Whether it is Haotian or Xingtian, the two of them are the rare Great Experts of Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, and the rationality they deserve will never be lacking. .

In this situation without any deep hatred, how could Haotian and Xingtian be at all costs to kill each other?

But the final result is that Haotian and Xingtian both suffered from both sides. One fell and reincarnated, and the other suffered severe head injuries.

Such a situation made Zhou Chen's heart shudder.

The ability to unconsciously affect the two Quasi-Saint powers, making them fight to the death as if they were completely irrational.

Looking at the entire Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth, I am afraid that only the Heavenly Dao Saints of aloof and remote can do it.

Behind both sides suffer from Xingtian and Haotian, is there a plot against and interference by Heavenly Dao Saint?

At this point, Zhou Chen didn't dare to think about it, and he was also unwilling to think about it.

After all, the current situation of Haotian and Xingtian is of great benefit to Zhou Chen.

Needless to say Xing Tian and the retired Witch Clan, now that after Haotian fell and reincarnated, the entire Celestial Court can be said to have fallen into a state of headless dragons.

Originally on top of Zhou Chen, the Arctic Great Emperor Zi Wei, and Jade Emperor Haotian, the nominal boss.

But at this moment, looking at the entire Celestial Court, Zhou Chen will never be restrained and restrained anymore.

After the return of Haotian reincarnate and recultivate, Zhou Chen, a force of the Arctic Great Emperor Zi Wei, must have already surpassed Haotian.

Therefore, the fall and reincarnation of Haotian is also of great benefit to Zhou Chen.

After realizing that Haotian and Xingtian both sides suffer, there might be some other secrets. Zhou Chen immediately stopped paying attention to this matter. He turned his attention to Human Race. .

Since the end of the battle, the entire Human Race has been ruled by Xuanyuan very firmly.

Under Xuanyuan's many good governance, Human Race has developed increasingly grand.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed, and Xuanyuan, the Heavenly Destined Human Sovereign, has finally achieved the perfection.

However, Xuanyuan did not follow the example of the previous Fuxi and Shennong, selecting talents from the entire Human Race, but prepared to pass the position of co-owner of the Human Race to his grandson Zhuan Xu.

Although Zhuanxu's talent is not as good as the three emperors, he also possesses great wisdom.

In addition, Xuanyuan has always personally taught by example, so it has also been recognized by the leaders of the Human Race Tribe.

After two generations of Human Sovereign retreat, Xuanyuan walked up with Zhuan Xu.

At the same time, with the sky full of Purple Qi, Golden Lotus smallpox and other visions, Three Purities Saint and Empress Nuwa successively projected divine sense in the sky above the high platform.

Following the four Saints, Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi, Earth Sovereign Shennong, Human Race third ancestor and other sages also personally rushed to the field.

As the ancestor of Human Race Holy Master and also the Xuanyuan Master, Zhou Chen is naturally not absent.

Seeing the arrival of the four Saints and the silhouettes of your ancestors, all the people who watched the ceremony bowed and bowed: "We will see Saint, and our ancestors!"

Xuanyuan also bowed. He gave a salute, and then only listened to him proclaiming to the sky: "I am the Xuanyuan clan, thanks to the trust of Earth Sovereign Shennong, and succeeded to the throne of Human Race for more than hundreds of years.

During the period, Ping Jiuli, Determine the measure, plant the grains, consciously try to do everything in Zen, and dare not live up to clansman’s high hopes.

Today’s merit Perfection, then the position of co-lord is passed on to Zhuan Xu.

Since then, Zhuanxu is the co-master of my Human Race."

After Xuanyuan's voice fell, the Human Race under the high platform shouted the names of Xuanyuan and Zhuanxu, and chanted together: "May my people patriarch Sheng Jiu'an!"

Heavenly Dao feels the perfection of Human Sovereign, and naturally the immeasurable Power of Achievements and Virtue is coming.

In this way, Xuanyuan's contribution to Human Race and Great Desolate World is to be recognized.

But seeing above the sky, the boundless profound and yellow merits converge, swaying infinite merit golden light.

This group of meritorious clouds eventually divided into three, among which about 80% of Power of Achievements and Virtue descended on Xuanyuan's body.

Of the remaining 20%, 10% moved towards Heavenly Sovereign where Fuxi was located, and was collected by Heavenly Sovereign Fuxi with the Human Race Supreme Treasure Kongtong Seal.

The other 10% is that moved towards Zhou Chen shrouded the past. This is Heavenly Dao's reward for the teacher of Human Sovereign.

As for elucidating dísciples such as Guangchengzi and Antarctic Xianweng, although they did a lot of effort when Xuanyuan suppressed Chiyou and Jiuli tribes.

However, compared with all the merits of Human Sovereign, Guang Chengzi and others have not gained much merit in interpreting and teaching dísciple.

In addition, the nine interpreters dísciple shared equally, so they did not occupy much of the Human Sovereign merit, and they did not succeed in the vision of Texiangyun.

However, these merits and luck are actually blessed on the bodies of dísciples such as Guangchengzi and Antarctic Xianweng.

This made them, who were in Sect's Dao Temple, also showed a brilliant smile in an instant.

Although the three emperors have similar luck, the merits of Human Sovereign are greater.

Therefore, the Power of Achievements and Virtue obtained by Zhou Chen is naturally more abundant than the Daoist Abundant Treasures of Earth Sovereign.

However, for Zhou Chen today, this Human Sovereign merit is only equivalent to the icing on the cake.

Having the merit of making characters, evolving the merit of Six Paths of Samsara, Zhou Chen, who created the merits of Netherworld, actually did not attach much importance to the merits of Human Sovereign.

Immediately, but seeing Zhou Chen raising his hand with a wave, he directly penetrated into Xuanyuan's body the virtue of success that was about to enshroud his body.

Ninety percent of Human Sovereign's merits were submerged in the body, and immediately triggered ten thousand zhang golden light.

An extremely terrifying aura Straight Clashing Nine Heavens made the four Saints above the clouds show a look of surprise.


But a loud roar that shook Great Desolate World, the ten thousand zhang golden tortoise that once spurred Great Desolate, once again appeared at the top of the sky.

Bathed in the boundless merits, the ten thousand zhang golden tortoise screams from the sky, venting and revealing the endless joy in my heart.

When Xuanyuan's cultivation base strength was promoted to Hunyuan Golden Immortal Realm by Power of Achievements and Virtue, the ten thousand zhang golden tortoise crashed down and plunged straight into Xuanyuan's mind.

Such a scene, even attracted the eyes of other Great Experts who had never been in the field.

Even the Heavenly Dao Saints of aloof and remote are equally eye-catching.

Only Zhou Chen, the instigator, watched all this quietly with a smile on his face.

All the saints who had a feeling in the heart moved slightly, and immediately deduced them all. Not only did they move towards Zhou Chen and looked over, there was an astonished color in the depths of their eyes. .

Especially Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, he looked at his proud dísciple with his eyes full of approval.

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