All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 348 Breaking into the Demon Realm

Chu Xin saw his full appearance through the vertical painting on the card. He was simply a burly eight-meter-tall orc with perfect body proportions. Although he had a suit of scales, the texture was like a majestic ancient stone sculpture. There was nothing cheap about it. Oily reflective.


He violently unfolded six wings, which were distributed up, middle and down. The middle row was the largest and most exaggerated, with a wingspan of indeed thirty meters. The upper row showed an upward arc and could completely wrap around the head and neck when folded. The lower row drooped downwards. Like the tail of an airplane.

The wings seem to be composed of pieces of rhombus-shaped feathers, but they are not real feathers. The texture is more like some kind of dark red translucent crystal, which looks full of magnificent and mysterious feeling.

Jingtian and others had already been dumbfounded. The shock in their hearts reached its peak when Chu Xin lifted off into the air with a "bang". They all screamed. Even Xu Changqing also let out an exclamation, amazed by the extreme beauty of flesh and blood in front of them. Impressed.

Bang bang bang!

A series of sonic booms resounded through the sky, echoing endlessly, and several people mistakenly thought it was Chu Xin releasing a thunderbolt from the blue.

Even without turning on the wind and thunder wings, supersonic speed has been achieved, although not by much.


Wind and thunder surged, and the dark red six wings were covered with a blue-gold veil.

Bang bang bang!

It was difficult for the people on the ground to catch Chu Xin's figure. All they knew was that their eardrums were shaking and the clouds in the sky were torn apart.

Not only them, but all the monsters and monsters within a few miles around lay with their heads down and didn't dare to make a sound. They were all trembling and praying that the big boss Chu Xin would leave quickly.

"With the Wind and Thunder Wings, the fastest you can reach is Mach 3, which is almost three times the speed of sound."

After the test, Chu Xin lowered his speed, turned over like a kite, and landed safely on the ground.

As soon as he hit the dirt, he was on all fours.


The joints of the limbs and spine made crisp sounds, and the bones were dislocated into a state more suitable for beast-like combat.


This roar, which looked like a tiger but not a tiger, not like a dragon but not a dragon, completely ignited the fear of thousands of monsters. One by one, one by one, they curled up into a ball and whimpered, expressing fear and submission from the root of their blood.

"Brother Wudu has the aura of the Supreme Immortal Beast. His current strength already makes me feel unfathomable." Xu Changqing said with emotion.

"That's ridiculous." Chu Xin returned to his feet and stood condescendingly above the heads of several people.

Maomao raised his head and exclaimed, "You're right, it's really big!"

"Let me take a look," Jingtian looked up curiously and frowned, "Where are they? Aren't they all scales?"

No matter how stupid Maomao is, he still knows what Sedum is referring to. He immediately replied with a smile: "I said the five poisons are so big! Not the small five poisons!"

"What's big or small? What are you talking about?" Tang Xue asked in confusion.

"You really want to know?" Jingtian showed a wicked smile.

"Eh~ You're laughing so disgustingly, let's forget it." Tang Xuejian subconsciously hugged her chest and took half a step back.

Chu Xin has a black line on his head. The fatal weakness of Xiao Wudu must be hidden and protected by hard scales. How can he swing it around like an elephant's trunk unscrupulously?

"Okay, we have been delayed for some time, shall we set off immediately?" Xu Changqing said.

"I don't want to wield a sword anymore. It's too far and too tiring." Jingtian complained.

Xu Changqing thought for a while, then took out a toy-like wooden boat from his luggage. As he poured innate energy into it, the magic appeared!

The boat suddenly became larger, enough to accommodate several people present. The interior space was unique and all basic daily necessities were available.

"This is an immortal boat that can ride on the wind. It is safer for us to ride on it to the demon world than on a sword." Xu Changqing said.

"You are taking out such a good thing now! Then why were we walking and wielding swords before?" Jingtian shouted with resentment and joy.

