All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 1 The Blessing Of The Dragon And Tiger National Luck, The Mythical Lord System

(The framework of this book is detailed. I hope you will be mentally prepared. Notes will be marked at the end of each chapter to facilitate reading by novice readers.)

The territory of Daxia Yun Dynasty spans all major planes and star fields, and other countries are in other small worlds.

The Great Xia Yun Dynasty.

blue star.

Jizhou, Huai'an Province, Qingcheng Prefecture.

[The exam end time has arrived, all candidates please stop answering! 】

On the podium.

The invigilator took out a token representing the luck of Qingcheng Prefecture.

The figure of Pixiu can be vaguely seen above.

The invigilator looked around at the hundred candidates present and said loudly:

"We respectfully invite the Great Xia National Games Divine Beast to inspect Examination Room No. 88 in Qingcheng Prefecture!"

"We sincerely welcome the purple gold unicorn, the divine beast of national luck!"

Lu Yun shouted excitedly along with other candidates.

The candidates just finished speaking.

A majestic air of luck swept across the entire examination room.

Countless candidates are so talented!

On the wall facing the candidates.

There is a statue of the divine beast of Great Xia's national luck.

A purple-gold unicorn jumped down.

Starting from the first candidate, carefully review the candidates' answer sheets.

All the candidates stared at Zijin Qilin, held their breath and did not dare to make any noise.

Because the time has come to decide their future destiny!

Lu Yun's eyes darkened slightly and he looked at Zijin Qilin nervously.

A heart hung high.

Travel through this world for more than ten years.

He already knows what kind of world this is.

Hundreds of years ago, the era of universal lords suddenly arrived.

The dark mist outside the starry sky was overwhelming and rushing toward the Blue Star.

Countless terrifying fog monsters appeared in Daxia.

Fortunately, countless qualified lords have risen to the occasion.

Establish territory, train troops, compete for resources, and become a lord giant.

Head into the void to defend yourself from monsters in the fog!

this era.

Myths are no longer legends, the gods are very close.

Immortality is at your fingertips!

Through decades of dark turmoil.

The king of the country suppressed the fog and weirdness along the way, and established the largest territory in the world with great courage:

Great Xia Kingdom!

[Dragon and Tiger National Luck] is the first territorial characteristic of Daxia Territory.

This is how the mythical beast of national destiny came into being.

He is born with the ability to change the origin of his destiny!


When the people of Daxia turn 18, they must take the national college entrance examination.

Selected by the national destiny beast, whether they have the qualifications to become a lord.

This ensures that no lord talent is buried.

Each person's innate fate determines the strength of the lord's mark.

For those with extraordinary talents, it will be much easier for them to initially occupy space and cultivate troops.

A person with a shallow initial destiny will have excellent scores in the National College Entrance Examination.

There is still a chance to get the favor of the national destiny beast and get a chance to change your life!

Because fate is not static.

The National College Entrance Examination is the fairest opportunity for Daxia people to change their destiny!

As for the national destiny beast.

Ordinary people can only have the opportunity to see it when they take the national college entrance examination.

"Red qualification destiny!"

"I am blessed by a divine beast!"

"Now I am promoted from a white destiny to a red destiny qualification!"

A candidate was ecstatically sharing his joy.

Others looked envious.

This candidate must have achieved excellent results in his answer sheet.

Otherwise, you would not have received so many blessings and caused your fate to change.

"I, I... I have been promoted to a yellow fate!"

"Yellow destiny?!"

There was an uproar all around.

In Qingcheng Mansion, Huang Fate is already a guest of the major lords and forces from all sides.

It can be said.

Enter the lord space and activate the lord mark.

Innately, it is much stronger than other fates.

It is said that starting from the yellow horoscope.

The characteristics of the territory will be dozens of times higher than those of a lord with ordinary destiny qualifications.

Every giant lord who has left a great reputation in the deep sky of the star field.

There is no one with less than yellow destiny qualifications!

Hearing other people's explanations, other candidates who had not received the blessing became even more envious.

Waited quietly for a while.

The purple-gold unicorn, the divine beast of national destiny, came to stay beside Lu Yun.

The candidates in front were examined one by one by Zijin Qilin.

Based on the college entrance examination answer sheet scores.

Grant candidates the luck to improve their qualifications.


Blow gently.

The examination paper in front of Lu Yun flew up in the wind.

The words "good words" like dragons and phoenixes reflected in Zijin Qilin's eyes.

The writing is smooth and the writing is smooth.

Thousands of words are written eloquently.

An almost perfect explanation of how a novice lord should use resources to develop.

How to recruit troops, repair barracks, keep a low profile, and develop in a low-key manner.

The answer sheet is mixed with many contexts of historical development in various dynasties in previous lives.

Seems perfect.

Compared with the previous ones, there were dozens of answer sheets that were stuck in the past.

Lu Yun’s answer sheet.

There was no surprise, which made Zijin Qilin's eyes light up.

Lu Yun became increasingly nervous.

As a time traveler, Lu Yun naturally has a system.

However, the system woke up one week before the college entrance examination.

Functionality is unknown.

It just reminds Lu Yun that the system requires luck to activate.

Lu Yun, who grew up in a welfare institution, did not have the family advantages and resources of the descendants of great lords.

In this world full of Taoism, great power comes to oneself.

Lu Yun wisely did not choose to sell his past life memories to obtain meager funds.

Because you can't predict how difficult it will be for you to develop with the knowledge of your previous life and the wisdom of billions of lords.


The luck that can be gained by answering the National College Entrance Examination.

For Lu Yun, it seems even more important.

In order to pass the National College Entrance Examination.

