All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 87 The Iron Law Of Legalism, Wei Dominates, And The Armies Of Other Countries Exert Pressure

【December 407 AD】

The State of Wei led an army of 500,000 men, divided into three groups, to surround the cities of Zhongshan State.

All the princes and countries are afraid.

The siege equipment of Gongshujia followed the Wei army all the way to cut down the mountains and destroy the city, causing numerous casualties to the soldiers and civilians on both sides.

I take a long breath to cover my tears, lamenting the hardships of people's lives.

All the people shed tears, all the families are in mourning.

along with.

The "Legalist Iron Law" of Li Kui's Dharma Scripture spread continuously in a very rapid way, covering the occupied cities all over the Zhongshan Kingdom.

[Legalist Iron Law] is a legalist hook composed of the power of law, with the national destiny of Wei as its original force.

Wandering over the city of Wei State.

Anyone who attempts to violate the laws of Wei will be marked by the "Iron Law of Legalism" and will be arrested and brought to justice.

Legalist officials who were converted from Confucian disciples practiced Legalist principles with the help of the "Iron Law of Legalism".

The first group of backbones of Legalism in Wei during the foundation-building period.

This is how it was formed.

Don't say he is a sage from hundreds of schools of thought.

Even if a Taoist monk in the golden elixir stage enters the Kingdom of Wei, he will be stripped of a level of cultivation by the "Iron Law of Legalism" out of thin air.

Do things honestly and in accordance with the laws of Wei.

Under the legal network of the "Iron Law of Legalism", the people of Zhongshan have no room for resistance.

This is the great way and the most rational authority obtained by the Legalist saints through communication with heaven and earth.

So far.

The Wei army no longer had logistics and city management problems.

the other side.

After a year of the Dongguo Reform, the Zhongshan Kingdom had a strong military and strong armor, and the army and the people were integrated. They followed the Mohist [Moshu] technique of defending the city.

He vowed to resist the Wei army to the death.

Even though the country was occupied by cities, a large number of Zhongshan citizens still chose to flee the area under Wei's jurisdiction.

It's impossible without escaping.

Wei's own citizens, in large numbers, defected one after another every day, unable to stand Wei's high-pressure laws.

at the same time.

Zhao led five thousand men with a hundred gold, and Korea led five thousand talented men.

A total of ten thousand elite soldiers.

At the request of King Wei, he attacked Zhongshan State.

The elite troops of the two countries responded to the offensive of the Wei army.

Attack from two sides and attack from three sides.

Just a few months.

The armies of the Three Kingdoms destroyed everything along the way and quickly occupied most of the territory of Zhongshan Kingdom with an unstoppable momentum.

at this time.

Most of the territory of Zhongshan Kingdom was lost, and only the last 7 cities out of 56 cities were left, forming the horns of each other.

Hundreds of disciples followed the constellation diagram left by Lu Yun.

The pivot is the sky, the xuan is the earth, the jade is the human being, the power is the time, the balance is the sound, the opening sun is the rhythm, and the shaking light is the star.

Set up the Big Dipper formation.

Gu Cheng served as the center of the Beidou Formation and resisted the attack of the Three Kingdoms Alliance's nearly 600,000 troops.

The last 50,000 troops of the Zhongshan Kingdom, plus the remaining 20,000 heavenly soldiers and feather guards, trapped Gucheng.

Even if the situation on the battlefield deteriorates.

They must also defend the last city of Zhongshan Kingdom.

Gu Cheng!


"Is the king still in seclusion?"

Huang Liao looked at the distance of the city wall.

There are three continuous camps of Wei, Han and Zhao.

Under the city of Gucheng.

The banners of the Wei Dynasty all over the mountains and plains fluttered wantonly in the wind.

Hold on to the seven cities of Zhongshan Kingdom for half a month.

If he, the famous discerner, hadn't taken action and forcibly changed the seven-city area, the operation principle of the public loser's machine beast would have been lost.

lead to.

The invincible and hegemonic mechanism of the public loser has failed.

The Seven Cities of Zhongshan Kingdom simply cannot hold on until this time.

"hold on."

Dongguo's temples are as white as snow, and months of intense work have made his face look older.

"Your Majesty will naturally come out to take charge of the overall situation."

"The princes and the royal family of Tianzhou will not allow Wei to grow bigger and unify Zhongshan."

"Look at the armies of the Three Kingdoms all over the mountains and plains."

Dongguo's eyes encompassed the armies of the Three Kingdoms.

