For Ning Daoqi, the Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, the evaluations of people in the martial arts are always mixed.

Ning Daoqi, who first defeated Goguryeo’s Yijian Master Fu Cailin, and East Turkic Martial Venerable Bi Xuan, became the world’s first Martial Dao Great Grandmaster. This is a factor that he is highly sought after by people in the martial arts. .

However, what makes people in the martial arts community very uncomprehending is that it is such a Martial Dao giant, the martial arts Supreme, why does he have to be around the group of nuns in Cihang Jingzhai every day?

You Ning Daoqi is the Great Grandmaster of daoist sect lineage, why do you keep cheating on the stinky feet of Buddhism?

For this reason, a large number of people in the entire arena martial arts are extremely eager to see Ning Daoqi.

There is even a saying that Ning Daoqi is a daoist sect scum traitor, and he is the henchman of Buddhism.

This statement may be a bit too serious, but the fact that the daoist sect forces are quite critical of Ning Daoqi is absolutely true. This point can be vividly and thoroughly from the title of Ning Daoqi. Reflected.

As long as there is a daoist sect with a name and a surname, which one is not a daoist or a true monarch.

Even if it doesn't help, it's a so-and-so son, so-and-so mountain man, or so-and-so casual person.

For example, Chang Chunzi, Danyangzi, Qingjing Sanren, Wuwei Sanren and so on.

What about Ning Dodge? His title is just a few words for scattered people, and there is not even a dao name in front of it.

It can be seen from this that Ning Daoqi probably does not even have a recognized honorific title among the daoist sect forces. He is basically marginalized by the daoist sect.

As a member of Daoist sect, he turns very close to a member of Buddhism. Ning Daoqi himself knows that his situation in the martial arts is a bit embarrassing.

However, this martial arts is based on the strength of the cultivation base. Ning Daoqi, as the Martial Dao giant of the Great Grandmaster realm, naturally no one dared to chew this tongue in front of him.

As a result, who would have thought that Zhou Chen would not give him the face of this Martial Dao Great Grandmaster in front of so many people in the two lines of Buddha and demons today, so he just tore it off. The fig leaf on his body picked him on the surface of this extremely embarrassing situation.

That's all about Buddhism. After all, Ning Daoqi has been around the group of nuns in Cihang Jingzhai all the year round, and his face has already been thoroughly lost.

But in the face of people like Demon Sect lineage, Ning Daoqi couldn't keep his attitude of coping calmly. Because Demon Sect lineage and daoist sect lineage are quite entangled.

Speaking of Demon Sect lineage, then I have to talk about the relationship of the demon origin.

Since the great Confucian Dong Zhongshu of the Western Han Dynasty dismissed the Confucianism, the Confucianists who were suppressed by the orthodox Confucianism consciously began to report to the group for warmth.

Finally, primordial Taoism, which was based on Taoist thought as its mainstay, began to form, which was based on the masters of various schools such as hybrid ink, medicine, witchcraft, and alchemy.

The formation process of Demon Sect is very similar to Taoism, and there are even many intersections between the two parties at the beginning of their establishment.

As the saying goes, the way is divided into yin and yang, and people have life and death. The two Dao and Demon are all derived from similarity, but the focus is different.

Lao Tzu has the saying that Heaven and Earth is unkind and regards everything as a dog. There are many other words in "Tao Te Ching". It can be seen that Taoism has benevolence and unkindness, affection and ruthlessness. point.

The goodness is like water, the natural thought of Taoist is inherited by daoist sect lineage, while the unkind and ruthless thought is carried forward by Demon Sect.

It can be said that Demon Sect is a branch of daoist sect with very different thoughts. At the moment, Ning Dodge is ashamed and thrown in front of the people in Demon Sect. What is the difference between this and the daoist sect lineage?

Of course, there is one point that is worthy of negotiation, and that is whether daoist sect lineage considers Ning Daoqi his own person or not.

For this reason, when Ning Dodge heard Zhou Chen's ridiculous voice, the expression on his face was as gloomy as a puddle of stagnant water. Come down.

It's just that Ning Daoqi didn't directly attack on the spot. Instead, there was an extremely solemn look between his brows, because he found that he simply couldn't see through the opposite Zhou Chen.

Ning Daoqi was really unwilling to make enemies out of thin air before he didn't touch the depth of the opponent.

After slowly suppressing the anger in his heart, Ning Daoqi forcibly squeezed out a compassionate smile and said: "The layman's words are bad, and it is Poor Daoist's long-cherished wish to find Good Fortune for the common people. What is the difference between Taoism and Buddhism?"

I have to say that Ning Daoqi and Cihang Jingzhai have been mixed for a long time, and they really put the Buddhist sect’s polite rhetoric. I learned a bit and pieces.

The voice in the mouth fell, Ning Daoqi didn't wait for Zhou Chen to speak out, and then he continued to persuade Zhou Chen to come.

"You are a layman, since you are not a member of Demon Sect, why bother to come to this muddy water?

It is better to sell Poor Daoist and let Poor lose face. Daoist completely aside from these demonic path monsters, it's good to have a bright universe in the world."

Hearing this, Zhu Yuyan and other members of Demon Sect who stood next to him were full of rage on their faces. Ugly look.

If it weren't for Ning Daoqi, the Martial Dao Great Grandmaster, Zhu Yuyan and the others would have already rushed to tear Ning Daoqi to pieces.

Not only Zhu Yuyan and others in Demon Sect hate Ning Daoqi, Zhou Chen's disdain for Ning Daoqi is becoming more and more intense. Why are you a twenty-five boy let me sell you face? Does it depend on your age?

Raising his hand and slowly pressing it on the handle of the Embroidered Spring Blade at his waist, Zhou Chen faint smiled and said: "Why don't you just let the casual guys take advantage of your seat? Just withdraw."

This sacred view of this seat is so confusing because of these nuns and monks who do not produce and believe oneself infallible.

It is better to let this seat destroy them, It also saves them from continuing to come out to confuse people."

As soon as Zhou Chen's words fell, Fan Qinghui in the Buddhist camp behind could not sit still.

She was so gloomy that she stood up and walked towards Ning Daoqi and shouted: "Ning Sanren, right now is the time when the country is in chaos. This hairless brat is in vain. The demon on the demonic path.

Please disperse people and get rid of this evildoer, so as not to converge with the demon cholera world of the demonic path, causing the people of Dawn to sink into deep waters and heat."

Fan Qinghui's words were really vicious to the extreme, and Zhou Chen himself thought he was a heinous evildoer.

It seems that if he does not judge himself to thank the world, this world will completely become a loss of life, like disasters.

Zhou Chen also admires the skill of Fan Qinghui's mouth.

For this, he is also preparing to pay back to Fan Qinghui a great gift.

There was a sudden flash of the blade light on the waist, and Zhou Chen turned around and slashed past several feet with a purple knife.

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