Zhou Chen never thought of deliberately concealing all the saints, so when all the saints made a little deduction, he immediately understood what Zhou Chen did.

He even imitated Empress Nuwa and sent a Great Expert’s Primordial Spirit True Spirit to Six Paths of Samsara, and then Innate established the position of Human Sovereign.

This move seems to only increase the Human Sovereign Power of Achievements and Virtue obtained by Zhou Chen, but the deep meaning is not so.

After all, Zhou Chen put all the merits of Human Sovereign he obtained into Xuanyuan's body.

The amount of Human Sovereign merit is not important to Zhou Chen.

The existence that Zhou Chen cares about is Xuanyuan's belonging and Xuanyuan's luck.

As early as when Xuangui's Primordial Spirit True Spirit was ignorant, Zhou Chen let the Fengdu Great Emperor put it in the door.

After Xuangui's Primordial Spirit True Spirit reincarnation became Xuanyuan, Zhou Chen personally included him in the teaching.

In this way, Xuanyuan explained and taught three generations of dísciple thoroughly.

It is by no means like Earth Sovereign Shennong, but only has some master and disciple status with Daoist Abundant Treasures.

Apart from this, because of Zhou Chen’s advance layout, when Xuanyuan successfully achieved the Human Sovereign status, Zhou Chen even used this to directly benefit half of the human race luck.

For the Great Expert of Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, this thing of merit is enough, but luck is completely different.

Even the Heavenly Dao Saints of aloof and remote, in order to fight for luck, they spare no effort to plot against.

Today's Human Race is the largest race of Great Desolate, and it is the World Protagonist. Zhou Chen planned half of the luck of the Human Race for himself in one fell swoop,

This The plot against makes all the saints deeply amazed.

"hong long long!"

When the ten thousand zhang golden tortoise fell into Xuanyuan’s mind, his aura that had gradually slowed down and climbed quickly, and immediately advanced by Leaps and bounds got up.

"Quasi-Saint mid-term!"

"Quasi-Saint late-term."

"Quasi-Saint Perfection!"

… …

In a blink of an eye, Xuanyuan’s cultivation base strength has skyrocketed to the peak of the quasi-Saint Realm world, which is infinitely close to the Hunyuan Great Firmament Golden Immortal.

However, this realm of Great Firmament Golden Immortal is not so easy to break through.

The breath of Xuanyuan tried many times high and low, but in the end it could only stop at the realm of Sub Saint.


Slowly opened his eyes, Xuanyuan exhaled a long breath, his eyes could not help expressing unspeakable complex emotions.

With the improvement of the cultivation base to Quasi-Saint Peak, Xuanyuan finally completely comprehensed everything from the countless years of his previous life.

Unconsciously, Xuanyuan looked at the moved towards Empress Nuwa, and the look on his face was extremely complex and intolerable, but he did not see any hatred or resentment.

Although Xuanyuan was in the hands of Empress Nuwa in his previous life, he also took this opportunity to break and stand, reaching the realm of Sub Saint now, becoming Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth second only to The existence of Heavenly Dao Saint.

In addition, Empress Nuwa is the Human Race Holy Mother, now Xuanyuan is equivalent to her descendants, how could Xuanyuan resent his ancestors.

Gazed deeply at Empress Nuwa, Xuanyuan turned around and declared to the sky: "Heavenly Dao is here. Since then, Great Desolate World has no more mysterious turtles, only Human Race Xuanyuan , Only to explain and teach the three generations of dísciple Xuanyuan!"

Xuanyuan did not have any hesitation or hesitation, he directly set up Heavenly Dao Oath to confirm his future position.

Seeing such a scene, the most delighted in the field are undoubtedly Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Zhou Chen master and disciple.


Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, who has always looked solemnly, couldn't help but even made a compliment with his hands together, his face was full of joy.

Xuanyuan, as Zhou Chen’s Direct Disciple, also explained that the relationship between the teachings is inherently connected with luck.

When Xuanyuan set up Heavenly Dao Oath, he, the Human Sovereign, directly caused the spirit of interpretation to skyrocket by 10%.

My proud dísciple is the power of Quasi-Saint, and my disciple has now become a Sub Saint, which makes Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning really smile.

The other Saints also moved towards Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning with envy.

Especially Heavenspan Cult Lord, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

It is said that Section Cult Wanxian came to the dynasty, and luck was extremely prosperous.

But now it seems, how can it be compared with the luck of my second brother!

"dísciple Xuanyuan, meet Ancestor Master, Martial Ancestor, and Master!"

After Xuanyuan determined his future identity and position, he immediately flew to Three Purities Saint and Zhou Chen In front of him, Ji Shou made a big gift.

For the Direct Disciple of my lover, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning is very pleased.

Not to mention that Xuanyuan now confirms his orthodoxy inheritance without the slightest hesitation, which makes the face of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning more radiant.

"You don't need to be polite, get up quickly!"

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning even stretched out his hands and helped Xuanyuan up.

Immediately, he saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and pointed a little, he continued with a smile on his face: "There is nothing good about Ancestor Master. protection, protect the road!"

while speaking, a luxurious and extremely luxurious lamp fell directly into Xuanyuan's palm.

Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning Although there is nothing good to say on the lips, the mysterious of this beacon is absolutely extraordinary.

Since the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning divided the treasures of you dísciple, there really are not many spiritual treasures around him.

As long as the spirit treasures still left in the hands of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, at least they belong to the high grade Innate Spirit Treasure.

For example, the ancient banner of Innate Supreme Treasure plate, the three treasures of Jade Ruyi, and so on.

And this glazed jade lamp, among all the spiritual treasures in the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, the second only to plate ancient banner and the existence of the three treasures Jade Ruyi.

The Yuxu glazed lamp is one of the four ancient spiritual lamps. It is the sky lamp among the three lamps of Heaven, Earth and Human. It belongs to the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure.

There is a group of golden flames in the lamp, which is called Gu Yi, who has the power to detect all souls. It is mysterious to the extreme.

Now Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning even bestows the Top Grade Innate Spirit Treasure of Yuxu glazed lamp to Xuanyuan, which shows his love for Xuanyuan.

Not to mention that in the previous battle, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning also personally spent the merits to refine the Acquired merit spirit treasure Xuanyuan Sword for Xuanyuan.

With such treatment, looking at the entire teaching, only Zhou Chen, the proud dísciple of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, can be loved by Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning more than Xuanyuan.

Apart from this, even if it is the Head Disciple of Guangchengzi and Antarctic Xianweng, it is fundamentally impossible to mention on equal terms, let alone other second-generation dísciple.

For myself Head Direct Disciple Zhou Chen this lineage, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning can be said to be extremely favorite.

As the so-called gift from the elders, it is indispensable, Xuanyuan naturally cannot refuse the kindness of his Ancestor Master.

"dísciple, thank Ancestor Master for giving the treasure!"

After a deep bow, Xuanyuan solemnly put away the jade glass lamp.

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