Chapter 58: [Mother Source Meteorite] from the Star.

After listening to Li Mo’s explanation, Xingshen’s brows stretched slightly after all.

“You can enter, and even, you can absorb the maternal characteristics inside.”

Star God said.

Li Mo did not ask too much about the maternal origin characteristics of extraterritorial meteorites, but asked: “Can it be repaired?” ”

“It can’t be repaired, but… There are other ways! ”

“What way?”

As Li Mo asked, the Star God took out a [Star Source Boundary Stone] that Li Mo had given him before.

“Send this thing in, I can reactivate the treasure and form an energy barrier.”

“Even, I can use the Star Source Boundary Stone to absorb that shattered barrier and rebuild the Mother Source Meteorite.”

Li Mo nodded.

“In that case, it will be easy to do, tomorrow, I will open up a mythical-level copy and enter the mother source meteorite by the way.”

“Completely repair this copy space.”

“At that time, this Shattered Star Replica Area can be regarded as a truly powerful mythical replica!”

Li Mo said lightly.

But Star God knows that things are not that simple. Parent source meteorites also have the characteristics of boundary barriers. It is far stronger than the outer boundary barriers.

However, Li Mo was even able to enter the barrier of many treasures. Perhaps, it can really penetrate the boundary barrier of the mother source meteorite. All along, it was because the mother source meteor was broken.

Her experience, as well as her divinity, is in a state of drain. When the level is low, it is not obvious.

But with the high level, the divinity is rich and abundant, and the experience required is massive. The rate of loss is very scary.

Even she could feel that when she reached more than 1,000 levels.

The speed at which you acquire divinity and experience will probably not be able to keep up with the speed of passage. Even now, the rate of loss is staggering.

And that’s why she’s upgrading so slowly. If Li Mo can really repair the mother source meteorite.

To her, that would be more important than any treasure!


The Broken Star replica recreates the original Montenegrin replica. The professional black pressure is pressed one piece.

And the reason is simple.

That is, the gods had previously announced that they would officially launch today.

The god envoy Li Mo wants to open up the mythical copy of the 400-level level of the Shattered Star Core Copy. And this grand occasion naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

Even the Terran side was paying close attention to the situation of the copy of the Shattered Star Sea.

This can be seen from the huge turmoil caused by the previous level 200 dungeon in the human world. The creation of mythical copies is absolutely strategic.

Once the Star Sea is broken, the mythical replica is developed.

The strategic value of the Shattered Star Sea, which arrived as a transportation hub for several major ethnic groups around it, has definitely skyrocketed. With the arrival of the star gods.

All the professionals saluted the gods. With the proclamation of the star god.

Li Mo led the team and began the official reclamation of the Shattered Star Core Copy 12 depth. Today’s Li Mo’s strength is stronger than before.

The same 100 people entered, 99 people hung up. Li Mo swiped the copy alone.

12 depths, 1 hour clearance.

3 depth, 1 hour clearance.

14 depth, still 1 hour clearance.

Li Mo frantically brushed the depth of the copy, and the announcement of clearing the level one after another was also notified by the star god of the entire broken star sea. This made the professionals of the Star God City-State naturally revel.

In the regional channel, everyone turned into salted fish shouting 666. 9999+ minutes Even if it is a star god, he is smiling when he sees this unprecedented centripetal force. The Star God City-State had come to an end before.

There is no way to go further. And now!

With Li Mo’s development, he is about to open up mythical replicas.

The Star God City-State, as well as the Shattered Star Sea, will usher in its own prosperous golden age. With the clearance of depth 14.

Then there’s depth 15.

The mythical copy of the Shattered Star Sea has been officially created.

With the official opening of the Broken Star Core Depth 15 copy.

Li Mo first asked everyone else to leave the team.

Alone in the copy, carrying a large number of Zerg outputs, Li Mo sent a call to the Star God.

“In just a few depths, I have found the crack vein.”

“I tried it and I could get in.”

“The higher the depth, the more obvious the crack effect.”

“This core is 15 deep, and the crack effect is already very good.”

“I’m ready to go in.”

“Well, I’ll immerse myself in it, pick up and guide you.”

Star God responded succinctly. Her core is within the mother source meteorite.

She naturally could go in. But it’s just a return to consciousness. You can’t bring anything in.

When Li Mo enters, he can enter with things. The two are completely different.

She entered, and could only dry watch.

When Li Mo goes in, he can both sabotage and construction. After Li Mo found the copy of the crack.

Directly open the invincible overlord and release the invincible charge. Li Mo smashed into it.

Compared to the previous energy barrier.

This copy crack is obviously easier to go deeper.

Ten minutes, with the guidance of the star god all the way. It made Li Mo take a lot of detours.