Zhao's 5,000 elite soldiers and South Korea's 5,000 elite soldiers occasionally made trouble and disrupted the Wei army's offensive.


It hit the military juncture of the Wei army.

Release some of Zhongshan Kingdom's pressure to defend the city.

"If South Korea and Zhao hadn't occasionally revealed Wei's attack plan, Zhongshan wouldn't have been able to hold on until this point."

Dongguo's thin and hunched body, holding the Zhongshan Cloud Sword, stood on the city wall.


Before Huang Liao could finish speaking.

The drums of the Wei army sounded again.

Another round.

The siege launched by Wei State began.

The Zhongshan sergeants who lined the city walls immediately cheered up, prepared for war, and defended the city.

The drum beaters started beating the drums crazily.

Cheer up the defenders of the Seven Cities City Zhongshan.

"Wu Qi personally led 50,000 Wei soldiers to surround the capital of Gucheng."

"We can't hold it."

The worry on Huang Liao's face never disappeared.

Since he defected to Zhongshan Kingdom from the Chu region in the south.


In this era of war and intensifying chaos, too many small countries have been swallowed up by the seven powerful countries.

The Cheng State of Dongguo was destroyed by Qi State.

Huang Liao's Huang Kingdom was destroyed by the Chu Kingdom.

At that time, eight hundred princes were fighting for years, and now only seven countries were left with the qualifications to compete in the world.

Forget it.

The great wizards and priests of Zhongshan Kingdom are working hard to replace a few great scholars and cruel officials of the other side. What kind of overall situation can be changed?

The drummers on both sides seemed to never know how tired they were, and the sound of the war drums never stopped.

Huge boulders rolled down the walls of Gucheng.

in a blink.

The great scholar of the Wei State used his Confucian magical powers to block the attack, but the soldiers of the Wei State swung their halberds to pieces. The soldiers of the Wei State continued to climb the city wall.

The Wei army, fearless of death, formed a black and red wave, overwhelming mountains and seas.

The [Big Dipper Formation] that crazily collides with seven cities.

One after another, heavily armored Wei soldiers climbed the city wall with the help of ladder trucks.

The black and red Wei military strategists formed one body with each other, forming a layer of strong military shield.

Sonorous, sonorous.

Blocking the Zhongshan Army on the city wall, the force of the crossbows was unleashed.

"The King of Wei has an order."

"The first person to climb the walls of Gucheng will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold and be ranked as a great official."

A heavy reward will surely lead to the death of the husband.

The sergeants of the Wei army rushed up with all their strength.

at this time.

The starlight in the sky suddenly fell on the heads of the Wei army, and then merged into their bodies and disappeared without a trace.

The Big Dipper Formation completed the identification of the enemy and ourselves against each Wei army that wanted to attack the city.

"not good!"

"Zhongshan Kingdom's formation has taken effect."

"Quickly retreat!"

During the continuous high-intensity siege, the Wei army called the stars falling in the sky the Star of Death.

Few Wei soldiers who were marked survived on the battlefield.


The sky and the earth were like the weight of mountains, pressing on the soldiers of Wei who wanted to climb the city.

All their flesh, blood and internal organs were squeezed together.

A large number of unsuspecting Wei soldiers screamed in pain and fell straight down from the ladder truck.

Immediately afterwards.

The Zhongshan general wielding a sword on the city wall shouted angrily at other Zhongshan sergeants to fight back.


The crossbow in Sergeant Zhongshan's hand was drawn into a full moon, and arrows carrying the witch's curse poured down from the sky.

The Wei soldiers and the Wei army who were wailing in pain on the ground had no chance to struggle anymore.

All of them were lying on the ground peacefully.

"Command the three armies to attack Gucheng without rest today!"

"Within one month, we must capture the seven cities of Zhongshan."

Wu Qi stared at the stalemate on the battlefield.

at this time.

The pressure on Wei State is no less than that on Zhongshan State.

After six months of non-stop fighting.

All the princes and states were trying to harass Wei's borders.

Qi and Qin, as well as South Korea and Yan, all exerted pressure on Chen Bing and Wei's borders.

Ba and Shu seem to have reached an alliance with Qin.

In Wei's land west of Hexi, Emperor Zixia's army was about to be unable to withstand the Qin army.

Now Wei has enemies on all sides.

"The old people of the small country within the territory have repeatedly rebelled."

"A large number of talented people could not bear the high-pressure atmosphere of Wei's laws and left Wei."

Wu Qi sighed deeply.

The Warring States period was a time of turmoil and war.

It seems that Wei's military strength and legal system alone cannot end it.

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