All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 93 The God Of Wu Gong, The God Of The Last World

Lu Yun was still moving forward slowly.

The 100,000 Wei troops surrounding him were like frozen statues, motionless.

The ram followed Lu Yun in a trembling manner.


Ten thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, riding on Heavenly Horses, wantonly unleashed the power of thunder.

One hundred thousand stationary Wei troops fell in rows.

The illusory and powerful army disappeared on the vast battlefield, leaving no trace behind.

A bloody cloud of soldiers and blood.

Under the thunderous power of the commander of the heavenly soldiers, the blood cloud gathered by the general military force turned directly into powder.

Fixed in time at the moment of destruction.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Lu Yun will not let go of [Soul-Calling Banner] to collect souls and accumulate copies of [Baggage Value].

Wait until the copy is settled.

Maybe you can exchange it for some good stuff.

"King of Zhongshan Kingdom, why don't you kill me too?"

"The entire Wei army was defeated in Zhongshan."

"I can't survive if I go back."

Gongyang Gao had a sad face, his heart was shaking, and he had the courage to say this.

Gongyang looked at the overwhelming number of fallen troops around him. While he was frightened, he became more and more desperate.

One hundred thousand people died on the battlefield.

Why can you survive alone?

"Soldiers should die in the fields."

"Why do you need to wrap your body in horse leather?"

Lu Yun did not turn around and continued walking on the battlefield.

He somewhat despised Gong Yang's tall personality.

If Gong Yanggao were to be the Prime Minister, there would be no need to worry about whether the other party would die.

As Lu Yun moves forward.

Time and space around the battlefield continue to stand still,

at this time.

Gongyang Gao finally discovered some clues.

Lu Yun's body is pulling the Qi of the Seven Cities of Zhongshan, the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, and even the stars in the sky are lending him power.

Lu Yun in the Nascent Soul stage.

Relying on the Zhongtian Yulong Tiandi Sutra, the three major martial arts and magical powers, and the help of the stars in the sky.

It can be temporarily stationary for thousands of miles.

Immediately afterwards.

Finger-thick thunderbolts rained down from the sky, knocking the ram unconscious as it lost its fighting spirit.

before losing consciousness.

Gongyang Gao was secretly glad that he did not go back unscathed and that he could still do business.

A few minutes later.

The battlefield that was thousands of miles around was at a standstill, and the flow of time was restored.

Tens of thousands of Wei banners are still ringing.

Thousands of Wei soldiers died under the unparalleled attack of the heavenly soldiers and feather guards, and none of them died with their eyes closed.

The eyes of the surviving Wei army were a little confused.

who I am.

where am I.

What's happening now.

Soon the battlefield fell into commotion.

The sergeants of the Wei army did not understand why.

the moment before.

The overwhelming power of the Wei army was about to complete the attack on the city.

next moment.

Instead, familiar faces fell down one after another around him.

This kind of unexplained death.

Even the most well-trained soldiers will feel fear.

The yellow sand rising all over the sky slowly fell to the ground.

Destroyed by the thunder of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, the blood cloud condensed by the general military power turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

The Zhongshan Army, which pretended to have the courage to go out of the city to fight, was overwhelming and destroyed the surviving Wei troops on the battlefield.

"Don't break the Wei army!"

"Swear not to turn back!"

The sound of people boiling and horses neighing could be heard on the battlefield, and the armies of the two countries were fighting hand to hand.

The offensive and defensive armies soon fell into a fierce battle.

The sky was originally clear and clear.

at this time.

It was terribly dark.

The sun was shining brightly one moment ago.

Now the sky is as dark as late at night.

There are constant figures of heavenly soldiers above, riding tall horses, forming an absolute crushing force on the Wei army on the ground.

Under the premise that there are no Confucian supernatural powers and powerful military strategists.

These Wei troops.

How could he defeat the mythical heavenly soldiers?

"The Dharma Sutra... the Dharma Sutra is broken."

"The Dharma Sutra that condenses the power of the Legalist Way is broken."

Wu Qi, who was struggling to wake up, stared blankly at his arms, which was empty.

The whole person was shaking on the horse.

He was the one who founded Legalism together with Li Kui.

Wu Qi knows best how terrifying the power of the [Dharma Sutra] is.

