Feel the blazing gaze deep in the eyes of the guests below, Haotian’s heart is slightly smiled.

Among all the gifts sent by everyone, Haotian most likes this bottle gourd eighth turn Golden Core.

This bottle gourd has sixty-three sixty-six Golden Cores, which is equivalent to thirty-six Supreme Unity Golden Immortal.

And the loose cultivator that Haotian can recruit with this bottle gourd is definitely more than just thirty-six.

Using Haotian's methods, he can at least use this bottle gourd to turn eight Golden Core to recruit three hundred and sixty loose cultivators.

Even if there are only three hundred and sixty Golden Immortal, it is not a small growth for Celestial Court.

The smiling Haotian personally greeted Xuandu and said: "Many thanks to the generous gift of Eldest Senior Brother, Xuandu Martial Nephew, hurry up and take your seat!"

Western Teacher, Section Cult, human education, four Great Saint sect, there are already three parties, and the rest of the elucidation and teaching are naturally not far away.

Along with a cloud of azure, more than a dozen figures floated and appeared in the Immortal Realm in Yaochi. They were the entire group led by Zhou Chen.

Immediately, but I heard a louder sing that resounded throughout the entire Yaochi Immortal Realm: "The first disciple of Yuqing Saint, the Arctic Great Emperor Zi Wei, Chen Su Heavenly Venerable, with the interpretation Teach the dísciple of Antarctic Xian Weng, Guang Cheng Zi, etc. to..."

This sing is not from the mouth of Yingbin Tianjiang outside South Heaven Gate, and Zhou Chen and the others also did not go to South Heaven Gate.

In Celestial Court, there are a total of four daoist sect households, among which the east, west, and south three heavenly gates are all under the control of the Heavenly Emperor.

Under normal circumstances, the east and west heaven gates do not open, and only the South Heaven Gate serves as the gateway to the Celestial Court.

The remaining North Heaven Gate is under the control of the Arctic Ziwei Heavenly Emperor, which is in the hands of Zhou Chen.

In order to save time and energy, Zhou Chen directly used the power of North Heaven Gate to bring in a group of interpreters to board the Heaven Realm.

So they did not go to South Heaven Gate, but went directly to Yaochi Immortal Realm through North Heaven Gate.

Seeing the arrival of Zhou Chen and the others, all the guests in Yaochi Immortal Realm all stood up.

Even the two masters, Haotian and Yaochi, and Zhen Yuanzi, the great power of Quasi-Saint, are no exception.

Different from other Saint dísciple, Zhou Chen, the chief educator, is recognized as one of the great abilities of Great Desolate World Peak.

When Zhou Chen arrives, Haotian, Yaochi and Zhen Yuanzi also need to get up to meet each other.

Staring quietly at Zhou Chen's face, Haotian couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow. He recalled the scene of Zhou Chen's brutality not long ago.

However, at this moment, even if Haotian's heart is not calm, how could he lose the style of Lord of the Celestial Court?

As if the contradiction not existed not long ago, Haotian joined Yaochi and walked down from his seat, and smiled and greeted Zhou Chen.

"Chen Su Heavenly Venerable, it really makes this flat peach event flourish!"

Haotian slightly cupped the hands, and said first paid respect.

Under normal circumstances, Haotian is usually called Zhou Chen as Ziwei Emperor.

But now Zhou Chen represents the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, representing the elaboration and teaching, and Haotian naturally wants to call the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning personally named Zhou Chen.

"Heavenly Emperor laughed!"

Zhou Chen also seemed to have forgotten the previous violent beating of Haotian. He smiled and said, "Feng Master Let me give you an Innate Spirit Treasure to celebrate the birthday of the Queen of Heaven!"

When Zhou Chen’s voice fell, the Guang Chengzi standing next to him didn’t wait for Zhou Chen’s instructions. The middle grade Innate Spirit Treasure was sent up.

"Yuanshi Senior Brother, you are polite!"

Haotian instructed Taibai Jinxing to take over Lingbao, and then personally invited Zhou Chen to the top seat: "Chen Stay in Fellow Daoist, please come to your seat!"

While Taibai Jinxing took over the Lingbao, he also led the Antarctic Xianweng, Guangchengzi and the others with great mellowness, and walked to the first row of Saints. dísciple is seated where you are sitting.

Compared with the previous Western teaching pharmacists, human-taught archmage, and Daoist Abundant Treasures of Section Cult, it is undoubtedly that Zhou Chen, the chief educator, is now more powerful.

Heavenly Emperor and the Queen personally greeted him, Zhen Yuanzi, such a powerful person, stood up and waited, and finally came to the top to take a seat.

With such a huge power, the guests below can't help but stun their tongues.

The appearance of Zhou Chen and Chanjiao people can be said to directly heighten the atmosphere in Yaochi Immortal Realm to the extreme.

Everything that should be here has come, and the time is almost there, Haotian naturally won't wait any longer.

Haotian also invited other Great Desolate powers, such as Kunpeng from Beiming, Netherworld River Old Ancestor from Netherworld Blood Sea and so on.

However, the demon master Kunpeng, who is notoriously worthless, is worse than Western religions, and simply can't come up with any decent gifts.

Besides, there is no dísciple by the demon master Kunpeng, and he doesn't like the degraded flat peach of Celestial Court, so he simply ignored Haotian's invitation.

As for the Netherworld River Old Ancestor, he has always been alone.

He didn't come to participate in this flat peach event, but it was reasonable.

Especially the Netherworld River Old Ancestor is now backed by Six Paths of Samsara. He takes Asura Road as the foundation, and simply does not need to pay attention to the so-called Lord of the Celestial Court.

Seeing that no other distinguished guests arrived, Haotian directly raised his hand with a wave, instructing Taibai Jinxing to preside over the opening of the flat peach event.

"The hour has come, the flat peach event officially begins, go to the flat peach!"

I heard Taibai Jinxing's voice in my ears, and most of the guests below couldn't help but look forward to it.

Even those Saint dísciple are interested.

Although the flat peaches currently owned by Celestial Court are differentiated from the Innate flat peaches, they can be regarded as the rare spirit root fairy fruit in Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth.

In the Pan Peach Garden of Celestial Court, there are a total of 3,600 Peach of Immortality Trees planted.

There are 1,200 plants in front of them. They have small flowers and small fruits. They are ripe for three thousand years. People will become immortals after eating them, and they will have a light body.

There are 1,200 plants in the middle, with layers of sweet and sweet fruits, which are ripe for 6,000 years. People eat Xiaju and soar, immortality.

There are 1,200 plants in the back, with purple veins and nuclei, which are ripe for 9,000 years.

Compared with the Ginseng Fruit sent by Zhen Yuanzi before, the effectiveness of this flat peach is undoubtedly a few levels lower, but it also made the eyes of all the guests in the field extremely hot.

Along with a pair of fairies Gong'e, holding a plate of lingering flat peaches, they walked into the Immortal Realm in Yaochi one after another.

Before Pantao was delivered to the guests, everyone in the field felt relaxed and joyful.

The scent of flat peach spreads throughout Yaochi. Many loose cultivators with low cultivation base just took a breath of scent and immediately noticed a slight improvement in the power of the movement method.

For a while, these guests were even more looking forward to tasting the flat peaches.

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