All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 2 The Inscriptions Are Green, The Number One Scholar In Qingcheng Prefecture!


As the door opened, the roaring and piercing sound of the bell sounded.

In the Lord's Hall.

The novice lords who had been waiting for a long time all looked at him.

The visitor has a handsome appearance, a face like a crown of jade, deep eyes, and a calm and steady step.

It makes people look away and find it difficult to look away.

"Comer, name."

A Taoist wearing a crane cloak and holding a feather fan spoke loudly.

"Lu Yun."

Lu Yun calmly stated his name.

"Okay, huh?"

In the palm of Yuhe Zhenren's hand.

The suspended manual flipped and turned to the exam paper on the page where Lu Yun was.

Wisps of aloof green air emerged from the book, and green lotuses bloomed in it.

The radiance of culture, which represents the candidates’ cultural spirit, shines brightly with the sun at this moment.

"The test paper evaluation is inscribed with golden inscriptions."

"Ranked among the best!"

"His Majesty has appointed him as the number one scholar in Qingcheng Prefecture!"

Master Yuhe looked around, his eyes quite pleased.

After seeing so many mediocre candidates, I finally have a good candidate.

"The number one scholar in Qingcheng Mansion, the first among the three million new lords!"

"During the military exercise in the academy territory, I witnessed Lu Yun winning the Qingcheng Prefecture Joint Competition with my own eyes."

"The monster who has been making all the major teachers so angry that they vomited blood for eight consecutive years."

"Oh? I'd love to hear the details."

"The eight-year exams all received full marks without exception. Many lords and nobles complained, wondering if the teacher was deliberately letting his subordinates get away with it."

"Countless lords from other places took the initiative to offer an olive branch to Lu Yun and invited him to become their son-in-law."

"It turned out to be him."

"I know, I know. He was born in an orphanage, and he dares to refuse invitations from young ladies from major families."

"This is the only candidate who has passed the Jin Qingjuan exam so far."

When he saw the person coming was Lu Yun.

Many people are not surprised by Wenhua Vision.

Famous winner of the territory development competition route in Qingcheng Prefecture.

For eight consecutive years, he has been the top student in all nine basic subjects with perfect scores.

Compare these titles above.

Everyone prefers to gossip about the No. 1 pick’s scandal entertainment.

A noble son from a humble family who refuses the marriage of a certain lord and a large family and does not want to get married!

This news once appeared on the front page of Qingchengdi Newspaper!

"A noble son from a humble family?"

"Can we buy it with money?"

"We also watched and observed how the No. 1 scholar solved the problems."

Apparently there was more than one smart person, and they reacted immediately.

Lu Yun's examination papers have profound insights into territory construction.

The exam papers with inscriptions and inscriptions are priceless!

Hear this.

Master Yuhe's eyes moved slightly, his expression was unkind, and he yelled:



Everyone seemed to have a big stone pressing on their hearts.

The atmosphere instantly cooled down, and the hall was eerily quiet.


Master Yuhe's eyes widened.

The Dharma Eye can see into the luck of the house.

The color is red and white, and occasionally there is a gathering of yellow light.

Only above Lu Yun's head, a golden light reaching the sky was conspicuous.

The depth of the color represents the candidate's luck, the brilliance of culture, and the rise of luck.

See here.

Master Yu He probably has a pretty good idea of ​​their future.

Think about it.

"Lu Yun, sit down here."

Master Yu He stretched out his hand a little and pointed to a location not far away from him.

Lu Yun has not yet reacted.

People have been moved to seats and sat down.

"Remember to feel the presence of the Lord's mark with your heart."

Master Yuhe smiled slightly, flicked his feather fan, and his tone was obviously much kinder.

Lu Yun nodded like the other novice lords.

He had something else on his mind.

What made the teacher angry and vomiting blood for eight years is completely false. It is obvious that all the major teachers love him.

The reason why Lu Yun refused the young lady's marriage was because he was devoted to studying.

There is no woman in my heart, and I learn from the gods of nature.

"Miss Bai, Miss Liu, Miss Huang, Miss Cai..."

