Glanced at the Lord of Yongan, who looked increasingly anxious, Zhou Chen's heart was very clear about the Lord of Yongan's thoughts.

The reason why the opponent carried his own attack all the way from the waters of Qingfeng Realm to the depths of the void, undoubtedly gave birth to the idea of ​​escape.

In this regard, Zhou Chen is naturally impossible to let the Lord of Yongan get his wish.

"Making wedding dresses for others? I don't think so!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Zhou Chen said with a light smile.

The armor worn by the Lord of Yongan is definitely the highest Supreme Treasure.

In the face of the Heaven Turning Seal's momentum is big, power is deep offensive, the Lord of Wing On was able to remain undefeated.

Although this has the effect of plant life, the key lies in the defensive power of the armor.

There is also the golden scepter in the master of Yongan. Although its power is weaker than the armor on his body, it also belongs to the ranks of the top Supreme Treasure.

Two top Supreme Treasures are right in front of you. How can Zhou Chen let him slip away under his nose?

But I saw Zhou Chen and pointed out that the mana in his body surged crazily and was finally blessed on the Heaven Turning Seal.

The seal of the size of a millstone suddenly turned into a giant mountain, which set off an extremely terrifying power moved towards the Lord of Yongan and suppressed it.

Be aware that the Heaven Turning Seal is made from the Tianzhu Buzhou Mountain of the Great Desolate World. Although in this universe, the Heaven Turning Seal cannot play its role in the Great Desolate between Heaven and The special meaning of Earth.

But just relying on the terrifying quality of Buzhou Mountain itself, this is enough to suppress the ordinary Lord of Universe.

The horrible and heavy pressure is pouring down, which makes the Lord of Yongan immediately feel that he seems to be stuck in a quagmire, and his actions are becoming more and more difficult.

Every time the Heaven Turning Seal transforms into the Great Mountain of Heaven, every time it depresses a cent, the Lord of Wing On will be very traumatized.

In just a few breaths, Divine Physique of the Lord of Wing An has lost more than 5%, and this amount is continuously increasing.

Even if the Lord of Yongan desperately urged the animals and plants Avatar to repair his own damaged Divine Physique, he could not make up for the loss of his injuries.

"Chensu, you and I have no feud, why kill to the last one?!"

At this moment of dying, Lord of Yongan I couldn't help but let go of his dignity as the Lord of Universe, and he opened his mouth again and again to beg Zhou Chen: "If you can let me make a living, I will definitely return it with a great gift in the future."

With the begging of the Lord of Yongan, the look on Zhou Chen's face did not change at all, and the movements in his hands did not even stop.

The pure and strong mana, continuously blessed on the Heaven Turning Seal, gradually increases the terrifying power of this Supreme Treasure.

At this moment, Zhou Chen is determined to behead the Lord of Yongan here, so as to get the two top Supreme Treasures in his hands.

Zhou Chen is very clear in the entire universe how difficult it is to find a top Supreme Treasure.

He also wandered in the waters of Qingfeng Realm for some time, but he didn't even find a normal Supreme Treasure, let alone the top Supreme Treasure.

Nowadays, it is rare to meet a Lord of Universe with two top Supreme Treasures, and he is also the enemy of Human Race, then how can Zhou Chen let these two Supreme Treasures be missed?

"Lord of Chensu, I am willing to hand over a high level Supreme Treasure to apologize, how about letting me leave here?!"

There was a trace of flesh on the face of Lord Yongan Feeling painful, he opened his mouth and offered a condition in exchange for his own life.

"Your Yongan Lord is also the great character of the previous cosmic reincarnation epochs. Is your life worth trifling a High Grade Supreme Treasure? This is too cheap!"

I heard the price that the Lord Yongan was about to pay, Zhou Chen's mouth had a sneer, and he didn't let the Lord Yongan mean at all.

What a joke, as long as the Lord of Yongan is beheaded here, all the Supreme Treasure on his body is not in Zhou Chen's bag.