This kind of weapon of enlightenment cannot be broken by monks in the transformation stage. In the future, it can even be used as an immortal weapon for members of the Dharma family to become immortals.

This kind of future fairy.

He actually fell into pieces and disappeared without a trace while fighting against a small vassal country!

"Da Wei...the situation is over."

Listening to the noisy sound of people and horses neighing in my ears.

Wu Qi understood that Wei had failed in this battle.

The battle that determined the national destiny of both sides came to an end.


The Wei State may fall into a state of collapse from now on.

"The unification of China has failed. Wei has lost the qualification to compete in the Central Plains."

"Can heaven have mercy on me, Da Wei?"

Wu Qi closed his eyes tightly and looked pale.

Lu Yun stood under the horse and stopped moving forward.

Except for the local area where Wu Qi was, time around the battlefield came to a standstill again.

at this time.

Wu Qi's ears were so silent that he could hear a needle drop.

Lu Yun's footsteps caused Wu Qi's reaction. He tilted his head slightly and opened his eyes.

"It's you……"

"The King of Zhongshan Kingdom."

Wu Qi wanted to activate the magical powers of legalists and military strategists.

But before he could take action.

Lu Yun directly used the big hand of the stars to gather, pressed his neck, and got away from the horse.

Wu Qi blushed, and the familiar feeling of suffocation emerged.

His eyes were wide open, with a look of fear and disbelief.

Wu Qi wanted to resist, but these big hands were as bright and solid as a country's destiny.

Great terror, great majesty!

Wu Qi tried his best, but he couldn't break free.

"See you next time."

"Remember to follow the others."

Lu Yun waved his hand.

The powerful hands of divine power gathered in the sky directly threw Wu Qi away, and ferocious ravines were smashed into the ground.

Wu Qi's eyes were choked by the dust rising all over the sky.


Wu Qi's face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood stasis caused by the misalignment of his lungs.

The war horse beneath him froze in mid-air, motionless.

This bizarre and bizarre illusion prevented him from coming back to his senses for a long time.


Lu Yun stepped into the air, and the clouds generated their own energy, moving against the wind, and his figure disappeared on the horizon.

There seemed to be thousands of stars following around him, illuminating people so hard that they could hardly keep their eyes open.

"Who are you, the king of Zhongshan Kingdom..."

"He is still the god of Zhongshan Kingdom."

Wu Qi looked horrified, looking at the time flowing around him again, the familiar noisy sound of people boiling and horses neighing.

here we go again!

Is the culprit behind all this happening around him turned out to be the king of Zhongshan Kingdom? !

"Do you want to do something with you?"

Wu Qi lowered his head and did not answer in a hurry.

The fighting on the battlefield gradually came to an end.

The power of the great scholar of the Wei State was forcibly deprived in this static area condensed by Lu Yun.

Not to mention the power of Legalist practitioners.

The Taoist tools at the core of the Taoist tradition were shattered.

Their power naturally plummeted, and the power of Legalism, together with the decline of Wei's national destiny, collapsed.

【November 408 BC. 】

The historians who followed Zhongshan's army on the city wall wrote like gods, crazily recording the scene that happened on the battlefield.

[In the sixth year of Duke Wu of Zhongshan, Duke Wu led an army of 10,000 men and fought in seven cities. The Wei army was defeated. 】

Think about it.

Historian Yan Guan erased all the words in the previous column and changed it to.

[Wu Gong went out of the city alone and defeated 100,000 Wei soldiers. He captured the Wei general Wu Qi and sent him away. He defeated him in Zhongshan. 】

[The god of Wu Gong, the god of the past world. 】

"I'll wait to see the king."

All the people in the Zhongshan Kingdom on the city wall had enthusiastic eyes and bowed down to the returning Lu Yun with sincerity.

"It's almost over."

Lu Yun muttered to himself as he watched the last month's copy countdown.

At first.

Limited by the upper level limit of the dungeon troop tempering.

He could only find another way to find another way to break the situation.


Lu Yun relied on his personal power to successfully defend the capital of Zhongshan.

This branch has been passed down from ancient times to the present day, and the Yi family has not subjugated the country.

The next time.

Lu Yun had no way to continue to interfere.

The future evolution of replicas.

He soon ran out of time to delay his stay.

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