Thinking about so many girls, Lu Yun felt dizzy.

He can't go around saying that when I become successful, I will definitely marry you and go home.

Lu Yun can only say that these young ladies are quite beautiful on the inside.

Two-word evaluation, very smooth.

Low-key life, high-profile work.

Lu Yun, who was born in a welfare institution, really needs some reputation to protect his own safety.

If we talk about the qualifications of a person's destiny.

Determines how well the lord enjoys the territory.

Then the lord's mark.

Determine what kind of special effects each territory will develop.

It is mentioned in the Beijing Normal University version of the textbook.

Lu Yun remembered it very clearly.

Wait until the novice lords arrive one after another.

Master Yuhe stood up slowly and tossed his robe.

A crisp sound.

Silence the whispering lords.

"The door to the new world is about to open for you."

"This is - an era that belongs to all the lords!"

Taoist Xianhe raised his fly whisk high, opened his arms, and said with an intoxicated expression.

Hear the words.

Each of the preparatory lords looked excited, or many people were talking in low voices, or one person was talking to himself.

"This will be the first step for me, Xiao Kun, to enter the age of lord!"

"I, Ouyang Zi, must create something new and prove it to myself!"

The lord named Ouyang Zi had bright eyes and shouted loudly.

"Pindao is looking forward to it."

"The starry sky outside the territory, the moment I see you again!"

"I will definitely work hard!"

Everyone quickly bowed their heads and paid homage in unison.

That's what it says.

Taoist Xianhe's eyes fell on Lu Yun.

Among these three million people.

The only person with great luck who has a golden destiny.

Taoist Xianhe knows clearly.

It is difficult to be a noble child from a poor family, but it is even more difficult to be born in a commoner family!

Words that no one teaches.

It is difficult for them to survive the novice assessment period.

Thinking of this.

Taoist Xianhe seemed to have made up his mind.

"It's up to me next."

"Let me introduce to you the history of Lord Daxia."

Everyone held their breath and listened carefully.

"Ever since the Lord of Great Xia cleared away the fog and weirdness in the territory."

"Many evil spirits were suppressed by the Dragon and Tiger National Movement and driven out of the Great Wall."

"Every day, the Great Wall is stained with the blood of evil spirits who want to knock down the gate."

A hint of darkness flashed in the eyes of Master Xianhe.

"And you!"

Taoist Xianhe looked around with sharp eyes.

The novice lords who were noticed all raised their chests and straightened their bodies.

"After the novice assessment period, they will lead their troops to station at the Great Wall on the border to hone their skills and grow up quickly!"

"Countless mist treasure chests are waiting for you to open them!"

"And you will also become the Great Border Border Lord of Daxia, the iron-blooded border guard lord in the sky of hundreds of billions of stars!"

The scene in the Lord's Hall suddenly changed.

Everyone seemed to be on top of the Great Wall made of copper and iron.

The thick smell of blood hit his face.

The cold and murderous atmosphere filled the world.

Tall flags fluttered in the wind, and swords, spears, and swords were arranged neatly at a glance.

The fog billows outside the city.

Endless darkness shrouded the outside of the Great Wall, with only the flickering bonfires illuminating the pitiful light.

The rustling noises like countless insects all around became louder and louder.

In foggy darkness.

Scarlet lights of different sizes kept flashing, which were the cold compound eyes and twisted and grotesque figures of the insects!

Outside the Great Wall, above the starry sky, there is an indescribable and grotesque evil god.

They just glanced at it, their minds going blank.

[The determination of the national luck of the Great Xia Dragon and Tiger takes effect, and the low evil god’s coercion distorts the immunity! 】


Sonorous and powerful shouts of charge sounded.

Countless Great Wall guards with different expressions and uniforms climbed onto the city wall fearlessly.

Immortal magic, rain of bullets, war dolls, ritual witchcraft.

Different lords and armies have made indelible contributions to the foggy battlefield.

"This is...the Great Wall battlefield."

Lu Yun swallowed, his eyes filled with shock.

There was a pause.

Everyone's thoughts were affected by Taoist Xianhe's words.

