All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 21: The Development Status Of The New Lords, There Is A Cry Of Mourning

Lu Yun glanced at the lord panel again.

The first is Liu Changqing, who is sent out.

With a team of elite troops.

Look around for resource points near the territory.

Zhang San, Li Si, and Cui Chaoyang successfully built a D-level tall city wall with the help of the limited-time buff of [The Leader].

at the same time.

They discussed building rune circuits on the stone bricks used to build the city wall.

Wait until the day when the city wall is completed.

Countless rune circuits light up to form a rune city wall to resist monsters in the fog!

Ge Erdan is responsible for the construction of territory buildings.

Brand-new residential buildings have been built one after another, and countless new facilities to benefit the people have been built with the resources of large warehouses.

Within the territory, Mr. Wang manages all matters.

Taoist priest Gao Yun and pharmacist Wang Le taught Taoism and medical skills respectively.

I believe that over time, the basic talent education framework in the territory will be implemented.

In each dungeon, the mythical soldiers Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards are each responsible for leveling up a monster dungeon.

There is thunder every hour in the dungeon.

With the help of Tang Dao's attack speed, the soldiers swung their swords to create countless afterimages.

Especially the dungeon where Li Zhixuan was located, the thunder of destruction that symbolized heaven's punishment never stopped.

For those who didn’t know, I thought the boss of the fog dungeon was the Heavenly Tribulation Ni.

White real damage overflows the screen.

Whenever Lu Yun looks at it, his heart feels happy!

"This is called the life of a lord~!"

Now Li Zhixuan, the commander of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards, has reached level 30!

Get out and explore.

Resource extraction.

Territorial development.

HR management.

Fight monsters and brush the book.

Each has a dedicated person to handle it, and since then the five major closed loops of the territory have been formed!

Lu Yun, the hands-off shopkeeper, really couldn't imagine what else he could do today.

[Ding——Special event: Monster siege battle triggered! 】

[In the fog, countless evil spirits and monsters are gathering, preparing to launch a crazy attack on your territory! 】


Lu Yun was so surprised that he sat up from the big bed.

There is nothing to fear.

He was just a little surprised.

What kind of crazy monster dares to come to the territory to die?

[Special event: Countdown to siege by fog monsters 3:00:00]

[Note marked in red: This monster siege has the participation of over-limit monsters behind it. The newbies in the territory have a protective barrier, and the protective effect is minimal! 】

[Note marked in red: Suggestions for the era of national lords, respected lords, the wind is tight! Where there is life, there is hope. 】

Lu Yun ignored the suggestions of the National Lord Era.

The wind is blowing? !

What a joke.

Sitting there are the mythical soldiers Feather Guards and an ancient immortal god.

And Lushan Mountain, one of the cave heaven paradises.

He really doesn't understand.

How could I lose?

But before preparing for war.

Lu Yun took a look first.

[Newcomer Channel in District 88, Qingcheng Prefecture].

"Help, gentlemen."

"The people reacted, exploring the misty world, and things took an inexplicable turn."

"What should I do?"

"All my people who were sent out were lost and lost."

"Same question, the people have consumed too much and don't dare to explore anymore."

"Everyone can prepare more torches in the early stage."

"Torches have some mysterious properties and can drive away evil spirits."

"Everyone strives for the first ten days to get all the resource points."

As soon as Li Zhen said this.

Many people repeatedly said yes.

"The territory has not summoned management talents, so what should we do if we have to do everything ourselves!?"

"It's so hard to get leveling resource points, and the monsters can't be defeated at all."

"Isn't that right? You can't even defeat the level 7 fog monster upstairs?"

"Unlucky, no combat-type hero emerged to lead the team."

"There are more and more refugees in the territory."

"The newly cultivated farmland cannot be maintained."

"I'm an old man, my farmland has been plowed."

"The initial energy has been spent. If we don't go out and explore, we won't be able to survive!"

Many new lords are caught in a paradox.

To go out is to die.

If you don't go out, you will starve to death at home.

It's the word "death" anyway.

It's better to go out and give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle.

Chat area channel.

It was quiet and peaceful.

There is no sense of urgency for monsters to attack the city.

Even said.

Most people are still struggling with territory operations and management.

after all.

Not everyone is as lucky as Tang Wenguang.

There are S-level management talents at the beginning.

Unlocked with the era of universal lords.

This feature refreshes the refugees every day.

After the population of the newcomer's territory suddenly increased.

There are very few territories where one can support oneself.

There are very few territories like Lu Yun that can be self-sufficient.

To know.

Today is only the third day that the territory has arrived!

The new lords braved the fog to explore resources.

The risk factor is extremely high!

Lu Yun has not forgotten.

Previously, when Liu Changqing led people to destroy the evil stronghold.

Under the influence of fog.

The whole team turned around quietly.


Without the blessing of [When the Stars Shine], Liu Changqing’s team of soldiers.

Whether he can reach the location alive is probably a question mark.

There are no A-level or above soldiers in the newcomer territory.


Not everyone can.

Slaughter the dungeon like a chicken and level up quickly.

Lu Yun looked on with shame.

At the tragic development of the new lords, I couldn't help but sigh.

The other newcomer lords are having a rough time.

Those ones.

The second generation of long-famous lords.

But no news came out at all.

Sorted it out a bit.

Information in the regional new lord channel.

Lu Yun quickly came to the following conclusion:

"Is it only your own territory that triggered the monster siege?"

Lu Yun looked strange and suddenly laughed.


Sharpen your knife to the pigs and sheep!

The three-hour countdown to the monster siege is coming soon.

[Monster siege countdown: 19:00:00]

"View current time."

[18:50:53 in the evening]

"It's a waste of nearly five hours of [Leader's] effect blessing."

Lu Yun looked at the clock time and felt a little distressed.

The monster siege is approaching.

Lu Yun had to call back Liu Changqing and Li Zhixuan who were away.

Liu Changqing, who was exploring the march, led the army to fight bloody battles along the way.

The final crunch.

Liu Changqing and others arrived late, and were almost drowned in a sea of ​​monsters along the way.

As for the heavenly soldiers and feather guards.

Once the talent is activated, the sky speed increases by 80%.

There is no need for Lu Yun to worry about marching.

Experienced the doubled income brought by [Leader].

He really couldn't look directly at the slow development of the territory.


"Are the drops dropped by monsters from attacking the city included in the effect of [Leader]?"

Lu Yun suddenly realized a problem.

The [Chief Leader] effect can double the items used to fight monsters.

Time passes further and further.

The more monsters siege the city, the more props will be dropped.

(Explain a few questions:

1. At the same time, the development of the lords was too miserable. The world view background of Mist Survival and how they survived will be explained later.

2. Is it difficult to develop the protagonist’s territory? The protagonist is at the forefront of everyone. Monster siege is based on the overall prosperity of each territory, the number of troops, the number of buildings, and the strength of heroes.)

Popular understanding: When the protagonist is building a city, other civilian lords are still appeasing the refugees, and the rhythms of the two sides are different.

Hope everyone knows.

I'm sorry that it affects everyone's reading experience. )

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