The ancient mysterious sky, the same color, the sky is covered with gray plume clouds, making the world in front of me look extremely depressing.

On the nearby ground, there are faintly located these mountain peaks, which are extremely desolate, without any green.

The surface of the stone mountain is surrounded by a thin layer of black mist, which looks extremely gloomy and gloomy.

Some withered bones, half exposed, telling of the tragic killing that did not know how many years ago.

Under the long years of erosion, these bones, which are not known to be human or animal, have already begun to weather.

There are even holes in the skeleton. Stepping on it will instantly turn it into bone meal.

The white bones are not particularly numerous, but the distribution is extremely broad.

From the feet of Zhou Chen, it spreads to the nearby stone mountain, scattered everywhere.

While this place appears desolate and lonely, it also adds a layer of evil horror to it.

"What the hell is that place?"

There was a whisper in his mouth, Zhou Chen raised his eyes and looked all around.

As far as I can see, there is such a barren scene.

The New World that Zhou Chen is currently in is not only desolate on the surface, but the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi contained in it is even thinner to an outrageous point.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen has opened up a world by himself and has an endless supply of World Strength.

If not, change to another cultivator, even the supreme powerhouse of Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal Realm, located in such a desolate world, I am afraid it will gradually weaken and decline.

In the end, even unable to withstand the erosion of the years, he fell completely dead.

"Forget it, let's get out of here first!"

slightly frowned, Zhou Chen exudes divine sense while taking steps under his feet.

"gu lu!"

It didn't take long, suddenly, a strange noise came into Zhou Chen's ears abruptly.

Divine sense left, on the deep black ground, a sullen white skeleton was rolling towards him.

flicks with the finger, a little starlight shot out, piercing the skull bone,

Immediately, I saw a huge mouse rushing out of the skull , Zhi zhi yelled and fled to the distance.

Seeing this in his eyes, Zhou Chen's brows can't help but relax a little.

It's good to have living creatures, at least this represents the barren world in front of him, not the Danger Land and dead land as he imagined.

The footsteps did not stop at all, Zhou Chen continued to walk forward without stopping.

Without flying in the air, even out of caution, Zhou Chen even converged a lot of divine sense.

Along the way, along the way, a lot of bones, and some rusty weapons, came into Zhou Chen’s eyes

With the weapon in his hand, Zhou Chen looked at it carefully.

In the next moment, the look on his face suddenly changed.

Among those weapons, Zhou Chen felt a strange power.

Moreover, the hardness of these blades is not even weaker than the material of Innate Spirit Treasure in Hong Desolate World.

This must have been the Divine Weapon that was extremely cherished, but I don’t know how long it has been before it was corroded and became what it is now.

"These people who died in the past were probably some amazing people!"

Looking at the sparse bones, Zhou Chen muttered to himself Sighed with emotion.

Time is really ruthless, no matter how the cultivation base connects to heaven penetrating the earth, after death, it will eventually become rotten.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Zhou Chen collected those broken weapons into his own world.

Although these weapon blades are ugly and corroded, after decomposition, their materials are also rare.

Immediately, Zhou Chen continued to carefully observe every inch of the divine sense enveloped.

Soon, a stone mountain came into Zhou Chen's eyes, making his brows frown.

Although the stone mountain is only under four or five hundred zhang high, it is extremely steep and does not look like a naturally formed mountain.

On the contrary, it seems to be forcibly cut off and chopped out by some sharp weapon.

Even the other stone mountains nearby are the same.

"Equivalent to Innate Spirit Treasure's Divine Weapon blade, countless mysterious and powerful cultivator bones, what is this place!"

Rao is based on Zhou Chen’s cultivation base strength, He couldn't help but feel a touch of sorrow again between his eyebrows.

With full of doubts, Zhou Chen soared into the sky and climbed to the top of the stone mountain.

As soon as he set foot on the top of the mountain, Zhou Chen's divine sense moved slightly and his eyes suddenly moved.

At a position not far from the top of the mountain, he unexpectedly sensed a rather not weak life fluctuation.

The body shape suddenly flashed, Zhou Chen shot away in the direction of life fluctuation.

It was a pile of rocks, and there seemed to be a big crack hidden under the countless huge stones.

Zhou Chen's figure has not stopped yet, a powerful palm force suddenly appeared among the rocks, and blasted towards him with a great momentum.

Seeing this situation in his eyes, Zhou Chen didn't panic at all, and moved towards the pile of rocks with a finger glow between his fingers.

Not only the palm force was destroyed in an instant, but also the pile of boulders was blown to pieces.

If it wasn't for clarifying the information of this world, the life under the boulder would have been suppressed by Zhou Chen.

As the boulder turns into fly ash, the life in the crack also appears before Zhou Chen's eyes.

It was a skeleton of a skeleton crawling on the ground, with a faint rays of light surging on its body.

"en? A race you have never seen before?"

Looking at the skeleton, Zhou Chen's eyes couldn't help flashing a strange color.

Although the skeleton of the skeleton is human, there are six pairs of wings behind it, which looks exactly similar to the western angel in Zhou Chen's cognition.

Although the skeleton of the skeleton looks very ordinary, it is almost the same as the bones of ordinary people.

But Zhou Chen can perceive the hardness of his bones, which is by no means less than the hardness of the ordinary Innate Spirit Treasure.

"Who are you?"

Staring at the skeleton, Zhou Chen said lightly.

Although Zhou Chen doesn't know his strength for the time being, what level he belongs to in this world within the realm.

However, he can clearly feel that the Twelve-Winged Angel, which has been turned into a skeleton, is definitely not his opponent.

I heard Zhou Chen's voice in my ears, and the skeleton angel, who had no flesh and blood on his body, raised his head with difficulty.

The ghost flames flashing in his eye sockets couldn't help but exuberant a bit, as if thinking about it.

However, in the next moment, the skeleton's mouth made a terrifying howl like wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

He put out a pair of grim and pale bone claws, and moved towards Zhou Chen fiercely and grabbed them fiercely.


Seeing this in his eyes, an angry look flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes.

He didn't say a word, even when he slashed with a palm, he cut off the opponent's ghost claws instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chen couldn't help being frowned.

Because Zhou Chen has sensed the Spiritual Fluctuation of the skeleton in the fight at this moment.

He found that the other party's mood was very mad, and he couldn't communicate with him at all, just like a lunatic.

For this kind of mentally disabled existence, Zhou Chen knew that he could not rely on normal communication to get the information he wanted.

So Zhou Chen did not hesitate, his divine sense surged out in an instant, fiercely broke into the Spiritual Imprint where the skeleton remained, and began to read the information in it.

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