All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 60 If You Don’T Want To Go Up The Mountain, Please Pay Homage To Wang Lingguan First (Please

Lu Yun calmed down.

Looking at the Jiutian interviewer on the side, he looked strange.

Follow the latter's eyes and look over.

A towering golden-domed side hall caught Lu Yun's eyes.

There are couplets on the left and right:

"If you have evil intentions, burning incense will not do any good."

"Keep yourself upright, so why not bow to me when you see me."

There is a black gold wooden plaque hanging at the top with four big characters written on it.

"Holy Grace."

Lu Yun passed through the gatehouse and was greeted by a wide stone staircase.

Facing the gate is a standing statue of an angry God of War.

Wang Lingguan’s reference, Weibo blogger Tang Lingsheng (authorized by the blogger))

Lu Yun didn't feel anything special.

It was as if there was just an ordinary clay statue in front of him.

【Wang Lingguan】

Name: Wang Shan

Level: Myth (870 stars)

Tao Yuan: 100 (favor)

grade:? ?

Status: (Sleeping and unable to fight)

Heritage: Sazu

Sacrifice: [National Sacrifice]

Personality: [Marshal Protector]

Authority: [Thunder God] [Vulcan God] [Suppress the Demon] [City God] [God of War] [Xuanmen Dharma Protector]

Magic weapon: [Dutian Golden Whip] [Dutian Golden Wheel]...


1. Command Thunder: With the order of Lei Zu, he can control the gods of Lei Department on his behalf.

2. Commanding divine generals: Commanding millions of heavenly divine generals.

3. Spiritual official protection: three points of practice, seven points of induction; ten points of practice, it will come at any time.

4. Jealous of evil as much as enmity: surrender to evil people and eliminate evil.

"Level Myth 870 Stars?"

Lu Yun saw it for the first time.

There is such a high number of stars in the mythical level.

Then I thought about it.

It feels natural again.

Wang Lingguan was from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The guardian deity of the orthodox official national sacrificial system.

The Ming Dynasty gave statues to Lingguan Temple every year, and the robes were often changed in the four seasons.

The number of temples repaired is in the tens of thousands.

Protect the law, protect the law.

Those who can fight best are called protectors.

Any big boss who can protect the inheritance of a party.

Without exception, they are all cruel.

not to mention.

Wang Lingguan is the number one protector of Xuanmen.

He holds four divine positions and is the most ruthless son of Xuanmen.

In front of the Jade Emperor's throne, there is the first whip-wielding guard.

There is no doubt about his strength.

"I just can't come out and help fight for the time being."

Lu Yun thought of this every time.

I always feel heartbroken and unable to breathe.

There are super fighters, but they can't go to the battlefield for the time being.

"Another point is the blessing brought by the statue."

"The power to bring rain and clear the sky, to drive away evil spirits and cure diseases."

"Accelerate the territory's crop production."

Lu Yun shook his head.

It is similar to the effect of rain and sunshine.

There are many in Tiangong territory.

Lushan wonders effect, Dang Kangrui beast effect, Valley Soul sacrificial effect, etc.

at present.

The territory’s ten thousand acres of spiritual land is enough to feed hundreds of thousands of people.

"That's all that's left that can be used at this stage."

"Lingguan Jue."

[Lingguan Jue]: Inducing the spirit official and divine generals, it has the effect of sensing humans and gods, and blessing one's own behavior.

Any injustice in the world.

By displaying the [Spiritual Official Technique], you can directly report to Heaven to warn and eradicate evil.


Lushan Taiping Palace.

Shen Xuzi sat cross-legged on the futon.

In the middle is a huge Nine Yang Pill Furnace, connected to the fire of the Lushan Mountains, burning blazingly.

Sitting at the other end was Taoist priest Gao Yun.

The two sat and talked.

"Elder Shen is very elegant. This body pill is round and round."

"The fragrance of this elixir lasts for a long time, and it will definitely become a top-quality elixir."

Taoist priest Gao Yun sounded complimentary.

Shen Xuzi did not answer.