Pulling back to the Lord's Hall, everything just now seemed like an illusion.

"Beyond the fog, everything you have done to resist the monsters!"

"Supreme honor!"

Taoist Xianhe raised his fly whisk high and shouted loudly and passionately.

The eyes of most novice lords are full of longing.

It is their ideal to enter the Great Wall of China and become a border-protecting lord.

Even the second generation lords are no exception. Only by going out can they escape the shackles of Daxia territory.

"We will continue one after another, and one day..."

"The world of mist will be completely dispelled by my people in Great Xia!"

Taoist Xianhe said with a fervent expression and firm eyes.

"By the way, little guys, get your initial rewards."

Taoist Xianhe covered his forehead.

I almost forgot the most important thing.

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of spiritual light fell out.

"This is a benefit for novice lords of Daxia Unification."

"It contains basic talent recruitment orders, refugee recruitment orders and basic military symbols."

Taoist Xianhe explained.

In front of each preparatory lord, three light groups floated up.

The appearance is gray, making it impossible for others to see what it is.

the difference is.

There was one more small ball of light in front of Lu Yun than others.

Lu Yun's eyes flickered and he reached out to quickly put these away.

"Everyone enters the era of all people."

"The initial backpack only has three grids of space and a small amount of resources."

End of popular science.

Taoist Xianhe waited quietly while the newcomer lords below digested the knowledge.

See everyone sorting out their belongings.

"Okay... let's continue."

Master Xianhe nodded slightly.

"Every batch of lords who enter the universal lord space."

"According to the rules of the previous lord assessment, you all have a 30-day novice assessment protection period."

"During this period, monsters in the fog will be blocked from the novice territory."

Hear this.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the monster couldn't come in.

"Please don't take this lightly."

"Every ten days there is a wave of small monsters that can cross the novice barrier."

Master Xianhe reminded them as if he knew what they were thinking.

"Once the novice assessment protection period ends."

Master Xianhe paused and deliberately whetted his appetite.

"What will happen?"

"A large number of fog monsters will flood into the novice territory."

Master Xianhe's tone was solemn.

Countless new lords seem to be in a broken territory again.

Countless fog monsters rushed in screaming and tore them apart!

"Cough cough cough."

The illusions in the sky were shattered, and the new lords looked at Master Xianhe in horror, speechless.

"Anything that comes out on top in the meantime, little guys!"

"Everyone will receive heavenly rewards, and the rewards are very generous!"

"It's possible to infuse luck, recruit immortals and gods, and use heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

Master Xianhe smashed his mouth, full of nostalgia.

"Finish activating the lord's mark."

"By silently reciting the era of universal lords, you can enter your own territorial space."

"The assessment rules of previous years are inconsistent. Please explore the specific situation as appropriate. You can communicate and discuss in the lord channel!"

The vast fairy sound spread throughout the lord's hall,

Countless new lords, clouds and mist grew under their feet, fairy sounds lingered around them, and the spiritual platform shone brightly.

"I wish all new lords to clear the fog barrier!"

"Add a few more worlds to my Daxia!"

Several lords took this opportunity one after another.

Lord's mark, manifested successfully!

See this scene.

Yuhe Zhenren's eyes are kind, and his body gradually becomes illusive.

"Daxia Qingcheng Mansion, leader of the Lord's Hall."

"Mao Yuhe's mission ends here."

Looking at Master Yu He whose body was languid and disintegrated.

Only then did everyone react.

They all hurriedly bowed and said goodbye: "We are waiting to see Master Yu He off!"

Lu Yun closed his eyes tightly.

Communicating the mysterious place in the world.

There are traces of golden gas gathering in the heart.

Then, drops of golden liquid emerged, dripping into unknown places.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Lu Yun stretched out his hand and looked at the lord's mark on his arm.

It seems to be inseparable from itself, containing a mysterious connection.

With a thought, the lord's mark disappeared.

[Is it entering the era of universal lords? ! 】


Lu Yun took a deep breath and confirmed.

Then everything went dark.

Before consciousness disappears.

Lu Yun hurriedly recited silently to activate his destiny.

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