Looking at the messy Baishi Square in front of him, the expression in Zhou Chen's eyes is still as indifferent as before.

Even if there are countless monks wailing in this square, Zhou Chen is still unmoved. After all, he has no good impression of these monks who are purely thinking of Zen Sect.

Even if the monks in this temple are all dead, there will be no waves in Zhou Chen's heart.

Slowly stepped out, Zhou Chen didn't even look at the monks on Baishi Square who were purely thinking of Zen Sect. He stepped straight out of the bronze great hall behind the square and walked over.

Walking to the front of the heavy bronze giant door, Zhou Chen raised his hand and forcibly pushed the giant door open.

As soon as the gate of the palace opened, a blast of cold bone gushing out from the bronze great hall, moving towards Zhou Chen head-on.

If it is a common martial artist, even the powerhouse of the Grandmaster realm will come, I am afraid that True Qi will be frozen by the cold current, and the whole body will tremble.

However, Zhou Chen's cultivation base strength is so terrifying, this cold current simply has no effect on him.

Continuing to move forward, Zhou Chen walked straight into the bronze great hall.

At this time, Zhou Chen felt as if he had entered a large copper cover, or inside an inverted bronze bell.

The four walls of the hall are densely packed with thousands of small bronze Buddha statues, all of which are exquisite castings.

These small Buddha statues set off between the bronze cast fence and the beamless temple wall, creating a rich texture, creating a splendorous and majestic, golden glow sacred atmosphere.

The candlelight in the Buddhist niche outside the temple mingled with the moonlight in the sky and dropped down, drawing Zhou Chen's shadow so long, and projecting it on the copper wall facing the door in the temple.

In front of the copper wall, there is a bronze table and a few futons for meditation.

The impeccable impeccable impeccable imperial Jade Seal on one side is perfectly placed on top of the copper table.

The seal is engraved with the pattern of the five dragons and the knots. The craftsmanship is ingenious, but there is a corner of the defect, which is made up with gold.

Looking at the gold-inlaid Imperial Jade Seal, the corner of Zhou Chen's mouth could not help but gradually bend a radian.

Not surprisingly, this Imperial Jade Seal is Zhou Chen's ambition to obtain rare treasure during this trip. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it has attracted the rare treasure and Choi Bi.

Now that the Supreme Treasure is right in front of you, Zhou Chen's footsteps can't help but become a little lighter. He flew to the front of the bronze table, raised his hand and then he Choi took it in the palm of his hand.

At the same time, a very strange energy gushes out from the neutral time of He's Bi, which spreads up along the meridian and acupoints on Zhou Chen's palm, directly invading his body.

It’s just that Zhou Chen’s true essence is so powerful and overbearing. The strange energy in the Imperial Jade Seal was swallowed by true essence at the moment of contact with Zhou Chen’s true essence. Lost.

The strange energy seems to be He's Bi's instinct to resist the outside world on its own. When it finds that it can't help Zhou Chen, this He's Bi will no longer think about Zhou Chen's release of the strange Energy up.

No matter how Zhou Chen plays, He Choi no longer reacts at all, as if it itself is an ordinary jade stone.

Seeing that He Choi no longer made any response, Zhou Chen shook the head with a chuckle, and he began to move towards He Choi with his own true essence instilled in He Choi.

True essence As soon as he entered He's Bi, it was as if he had directly stabbed a hornet's nest. The He's Bi, which had not been reflected at all, immediately rioted completely.

The singular energy contained in it immediately seemed like the tide surged, continuously pouring into Zhou Chen's body frantically.

Now that the violent Hechobi energy, the formidable power seems to have skyrocketed out of thin air.

Just now Zhou Chen's true essence can be swallowed and absorbed with no difficulty, and now there is no way to obtain the strange energy of He Choi.

It is precisely because of this that the strange energy directly began to follow Zhou Chen's meridian and began to wreak havoc inside his body.

However, when Zhou Chen used the Star Guidance Technique to lay the foundation at the beginning, he had already developed an extremely strong physique, and it was a kind of both internal and external training.

Especially after switching to the Star Foundation Establishment method, his own physique became more powerful and terrifying.

No matter how surging and rolling of this strange energy, in the end, it simply couldn't shake Zhou Chen's meridian acupuncture points at all.

This He Choi is worthy of being a rare treasure, and the strange energy contained in it is so vulgar that it contains spirituality.

After realizing that Zhou Chen’s meridian acupoints could not be harmed, the strange energy gathered together, and then surged along the meridian in Zhou Chen’s body, moving towards him Sea of ​​Consciousness of eyebrows rushed in.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness between the eyebrows is the key to the spirit of the human body.

If an ordinary person is shocked by such a huge energy, even if he does not die on the spot, he may suffer a severe mental injury.

From dementia, to stupid, to become the living dead.

However, Zhou Chen's Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely different from the situation of others.

Know that in Zhou Chen's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there is the projection of the star chart Supreme Treasure.

Although the energy contained in this Harmony Choi is very strange, how can its power shake the projection of the star chart Supreme Treasure?

While the star chart is rolling and fluttering, that strange energy is now excluded from the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

During this process, the star chart also transformed this riotous strange energy into a very gentle energy, and finally turned it into a nourishing feed for Zhou Chen spirit strength.

This sudden rise in spirit strength caused countless strange sights to emerge in Zhou Chen's mind.

The vast and bright the sky was full of stars, the vast and vast empty sky, all kinds of strange to indescribable scenes, changing back and forth continuously.


With the trembling sound of a bell that resembles a twilight drum, Zhou Chen's mind seemed to have some shackles broken.

A little bright light shines brightly from the depths of my mind, and then re-attaches to the deep gloom in an instant.

Although this slight change was very short-lived, Zhou Chen noticed it immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a look of ecstasy appeared on Zhou Chen's face.

Under the nourishment of this He's Bi energy, after his spirit strength soared to a certain level, he actually opened up a secret acupuncture point in his mind, a place called Zuqiao Special acupuncture points.

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