All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 5 Taking Stock Of The Harvest, Jade Crown Hat Factory! Jia Square Department And Nufang Depa

This time the harvest was huge!

First, there are 5 more filled grids in the backpack.

The rare building cards are:

People's livelihood building [Jade Crown Hat Square]

War-type buildings [Jiafang Department] and [Nufang Department].

The remaining two grids, random mysterious architectural drawings, and luxury gift packages.

【Jade Crown Hat Shop】

Quality: C grade rare

Attributes: Rare buildings for people's livelihood. After construction, it will increase the prosperity of the territory by 30 points. The hats produced at each level will have different effects.

Introduction: Lijia Workshop is one of the most popular shops in Suzhou and Hangzhou, with a constant flow of vendors going to Lijia Workshop to receive goods.

Construction: Duration 4 hours

(Note: Props, heroes and units are also divided from low to high:

Poor (F), Common (E), Fine (D), Rare (C), Excellent (B), Epic (A), Brilliant (S), Legend (SS), Immortal (SSS), Mythical (Max) , supreme myth (∞))

"Hats with various special effects, pretty good."

"I don't know what effect the cuckold has."

Lu Yun smiled evilly.

This hat is not allowed to be sold wholesale for takeout.

Wait for the [Trading Platform] of novice lords to be unlocked one after another.

Very suitable for Lu Yun, used to harvest the wallets of a wave of leeks (lords).

Territory foreign exchange is here all of a sudden!

As for the Jiafang Department and Nufang Department, they are purely weapons research and development buildings.

One is responsible for manufacturing armor, and the other is responsible for manufacturing crossbows, and they are both high-quality buildings.

Lu Yun then put the three buildings into use.


The three architectural models became larger in the wind, and it took a while.

Three white light pillars surrounded the three buildings, and everything inside was blurred.

at this time.

The countdown was clearly reflected in Lu Yun's eyes.


"The construction time is about four hours."

"It seems that we need to find ways to find supervisory talents to shorten the construction time."

Lu Yun hovered near the three light pillars and pondered.

In the short term.

A few hours of build time doesn't matter.

But in case of emergency.

Encounter special buildings that take months or even years to build.

Lu Yun couldn't always wait for the natural construction time to end.

It must be a need.

Use props or supervisory talents to speed up the process.

[Please appoint the heads of Jade Crown Maofang, Jiafang Department and Nufang Department in time. 】

[Different attributes of the leader will affect the output of the building. 】

Lu Yun had no choice but to look through the talent reserves in the territory list.


At the beginning of the system, many subjects were given as gifts.

This includes relevant talents.

He arranged for Zhang San and Li Si to be in charge of the Jiafang Department and Nufang Department respectively.

The architecture of Jade Crown Hat Square is quite special.

Lu Yun specially arranged for the tailor and embroiderer at the east end of the village to be the head of the business.

[The selection of the building leader is successful, and the attributes of the leader can be observed when the resources are produced the next day. 】

Lu Yun responded.

There was no fuss.

Restricted by the authority of the novice territory, the lords cannot observe some things for the time being.

[There is a group of level 3 mist evil spirits lingering near your territory, please drive them away in time. 】

Sudden notification message.

Lu Yun's thoughts were interrupted.

"The mist is evil?"

Lu Yun's eyes lit up.

After studying hard in Han Chuang for more than ten years, he has a deep understanding of the mist and evil spirits.


They are all limited to knowledge in books.

In reality, Lu Yun never really saw the mist creatures.

Lu Yun took advantage of the situation and glanced at the sky.

The sun looked gray in the sky, and the sunlight shone with a strange coldness.

The people in the territory seemed to be accustomed to it, and they were busy with their own things.

"Has the mist even covered the sun?"

"No wonder evil spirits arise."

Lu Yun murmured.

Even the brightest sun was covered by a strange mist.

The birth of evil spirits.

It seems perfectly normal.

"Old man Wang, take me to the fence."

Lu Yun ordered.

Name: Mr. Wang

Quality: C grade rare

Age: 80

Loyalty: 99

Governance: 67

Talents: Good at planning and supervision.

Introduction: Lao Wang, who had a one-night story with Ge Erdan's biological mother, was very concerned about his son.

Mr. Wang, who is nearly 80 years old, is one of the 470 people who are gifted by the system.

The one with the highest loyalty to Lu Yun.

at the same time.

Mr. Wang’s management talent is as high as 67.

He can be regarded as a novice lord, a rare management talent in the early stage.

Mr. Wang nodded.

Behind him, a group of 20 militiamen, armed with simple wooden knives, surrounded the lord and advanced.

“As long as there is no shortage of resources, quarries and lumberyards will be given priority for construction.”

“In addition a breakfast stand was built together.”

Lu Yunxia pulled down the [Territory Panel], found the unlocked building, and clicked to build it.


Quality: E-level ordinary

Attributes: Mining minerals and stone, providing ordinary quality stone.

Duration: One hour to build.

Introduction: The basic building for territory development.


Quality: E-level ordinary

Attributes: Cut down ordinary trees and provide ordinary wood.

Duration: 1 hour to build.