"Our trip is also an experience. Temporary comfort and enjoyment will only make people..." Xu Changqing continued to talk about the philosophy of life.

"Stop, stop, stop! Let's hurry on!" Jingtian interrupted the spellcasting in time.

The closer you get to the entrance to the demon world, the surrounding environment becomes more and more bad. Not only are the storms rolling, but there are also countless demons roaming around.

But with Chu Xin opening the way ahead, all those who stood in the way were exploded into flesh and blood under the ruthless punch.

Seeing the space distortion as the entrance not far away in mid-air, the evil thought in the seal box panicked, as if it had already seen Tianchi at a glance.

"We can't let them go so smoothly!"

The evil thoughts did not hesitate to use precious power to make the already chaotic weather even more violent and turbulent.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Chu Xin had a passive attitude: the bigger the storm, the bigger the waves!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The wind and thunder wings unfolded, setting off a violent whirlwind of spiritual energy. The two forces collided and formed a safe zone without any ripples.

Along the way, the proficiency of [Five Poison Beasts] increased to 70%, unlocking the permission to travel.

This means that Chu Xin can go wild as he pleases!

"Jingtian, Xu Changqing, you two will follow me into the demon world, and the three of them will take the fairy boat back underground." Chu Xin said simply and neatly.

"Why!" Jingtian asked.

"Understood." Xu Changqing thought for a moment, then made a decisive move with his sword, and pulled Jingtian up with him, and of course he also took the sealing box with him.

Then, he made a secret with both hands, changed the sailing direction of the immortal boat, and landed on the safe ground.

"The demon world is extremely dangerous, and they are the only ones who can enter the divine world. Just wait in the human world." Chu Xin explained to the panicked Tang Xuejian and others.

The fairy boat disappeared under the feet, and in a blink of an eye, only the three of them were left to continue moving forward, submerging themselves into the twisted space vortex.


Behind the vortex is a time tunnel-like scene, with arc-shaped broken spaces in all directions, occupied by grotesque images and silent darkness.


As soon as their eyes lit up, the three of them successfully arrived at the Demon Realm.

Except for the dark and gloomy sky, the lack of spiritual energy and the strong demonic energy, the area as far as the eye can see is not much different from the human world.

The same mountains and rivers, the same flowers and trees, but for the time being there is no so-called surging demonic energy or roiling sea of ​​blood.

The place they were in looked desolate, with a large array of cracked and abandoned stone sculptures, and pieces of collapsed and disintegrated stone statues of gods and demons, like a ruins.

But Chu Xin guessed that this was one of the fixed entrances and exits of the demon world, which meant that it was guarded by demons.

"People who are not from my demon clan will be killed without mercy if they trespass!"

Sure enough, more than a dozen flying black figures surrounded the three of them from far to near.

They wore uniform black cloaks that covered most of their bodies, leaving only the upper half of their faces and arms exposed.

They are demon soldiers affiliated with the Demon Lord, stationed at the portal.

"Hiss~~~ Is that guy a senior of our clan? There is no demonic aura at all, but there is an aura that makes me unhappy? It seems to be fairy aura? But what the hell, he actually looks like a demon than us demons! "The guard captain couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Chu Xin's size and appearance really shocked the group of demon soldiers. They didn't take action immediately after they appeared, because they were worried about Chu Xin's identity and worried that the flood would wash away the Dragon King Temple.

The so-called demon clan is related to Shennong, one of the original three pillars of gods.

As we all know, Fuxi created the divine race, Nuwa created the human race, and Shennong created the beast race.

The fairies, ghosts, demons, and demons all evolved from the human race and the beast race.

The fairy clan, ghost clan, and demon clan are easy to understand. They are nothing more than cultivation and death, but the original demon clan is worth talking about.

