All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 94 Epilogue: Utopian Qin, Another Form Of Legalism

The dusk casts a layer of glow on the riverside, and the lake light illuminates Gucheng in the south.

The cheerful greetings of Zhongshan people.

In the ancient city that gradually returned to calm, there were one after another.

Lu Yunyi sat at the highest point on the tower.

Overlooking Gucheng from top to bottom.

He stared at the dim candles that were lit one after another, his eyes gradually blurred.

He won't be able to stay here any longer.

[Reminder from the era of national lords, dear lord, your SSS level tempering copy is about to end. 】

【Do you want to return immediately for settlement? 】

[This settlement will be graded based on the historical impact of the lord and unit on the copy. 】


After Lu Yun finished speaking, he fainted.

In the nameless land of Zhongshan Kingdom, the souls of the floating heavenly soldiers and feather guards quickly returned to the main plane of reality.

[Zhongtian Ziwei] The destiny takes effect.

[You will witness with your own eyes the impact you will have on the evolution of future copies. 】

[This evolution is intercepted, and the highest historical impact of the copy is used as the basis for rating. 】

Scenes of the epitome of the dungeon's history quickly passed before Lu Yun's eyes.

He saw the fall of Zhongshan Kingdom.

The exhausted Mr. Dongguo joined hands with Mr. Heng and escaped into the Taihang Mountains without missing a trace.

Some years later.

Tianzhou officially crowned the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao, and Wei as kings, and Tianzhou's humane laws collapsed at this moment.

The collapse of Tianzhou's fortune gave birth to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The collapse of humanitarian law.

The glory of the Warring States period was pushed to another peak. On the bright and vast land of China, batches of heroes emerged one after another.

Three of the collapsed [Dharma Sutra] streams fell on the Qin State, and one fell on an old woman.

Until one day.

The long-dormant State of Qin came out from the east, and an extremely majestic emperor appeared, sweeping the six kingdoms step by step and unifying the world.

"Immortal level copy, what's going on?"

When Lu Yun saw this, the copy evolution was not over yet, and he was stunned.

The last special secret realm copy of [Duozi Temple] did not have these at all.

Until the copy evolution speed reaches the extreme at this time.

Lu Yun faintly heard some sounds.

"External Confucianism and internal Dharma, the ink craftsman strengthens his skills and complements them with Tao."

"Hundreds of years ago, King Zhongshan's idea of ​​governing the country was in line with my wishes, so he passed on the order and promulgated it as the national policy of the Qin Dynasty."

"Those people have never stood on my high ground, how can they understand the scenery in my eyes?"

"How dare you judge my achievements."

"Unification of the six worlds, eternal prosperity for all eternity!"

Then there was a flash of light.

Lu Yun saw a fragment of another distant era.

The whole person was stunned.

The early invention of movable type printing and papermaking, coupled with the concept of governing the country by a hundred schools of thought passed down by him, led to the establishment of Sun Yat-sen University.

The butterfly effect caused is getting bigger and bigger.

[The territory of the Qin Dynasty went from the original land of Kyushu to unifying the ancient earth and stars, and then expanded towards the galaxy in all directions]

[At this time, Da Qin is carrying out interstellar pioneering in galaxies outside the solar system]

Qin Li 2289.

On a certain pioneer planet.

With a Mohist warship that is thousands of kilometers away as the center, the radiation affects the surrounding planets.

Build smaller versions of Da Qin's [Humane Law Ban].

"The era of great interstellar pioneering begins in its 100th year."

"Great Qin's fleet has been traveling in the black abyss of the universe for eight hundred years, but has been unable to find any trace of the immortals."


The Zhongshan robot wiped the knowledge points on the blackboard and patiently explained the knowledge issued by the institute.

It misses the days when it was in Xianyangxing, the capital of Qin Dynasty.

Qin people living there.

You only need to instill the rules and Tao of famous masters, and you can quickly master the corresponding knowledge system.

This damn bitter cold place.

The Qin official responsible for the exploration mission this time did not even allow robots like them to abuse the Tao and rules of the masters.

Unauthorized use of the power of famous people.

The knowledge of the Qin people instilled in these pioneering planets will consume the human power of the [Moji Battleship].

"The Mohist Research Institute and the Public Loser Research Institute continue to send pioneer warships one after another to search for planets where [Myth Source] exists."

Under the podium.

On this planet, several generations of Qin children have eagerly absorbed the knowledge taught by robots.

"Mr. Zhongshan, why does the institute continue to develop new fields?"

"What is the source of mythology?"

There was a pause.

The Zhongshan robot's thinking was stuck for a moment. The Mozi battleship's humane and law-forbidden power occasionally produced some signal fluctuations.

This pioneer planet.

The second-level humane law prohibition built by the [Tai'a Sword], which is located countless galaxies away from Great Qin, is too far away.

The signal is intermittent.