Accompany Li Mo through the narrow copy crack. The pressure suddenly relaxed.

Imprinted in front of you is a group of broken meteorites floating in the void of night. Li Mo knew that this should be the spatial depth location of the mother source meteorite smashed into.

If it was outside, it would have been collected by the strong long ago, and it would not be the turn of the star god to be bred. The main mother source meteorite was broken into three parts. It’s like three petals.

Each piece is hundreds of meters high and forty or fifty meters thick.

There are also about a dozen fragmented meteorites that are half the size of the main fracture.

And the size of the surrounding fragmented rooms, the size of human bodies, and smaller meteorites are very dense. Pick up a parent stone floating in front of you with one hand.

As soon as he started, Li Mo felt that this mother source meteorite had strong energy absorption and life recovery properties.

“No wonder when I said I could enter here, the star god stopped talking.”

“This is a perfect life energy restoration material!”

“If those mages know the situation here, why don’t they just empty this place?”

“Of course, they can’t get in either.”

“It is estimated that the Star God is also afraid that I will collect this mother source meteorite body as my recovery material.”

“So many mother source meteorites, all stored, forehead drops obedient……… Don’t restore tens of millions of HP in a second? ”

“Combined with the restoration characteristics of the additional attribute blessing.”

“How many hundred million a second?”

Immediately, Li Mo held a palm-sized meteorite block.

With the storage, Li Mo felt a great resistance characteristic. I can’t receive my storage ring at all.

“I don’t believe it.”

Immediately hugging a meteorite as big as his own, the invincible charge suddenly broke out. As a result, Li Mo rushed for a long time, rushed lonely, and the meteorite did not move.

“It shouldn’t be!”

“Could it be that an object that does not have the characteristics of attribute life cannot act on the rules of collision?”

“But this thing also has properties!”

Just when Li Mo was puzzled.

“These are all part of the mother source meteorite body.”

At the very core, the projection of the star god emerged.

“If you look closely, you’ll see that they’re all fixed in a fixed position.”

“Slowly spinning.”

“The mother source meteorite has been integrated with this deep space.”

“They’re part of the space.”

“You can’t take it.”

“It’s a pity!”

Li Mo shook his head and sighed.

Treasures are treasures, but the characteristics are more peculiar, and they can’t be shaken by themselves. After all, this is a treasure that gives birth to the gods.

It is even the core treasure that has opened up a whole new world in the Great Territory.

“Something for you.”

Saying that, Li Mo threw a ring towards the core area.

This is the resource specially prepared by Star God yesterday for Li Mo to bring in. The star god projection converges and accepts the ring.

Watch the treasure enter your very core area.

Even the star god who was a god couldn’t help but stir in his heart. Treasures are called treasures when they are used in the right place.

Where it is not used correctly, it is unusable rubble. And [Star Source Boundary Stone].

It is to rebuild the mother source meteorite, the most perfect treasure. With the release of the [Star Source Boundary Stone].

Put a lot of material into it.

Star God immediately began the construction of the mother source meteorite.

After completing the construction of the mother source meteorite, then, the Shattered Star Sea is really going to change the sky. And she is about to transform.

Unwillingly, Li Mo found a few more floating meteorites to try.

It is said that the size of a person, even the size of a little finger, seems to be welded. Li Mo couldn’t be shaken at all.

“Don’t move, leave!”

Li Mo left without turning his head.

Just when Li Mo was about to retreat into the crack and return to the copy space.

“Slow down!”

Star God suddenly spoke at this time.

“What’s going on?”

Li Mo turned around.

“I’ve become a hard worker.”

“Could it be that you still want me to help you repair this mother source meteorite?”

“You really want this meteorite block?”

Star God slowly spoke.

“This thing is quite good, I want to stay a little and enhance my bloodsource pool.”

Li Mo replied crisply.

“Do you have a way?”


With Star God’s answer, Li Mo suddenly jumped up.

“There is a way why didn’t you say it earlier.”

“It took me a lot of effort to be white.”

Examining Li Mo’s heartless appearance. Star God was really afraid of Li Mo before.

After all, entering here, Li Mona can really destroy her. Even absorb her divinity, roots, and become a true one-by-one pseudo-god! But Li Mo didn’t mean that at all.

Obviously, Li Mo really intends to cooperate with her, and even help and support her. The hatred for Li Mo in her heart also went to seven seven eight eight.

Since Li Mo showed sincerity.

She naturally wouldn’t let Li Mo return empty-handed.

“These mother source meteorites will all be my Kingdom of God materials in the future.”

“Taking some of it will also cause some damage to me.”

“However, since it is a collaborator.”

“I’m not a stingy person either.”

“I can give you some.”