In fact, it is very simple. In ancient times, humans and beasts interbred and multiplied. This kind of thing was not uncommon under the charge of Shen Nong, who liked personal experiments. Of course, there are also a large number of cases of practicing magic skills and becoming demons, but they are basically latecomers.

Therefore, although most demons have humanoid forms, they also have many physical characteristics of beasts, and their physical strength far exceeds that of human beings.

This is also the reason why they were so shocked when they saw Chu Xin. After all, Chu Xin's [Five Poison Beast-Blood Gold Scale] form was actually complex in composition and was a properly stitched hybrid.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you stop at any volcano, there will be an upright cultivator leading many disciples to attack this violent flame demon that is causing harm to the world.

"Don't panic, let's see if Brother Wu Du has a roundabout way to deal with it first." Xu Changqing comforted the frightened Jingtian.

So, under the expectant gazes of the two people, Chu Xin punched a demon soldier unexpectedly and logically.

"Gan! We don't have to fight in the end!" Jingtian pulled out the magic sword with tears in his eyes.

"I almost forgot Brother Wudu's crisp and clear-cut character. He can do anything but never speak." Xu Changqing smiled bitterly and also drew his sword to join the battle.

"It's the enemy!"

"The intruder is very strong, please inform Lord Xi Feng immediately!"

Instead of being greedy for life and fearing death, the demon soldiers launched a fierce siege on the three of Chu Xin without fear of death.


A straight punch directly hit the head of the demon soldier who was leading the way. The defense condensed by his demonic energy was vulnerable to the terrifying brute force.

Seeing another tragic death of their comrade, the demon soldiers rushed forward even more frantically.

Chu Xin remained calm and motionless. When the distance was right, he suddenly crawled on his limbs and rotated 360 degrees at high speed in the blink of an eye. A six-meter-long tail also drew a circle outward.


The sharp tail spear was like the lead prongs of a compass that spread upward, sweeping the surrounding demon soldiers horizontally, and splitting them into two after a few seconds.

The whole group was wiped out in one blow, and no one survived.

Xu Changqing and Xu Changqing, who had not touched the enemy, immediately stood there, drew their swords, looked around, scratched their heads in confusion, and sheathed their swords with a slight embarrassment.

See how easy it is for others to fight, and the fight is over with a flick of the butt!

But this is the demon world, the home of demons, and soon many demon soldiers rushed to it.


At this time, a hoarse voice sounded, and the demon soldiers stopped attacking.

Xi Feng, the demon envoy who was once a human, appeared in a flash. His tall and thin figure was wearing silver armor. He revealed a handsome face with purple eyebrows and black lips, and his eyes were full of sternness and sadness.

He looked at Chu Xin in shock, then looked at the two familiar faces behind him, "What are you doing in the Demon Realm? Jingtian, are you ready to fight the Demon Lord?"

"What!" Jingtian shouted, "The devil wants to fight him, we are just passing by your precious land!"

"By the way?" Xifeng, a smart man, said suddenly, "You want to go to the God Realm through the Well of Gods and Demons?"

"That's right!" Jingtian replied.

"Hmph! Not to mention trespassing into the Demon Realm and killing my guards. The Well of Gods and Demons is a forbidden area in our realm. How can others enter?" Xifeng said coldly with angry eyes.

"When Jingtian goes to the God Realm, he will have the capital to fight the Demon Lord. Isn't this what your master has always expected?" Chu Xin spoke.

"Who are you? Why do I trust you?" Xi Feng stared at Chu Xin fearfully. He felt a huge sense of oppression. Although it was not as good as the Demon Lord, it was comparable to the four giants.

"I guess the Demon Lord is not in the Demon Realm at the moment, right?" Chu Xin replied, "Otherwise, with his temperament, he would have appeared long ago."

"It is true that Lord Demon Lord is not here, but do you really think that there is no one left in our Demon Realm?" Xi Feng squinted his eyes slightly, calculating the pros and cons in his mind.

