Looking at the golden armors and scepters scattered above the void, Zhou Chen raised hand and beckoned and directly took these two top Supreme Treasures into his hands.

Immediately, Zhou Chen looked around the void.

He glanced indifferently at the other Lord of Universes who were hiding in the distance watching the battle, and then directly Void Teleportation left here.

"The Lord of Universe that was just killed is really the Lord of Yongan?"

"Can this be fake? That madman-like Lord of Yongan, I think very Is it hard for anyone to admit the mistake?"

"This Lord of Yongan has the highest Lord of Universe strength, not only has two top-level Supreme Treasures, but also a plant life Avatar.

The result did not 't expect, he was killed by the Human Race Lord of Universe.

The strength of the opponent is really terrifying!"

"The Human Race Lord of Universe , Seems to be called the Lord of Chen Su.

It seems that there is another unprovoked existence in this universe!"


It wasn't until Zhou Chen's silhouette completely disappeared that a great battle broke out in the void, and then one after another Lord of Universe of different races emerged.

At this moment, these Lord of Universe faces are extremely shocked, and they communicate with each other in disbelief.

Zhou Chen didn't even bother to pay attention to these Lord of Universe thoughts. After leaving the void battlefield, he went straight back to the depths of the waters of Qingfeng Realm.

When Zhou Chen went deep into the waters of Qingfeng Realm and was ready to continue his treasure hunt.

"Darkness Lord initiated a group chat with you in the virtual universe, may I accept it?"

Suddenly, Zhou Chen’s virtual universe system sent him a message The message prompt of'ding dong' is displayed.

Zhou Chen is slightly frowned, separates a touch of divine sense, and directly connects to the virtual universe system.

After Zhou Chen accepted the Darkness Lord’s group chat initiated in the virtual universe, he saw that the Darkness Lord who had received him earlier and the Lord of Youhou who had just been rescued by him were already I've been waiting here for a long time.

As soon as I saw the Zhou Chen silhouette, the expressions of the Darkness Lord and Youhou Lord instantly relaxed.

Since the other party can enter the virtual universe system unharmed, it is clear that the previous troubles have been solved, which naturally caused a big stone to fall in the hearts of the Darkness Lord and Youhou Lord.

"Chensu, today I still have to thank you for your timely rescue, otherwise I am afraid that I will be dead.

Life-saving grace, unforgettable, I will need me in the future In the Youhou place, as long as you say a word, even if I go through water and tread on fire, I will do it!"

Immediately, I saw the lord of Youhou with an extremely solemn expression. Stepped up to thank you.

The heart of the Lord of Youhou is very bright, he immediately looked towards Zhou Chen, this life saving benefactor, and thank you again and again.

Although in this universe, the Lord of Universe of the same race supports each other, it is a matter of division.

But the Lord of Youhou knows very well that if he really regards Zhou Chen to rescue him, it is a matter of course.

Then I am afraid that in the future, there will be no one to rescue him if he encounters any danger again.

"Youhou, you are serious, you and I are both Human Race, but you don’t have to be so polite!"

Seeing the Lord of Youhou’s posture so solemn, Zhou Chen also felt Very satisfied, he waved his hand and said softly.

The Lord of Youhou made a heavy punch again. He didn't say much, but everything was silent.

Just when Zhou Chen and the Lord of Youhou were chatting, the Darkness Lord suddenly received a message, and a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Immediately, he looked at Zhou Chen and asked: "haha, Chensu, I heard that you killed the madman of Yongan Lord? This is really a big block of people's hearts!"

"Oh? Is the Lord of Yong'an very annoying?"

Hearing this in his ears, Zhou Chen couldn't help but lightly exclaimed.

A trace of hatred flashed over the Darkness Lord’s face, and he explained: "Which is more than annoying? He is disgusting!

The guy's overall strength is also the strength of the fourth rank Lord of Universe, but his defensive power is particularly strong.

Especially the plant life that has a million kilometers of Divine Physique as an Avatar, you can Healing injuries continuously.

As far as life-saving ability is concerned, that servant can barely be regarded as Fifth Rank.

So this lunatic, every time he encounters a Lord of below the fifth level. Universe will always take the injury-for-injury style of play.

As long as there is no domain top Supreme Treasure or companions to rescue, he will basically be consumed alive!"

When the Darkness Lord first came to this universe, he was once entangled by the Lord of Yongan.

Fortunately, his Senior Brother Primal Chaos City master arrived in time, and this forced the Yongan Lord back.

If not, Darkness Lord might have fallen under the hands of Lord Wing On that time.

Now that the Lord of Yongan is beheaded by Zhou Chen, this naturally makes the Darkness Lord feel very happy.

"Darkness is right. The reputation of the Lord of Yongan in the universe is really notorious.

Generally, battles between the Lord of Universe, most of them are for Snatch the Supreme Treasure.

But the reason why the Lord of Yongan is called a lunatic is that he will get entangled regardless of whether the opponent has the Supreme Treasure or not.

Unless the strength can crush him , Otherwise you will definitely be entangled by him and cannot escape!"

After the Darkness Lord's voice fell, the Lord of Youhou also said with lingering fear.

This time, the Lord of Youhou was really terrified by the madman of Lord Yongan.

If it wasn't for Zhou Chen's timely rescue, he would definitely ten deaths without life!

But right now the Lord of Yongan has died, and the Lord of Youhou only has a deep joy in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he looked extremely excited and said: "Although I heard from Chaos before, Chensu, your strength is deep and unmeasurable, but I was still a little skeptical at that time.

But at this moment, I really believe it.

Just by relying on you to kill the powerful Lord Yongan with life-saving ability, Chensu’s true battle strength, I’m afraid, At least it is the existence of the Fifth Rank Lord of Universe.

This battle strength can be called yes in the Primitive Universe. It is really God bless me Human Race!"

According to the division of the Lord of Universe by the universe, it is roughly divided into six stages!

First Rank is the first to enter the Lord of Universe, there is no Supreme Treasure, and it also lacks the Lord of Universe with a powerful secret technique!

Second Rank, it has a Supreme Treasure above the middle level, and the secret technique is quite a good Lord of Universe!

The third rank is a powerful Lord of Universe with a top-level Supreme Treasure and secret technique!

The Lord of Youhou just rescued by Zhou Chen is the third rank Lord of Universe.

The fourth rank is like the Lord of Yongan, with more than two top Supreme Treasures, and there is a Lord of Universe with a special life-saving method!

Fifth Rank, has several pieces of the highest Supreme Treasure, and also masters the super secret technique formed by Fusion Law, it can be said that there are almost no weaknesses!

As for the sixth rank, it is like the master of Primal Chaos City, who holds the Xeon Supreme Treasure in his hands, and his own realm is just one step away from the existence of the most powerful house in the universe!

Although in the universe, the most powerhouse in the universe is respected.

However, after leaving the universe, because of the cosmic will that exists in the Primitive Universe.

So even if it is the most powerful house in the universe, it can only display the strength of the sixth rank Lord of Universe.

At present, Zhou Chen has a battle strength that rivals the Fifth Rank Lord of Universe. This is a significant improvement for the entire Human Race power.

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