All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 88 The National Sacrificial God, The Rumor Of Yunmeng Wushan Goddess

Looking down from the sky where the seven cities are located.

The densely packed Wei army was like a raging tide of ants, one after another.

Madly launched a fierce attack on the seven cities of Zhongshan Kingdom.

The wind howled.

The Zhongshan banner on the city wall swayed in the wind and seemed likely to break at any time, just like this ancient country.


"Wei Guo launched another attack."

The sergeants on the city wall kept reporting the situation on the battlefield with hoarse voices.

The constant ringing of victory in defending the city.

It cannot give any hope to the officials of Zhongshan Kingdom, but brings greater despair.

this means.

The Wei State was determined to hold on to the remaining cities of Zhongshan State, leaving no room for relaxation.

Dong Guo and other members of hundreds of families gathered in front of Kan Yu Tu.

at this time.

The 60 cities on the map were dimmed one after another.

Only seven cities were swaying in the wind under the wave of the Wei army.

A huge light curtain connects seven cities together.

From time to time, streams of light flashed across the light screen.

It seems extremely extraordinary.

"Prime Minister, the Beidou Formation can last up to three days."

"Three days later."

"The Kingdom of Zhongshan will surely perish."

Huang Liao stretched out his hand and pointed at the Big Dipper array on the map.

as expected.

The starlight gradually dimmed, and it seemed that there was no other power left to support it.

The army of Wei State and the three armies of South Korea and Zhao State attacked all night with nearly 600,000 troops.

It can maintain the formation for seven days.

It can already be said to be extremely magical.

"The words and expressions of famous people follow the magic power and will become ineffective in two days."

"I am far from the moral conduct that Chengzi had back then."

Huang Liao said this with shame.

Other ministers of Zhongshan Kingdom were pacing around, looking for ways to resolve the crisis.

"Why don't we surrender to Kaicheng?"

"Wei's soldiers are all two meters tall, wearing chainmail, and possess exquisite weapons. Their bodies are covered with copper plates."

"It cannot be hurt by a powerful bow or a sharp blade."

A doctor spoke carefully and explained quickly.

He was the city lord of Zhongshan State who ran back from the city occupied by Wei State in front.

I have personally witnessed the battle between Wei soldiers and Zhongshan soldiers.

One Wei soldier can kill, four or five Zhongshan sergeants, and more than a dozen people gathered together can not break the Wei soldier's defense.

The iron law of the Legalists of Wei State, a guillotine transformed from law, killed countless evil people who acted recklessly.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too great.

"Pull it down."

Dongguo closed his eyes slightly, and did not continue to talk nonsense with the capitulationists. He had always been in a high position and was not angry or authoritative.


The Zhongshan sergeant outside the palace immediately came in and dragged the surrendering doctor out, serving him with sticks and sticks.

There were bursts of cries for mercy outside the palace.

Soon there was no sound.

"Don't we still have those heavenly beings?"

The other doctor was more cautious and expressed his opinion tentatively.

Twenty thousand heavenly soldiers and feather guards are on the battlefield.

The Royal Envoy of Heavenly Thunder, the ability to gallop through the clouds.

The ministers of the Zhongshan Kingdom called the Heavenly Soldiers and Yuwei Heavenly People.

"Twenty thousand heavenly beings who have completed their Qi refining period."

"Putting it on a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of Qi Refining Stages, it can't influence any battle situation."

Before Mr. Dongguo could speak, Huang Liao started talking.

"The great Confucian scholars in the Wei state have all kinds of weird magical powers, which are difficult to guard against."

The magical power of "A little bit of awe-inspiring energy, a thousand miles of joyful wind" works on the Wei chariot.

With Confucian magical powers.

Able to maintain high-altitude flight for a quarter of an hour.


The mobility of the Wei army.

Also attracted by Confucian supernatural powers.

The military formations can offset part of the thunder damage.

Tianbing Yuwei always suffers a lot of damage every time he fights.

The other ministers of Zhongshan Kingdom fell silent.

Outside the city gate.

The great Confucian scholars and the sages of Legalism held a scroll of scriptures in their hands every day on their way to persuade people to surrender and shake the hearts of the people in the city.

Beaten again and again.

It can’t be said.

Their small country in Zhongshan is in trouble!

"The God of Nuo has not yet taken action, and Zhongshan Kingdom still has a chance to decide the outcome in one fell swoop."

