All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 6 The World Of Mist, The Sleeping Ancestral Weapon, Taoist Priest Gao Yun

It is worth mentioning that there are many types of monsters in the mist world.

Including but not limited to:

Weird ghosts, weird rules, pollution and evil spirits, plane natives,

Star Cthulhu, Illusive Nightmare, Endless Abyss, World of the Dead, Ferocious Beasts, etc.

The vast and vast world of endless planes is gradually covered with a cold and treacherous veil of mist.

The fog of distance falls.

Hundreds of years have passed.

There are also many alien lords who are desperately struggling in other worlds.

The speed of the spread of the foggy world continues unabated.

According to a well-known expert on the world of fog, it is speculated:

The world of mist is most likely the final tomb where the heavens are buried.

All sentient beings in the universe are struggling to find a chance of survival.

Human beings can only rely on all the lords to gradually take root in the foggy world in a point-to-point manner, dispersing and illuminating some planes.

Of course these.

It's not something Lu Yun should worry about at this stage.

The sky is falling, and there are tall lords and giants holding it up.

He reached out and picked up the last reward.

Opened S-level Glory [Luxury Gift Pack].

[Congratulations on obtaining the S-level sleeping ancestral weapon. Please note that you need a lot of faith to use it. 】

【Shenmian's Ancestral Artifact】

Quality: S-level glory

Attribute: Unknown (can be viewed after summoning)

Introduction: Yin people respected gods and led the people to serve ghosts, putting ghosts first and then etiquette; artifacts from the Yin and Shang dynasties.

Note: You need to have a faith value of no less than 5w to use it.


Lu Yun frowned.

The ancestral spirits of the Yin and Shang dynasties.

After Wu Ding, he was given the title of "Emperor".

When people in Yin conduct business, they need to ask ghosts about everything, no matter how big or small.

And it requires a 50,000 faith value requirement before it can be used.

Lu Yun could only put this S-class artifact aside for the time being.

Territorial development in the current newcomer period.

It doesn't work.

Outside the stone wall.

There are more than a dozen humanoid monsters wandering around, whenever they unconsciously want to approach the territory.

You will always be repulsed by an inexplicable energy!

at this time.

They seemed to feel someone watching, and a humanoid monster jumped up!

There were several monsters behind him, their limbs crawling on the ground at a high speed.

Just the blink of an eye.

They have arrived at the stone wall!


A series of violent collisions shook the stone wall.

Under the magical power of the territory, the monsters could not climb over the seemingly short stone wall in front of them.

Mr. Wang nervously arranged for more than a dozen militiamen, wielding bronze machetes, and kept slashing at the fog monster.

"Ho ho ho!"

The evil and crazy howl carries a mental shock.

Several militiamen covered their heads, took a few steps back in horror, raised their machetes with trembling bodies, and continued to swing them repeatedly.


Lu Yun used Probe on the fog monster.

[Human-like evil spirits]

Quality: E-level ordinary

Level: Level 3

Attributes: 3 points of strength

Introduction: The attack adds 1 point of corrosion, causing an additional 2 points of damage to the wooden fence. Each impact will cause the fence to lose 5 points of durability.

"Fortunately, we immediately sent someone to upgrade the simple wooden fence into a stable stone wall."

Lu Yun secretly broke into a cold sweat.

Occasionally, a few monsters will pop up for a critical attack.

Causes 3 points of fence durability loss to decrease.

For stone walls, the durability is up to thousands.

There is no fear of damage caused by the attacks of this small group of monsters.

"Hurry up and help me, the lord is watching."

Wang Er showed extra strength and successfully cut off a monster's head using a jump slash.

There was a hint of joy on Wang Er's face, thinking that the lord must have seen my brave performance.


Lu Yun kicked Wang Er hard.

He took the bronze sword and severely cut off the tentacle that reached out.

I saw the chopped monster, its neck muscles torn, revealing a dark tentacle, extending outward, trying to break through the stone wall defense.

Naihe was resisted by the power of the territory, and he beat the stone wall unwillingly.


Wang Er was frightened and frightened, and couldn't help shouting.

[Human-like evil spirits] (mutation)

Quality: D grade excellent

Level: Level 7

Attributes: Strength 10 points, mental pollution 0.1 points

Status: Contaminated and transformed by the items left behind by the stalwart existence. Each time you look directly, the probability is that your sanity will be reduced by 0.1 points; each attack carries the power of twisted contamination, so please treat it with caution.

One after another, twisted and thick tentacles extended from the dead evil spirit's neck.

Some tentacles are covered with eyes, and some tentacles open small mouths with small and sharp teeth inside.

The heavy rain of attacks fell on the stone wall, and the durability loss was visible to the naked eye.

boom! boom! boom!

After a dozen more blows, a hole was broken in the stone wall.

Fortunately, Lu Yun had learned fighting skills in the martial arts class at Qingcheng Mansion Academy.

Dealing with ordinary monsters is no problem.

Lu Yun took the lead and followed them to block the gap.

On the battlefield.

The 10 knights turned their heads frequently and looked at Lu Yun, who was leading the way.

"My lord, you have good kung fu, and your fists and kicks are as good as those below."

The knight admired from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Yun's sharp sword skills and agility were enough to kill several humanoid evil spirits.

All of a sudden.

The two sides fought into a stalemate.

Times of crisis.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"


An old Taoist shouted loudly.

He ran over like a dragonfly and threw a handful of yellow talismans into the air.


Just like the first snow meets boiling oil, the talisman's effect on evil spirits is extremely significant.


The tentacles twisted and swung wildly, trying to get over the stone wall to kill Lao Dao, but they were still unable to get over the low stone wall.

