All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 61 Promotion In The Civilized Era, Choosing The Main Civilization Route

[With the presence of gods above your head, the stability of your territory will increase by 10%, and the occurrence of sinful things will be reduced by 30%. 】

Lu Yun's palms paused slightly and continued to pull the food in his mouth.

After dinner.

Lu Yun stood outside Ziweiyuan Palace.

The mythical lord system bound to the Lord's Mansion was merged into Ziweiyuan Palace.

About the location of system boarding.

Lu Yun had a vague guess.

It is estimated that in [Qi Luck Tianchi], as the territory develops later, the luck feedback system may unlock new functions.

[Tip: The Tiangong territory has met the prerequisites for promotion to the civilization era. 】

[Should we start promotion in the civilization era now? 】

Lu Yun did not answer in a hurry.

Promotion in the civilization era requires determining a main civilization route.

The territory can subsequently fill in the development of branch civilizations.

The development of branch civilization cannot exceed the development of main civilization.

He is thinking about what kind of civilization route is suitable for the Tiangong territory.

In the era of national lords, the mainstream civilization development routes can be roughly divided into the following:

1. Development of scientific and technological civilization.

2. The development of cultivation civilization.

3. The development of mechanical civilization.

4. The development of mysterious civilization.

The development route of scientific and technological civilization will later enter the [Interstellar Era], and you can unlock buildings such as Dyson Sphere and Ring World.

In the final stage of development [Eternal Era], we control and create multiverses one by one, and artificially create [Cosmic Domains].


The technological leader with the best development in the Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

Just entering the [Material Age].

It initially possesses star system-level navigation capabilities and star-level fixed-point strikes.

The development of scientific and technological civilization has many advantages.

The overall development route is the clearest.

[Technology Tree Climbing] is very important for scientific research value, trade value, and prosperity.

The development route of the technology tree is mostly determined by the territorial [research scholars], and the lord can only provide macro guidance.

The study of the talents of the people of the territory themselves accounts for a large part of the development process.

Deal with different monsters.

Various branch technology responses can be unlocked.

Science is never an established framework, but an understanding of the unknown and an exploration of laws.


Scientific and technological civilization has many disadvantages.

First, there is no way to explore the Yin Earth before entering a higher era.

Second, it is easy for the technology tree to be distorted.

Third, the misty world has thousands of planes with numerous rules, and the basic laws of the universe are unstable.

The rules this universe uses.

Going to another dimension might not work.

The technology tree is a bit crooked...

The simplest example.

You have worked hard to study nuclear power and antimatter propulsion in an attempt to unlock space navigation technology.

To this end, Riao Zujin continues to climb the upper limit of the lifespan of [biological] technology, and strengthens the spacecraft with [material] technology.

Another civilization discovered that space navigation technology was very simple.

With a simple and rough [Navigation Model], they are wandering around with stones and wooden bows, trying to colonize you.

The two encounter.

It is nothing short of an epic disaster.

At a certain period in the history of Blue Star, humans really encountered such weird things.


Because of the fog at the back, the technology side uses planet leapfrog, black hole shuttle, and time and space jump technologies.

It is easy to mistakenly enter other planes in the mist, causing a series of disasters.

This kind of reckless navigation was also jokingly called.

Bullfrog style death charge, rushing forward to shabu shabu.

The development route of cultivation civilization is currently one of the most mainstream development routes and has the widest scope of application.

It is divided into two categories: individual promotion and national promotion.

And there is a lesson learned from the Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

various development regulations.

Basically you can follow and copy it.

The destiny of the country is to follow the path of national ascension. The leader of the country combines the power of humanity and suppresses thousands of laws with one word.

Holding Tianxian in his mouth, he conferred the title of Immortal God.

The other sects of the Immortal Sect were suppressed by the [Dragon and Tiger National Destiny].

Don’t listen to the announcement or the tune?

The words were just spoken.

A person is the underworld prison he entered a second ago.

It is not easy for the leader of the Yun Dynasty to control the army of humanity and cut down the mountains and destroy the temples.

The advantage of cultivation civilization is that its development is particularly balanced.

Good luck to the country's development path.

The fortune of the dynasty will not be destroyed, and the ruler of the country will not die.

The dynasty Yin divisions of various great fortune dynasties have extremely strong control over the Yin soil, and there will basically be no exodus of ghost people.