Introduction: The basic building for territory development.

Quarry and lumberyard are the two basic buildings for territory development.

New lords want to collect resources, these two are prerequisite buildings that must be unlocked.

The quarry and lumberyard were built.

Lu Yun can send people.

Go and explore the 8 resource points outside.

【Breakfast Stall】

Quality: E-level ordinary

Properties: Small meals provided.

Duration: One hour to build.

Introduction: The basic building for territory development, providing 5 points of prosperity.

As for the breakfast stall.

This is a livelihood building that plays a role in promoting commercial prosperity.

It can add 5 points of prosperity to the territory.

"When there are more mobile vendors in the future, it will also increase the territory's tax revenue."

Lu Yun thought happily.

"Well, the toilets and the muddy paths should be repaired."

Anyway, Lu Yun has no shortage of resources.

They can be built at the same time.

While walking, Lu Yun issued various orders on the [Lord Panel].

within the territory.

A large number of residents poured out of the thatched houses, like a tide, carrying carpenters and masons with them, and dispersed towards the planned area.

Ding ding ding.

The long beeps for various building constructions sounded one after another.

Lu Yun didn't pay attention to these minor details.

He easily crushed the [Ordinary Soldier Talisman] and [Ordinary Refugee Recruitment Order]

Swish, brush, brush!

A 20-man militia team followed closely behind.

The steps suddenly became consistent, the simple wooden knife in his hand turned into a sharp bronze sword, and his clothes turned into fine leather armor.

"Ordinary military symbols, that is, some bronze weapons and leather armor, are better than nothing."

Lu Yun glanced at it and stopped looking.

[Ordinary Soldier Talisman]

Quality: E-level ordinary

Attack: Bronze Claymore (10 points of damage)

Defense: Fine leather armor (20 defense points).

Introduction: After use, 1-20 people can wear weapons and armor.

Properties and presentation are average.

But it’s about changing equipment in seconds.

Away from home.

It’s simply too convenient!

Lu Yun likes this one-click shortcut function very much.

at the same time.

Ten homeless people with disheveled faces suddenly appeared.

"Who is it? Protect the lord!"

Each of the 20 militiamen raised their swords nervously and shouted.

"Stay back, these are the new people."

Uncle Wang raised his head, glanced at the lord, and frowned.

"It's unbecoming to be in a panic."

Uncle Wang was so angry that he pointed at Ge Erdan and lectured him.

"Wang Er, go and bring someone to build a house for them."

"Got the order!"

Wang Er sheathed his sword and led two militiamen.

Immediately take the new refugees to the residential area and prepare to rebuild thatched cottages.

Lu Yun looked at the scene in front of him.

I feel so happy in my heart.

Every detail is taken care of by dedicated personnel.

Don't bother yourself.

What a cool thing.

Continuing to organize his backpack, Lu Yun suddenly stared at a backpack grid, lost in thought.

[Do you want to open the letter (gift) from Taoist Yu He? ! 】

Lu Yun recalled the small ball of light that Master Yuhe gave him.


【Letter from Master Yuzuru】

To be fair, you are the candidate with civilian background who impressed me the most.

Relying solely on one's own destiny, the answer sheet reaches the level of [golden inscriptions and green ink].

[Bronze Inscriptions Panqing] is the limit for poor candidates.

But it has never been the limit for candidates of the second generation of lords.

The luck of the Daxia Dynasty was real.

Not only the country has its national destiny.

The lord family also has family fortune.

Suppose that the second generation of a lord has outstanding literary talent like you, and they rely on the family fortune of the Burning Family.

You can easily reach the answer sheet level of [Sky to the Top].

Even the answer sheet of "Purple Energy Coming from the East" is not impossible.

See here.

Lu Yun fell into silence, his leisurely mood gone.

He clearly understands.

What does this mean?

The National College Entrance Examination Qi Luck Initiation can improve a person's fate and achieve the effect of changing one's fate against the will of heaven.

The second generation lords answered with the help of [Above the Blue Clouds] and [Purple Energy Coming from the East].

The geniuses can get a lot of luck.

In this case, any kind of peerless destiny is possible.

The descendants of the Lord of Great Xia.

The descendants of the founding heroes.

The luck they can get is another number.

There is no absolute fairness in this world. For ordinary people, there is only relative fairness.

Master Yu He not only told me the secret of improving luck in answering questions.

at the same time.

Lu Yun was reminded in every detail of the setbacks and difficulties he might face after becoming a lord.


He left behind a lot of valuable experiences and solutions.

Among them, there are things to note about the novice assessment period.

It’s even more clearly listed! !

Two sentences at the end of the letter.

Let Lu Yun’s eyes moisten:

"Don't tell me that Young Master Jingwei today invites you to see the sea level one day!"

"I hope you will have wings and transform into a northern sea fish - Yuhe Zhenren will stay."

"We will continue one after another, and one day..."

"The world of mist will be completely dispelled by my people in Great Xia!"

Everything in the Lord's Hall is vivid.

Lu Yun choked up.

He suddenly understood the weight contained in Yu He's words.

This gift left by Master Yu He.


It lit up a beacon for Lu Yun to move forward.

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