It doesn't take a while.

The twisted and mutated evil body turned into puddles of foul-smelling black liquid.

10 knights.

Armed with swords, guns and sticks, and walking vigorously, he took over from several frightened militiamen.


With the concerted efforts of everyone.

They killed all the fog monsters that attacked this time.

Lu Yun stood beside the stone wall.

Look at the wall full of tiny cracks.

"Before the magic fence effect ends."

“Some alternatives need to be found as soon as possible.”

"According to my previous thinking, certain wonders or architectural effects can well resist external monsters."

Lost in thought.

Uncle Wang arranged for a few people to open the stone wall gate and quickly clean the battlefield outside.

Lu Yun wiped the sweat from his face.

Mottled blood stains covered the bronze sword.

He is checking the system prompt messages.

[Congratulations to the respected lord, you have successfully killed 17 evil spirits in your territory! 】

[Monster drops: Fuzzy stalwart exists at the location of contaminated item clues. 】

[Monster drops: Level 3 humanoid evil fragments*10. 】

"Monster fragments, this is a good thing."

"It's a pity that I can't kill monsters and explode treasure chests on the first day."

Lu Yun pondered.

Master Yu He specifically mentioned this in his letter.

The rules for the newcomer assessment period are different for each session.

Master Yuzuru and the others have another means of prediction.

A letter from Master Yuzuru.

In fact, it is almost the same as a jade slip.

There is a huge amount of knowledge stored in it.

For example, fog monsters that are beyond the endurance range of the novice lord will not be able to break through the novice's protective barrier for the time being.

But some weak monsters.

But it can be randomly refreshed within the territory.

The purpose of this.

It is to let the new lords grow up quickly.

In case it’s thirty days later.

The new lord was too lazy, causing the territory to be slaughtered by the fog frenzy.

in addition.

These collected monster fragments have many uses.

Some rare fog monster fragments can be handed over to Daxia to fill in the fog illustration book, and you can also get many meritorious rewards.

【Taoist priest】

Name: Gao Yun

Quality: C grade rare

Attribute: Taoism for 10 years

Specialties: Liuyun Gong, Yunshan Talisman and Seal Script

Introduction: Ye Fox Chan from an unknown deserted mountain, a low-level side sect of Kung Fu, who is good at making weak talismans.

He glanced briefly at the Taoist panel.

Lu Yun stepped forward and greeted the Taoist priest, who bowed respectfully in return.

"Taoist Master Gao."

"Are there any other yellow talismans to deal with the evil monsters in the misty world?"

Lu Yun looked at Gao Yun expectantly.

Currently, there are few technical talents in our territory.

"Sir, I can recruit a few Taoist boys to teach you how to use talisman and seal script."

"With the addition of my disciples, it only takes a few days to make a yellow talisman for each person."

Taoist priest Gao's voice trembled and he swallowed.

He did not dare to look directly at the Lord.

Relying on Gao Yunwei's ability to observe faces.

It was as if I saw an extremely majestic true god descending into the mortal world.

The vision behind you is purple energy traveling thousands of miles from the east. This is a truly precious and indescribable appearance!

"That's good."

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be nice to be able to deal with these evil monsters.

"By the way, at night."

"Can you please Chief Gao to lead a group of militiamen and go out to explore the nearby area?"

"Don't act rashly, just finish exploring the area."

Lu Yun handed over the [Clues Location of Contaminated Items].

Taoist priest Gao nodded quickly and turned to look for candidates to go out.

Items that produce pollution and evil spirits.

It is very dangerous for Lu Yun’s territory!

Once a wave of evil spirits forms, it will bring immeasurable damage and losses to Lu Yun.

He must nip this possibility in the bud.

And it is blessed by the territory effect of [When the Stars Shine].

Lu Yun was not afraid that his people would get lost when they went out to explore.

"Uncle Wang, by the way, please ask a few knights to guide the militia team for training."


Uncle Wang responded respectfully.

Uncle Wang could see that the Lord was slightly dissatisfied with the performance of the militia.

During the fierce battle to defend the territory.


Didn't leave a good impression on the lord.

Uncle Wang secretly made up his mind.

He will personally supervise the militiamen to conduct high-standard training.

At this time.

Lu Yun opened the [Qingcheng Prefecture 88 District Novice Lord Channel]

"Help, how to deal with the regular fog monsters?!

"At the beginning, the door was blocked by a rule monster. Now the rule restricts the people. They must bend down and enter the territory with their left foot."

The new lord named Li Zhen cried.

"Now I don't dare to send my people out to explore resources. I'm crying to death."

"The people I sent out lost their way in the fog and all died outside."

"@李智, during the novice protection period, over-limit fog monsters cannot invade the territory, so please develop quickly."

"I find that fence construction is amazing, and it can protect against monsters that are much higher than the stone wall itself!"

"Collect the mist treasure chest at a high price, buy 20 spirit stones, no limit."

"Boss, there is no open trading platform now, so there is nothing you can do if you want to sell it."

A channel with tens of thousands of people.

Crazy scrolling message barrages kept flooding the screen, filled with information that was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Lu Yun silently mourned for a certain unlucky lord.

Immediately after realizing it, he exited the novice area channel.

Before exiting.

Lu Yun took a special look.

There are currently [10,000] people online in the novice lord channel.

There is no new lord whose avatar is dim.

Someone dies prematurely.

"According to Master Yuhe."

"The trading platform will not be opened until ten days later."

"After seventeen days, if you help the new lord, you will accumulate the Great Xia Medal."

“The early stage is focused on personal development.”

Lu Yun quickly formulated a development route.

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