"Let’s go down separately!"

Looking across the faces of the dísciple, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning waved his hand and said, "Remember, If you have nothing to do, it’s better to recite Huang Ting quietly in the dojo!"

After the voice fell, the figure of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning immediately disappeared on the cloud bed. , He also went to the Supreme Purity Saint and Heavenspan Cult Lord to discuss the matter of signing the Investment of the Gods a hundred years later.

Seeing that the silhouette of his Master disappeared, after a little chatter, all the dísciples also left the Kunlun Mountains Void Jade Palace.

Except for Zhou Chen in the quasi-Saint Realm world, all other interpretations and teachings are within the scope of this calamity.

They have just found a way to overcome the catastrophe here at Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and now they naturally have to rush to put the method into action.

After Zhou Chen bid farewell to the Junior Brothers, he did not stay too much in the Void Jade Palace, and went straight back to the Purple Tenuity Emperor Star.

In the magnificent imperial palace filled with immeasurable stars, Zhou Chen sits in a quiet room, frowning his brows, thinking in the heart secretly.

In fact, with Zhou Chen's cultivation base strength, he can completely stay out of this calamity, but this is after all a catastrophe about the entire Xuanmen Taoism.

As the most important dísciple of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, how could Zhou Chen watch his sect lose in this tribulation?

If Zhou Chen allowed this amount of calamity to evolve, the luck of the entire Xuanmen would be greatly impaired, let alone their interpretation of lineage.

According to Zhou Chen's information about the enlightenment of gods and calamity, in the future, Western religions will rebel out of Xuanmen and become independent Buddhism, and they will be the biggest winners.

Except for Western teachings, people who interpret Three Sects have all suffered considerable losses.

In particular, the ending of Section Cult was the most tragic, and in the end it almost broke off the inheritance of orthodoxy.

Even the Celestial Court, which promoted the outbreak of the volume robbery, did not get much benefit in the end.

Although Haotian filled the priesthood of the Celestial Court with the Investiture of the Gods, because of the participation of the Saints dísciple, the Celestial Court has also become a platform for the Great Saint sect to compete and fight.

This made the luck of the entire Xuanmen force greatly decline, and they could only sit and watch the Buddhism who had rebelled out of Xuanmen, and thrived little by little.

Faced with this situation, Zhou Chen, who is a three-generation dísciple from Xuanmen, naturally had to plan early.

Don’t say anything else, at least if the Daoist Dipankara and Cihang betrayed the teachings, Zhou Chen would never let them leave so easily.

By then, Zhou Chen will undoubtedly want to introduce two Saints to Shanghai and the West.

Sufficiently able to compete with Heavenly Dao Saint's cultivation base strength, this is what Zhou Chen needs to plan.

Countless years of closed-door cultivation, because of the boundless merits, Zhou Chen's comprehend of the law can be described as fast.

Especially the great Emperor Zi Wei in the North Pole and the Netherworld controller. This is what makes Zhou Chen blessed by heaven at the time of comprehend the law of stars and the law of reincarnation.

To this day, Zhou Chen's perception of the law of stars and the law of reincarnation has reached the realm of the Sub Saint of the former Donghuang Taiyi, which is fully comprehended as much as 90%.

Only one step away, Zhou Chen can fully comprehend these Two Great Laws and set foot on the realm of Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

However, this step is as huge as a moat.

Recall how extraordinary the talent of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi was at the beginning, and it was limited by this step for countless years.

It is precisely because of this that the Eastern Emperor and Tai's side is ready to rule the Great Desolate World through Monster Race, so as to forcibly push down this shackle with the help of immeasurable luck.

It's just that Monster Race never defeated the Witch race in the end, but ended up with both sides suffer.

Until he died and fell, Donghuang Taiyi never stepped out of this step.

Now Zhou Chen wants to complete the Law of Stars and Law Comprehension of Reincarnation, which is so difficult.

Fortunately, there is an essential difference between Zhou Chen and Donghuang Taiyi.

Donghuang Taiyi is the Innate Spiritual God born and bred in Great Desolate World, while Zhou Chen came to Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth from other worlds.

Emperor Taiyi couldn't leave the Great Desolate World until he died, but Zhou Chen could go to other worlds freely.

If you want to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal in the Great Desolate World like Donghuang Taiyi, the difficulty of this is naturally needless to say.

I am afraid that Zhou Chen may not be able to successfully step out of this step before the immeasurable calamity.

But if you leave the Great Desolate World and go to other worlds, there may be a great probability.

Now that the Conferred God and Volume Tribulation erupts, and there are still about a thousand years away, Zhou Chen plans to go to other worlds to have a chance to see if he can break through to Hunyuan Great before the Conferred God Volume Tribulation. The realm of Firmament Golden Immortal.

I raised my hand and turned it over, and a simple and simple star chart slowly appeared in the palm of Zhou Chen's palm. This is where the Supreme Treasure he settled down.

As Zhou Chen’s cultivation base has become increasingly profound, the star chart he summoned now is no longer the original projection, but the real star chart ontology.

Today, this volume of star chart is equivalent to Zhou Chen's companion spirit treasure.

If Zhou Chen spare no effort took out this treasure, it will be able to exert a power comparable to Innate Supreme Treasure.

Also, Zhou Chen's heart can faintly feel that the power of this vast star chart is probably more than that.

However, what is the power of this treasure? This is not what Zhou Chen values ​​most. What he focuses on is that this treasure can connect All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

This gives Zhou Chen unlimited possibilities, instead of being confined to a side world.

Silently rubbing the vast star chart in his hand, Zhou Chen began to quietly think about which world would help him quickly break through to the realm of Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

Among the worlds experienced by Zhou Chen, any world with a level similar to the Great Desolate World can allow Zhou Chen to breakthrough.

For example, the stars become world, immortal world, devours the starry world, just when Zhou Chen is thinking about which world he is going to go to.

Suddenly, the Haomiao star chart seemed to sense Zhou Chen's gathering, and another star flickered, exuding an incomparable attraction.

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Chen's deep in one's heart is immediately a joy.

Zhou Chen has never doubted this vast star chart that is similar to his own life, and this star chart has never disappointed him.

Now that the star chart has given guidance, Zhou Chen will naturally no longer hesitate. He will leave Great Desolate World instantly even after connecting to the twinkling star.

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