The children who were listening to the class conscientiously under the podium were noisy and wanted to understand the cause of the matter.


The Zhongshan robot had no choice but to use a weak force prohibited by humane laws.

Perform a small spell for twenty minutes on the noisy children below.

“I want to understand the origins of the pioneer era.”

"It starts with a change in Xianyang eight hundred years ago."

The Zhongshan robot had a look of fear on its face.

Eight hundred years ago.

Chaos broke out on the long-peaceful home planet of Qin, and the power of the humane laws was suddenly greatly weakened.

The power of Qin's [Legalist Iron Law] weakened along with it.

Many of the imprisoned Taoist criminals immediately escaped from the [Heavenly Prison] and violated the laws of the Qin Dynasty unscrupulously.

Although he was quickly suppressed by the Qin officials from [Black Ice Platform].


The reason for the sudden weakening of the humanitarian law made all civil and military officials in the entire Great Qin Empire feel uneasy.


They felt that the aura within the territory of Great Qin was gradually weakening with the fluctuations of humane laws and regulations.

It seems like we are about to enter the legendary apocalyptic era.

All of Da Qin's current knowledge systems are based on the aura formed by the [Humane Law Ban].

The rise and fall of the spiritual energy tide will affect every aspect of the Qin Empire.

"The power of humane laws and regulations maintains the spiritual energy from further decline."

"If we want to supplement the power of the humane laws and regulations, we can only continue to multiply the number of Qin people and maintain a huge base of underlying beliefs."

The Zhongshan robot explained.

Each of the children under the podium seemed to want to open their mouths to say something, but their mouths were blocked by magic and they could not sob.

"I know what you want to say."

Zhongshan Robot sighed.

"The more people reproduce, the greater the consumption of the empire's spiritual energy. This is an unavoidable vicious cycle."

"So now, it's the focus of this lesson."

"The source of myth."

The Zhongshan robot tapped the four Qin seal characters on the blackboard and humanely daubed the key marks.

The poisonous tongues of the two suns outside the window licked the window.

The living environment of the pioneer planet is far worse than imagined.

"Actually, it was a word that His Majesty the First Emperor heard when he went to see the great wizard Dongguo."

The Zhongshan robot smiled and began to explain.

Until 1,800 years ago, all information about Dongguo were top-secret documents of the Qin Dynasty.


As time goes by, the real history gradually becomes distorted, making it difficult for future generations to understand the original appearance at that time.

"I don't know what the great witch means either."

"I only know that in order to commemorate Mr. Dongguo, the empire specially rushed to produce a batch of Zhongshan robots."

Zhongshan glanced at the silent classroom and unlocked the children's silence spell.

The classroom was once again buzzing with excitement.

"I know, I know Mr. Dongguo's story."

"My mother told me that he is not a great witch, he is the Prime Minister of Zhongshan Kingdom."

A child named Ying Heng raised his hand to answer.

Ying and Zhao are national surnames and are the most common surnames in Da Qin.

In the classroom, Qin Min's children laughed together. Can the teacher's words be wrong?

This Yingheng always said that his ancestors had the Yi family.

My ancestor was once an ancient Zhongshan shaman.

Surnames and surnames are a thing of the distant past.

Children on pioneer planets don't understand the difference.

The Zhongshan robot glanced at the children rushing to answer, smiled perfunctorily, and continued to explain Dongguo's story.

"Before the Qin Dynasty was established, the ancient Xianyang star once..."

Zhongshan Robot doesn’t know how to explain it.

Thousands of years have passed since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and it is undoubtedly as far away from today as a legend.

Although the incident of "burning books and entrapping Confucians" did not happen again in Da Qin.

Famous scholars and legalists put forward another, more terrifying concept.

All history can be rewritten many times by [famous masters]. As long as His Majesty needs it, it can be wiped clean and rewritten at any time.

Once the act of changing history is completed.

It is impossible to prove that anything has been tampered with.

Just like [Famous Scholars] replaced the ancient schools of thought [Historians].

The past has been tampered with, the present has been rewritten, and the future has become history.

History and materials that are not in line with the glorious history of Qin have been tampered with dozens, even hundreds, of times.

But their file dates are original.


Everything His Majesty the First Emperor did was correct.

His database only records the history of Qin.

The history going forward is blank, and the Zhongshan robot desperately searched for the knowledge recorded in the database.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period?

Tianzhou Shenshang and the unification of the seven kingdoms?

None of these false histories exist. Only the Qin Empire has existed forever and is immortal in the world.

The robot finally found a little bit in the nook and cranny.

Knowledge about Zhongshan Kingdom.

"Great witch is said to be a position used by humans to communicate with gods in distant times."

"Zhongshan State is the inherent territory of Qin State."

"Probably on a certain ocean on the current Xianyang planet."

"Historical records record that the great wizard Dongguo was one of the earliest scholars to follow His Majesty the First Emperor in the academy."

