All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 20 Listening To Music On The Hook, The Third Destiny! Five Emperors Yulong!

For Wang Xiaopang, today is an extraordinary day.

He saw with his own eyes Sister Xiu Niang, followed by laborers, carrying large and small bags into the lord's mansion!

"Uncle Wang."

Little Fatty Wang tiptoed, standing next to Old Uncle Wang's legs, and said sweetly.

Mr. Wang stretched out his hand and pinched it. His chubby and round face showed a cheerful expression on his old face.

"Sister Xiu Niang, are you living with the lord?!"

Uncle Wang squeezed Xiaopang's face, looked at the latter's expectant eyes, and replied with a smile: "Yes, Xiu Niang will learn new opera scores in her free time from now on."

"In this huge territory, this is the cleanest, sir."

Are the rest of the territory unclean?

Not necessarily.

Uncle Wang just made an excuse to ask the embroiderer girl to go up the mountain and live near the lord.

"The development of the territory is gradually getting on the right track."

"My lord, you cannot have no heirs."

Uncle Wang sighed in his heart, and he nodded a few words vaguely, hoping that Xiu Niang would understand something.

He couldn't tell the embroiderer directly to serve the lord.

Lu Yun’s marriage event.

It is not something that Mr. Wang, a small steward, can interfere with.

There is order between elders and younger ones, and there are distinctions between seniority and inferiority.

Wang Xiaopang thought hard for a long time, but still didn't understand.

What is the connection between Sister Xiu Niang moving into the Lord's Mansion and whether Brother Lu Yun has any heirs?

"Sir... Xiu Niang has recently learned a few opera scores."

"My lord, please give me some advice."

The embroiderer's nose is small and delicate, the corners of her mouth are rosy, and her snow-white skin is as tender as a baby's.

That red dress.

It gave the girl a somewhat charming aura.

Lu Yungang had just finished sweeping the system store and was in a great mood.

"Quick, sing it to the officials."

Lu Yun turned around and saw Xiu Niang, raised the corner of his mouth, and felt better.

Nothing to do today, just listen to music.

A piece of good news is heard, and it is just like the rumors. It is as graceful as an oriole, and everyone who hears it is amazed.

Lu Yun couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised him repeatedly.

"Thank you, my lord."

The embroiderer had a tulle on her face, raised her head, and met Lu Yun's clear eyes.

The little deer in my heart is pounding wildly.

The embroiderer looked shy.

Just as he was about to speak again, he was interrupted by a rough voice.

"Sister...sister, where are you."

"I brought delicious food for you and your brother."

Wang Xiaopang dragged a huge roasted suckling pig, causing oil stains to flow behind him.

If Old Uncle Wang saw this scene, he would probably have to invite Fatty Wang out of the Lord's Mansion overnight.

"Sister, you're not very hungry."

The embroiderer wanted to cry but had no tears. She was a weak woman.

Where to eat.

This is a whole roasted suckling pig.

"Alright. Little Fatty, don't make trouble. Send your sister back to the side room."

The embroiderer's eyes were full of resentment, as if she wanted to eat Wang Xiaopang.

Wang Xiaopang didn't realize it, and he grabbed the embroiderer's delicate hand.

Sent to side room.

During the exchange of operas, Lu Yun asked indirectly who arranged for Xiu Niang to move in.

After hearing it was Mr. Wang.

He was a little speechless.

Uncle Wang sent the embroiderer over to express his eagerness for his marriage.

"Weaver Girl would be better off as a maid."

Lu Yun understood the embroiderer's thoughts on his young girl's love.


He doesn't have so many ideas at the moment.

ten minutes later.

After adjusting his clothes, Lu Yun looked at his handsome self in the mirror, full of confidence.

Don't get me wrong, he is not an ordinary man obsessed with women.

Lu Yun wanted to use a better posture to open the immortal treasure chest lying in his backpack.