Lu Yun has been familiar with various lord assessment syllabuses since he was a child.

We have been preparing for the sea battle tactics for many years.

Finally handed in this one, which is a perfect answer.

Zijin Qilin opened his eyes wide and looked at Lu Yun carefully.

I saw that this person was tall and straight.

He has a handsome face, a handsome face, and an outstanding talent.

He is deeply blessed by the luck of Qingcheng Mansion.

Zijin Qilin's eyes lit up, and then he said:

"Native qualifications: dark green and golden."

[Fate qualifications from low to high: gray, white, red, yellow, cyan, gold, purple, purple gold]

"Examination Hall No. 88 of Qingcheng Prefecture, Candidate No. 78 achieved excellent results on the answer sheet."

"I hereby apply and receive blessing from the Heavenly Official!"

After saying that, Zijin Qilin closed his eyes.

It seems that I am communicating with someone.

"Candidate No. 78, his answer sheet is A-grade."

"We received over three million candidates, ranking first in Qingcheng Prefecture."

"Give me the title of Number One Scholar."

"I hereby grant permission to invoke Qingcheng Mansion's luck to bless me."

The sky above Qingcheng Mansion.

A huge roll of lists slowly unfolded.

It began to appear above that the names of new champions in the Daxia territory were emerging.

In the area representing Qingcheng Prefecture, two large golden characters gradually appeared, conveying the vast mountains and rivers of Qingcheng Prefecture.

"Lu Yun!"

Tens of millions of people in the entire Qingcheng Mansion watched these two words nervously.

The next moment the sound started to boil!


"Golden Legend!"

Excited voice.

Interrupting the discussion of others, everyone followed the sound and took a look.

A golden light rose into the sky and penetrated in all directions.

The golden life is rendered, and the sound of dragons and tigers roaring is endless.

If you look more carefully, you can see that there are faintly visible light pillars, and blue cloud patterns are rising.

Pixiu in the sky above the institutional legal network.

The whole body was like fire and blood, bright and vivid, as if it was alive.

Immediately afterwards.

Pixiu, which represents Qingcheng's fortune, runs faster and leaps into the sky.

Suddenly, it turned into a stream of light and fell into the golden light pillar.

Such a sensational scene shocked the entire Qingcheng Mansion.

Countless reporters came and swarmed after hearing the news.

Trying to dig out first-hand information and interview candidates with golden destiny qualifications.

"The fate of golden qualifications!"

“This year’s college entrance examination, we have a great talent!”

"Let us in quickly."

"The first-hand interview information must be from our Dongyun Club!"

"It must be Lu Yun, the number one scholar!"

There were a large number of security personnel in the examination room, looking like they were well prepared.

Immediately, they acted as a human wall to stop the crazy reporters.

At this time, massive green clouds of smoke fell from the sky.

A large amount of luck rushed into Lu Yun's body.

Lu Yun closed his eyes tightly.

Underneath, a feeling of joy and joy spread from the depths of his soul.

[Detection of Daxia Dragon and Tiger Luck Watering]

[System activation, loading! 】

[Congratulations to the host, the mythical lord system has been successfully activated! 】

Lu Yun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Finally waited until the system was activated!

[Host’s golden qualification and fate detected! 】

[Gift package for beginners: Unconditional promotion to the mythical level, the only destiny: Ziwei Destiny]

[Should I be promoted to destiny now? 】


Lu Yun suppressed his excitement and rejected the system's proposal.

Just the manifestation of the golden destiny is accompanied by the vision of golden light reaching the sky.

It's hard to imagine how exaggerated the vision will be after being promoted to a mythical destiny.

He wasn't sure.

Do other great powers have any means of observing luck?

Nowadays, promotion to a mythical destiny is too public.

After entering the Lord's space, be safer.

At this time.

The invigilator in Examination Room 88 shouted loudly and expressionlessly:

"The National College Entrance Examination is over."

"All candidates please leave the venue in an orderly manner."

The invigilator said as he spoke.

The invigilator recorded their results nervously and orderly, and uploaded them to the Daxia Qiyun Law Network.

Daxia has a complete talent training system.

Strictly eliminate the influence of major lords and damage the foundation of the country.

Lu Yun nodded.

He had the same expression as other candidates, with a happy smile on his face.

"The number one scholar in Qingcheng Prefecture, the little guy is very good."

Zijin Qilin watched Lu Yun leave with great satisfaction.

Outside the examination room.

A majestic blue brick and green tiled hall towering into the clouds.

Came into Lu Yun's eyes.

"Lord's Hall."

Lu Yun read the large gilded characters on the plaque.

Since the advent of the era of universal lords.

Lord's halls appeared out of thin air in various places.

Only lords who have awakened for the first time can enter.

The issue surrounding the ownership of the Lord's Hall has caused great confusion.

The endless flow of blood once covered the outside of the palace.

Until the founding of Daxia.

The luck of the dragon and tiger suppressed all demons and monsters, and the situation improved.

Lu Yun climbed all the way up the bluestone steps and walked to the front of the main hall.

He pushed open the heavy bronze door:

Countless bright lights erupted from the door, and countless streams of light scattered in all directions!


1 [Dragon and Tiger National Destiny]: The first characteristic of the Daxia territory is the ability to suppress practitioners’ divine passages and all kinds of monsters and ghosts!

2 [Great Xia Luck Law Network]: The [Internet], which was born based on the characteristics of dragon and tiger national luck, has the ability to eliminate evil and avoid troubles, suppress weirdness, and clearly identify identities.

3 [Prefecture Movement System Law Network]: The luck within the regional system gathers together and connects the [Imperial Capital] system law network. The depth of the color represents the strength of the suppression ability of the national movement. )

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