With a slight movement in his mind, Zhou Chen has elevated the power of the Heaven Turning Seal to another realm.

Under the heavy and terrifying power of crushing, at the same time, a mighty and majestic will burst out, and the strikes were directly on the soul of Lord Yongan.

Be aware that this Heaven Turning Seal contains part of the will of the Great Desolate World creator, Great God Pangu.

Existences like the Great God Pangu are placed in the universe that swallows the starry sky. Even if it is not supreme existence that surpasses the most powerhouse in the universe, it is at least equivalent to Divine King Level among the most powerhouse in the universe. terrifying existence.

The Pangu will contained in the Heaven Turning Seal at the moment is less than one percent of the Great God Pangu at the peak period, but it cannot be resisted by the Lord of Universe realm.

The Lord of Yongan without Peak Soul Defense Supreme Treasure, his soul was directly hit by the impact of Pangu's will.

Plant life can quickly repair Divine Physique, but in the face of the injury on the soul, it seems a little powerless.

"Ah!!! It hurts me!!!"

There was a ghost-like roar in the mouth of the Lord of Yongan, and he was strong against the soul. His heavy injuries instantly burned out more than half of his life energy with a secret technique.

When the main body of Yongan came to the horror of Pangu's will, he understood a little bit in his heart. If he didn't fight for his life, he would have no chance to escape.

The powerful power gained in exchange for burning life force made the Lord of Yongan forcibly fly to the top of the suppression of the Heaven Turning Seal.

However, the Lord of Yongan dared not have the slightest idea of ​​counterattack. Without thinking about it, he turned and moved towards Faraway and fled away.

At the same time, I only heard the Lord of Yongan threaten him without turning his head: "Chensu, I have asked for help from the most powerful house in the universe of my Divine Eyes clan, and he is already on his way. .

If you don’t want to fall, then hurry away!"

While the Lord of Yongan escapes, he hopes to deter Zhou Chen with his reputation as the most powerhouse in the universe. , In exchange for greater hope of escape.

"Divine Eyes is the most powerful house in the universe?! It seems that it can't be delayed for too long!!"

You can hear the words of the Lord Yongan in your ears, Zhou Chen's eyebrows slightly frowned , He murmured.

If it is not necessary, Zhou Chen does not want to face the most powerhouse existence in the universe for the time being.

Immediately, Zhou Chen paused slowly, floating quietly in the depths of the void.

Just when the Lord of Yongan thought Zhou Chen would give up the pursuit, Zhou Chen slowly raised his hand and waved, he took out a Supreme Treasure again.

I saw a crystal jade ruler with purple rhyme flowing, suddenly hovering above the void, facing the Heaven Turning Seal far away.

On this jade ruler, there is an endless sharp and sharp aura. It is the Acquired of Great Desolate between Heaven and Earth who first attacked the Supreme Treasure, the Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler.

divine sense is attached to the Heaven Turning Seal and Heaven Measuring Ruler. Zhou Chen directly mobilized the terror power in his own world this time, and instantly exploded the power of these two Supreme Treasures to the present The ultimate of realm.

A lot of space wall barriers, under the attack of the seal and the jade ruler, broke apart.

Even time seems to be surpassed by these two Supreme Treasures.

In an instant, the seal of the seal hit the center of his eyebrows directly in the horrified eyes of Lord Yongan.

And that jade ruler penetrates the heart of the Lord of Yongan.

The terrifying power of terrifying immediately burst from the body of the Lord of Yongan, and it only took a few breaths to crush him into a ball of dust.

In the face of the ultimate blow of Heaven Turning Seal and Heaven Measuring Ruler, most of his life has been burned, and how can the Lord of Yongan survive the tragic and heavy damage? He was directly beheaded by Zhou Chen in the depths of the void.

With the death of the Lord of Yongan, the plant life Avatar of the Lord of Yongan also withered and decayed.

In the end, only one golden armor remained, and a golden scepter floating in the sky.

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