The Zhongshan robot kept telling a strange and ancient story.

Qin history records.

Dongguo, the great witch, is an old man who communicates with the gods. He has a life span of 800 years.

It is said that the national policies of His Majesty the First Emperor were all based on the knowledge of this strange man.

As for which god is communicating.

The Zhongshan robot head was down, and there was no record of it in the database.

[The name of God must not be revealed, and those who violate it will immediately self-immolate. 】

The Zhongshan robot wiped his face in embarrassment, bypassed the topic, and continued to speak.

"The source of myth refers to the consciousness of every planet."

"When there is a consciousness similar to human beings on a planet, it means that the planet has mining value."

"The empire's Hangu Pass base will send the nearest monks to move the planet and capture it back to Xianyang Star."

The kids down there have big mouths.

It was hard for them to imagine what kind of monk could move a planet back to the world.

"But my mother told me that there are many things in Zhongshan Kingdom."

Ying Heng spoke aggrievedly.

The Zhongshan robot cast a silence spell, which landed accurately on Ying Heng's head.

He looked at the Qin Min child with pity in his eyes.

These children should not be exposed to this knowledge in the first place.

If it weren't for the kindness of Emperor Fusu, the children of the pioneer planet would not even be qualified to receive education.

These pioneers.

It is just a tool used by Great Qin to fill the barbaric planet, stimulate the birth of planetary consciousness, and protect the [Humanitarian Law Ban] from further decline.

Great interstellar pioneering.

It's just a whitewashed and falsely packaged lie.


"My last word to you is, don't tell anyone that you know anything other than the history of Qin."

"Except for the knowledge within the Da Qin orthodox system, it is all fallacious and full of lies."

The Zhongshan robot solemnly warned the children below.

Every child was so frightened that they fell into silence.

They have never seen the Zhongshan robot so serious.

At this time.

Ying Heng suddenly remembered that his family had always warned him not to talk nonsense about this knowledge.

Ying Heng nodded fearfully and did not dare to say a word.

"Okay kids, get out of class is over."

Zhongshan Robot took a look and saw the dark night outside the window, and the two suns had already set.

at this time.

Outside the classroom door, three Qin officials came over and greeted Teacher Zhongshan.


"The knowledge he just imparted was imparted to me by me. The Mohist Research Institute is currently trying to unblock some of the information."

"The child is innocent."

Zhongshan Robot stepped forward to protect Ying Heng and stopped the three Legalist Qin officials who wanted to take him away.

The Legalists of the Qin Dynasty did not have their status shaken due to the First Emperor's national policies.

[External Confucianism and internal Dharma, the ink craftsman strengthens his skills and helps them with Taoism]

Quite the opposite.

The Legalists of the Qin State learned the lessons of the demise of the Legalists of the Wei State and changed the policy of cruelty and high pressure.

Colonies of major galaxies.

The significance of Legalism's existence is not felt at all, except that "a few" people who disobey Qin's laws occasionally disappear.

Those who have come into contact with people outside the Daqin knowledge system.

Without exception they will disappear.

The traces of his existence, the information, everything will be rewritten by the monks and connected into the core of the Daqin database [Dharma Scripture].

Legalist Qin officials were responsible for erasing, revising, and correcting the history of Qin.

"Since it is the knowledge imparted by Teacher Zhongshan, it is naturally correct and reasonable."

The three Qin officials did not continue to argue, smiled and said hello, turned and left.

"Teacher Zhongshan, why is Daqin looking for the source of mythology?"

Ying Heng stared with big eyes, feeling the cold chest of the Zhongshan robot.

Children's curiosity is endless.

He asked subconsciously.

Zhongshan Robot hesitated for a moment, but chose to tell him this knowledge.

Planetary consciousness not only stimulates the birth of spiritual energy, but also has the effect of prolonging life.

"As for that."

“Searching for the real reason for the source of myth.”

"Because our beloved His Majesty the First Emperor is about to lose his strength."

Yingheng opened his mouth wide.

The god who created a great country.

Will there ever be a day when we can no longer sustain aging?

Teacher Zhongshan watched Ying Heng leave the classroom and sighed silently in his heart.

The person who was targeted by the Legalist Qin officials.

It doesn't matter whether you tell them this secret knowledge or not.

They don't care whether you are really wronged or fake.

[Everything has disappeared in the fog, the past has been cleared, and lies have become facts. 】

[Congratulations on changing the course of the dungeon world]

[The wheel of copy history has been abruptly changed to another track by you. 】

[You personally created a utopian Legalist Qin civilization]

[Since then, the long river of history has been blurred, and the boundaries between the past and the future have gradually blurred. 】

[But this form of unification of the world. 】

[Are those people who are willing to sacrifice their lives really willing to get what they want? 】

(This is the end of the copy of the Zhongshan volume. In fact, it feels like a short story about imagination, so let’s spread the flowers~)

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