Chonglou listened to the advice of the holy aunt and forcibly suppressed his desire to find a showdown with Jingtian. However, the desire cannot only be tolerated, it needs to be derived reasonably.

Therefore, Chonglou is currently torturing the Sha Demon King and the White Demon King who have surrendered to him in the Shu Mountain Demon Realm. They call it a sparring match, but in reality they are unilaterally venting their invincible loneliness, beating the two demon kings to the point of death.

"If there really were no capable people in the Demon Realm, I wouldn't have made a special trip here," Chu Xin said. "It would be good for everyone to let them go to the God Realm. If Chonglou is happy, it might be good for you too."

Xi Feng hesitated and answered after half a minute: "Okay, let them go, but you must stay. You can't just let go of killing my guards."

Seeing that Xu Changqing didn't want to escape before the battle, Jingtian quickly whispered, "He is so awesome, if we stay, it will only hinder him", and then dragged Xu Changqing away.

Chu Xin has told them several times that no matter what he is doing up there, whether he puts the box into Tianchi for purification or not is secondary. Anyway, he must bring the Wind Spirit Pearl back!

When Chu Xin came to the demon world, the escort was just a matter of course. The real goal was to find stronger opponents, continue to sharpen [Five Poison Beasts] and [Rey], and even have the opportunity to gain some gains from other proficient cards.

With such an excellent experience copy, is there any reason not to make a fuss?

To put it bluntly, Chu Xin came to ruin things with bad intentions and bad intentions.


Caught off guard, Xi Feng watched as his fist as big as a sandbag expanded rapidly within his field of vision, and then he flew backwards two thousand meters, piercing a barren mountain over a thousand meters high to relieve himself of the brute force.

"Pfft! Ahem, what a terrifying force!"

When Xi Feng touched his chest, the exquisite breastplate was shattered inch by inch on the spot.

Explode a high-quality defensive weapon with your bare hands!

And this surge in brute force was Chu Xin's favorite surprise after his evolution.

Even ten times more powerful than a tiger!

There is a high probability that he has inherited Lin Xue’s wild strength!

After Xi Fenghuo hurried back to the teleportation point, dozens of demon soldiers had already turned into corpses at Chu Xin's feet, and they all showed different and strange human-like appearances after they died tragically.

"In so many years, you are the first person to break into the demon world and go on a killing spree. Even the gods in the six realms do not dare to be so bold. I hope you are not ignorant and fearless." Xi Feng became angry and raised his hands. A biting cold wind rose when I lifted it up.

As the envoy of the Demon Respecting Tower, he has a very high status. Although he is not as good as those veteran giants who have lived for thousands of years, he is also a person in charge of power. Naturally, he must have matching strength to suppress millions of demon soldiers. .


The dense wind blades sputtered and reached the speed of sound.

Chu Xin's six wings trembled, then he walked around the wind blade and came behind Xifeng. He gently placed a finger on his Tianling Cap, and when he showed a horrified expression, he pressed down hard.


Xi Feng was hammered three hundred meters underground without any resistance.


He turned into a demonic wind, passed through layers of rock and soil, and launched into the air with a light scimitar to fight back.

Clang clang clang!

Sparks flew as the blade rubbed against Chu Xin's scales.

After two or three chops, the scales were intact, but the scimitar was full of gaps.

Chu Xin, who was overwhelmed by strength, abandoned the complexity and kept everything simple. He raised the dragon in mid-air and pushed his knees, hitting Xifeng's abdomen with precision and skill.

With a "pop" sound, the blade exoskeleton located on the knee pierced Xi Feng's lower abdomen and kicked him out.


Xi Feng, who was severely injured, did not dare to hesitate and immediately used his escape technique to escape. This escape technique was weird and mysterious, splitting into hundreds of figures with similar auras and scattering in all directions.

Chu Xin didn't waste time chasing an insignificant character. He had to do something in this demon world and get the maximum benefit before Jingtian and his wife returned to the human world! (End of chapter)

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