"When necessary..."

Dongguo's eyes flashed with a stern look.

"Tell the soldiers in the city to hold on for the last two days,"

Huang Liao lowered his head and agreed.

"Your Majesty, when will you leave seclusion?"

Dongguo's eyes showed confusion.

He had no way to share this feeling of powerlessness with others.

Ever since Dongguo accepted [Zhongshan Yunjian].

The burden of a country's rise and fall.

It pressed heavily on Dongguo's shoulders.

"Wei's soldiers are invincible, maybe I don't know."


Dongguo's frail figure stepped out of the palace gate, looked at the mottled blood beside the city wall, and smiled to himself.

The building is about to collapse, and there is no way to hold it up.


Dongguo still chose, knowing that he couldn't do anything but doing it.

Just because.

He is the Prime Minister of Zhongshan Kingdom.

This is an answer sheet Dong Guo gave Lu Yun unconditional trust and submitted.

Some people choose to open the city to surrender.

Some people choose to fight to the death.

In this ancient land, integrity has never been lacking.

The power of the Nuo God and the Zhongshan Kingdom both prosper and suffer.

God and man are deeply entangled.

The gods were gradually bound to a country by the incense belief of the people and lost their freedom.

They must give it a go for the country of the people who believe in them.

Fight for a chance of survival.

This is.

The destination of the gods within the national sacrificial system.

the other side.

Gong Yanggao of Wei State and other great Confucian scholars all had a faint feeling of palpitations.

A very bad feeling.

The spiritual awareness of practitioners is often very accurate.

There is absolutely no such thing as randomness or whim.

"General, please don't push the Zhongshan people too hard."

"Their gods have not yet taken action."

Gong Yanggao and other great scholars jointly reported to Wu Qi.

at this time.

Wu Qi suddenly remembered a secret that had been sealed in his memory.

The barbarian Chu State, which is famous for its "belief in witches and ghosts and its emphasis on obscene worship", has many temples and altars in the country.

It is said to be dedicated to the goddess Yunmeng Wushan.

The kings of Chu in the past dynasties had the tradition of having trysts with the Wushan goddess.


Although it cannot be Yao Ji, the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven in ancient times.

When Dayu controlled the floods.

The goddess Yaoji once taught the secrets of water control and sent gods to help her.

No way.

It was the turn of all the kings of Chu to have a tryst.

However, the virgin priest of the [Gaotang Temple] who also represented the "Yao Ji" staged a "sacred marriage ceremony" with the King of Chu.

It indicates the harmony between divine power and royal power, and prays for the eternal stability of the country and the prosperity of the people.

in addition.

Qi State has legends about the Lord of God, the Lord of Land, the Lord of Soldiers, the Lord of Yin, the Lord of Yang, the Lord of Moon, the Lord of Sun, and the Lord of Four Seasons.

The Ba people believe in the Ba Snake, one of the strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

The Shu Kingdom believes in the white tiger, one of the strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

The great powers that rank among the princes and states seem to have the shadow of gods behind them.

I have truly seen with my own eyes the majestic Golden Dragon of Wei’s national destiny.

It is impossible for Wu Qi and others to be so stupid as not to believe that there are no gods in the world.

"The Ba people have a story about the snake swallowing the elephant."

"The people of Shu have rumors of a white tiger savior."

"What other gods are hiding behind the scenes in Zhongshan Kingdom?"

The ancient Zhongshan State was established by the Xianyu people.

The trend of witchcraft and Nuo is prevalent in the country.

There is Da Nuo in the country, and there is Xiao Nuo in the countryside.

He seemed to have vaguely grasped something, but he could never remember the key point.

Before Wu Qi could finish thinking.

"Tianxuan City is broken!"

Wei Jun's excited voice came from afar.

at this time.

"Whenever there are major events in Zhongshan Kingdom, Nuo Tang operas are often performed."

"Nuo God!"

Gong Yanggao and Wu Qi suddenly remembered this incident, which was subconsciously ignored by others.

"Quick, pass on the order and suspend the offensive!"

Wu Qi and Gong Yang Gao's eyes were wide open.

How could they subconsciously forget.

There are rumors of gods in every country!

At the end of the age of mythology, even if hundreds of schools of thought retired, the gods would not appear in the world.

When a country perishes.

Would you really sit back and do nothing if you accept the gods worshiped by a country? !

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