Zuqiao, also known as Tianxin, is the most fundamental acupuncture point in the human body. It is located in the center of the triangle formed by the center of the eyebrows and the eyes.

The true meaning of ancestors lies in an ancestral character, which is tied to the god of the whole person, and it is recognized as the ancestor.

To put it simply, the ancestral hole is the place where people's spiritual ideas were first born.

Now that this secret acupuncture point has been opened up and revealed, the benefits Zhou Chen can get can be described as numerous.

One of the most important points is that the Visualization Technique cultivated by Zhou Chen has finally reached the realm of initial understanding.

Since inheritance obtained the Star Visualization Technique, Zhou Chen has increasingly comprehend the origin of the stars in order to temper his spirit strength more refined and condensed.

Because only after the spirit strength is strengthened and condensed, the secret acupuncture point of Tianxin Ancestral Aperture can be opened, thus forming its own unique divine sense vision.

Zhou Chen's visualization is Heavenly Stars Revolution, so the divine sense vision he finally condenses is naturally classified as a star.

Perhaps because of the Profound Nether seal and the Pure Yang seal, the divine sense visions that Zhou Chen condenses right now are the Lunar Star and the Supreme Sun Star.

After the Tianxin Ancestral Aperture was completely stabilized, a round of great sun and a round of Haoyue were condensed from his Ancestral Aperture.

Golden Crow flaps its wings, Yuchan is unreliable, and there are two images of Divine Beast. The images of Divine Beast are on top of the two stars of the sun and lunar.

Of course, in terms of Zhou Chen's current cultivation base strength, what he condensed is only the prototype of the stars.

Spirit strength poured into the Tianxin Ancestral Aperture, transformed from the celestial vision, and finally formed a more solid and powerful divine sense.

The power of divine sense, mysterious and powerful, Zhou Chen slowly opened his eyes, and he immediately noticed the strange changes in the entire between Heaven and Earth.

Looking up and looking out of the bronze great hall, Zhou Chen found that the mountains and forests outside the temple seemed to have become another world, and the overall color level could be said to have become countless times richer in an instant.

For example, the emerald green vitality above the trees is like the earth-yellow earth-yellow layer above the rock.

Under the blessing of divine sense, Zhou Chen actually saw the vitality of the distance between Heaven and Earth with naked eye.

Even after Zhou Chen closes his eyes, he can still use the divine sense to perceive the distance around the hundred zhang around him in all directions without dead ends.

At the time, although Zhou Chen could also perceive things around him with his sharp spiritual sense, it was just a vague feeling.

For example, when Zhou Chen just perceives the monks of Jing Nian Zen Sect, he can confirm the approximate number of those monks and their respective cultivation bases, but Zhou Chen is imperceptible to the actual length of those monks What did it look like.

However, now that Zhou Chen spirit strength has become a more mysterious and tyrannical divine sense, as long as it is within the scope of Zhou Chen’s divine sense, everything will be seen by Zhou Chen with his own eyes. the difference.

Sometimes, the perception of divine sense is more accurate than that of Zhou Chen's eyes.

After all, the eyes may still be deceived and concealed, but divine sense is not the case, at most it is blocked.

Only in this world, who can block Zhou Chen's divine sense?

The derivation of divine sense is not just that Zhou Chen's spirit strength has been greatly improved!

This means that Zhou Chen’s cultivation realm has an essential breakthrough. He has been promoted from the previous Refining Essence into Qi realm to the more profound Refining Qi, Transforming Spirit realm.

Before the cultivation realm had a breakthrough, Zhou Chen could use the strong and pure true essence to compete against the Martial Dao giants of the Great Grandmaster realm.

Now Zhou Chen has reached the realm of Refining Qi, Transforming Spirit, has evolved into the spirit strength of divine sense, and can be integrated with true essence.

This is not an effect of one plus one equals two, but a power far greater than two.

Just like the seal art created by Zhou Chen himself, the principle is to guide the Origin Force of different attributes between Heaven and Earth through true essence and handprints, and finally burst out powerful powers. Come.

But when Zhou Chen's spirit strength derives into divine sense, he can clearly grasp the vitality between Heaven and Earth through divine sense.

At the same time, he is able to drive the World's Essence Qi within the scope of his divine sense within a single thought, making these World's Essence Qi more quickly and quickly gathered on the seal art.

One is to guide and the other is to drive. The difference between the two is conceivable, and the power formed in the end is naturally completely different.

Just now, a pure Yang seal killed Grandmaster Monk Kong, who was the best. Now Zhou Chen is confident that he is also a pure Yang seal. He can directly kill a Martial Dao giant of Great Grandmaster realm.

Be aware that Zhou Chen used to have only confidence to compete with Great Grandmaster, but now he is confident that he can suppress and kill Great Grandmaster.

It can be seen from this that the opening of the Tianxin Ancestral Aperture and the breakthrough of the divine sense realm have brought him huge benefits.

Although the cultivation base strength has made great progress, Zhou Chen did not have any complacency in his heart. His future path is still far away.

In terms of the application of divine sense alone, Zhou Chen is at a level of fur.

For example, the most common divine sense imperial thing in Immortal Cultivator, beyond a thousand li to take the life of the enemy, etc. Zhou Chen can't do it at all.

At present, the divine sense scope of Zhou Chen is only about hundreds zhang, even the distance of one mile is quite different, let alone beyond a thousand li.

But even so, Zhou Chen is very satisfied.

Because the Tianxin Ancestral Aperture has been successfully developed, the Star Visualization Technique has completely stepped into the realm of initial understanding. In the future, he only needs to visualize the origin of the stars step by step, which will naturally make the divine sense grow and grow.

One day, divine sense imperial things, beyond a thousand li, taking the enemy’s life, etc., will be nothing difficult for Zhou Chen.

After carefully sorting out his own cultivation realm, Zhou Chen finally opened his eyes again.

"He Choi is truly the rare treasure of this world, and the energy contained in it has such a magical function."

Look at the dust in my hand. , And that thumb-sized gold, Zhou Chen murmured with a chuckle.

At this moment, all the magical energy contained in He's Bi has been absorbed by Zhou Chen, so this thousand ancient treasure jade has been completely shattered like a decayed dead tree.

The five fingers spread out gently, and that pinch of dust was also spilled on the ground from between Zhou Chen's fingers, leaving only the corner of gold to fill the gap, which was used as this rare Treasure once existed in the world.

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