In ancient times, when people worshiped gods, they even paid attention to burning incense and bathing.

Without saying a word, he prepared to open the treasure chest immediately while the lord was dozing off.

"Open the SSS-level immortal treasure chest!"

[Congratulations, dear Lord, you have obtained the Immortal Level Skill "Yulong Dao Jing"]

"Tao Jing of Yulong": The skills bred by heaven and earth are practiced by absorbing the dragon's energy, including the energy of the true dragon, the energy of the emperor, the energy of the dynasty, and the energy of the dragon's veins.

Note: The above dragon energy is unruly and unruly. Practitioners are advised to exercise caution when breathing out the exercises.

A brief overview of the state of Qigong.

Below the Immortal level are divided into:

Refining Qi (1-25), Building Foundation (26-50), Golden Pill (51-75), Nascent Soul (76-100), Transforming God (101-125), Refining Void (126-150), Fusion ( 156-175), Mahayana (176-200), Tribulation Transcendence (level 201-225)

(Level 225 in the era of national lords, and above will become an immortal)

Those above the Immortal level will not be considered for the time being.

Lu Yun's heart trembled.

Naturally, a series of great scriptures appeared in my mind, and five-clawed golden dragons, which were as illusory as bubbles, soared through the boundless void.

A dragon roar seemed to explode together with the thunder!

"It's thundering?"

Ge Erdan glanced at the gray sky in confusion.

Lu Yun sat cross-legged and meditated.

The eyes observe the nose, the nose observes the mouth, and the mouth observes the heart.

He looks within himself.

I found wisps of extremely faint purple meaning, spreading from the highest destiny [Purple Micro Destiny].

A young five-color destiny true dragon appeared, roaring unruly into the void.

Behind the young dragon, five stalwart blurry figures suddenly appeared, punching and kicking them.

The young dragon, with a bruised nose and swollen face, begged for mercy one after another and signed one guarantee after another.

Five blurry figures stopped the beating.

In the blink of an eye, you can get started with the Yulong Dao Sutra!

The light is shining, the auspicious clouds roll up the mist, causing waves of thick golden-gray waves.

Not long after.

Above Lushan Mountain, the sky for dozens of miles was shrouded in glowing light.

Inside the temple.

The Nine-Day Interviewer raised his hand slightly.

A large amount of spiritual stones and the dragon's energy from the foot of Lushan Mountain surged toward the Lord's Mansion.

[Five Emperors Yulong Destiny] The entry is dazzling.

Lu Yun felt warm all over, and his levels were upgraded one after another.

"Immortal level skills are quite simple to practice."

Lu Yun didn't feel anything unruly about the Dragon Vein Qi.

"Open personal panel."

He was still accustomed to checking the system panel to find out more intuitively.

Where is your strength?

【Lord Lord】

Name: Lu Yun

Level: Level 49

Realm: Peak of foundation building period

Fate: Ziwei Destiny

Mandate of Heaven: [Zhongtian Ziwei] [Control the Stars] [Five Emperors Control the Dragon]

Kung Fu: "Yulong Dao Jing"

"Wait a minute, the third destiny!"

There has been no movement in the [Purple Micro Destiny] destiny.

If you don't take action, it's enough. Once you take action, it's amazing.

Lu Yunqiang suppressed his excitement.

[Five Emperors Yulong: The Five Elements and Five Virtues always say that the gods of the five directions sit in the center of the four directions. No dragon dares to go against your will. 】

The most awesome effects often only require simple explanations.

The gods of the five directions sit in the center of the four sides and ask who else is on this card!

"However, no dragon dares to violate his will. How dare he not do it?"

Lu Yun was curious about the destiny effect.

Could it be that his tiger body was shaken and his domineering energy leaked out?

Countless ancient dragon gods bowed their heads one after another?

You can't just ask the five emperor-level bosses to defeat them personally.

Lu Yun thought for a long time.

No idea why.

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