Even in other planes, the laws (regulations) of fortune can directly operate on behalf of heaven.

However, there is only one drawback.

You don’t have the skills and knowledge to build your destiny.

It is true that the Great Xia Yun Dynasty was the towering tree of human civilization in the misty world.


This kind of method is related to the core of fortune.

It won't be spread at all.

Except for the ambitious state and local families from all over the country.

There may be a secret to unlocking fortune.

Other ordinary lords have no way to choose the path of destiny.

I can only choose to compromise bitterly.

Either individual promotion or national promotion.

A pseudo-luck dynasty developed in a territory, and the lord personally used his luck to advance.

The third [Mechanical Civilization] is very suitable for those alien lords, but not very suitable for human civilization.

The territory of mechanical civilization has developed to a later stage.

We are bound to encounter a wave of nihilism.

The civilized thoughts of the people have changed from material to idealistic.

Entering idealist thinking, it is very easy to abandon the mechanical prosthetic body and transform the territory into an illusory world.


Territories are prone to breeding and virtual intelligence rebellion.

Higher-level virtual lords have absolute jurisdiction over lower-level lords.

You have no way to resist, the same sequence of development path, higher mechanical civilization.

[The core of the territory] is true that it has autonomy.


After the protection period for newcomers, what can you do to resist those mechanical civilization lords of the same order?

As soon as the little shrimp came out of the pond, the next second it was swallowed up by a dangerous big fish.

"However, I have heard that there are countries with mechanical civilizations in other planes."

Lu Yun thought for a while.

Eliminate this civilizational development.

Mechanical civilization is actually a branch of the development of [technological civilization].

The reason why.

Mechanical civilization is classified as mainstream civilization.

Because the early technology tree has been climbed.

The civilization development route is not very difficult in overall comparison.

Advantages: simple, common, popular, easy, suitable for civilian lords.

The territory developed step by step.

You can unlock the [Space Age] and trigger branch civilization route selection.

[Biological Civilization], [Virtual Civilization], etc.

But [Mechanical Civilization] is also good.

[Virtual Civilization] That’s it.

They are the most dangerous civilization development route in the era of national lords, bar none!

The foggy world is a world invaded by illusory nightmares!

The boundaries between reality and illusion in each major plane.

It's inherently unclear.

The home ground of the illusory world has never been civilized order.


Being noticed by the chaotic and disordered will of the Supreme Nightmare.

Enter the world of fantasy.

Walk across the abyss.

It is tantamount to seeking death.

The civilization development route of the mysterious civilization is relatively niche.

The advantage is.

Various lost civilizations and plane rules are integrated into the territory, making it very easy to exert powerful combat power.

In the foggy world, the mysterious civilization has the strongest exploration ability.

It's easy to pick up equipment, explode junk, and take off on the spot.

The knowledge of various civilizations is integrated into one territory, and the methods of fighting fog monsters are the most diverse.


There is no problem if you want to pursue an idealistic civilization.

The problem is that.

The line between fantasy and reality is blurred.


Representatives of idealistic civilization are prone to intellectual decline and mental instability.

Lose your mind and fall into madness in the foggy world.

Second only to the danger of being swallowed by an illusory nightmare.

do not forget.

In a world of mist.

There is also the attention of the Cthulhu pantheon.

The subspace and dimensional world above the stars, and within the boundaries of illusion and reality.

The nameless gods of Cthulhu lay dormant.

The mysterious civilization is a representative of the idealistic civilization.

Because of lack of reason and lack of mental protection.

Also known as the unqualified hexagon warrior.

As for the development routes of other civilizations.

It is extremely single and is only suitable for branch development.

For example, Confucianism, martial arts, runes and other civilizations.

In a normal world, it might just take off and develop along the orthodox route.


Sorry, this is a world shrouded in mist on billions of planes.

Development and exploration dominate the world of mist.

These non-mainstream civilizations.

To ordinary lords.

All have uniform flaws.

The exploration speed is slow, the development is not fast, and the means of confrontation are single.

It's easy to fall behind and be eliminated.

It can kill evil spirits, but it cannot deal with nightmares. It can kill nightmares, but it cannot deal with weirdness.

So it is only suitable for talented monsters to play.

Hard comparison.

The development routes of major civilizations.

There is no obvious strong or weak one.

The only thing is whether it suits you or not.

(The author of this chapter explains the division of technological eras)

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