for percentage damage. Li Mo didn’t have to care too much about the details of restraining a single profession.

What Li Mo had to do was.

Defensively, the shield is invincible. In terms of mechanics, beaten invincible.

And! There is room for improvement in both. Such as “defensive stance” on the shield.

It is said that some thousand-level powerhouses, cultivating to a certain level, do not need equipment, and can enter a “defensive posture” with their strong bodies alone.

Take the flesh as a shield.

Li Mo obviously hasn’t reached that level yet.

Examining his attributes, Li Mo nodded with satisfaction.

At this stage, Li Mo can basically walk sideways in the human world.

“The Blood Demon Pool has been built, and the next step is to wait for the subsequent resources.”

“Hmm……… It’s almost time to visit the Star God wave. ”

“The little star cluster of the star god, I still remember!”

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