Recall the recipe for the elixir in your mind, as well as the amount and heat required for refining the elixir.

After reviewing it several times in my mind.

Shen Xuzi slowly opened his eyes.

Putting his palm against the fire mouth of the medicine cauldron, his mind sank into his body, and he carefully drew out the fire in the alchemy furnace.

"But be sure to keep an eye on the time and don't get ahead of schedule."

"Lushan has its own magic."

"Refining elixirs at dusk has extra blessings."

Gao Yun kept preaching.

"Don't be poor-mouthed."

Shen Xuzi couldn't stand the little old man's verbosity and felt unsteady.

The fire of the earth veins of the Nine Yang Pill Furnace.


A few blasts.

"It's broken, seasoned Dan."

Shen Xuzi was shocked.

A raging fire ignited, and the flames seemed to burn Shen Xuzi's eyebrows.

"You guy."

Shen Xuzi looked helplessly at Gao Yun, who looked like he was expecting a good show.

He quickly kneaded the secrets in his hands and silently recited Lingguan Baogao.


A ray of breeze carried raindrops and blew through the door.

Extinguished the flames in the alchemy furnace.

"According to the rules of Dan Dan, you lose."

Shen Xuzi wiped the cold sweat from his face and shook his robe angrily.

"Hey, don't be anxious, don't be anxious."

"I'll practice a few more times to compensate you."

Gao Yun quickly reached out and grabbed the plate in front of him.

An elixir that exudes visions.

"The technique that the lord found is really useful."

"This is the inheritance of that god's lineage."

Shen Xuzi became interested and asked.

He was born in another plane in the mist world, and he was good at making elixirs, but he didn't have much faith.

As for Gao Yun's lies, Shen Xuzi wouldn't believe even a single punctuation mark.

"You are quite good at making talismans."


Shen Xuzi shook his head disdainfully.

Even dogs don't believe Gao Yun knows how to make elixirs.

"The first spiritual guardian of the Taoist sect."

"Wang Lingguan."

Finished explaining.

Gao Yun grabbed the elixir in front of him and ran away quickly.

"You're such a bastard."

Shen Xuzi was trembling with anger, having spent a whole day refining the elixir.

The ones with the best appearance were all taken away by Gao Yunshun.

To chase.

Shen Xuzi couldn't catch up again.

Gao Yun possesses the "Cangshu Climbing the Levels of Madness".

Once the consciousness goes crazy, he can escape thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

Shen Xuzi twisted his nose and couldn't catch up.

"Wang Lingguan?"

Shen Xuzi pondered the name.

A name that seems to have never been heard of.


Shen Xuzi heard a strange noise outside the door and hurriedly opened the Taoist temple door.

A side hall of Lingguan quietly landed outside the Taiping Palace.

"If you have evil intentions, burning incense will not do any good."

"Keep yourself upright, so why not bow to me when you see me."

Read the couplets word for word.

Shen Xuzi felt a palpitation in his heart inexplicably.

He had a feeling.

If you do evil in front of the spiritual official's door.

If Shen Xuzi is allowed to run to the ends of the earth, he will be severely punished.

The angry-eyed statue in Lingguan Hall.

At a glance.

Although evil on the outside, it is inherently good, and although it is majestic, it does not make people fear it.


Shen Xuzi swallowed.

“The appearance of the God you pray to also reflects the desires of your heart.”

Shen Xuzi suddenly thought of the city wall.

What Lord Lu Yun said.

No reason.

Shen Xuzi respectfully offered a few sticks of incense.

the other side.

Gao Yun, who was running away with the elixir in his arms, was suddenly struck by a golden thunder from the sky.

Lying on the ground in a panic.

His whole body was twitching.

Seeing this, the Jiutian interview envoy trained in Lushan covered his face and sighed.

"There is a god three feet above your head."

"It doesn't matter if you bow down or not."

"You can't do bad things in front of others."

The nine-day interviewer took a sip of mixed tea.

I just feel that life in this territory will become more and more lively in the future.

at the same time.

Jianmu’s entry for [Humans and Gods cohabiting].

Silent flashing takes effect.

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