“You are not a stingy person, the treasure of the broken star sea, you guard it more closely than anyone.”

Li Mo muttered secretly in his heart.

Since the other party wanted to give it, Li Mo naturally would not refuse such a good treasure.

“Hmm……… How about this piece? ”

Li Mo, who flew over, patted a large stone next to him and said.

“What do you say!”

Star God asked rhetorically.

Li Mo raised his head, and the big stone he shot was exactly three core fragments that were 100 meters large.

“Huh……… I think you definitely don’t want to. ”

“How’s this piece?”

Li Mo looked for it and patted another piece. Star God turned a blind eye.

Apparently again disagreed.

However, the piece that Li Mo photographed was a giant stone of more than fifty meters, with a quarter of the core fragment and a third the size.

“This piece is okay! It couldn’t be any smaller. ”

This time, Li Mo photographed a huge stone the size of a room, almost five or six meters in diameter, inclined to a sphere. Sphere units, which may not look large on the outside, but mention tends to be the largest.

“That unit of volume the size of a bed next to you is enough.”

“Such a big piece, can you digest so much?”

At this time, the star god asked instead. There is also a cap on life recovery.

Seven or eight thousand a second, tens of thousands of lives are restored, and for human professionals, it is heavenly. After all, humans are a little bit bigger.

In the future, the massive amount of resources will increase a small number of points to recover. Li Mo took so much is a complete waste.

Moreover, just relying on those ordinary resources outside, it was easy enough for Li Mo to reach the limit of human recovery ability. She’s not stingy.

It’s that Li Mo really doesn’t need that much.

“I’m different from ordinary people, the more resources this kind of resources, the better!”

Li Mo said.

“Is more better?”

His eyes condensed slightly. After all, he nodded.

“This one, yes.”

Look at the huge stone in front of you with a diameter of five or six meters.

Li Mo estimated that he could bring him fifty or sixty thousand life recoveries. And.

This treasure serves as the core material of the Bloodborne Pool. Maximizes the characteristics of the blood pool.

Ordinary materials, on the other hand, can only increase the ability to restore life and cannot increase the strength of the bloodborne pool frame. The recovery characteristics of the bloodsource pool will also be restrained by the “serious injury” attribute.

With this treasure as the base.

Li Mo’s recovery ability is not easily restrained by “serious injuries”.

With the help of the Star God, this time Li Mo collected it again, which was different from before. Use the abilities of the star god as a rocker.

Li Mo directly pocketed this huge rock with a diameter of five or six meters.

Such a large piece of gemstone was enough for Li Mo to create his bloodsource pool into a solid soup.

“Okay, I’m going out to continue clearing the land.”

Immediately, Li Mo waved his hand to leave, and then opened the Invincible Overlord Invincible Charge, burrowed into the deep space crack, and walked towards the location of the copy.

Watch Li Mo’s figure disappear into the depths. Star God, this is a long sigh of relief.

Although she is more apprehensive in her heart.

Afraid that Li Mo would kill her. But Li Mo did not do that.

There is no doubt that this Li Mo is already a reliable partner, and even an ally. Immediately, his mind looked at the large amount of rubble around him.

A smile gradually appeared on his cheeks.

“Once this place is repaired, my kingdom of God is built.”

“Then I can quickly level up and become a powerful deity.”

More than an hour later. Outside the Broken Star Core Area.

A notice from the entire territory of the Shattered Star Sea from the gods resounded throughout the world.

[Broken Star Sea Territory Announcement! ] 】

[Star God Guild team, conquer the 400-level core copy of the Broken Star Nest, the epic copy of the Broken Star Nest, and officially promote to the mythical copy of the Broken Star Nest! ] 】

[Star God Guild team, conquer the 400-level core copy of the Broken Star Nest, the epic copy of the Broken Star Nest, and officially promote to the mythical copy of the Broken Star Nest! ] 】

[Star God Guild team, conquer the 400-level core copy of the Broken Star Nest, the epic copy of the Broken Star Nest, and officially promote to the mythical copy of the Broken Star Nest! ] 】

Region-wide announcements.

With the vast text atmosphere, it occupies the vision of professionals.

And the announcement of the vast divine voice is like the thunder of the sky, which makes people deafening. And at this time.

Humans who pay attention to the situation of the Shattered Star Sea, as well as many other alien races. They also learned the situation at the first time.

Broken Star Sea!

After humans, mythical copies were also pioneered. This is undoubtedly another list of events of great magnitude. A huge event that changed the strategic pattern of the Shattered Star Sea.

Different territories, different lows, different quest levels. And the creator is the same person.

To inspire humanity and to see it as human hope.

Hatred by foreign races, who want to get rid of it quickly–Li Mo!.

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