The flat peaches of the flat peach event are divided into three different levels.

In the order of three thousand years, one ripeness, six thousand years one ripeness, and nine thousand years one ripeness.

The higher the position of the guests, the more flat peaches will be distributed, and the better the quality will naturally be.

All the beings sitting in the first row are from Saint sect.

So these Saint dísciples, regardless of whether the cultivation base is high or low, are all assigned a 9,000-year-old purple-patterned flat peach.

Fortunately, people who interpret the dísciple of Three Sects have the cultivation base strength of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal at least.

Each of them was given a nine-thousand-year-old purple-patterned flat peach, and those loose cultivator guests had no opinion.

In comparison, those dísciples taught in the West, or even most of them, are Golden Immortal's cultivation realm. They were also assigned to the purple-patterned peach, which made other guests quite criticized.

Although the other guests were very upset about the Western teaching dísciple, they did not say much in the end.

After all, the West should mention that Saint is ugly. This is something everyone knows in the entire Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth.

Among the Saint dísciple, there is another person with very special treatment, that is, Chen Su Heavenly Venerable Zhou Chen.

The flat peaches placed in front of Zhou Chen are naturally also 9,000-year-old mature purple-patterned nuclei, but there are three in number, the same specifications as Haotian, Yaochi and Zhen Yuanzi.

For this, the hearts of the Loose Immortal guests did not have any opinions.

Heavenly Venerable, the chief educator, Chen Su, is a well-known existence throughout the Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, and a prestigious power.

He can get such treatment, almost overwhelming majority guests agree.

But there is a little dissatisfaction in one person's heart, he is the Daoist Abundant Treasures of Section Cult.

Looking at one of the purple-patterned pitted peaches on his table, and then saw the three purple-patterned pitted peaches in front of Zhou Chen, Daoist Abundant Treasures' expression was a little gloomy.

In the eyes of Daoist Abundant Treasures, everyone is now replacing their own Master to participate in the flat peach event.

He is the chief of Section Cult, and his treatment should be equal to that of the chief of interpretation and education, instead of treating him differently according to the level of the cultivation base.

But right now in front of a group of Saint dísciple and many Great Desolate loose cultivators, Daoist Abundant Treasures is not good for a direct attack.

In the end, he could only secretly write down the difference between Haotian and Dao in his heart. After returning to Emerald Jade Floating Palace, he naturally couldn't help talking to Heavenspan Cult Lord.

The powers such as Zhou Chen and Haotian sit at the top, and a group of Saint dísciple's positions are opposite.

Although the look on Daoist Abundant Treasures's face changes very quickly, how can it be possible to hide Zhou Chen's perception? However, Zhou Chen did not take the idea of ​​Daoist Abundant Treasures seriously.

The Daoist Abundant Treasures today are nothing more than the cultivation realm of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal in the mid-term.

If he hadn't obtained the merits of the Master of Earth Sovereign, he would not even be able to break through to the Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

For Direct Disciple, such as Holy Mother and Golden Spirit Holy Mother, which have never gained merit, right now it is only Supreme Unity Golden Immortal Peak.

Comparatively speaking, among the dísciples of the interpretation and teaching, because of the support of Zhou Chen, there are a total of nine dísciples who can continuously obtain the merits of the underworld.

Antarctic Xianweng and Guangchengzi are also realm in the mid-term of Great Firmament Golden Immortal. Daoist Abundant Treasures are not weak.

Supreme Unity daoist and jade cauldron daoist explain Golden Immortal, and they also have breakthroughs to Great Firmament Golden Immortal Early-Stage.

If you look at the Three Sects of the orthodox Xuanmen, don’t look at the Section Cult on the surface, it is known as the Wanxian Dynasty.

Actually speaking, in terms of real quality, elucidation is the most outstanding existence among Three Sects.

Even if Zhou Chen, the powerful Chief Disciple of Quasi-Saint, is not mentioned, the dísciples such as Antarctic Xianweng and Guangchengzi alone are enough to crush the Direct Disciple of Section Cult. .

So how can Zhou Chen pay attention to the idea of ​​Daoist Abundant Treasures? He sat on the top of each minding their own business, picked up a purple-patterned peach, and tasted it.

This flat peach is already melted in the mouth, without chewing at all, it turns into a pure mana and flows into the body.

However, compared to Zhou Chen's cultivation base strength, the effect of this mana is minimal.

Just tasted one, Zhou Chen ignored the remaining two purple-patterned peaches.

For other Saint dísciples, this purple-patterned pitted peach is a rare spirit root fairy fruit.

However, after Zhou Chen's previous suppression of Haotian, he obtained nine Innate flat peaches containing the origin of Renshui.

As far as Innate Pantao and Zhou Chen are concerned, it is nothing more than satisfying the desire to speak. How can he value this degenerate purple-stranded flat peach?

Like Zhou Chen, Zhen Yuanzi, who was next to him, only tasted a purple-patterned peach, and then kept his hands.

The Ginseng Fruit in the hands of Zhen Yuanzi, but the spirit root fairy fruit that is better than Innate flat peach.

He also didn't pay much attention to the few purple-patterned peaches in front of him, just tasted the fresh ones.

However, for those guests under the realm of Saint Realm, this flat peach event hosted by Celestial Court is a rare opportunity.

In addition to the main flat peaches, other delicacies are also extraordinary.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the Dragon Liver and Phoenix Marrow, each of them also contains an incomparably abundant Spiritual Qi.

The pot of Qiongye Jade Liquid entered into the cup, and there was a hazy mist of spirit.

Even those Saint dísciple are all gorge oneself, let alone those Great Desolate loose cultivator.

The atmosphere of the flat peach event is getting stronger and stronger, and it can be said that it is a happy event.

Seeing such a scene, Haotian and Yaochi couldn't help but smile at each other, and finally stood up from their seats together.

The original intention of Haotian to host this flat peach event was to invite Great Desolate cultivator to expand his Celestial Court's power.

Now that the Pantao Festival is booming, Haotian naturally wants to accomplish his goal while it's hot.

Slightly smiled, Haotian said loudly: "You can come to participate in the flat peach event held by my Celestial Court, it is really to make my Celestial Court flourish.

Rare opportunity, I have something that I would like to tell you about."

As soon as the words in Haotian’s mouth fell, loose cultivator echoed loudly: "Heavenly Emperor entertains us, we are grateful. , But what's the matter, Heavenly Emperor bluntly said it!"

I don't know if this loose cultivator was arranged by Haotian secretly, but it was extremely suitable.

Immediately afterwards, Haotian didn’t delay anything, and immediately stated his purpose at this moment: "Thanks to the wrong love of the ancestor Dao, I have chosen me and Yaochi to be in charge of the Celestial Court.

I I dare not disappoint Dao ancestors’ high hopes, and are diligent all day long.

It’s a pity that the Celestial Court is vast, and the priesthood is like a sky full of stars.

With the power of me and Yaochi alone, It’s really hard to continue.

And all of you are Great Desolate World cultivation profound, high moral character, I would like to invite you to join my Celestial Court and join in the grand event!"

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