The purple sword beam was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and it smashed straight at Fan Qinghui's body.

Even at a long distance, Fan Qinghui could perceive the terrifying power on the sword.

Moreover, what made Fan Qinghui feel the most horrified was that when faced with the sharply cut purple sword, Fan Qinghui couldn't even feel the slightest sense of resistance in her heart. , As if preparing to slaughter the neck.

The reason why Zhou Chen this blade has such a terrifying power is that his divine sense power has been incorporated into his draw.

When the ordinary Martial Dao Great Grandmaster makes manual moves, he can use Martial Dao Will to shock the enemy's mind.

And the divine sense derived from Zhou Chen is more mysterious than Martial Dao Will, and the shock to the enemy is naturally more obvious when he shoots.

This is how Zhou Chen's current divine sense has just been derived. After Zhou Chen's divine sense has grown to a certain extent, it is not impossible to kill the enemy at a glance.

Now Fan Qinghui is stunned by Zhou Chen’s divine sense. Facing the knife cut out by Zhou Chen, she simply can’t resist at all in her heart. intention.

Although he was shocked and unable to make a move to resist, how could Fan Qinghui sit still and wait for death?

There was no hesitation or hesitation at all, Fan Qinghui forced herself to break free from the deterrence for a moment by biting her tongue, then shouted for help: "Single people, save me!"

At this moment, Fan Qinghui pinned all her hopes of survival on Ning Daoqi, the Martial Dao Great Grandmaster.

In fact, Ning Daoqi had already acted long before Fan Qinghui called for help.

As a loyal supporter of Cihang Jingzhai, how could he Ning Daoqi watch the Zhai master of Cihang Jingzhai die?

Almost the same moment Zhou Chen turned around and pulled the knife, Ning Daoqi's footsteps had already stepped out.

When Fan Qinghui's cry for help sounded, Ning Daoqi had already intercepted Zhou Chen's Daogang and Fan Qinghui first.

As the world's number one Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, Ning Daoqi has been criticized by people in the martial arts, but his cultivation base strength is still very powerful.

The palms were gently joined together, and a misty breath of dust diffused to the entire emperor peak, but Ning Daoqi put his palms together and directly patted the knife gang that Zhou Chen had cut out. Nothingness.

It’s just that Zhou Chen’s dagger is not so easy to follow, and the true essence of this Blade Technique is not worth it.

Ning Daoqi's strong True Qi flowed in his palms, converging with the realm formed by his own guidance of the Power of Heaven and Earth, it was wiped out with a little effort like a grinding disc.

However, the divine sense power contained in this dagger is not so easy to offset. Ning Daoqi can only rely on his Martial Dao Will to forcefully contend with Zhou Chen’s divine sense. Shock.

When the divine sense power contained in the knife-gang has completely dissipated, Ning Daoqi's own spirit has also received a lot of trauma.

Martial Dao Will of Martial Dao Great Grandmaster is far superior to the spirit strength of the ordinary Grandmaster, but how can it be comparable to Zhou Chen, the cultivator who has officially set foot in Refining Qi, Transforming Spirit realm.

That is Zhou Chen's dagger cut just now, which was specifically aimed at the low-mouthed Fan Qinghui. The divine sense power contained in it is simply not much.

If it is for Ning Daoqi and spare no effort, Zhou Chen this blade will at least make Ning Daoqi’s Spiritual Plane take a heavy blow, first spray a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Ning Daoqi who was blocking him, Zhou Chen slowly put the long knife that looked like a limpid autumn water into the luxurious scabbard.

He stared at Ning Daoqi quietly, and said with an indifferent expression: "Is it necessary to obstruct my seat if you are a scattered person?!"

facial expression grave, extremely Ning Dodge slowly nodded, and replied in a deep voice: "For the common people of the world, for the dawn of the people, the old way has to stop."

Seeing that Ning Dodge is still the hypocritical appearance of Ci Hang Jingzhai until now, Zhou Chen I also didn't want to be polite with him anymore.

He raised his hand to adjust his sleeves, looked at Ning Daoqi with a deep gaze, and said indifferently: "If this is the case, let's do it alone.

If not, Ben I am afraid that you will be killed by a single move!"

Zhou Chen's words did not even look at Ning Daoqi in the slightest.

As the recognized Martial Dao Great Grandmaster Number One Person among the martial arts, how could Ning Daoqi have received such contempt? It can even be said to be contemptuous.

Ning Daoqi could no longer maintain his false smiling face, the expression in his eyes suddenly became cold, he immediately stepped forward and killed him in the direction of Zhou Chen.

Since your hairless brat speaks wildly, then Poor Daoist tells you to learn to be well-behaved. This is Ning Daoqi's current resentment thoughts.

Stepping out of this step immediately caused endless clouds and mist to rise above Emperor Step Peak.

In the changeable situation, Ning Daoqi probed his hand from the depths of the white clouds and fell.

The virtual reality is real, seemingly illusion, instantly transformed into thousands of palm shadows, taking the momentum of the universe and the wilds to shoot directly around Zhou Chen's body.

This palm shadow with thousands of overlapping lands do as one pleases, there is no definite law, the principle of virtual reality and reality, like a giant net covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

This is the essence of Ning Daoqi's cultivation base strength, the famous Sanshou Bapu of all powerhouses in the world.

Change from inaction to action; power to action in action; then to action without action, and action without action, just in line with the Taoist philosophy.

Every mysterious technique, supplemented by Ning Daoqi's powerful and pure Great Grandmaster True Qi, exploded with extremely terrifying power.

Under the burst of heavy palm power, the entire Emperor Tafeng seemed to tremble for it.

Buddha and demon two sects The ground under everyone's feet even showed a faint tendency to be forcibly shocked and shattered, and the not-shallow gaps moved towards all directions cracked open.

Looking at Ning Daoqi's palm that resembles the collapse of the sky, the people of the two sects of Buddha and Demon changed dramatically.

Is this the horror of Martial Dao Great Grandmaster? How can mortal power achieve such terrifying power?

However, after Zhou Chen saw Ning Daoqi’s Sanshou Bapu, he immediately uttered a long scream: "If the casual people only have this ability, then this seat will be true today. I'm going to kill you with one move!"

At the same time, Zhou Chen laughed and jumped into the air.

He shook his right hand abruptly, his five fingers gathered together to form a seal, and the blazing flames boiled out from it, as if a blazing sun was gradually raised from the peak of the emperor.

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