All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 347 Morphological evolution, rebirth

A large cluster of red-gold blazing flames suddenly enveloped Chu Xin's entire body, penetrating every inch of flesh and blood like pervasive microscopic molecules, penetrating everything inside and out.

It was very hot and burning, but it was just physical pain. For Chu Xin, it was no different than enjoying a massage.

Of course, there will be no shortage of necessary procedures.

The blood evaporated, the body disintegrated, and the Qilin fire burned Chu Xin beyond recognition, almost turning him into a dark super-hemp potato ball.

Buzz buzz~

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered rapidly, providing Chu Xin with the capital to compete with him.

The spiritual power of the five poisons circulates at high speed in the broken meridians, repairing the body, and sending Qilin blood to every corner of the body, diluting and erasing the ferocious and violent blood poison to a certain extent.

Gradually, Chu Xin completely adapted to Qilin Blood and Qilin Fire.

"Such a violent reaction, even for a mythical beast, is a bit exaggerated. Could this drop of blood be the blood essence in the Qilin's aorta?"

"It took fifty-seven minutes, but I finally managed to hold it, and then I started absorbing and refining it."

Chu Xin shook his stiff and brittle limbs, and the hair and skin all over his body immediately fell like carbonized ashes, but then revealed new and stronger body tissues, and even the volume increased. , not counting the tail, he is over two meters tall.

This is just the beginning. Qilin Xuejun first refined and purified Chu Xin.

Two hours later.


Chu Xin, who was filled with warmth, stood up, and as he stretched his head and tail limbs, the aura he exuded increased.

Although his proficiency has not increased at all, his spiritual power is many times stronger than before, and his flesh and blood body is also tougher and stronger, because Chu Xin not only absorbed the Qilin blood, but also used it as a tool to temper himself, affecting his muscles, meridians and bones. All baptized and washed over and over again.

The card text appeared as expected:

“Swallow the essence and blood of Qilin’s Dantian, take possession of its majestic power, and completely refine it to your own needs, and hone your will through countless tempers;

The next form evolution is about to take place, so please prepare the host. "

The first sentence is expected, the second sentence is unexpected.

Just like that, Chu Xin, who had just stood up, immediately retracted himself. He had a hunch that the battle for evolution this time was not small!


Wisps of white thread-like spiritual material grew rapidly, completely covering him, wrapping and covering him layer by layer, circle after circle.

The night passed.

The next morning, Jingtian woke up from urinating and hurriedly got up. But when he looked around in a daze, he was completely sleepless. His right hand was so frightened that he couldn't hold it steady and almost damaged his pants.

"Holy shit! Men of Xu, what happened! What kind of night were you watching! Why didn't you even tell us about such a big movement!" He put on his trousers in horror, pulled out the magic sword and came to Xu Changqing's side.

Xu Changqing pointed to the cave entrance a thousand meters away, "This vision is spreading from the cave where Brother Wudu is. Although it looks shocking and a bit scary, it has no intention of harming us, so I didn't wake you up." ."

"Ah! What's going on!"

"Boss! Where are we?"

Tang Xuejian and others also woke up and behaved in the same way as Jingtian.

Within their field of vision, the mountains, rivers and forests of yesterday had undergone earth-shaking changes, so much so that they could not tell where they were for a while.

Judging from the rivers and mountains in the distance, the mountains are still this mountain and the forest is still this forest.

However, at least an area of ​​ten kilometers in diameter is covered by countless dense white silks. It is said to be silk, but it is not like spiders or silkworms, but more like crystal clear snow.

The vegetation seems to be topped by white snow, and the branches are connected to each other by pure white "silk". The scattered rocks on the hillside are also rendered into a white world, and these snow silks seem to contain full vitality and continue to move towards the rushing rivers and the vast landscape. The wilderness and the blue sky grow wildly. After looking at it for a long time, there is a sense of weirdness and horror, as if it is about to swallow the whole world.

In fact, these are all manifestations of aura. If you observe them from different angles, you can faintly find five colors floating among them.

Chu Xin's form evolution, also known as cocoon transformation, undoubtedly requires a huge amount of spiritual energy to create a matching environment to ensure that he will not evolve into a deformed child.

"Did something happen to Five Poisons?" Nightshade frowned.

Xu Changqing sensed the extremely rich spiritual energy and felt the auspicious heat emanating from the cave. He smiled and said, "It should be fine. I think Brother Wudu is experiencing a huge opportunity, and now he has turned bad luck into good luck and has been reborn!"

"That's great!" Tang Xuejian was happy for Chu Xin from the bottom of his heart.

As he said this, everyone's feet began to tremble slightly.

The next second, the whiteness all over the mountains and plains was like a cocoon peeling off, flying and disintegrating in a way that can be called a visual feast, and melting between heaven and earth.

Buzz boom~ buzz boom~

A heat wave swept through, but the flowers, plants and trees that were swept away did not dry up, but became more vibrant.

Bang! Bang!

There was a sound of collapsing rocks in the cave, and as a tall and burly body walked out, the entire cave entrance was bursting open.


The red-gold brilliance spread like a vision of heaven and earth rising into the sky, dyeing the morning sun golden and brilliant.

"Brother, brother, who are you?" Jingtian opened his mouth in shock.

"Is it the Five Poisons? You are so big~" Tang Xue said as her body became weak.

"Although the appearance has changed tremendously, the aura of spiritual power is exactly the same. It is definitely Brother Wudu." Xu Changqing put away a trace of nervousness and calmly moved his hand away from the hilt of the sword.

"The change is indeed quite big. It's better to be bigger." Chu Xin lowered his head and looked at his current body, and sharp scales as good as gold and stone came into his eyes.

Card text appears:

"Lighted by the fire of Qilin blood, combined with various battle performances and gains, a new form evolved, a qualitative leap in combat power, and a complete rebirth!

Five Poisonous Beasts - Blood Golden Scales:

The head is like a ferocious and mighty liger, with bright red eyes and a pair of dragon horns. It looks auspicious and domineering despite being fierce, and is surrounded by silver-white temple hairs around its neck;

The humanoid torso has four limbs and one tail. The skin surface is covered with matte red gold scales. The pieces are closely interlaced and fit together. The muscle activities are like the collision of precise gears, showing a calm and restrained sense of high-end;

Under the scales, the bones are thick and the joints are flexible and tough. The thick muscles are clearly bulged and prominent. The overall torso is evenly distributed and perfectly proportioned. Although it is burly, it is not bloated;

The six dark red wings on the back bloom symmetrically and can also be contracted. The wingspan can reach up to 30 meters. When flapped, it can set off a storm of spiritual power containing poisonous energy;

The tail is also wrapped in scales, with a one-meter-long spear-like exoskeleton at the end that can release the Poison Diamond, with a total length of about 6 meters;

The limbs are slender and powerful, and the claw blades are extremely sharp. There are blade-like and shield-like exoskeletons on the elbows, knees, back heels, and shoulders, which can play a variety of roles, adding beauty and strengthening close combat capabilities;

It can stand and walk on two feet, with a height of about 8 meters. It can also walk on all fours. It is more animal-like and wild, and is more suitable for bloody melee combat;

Can speak other people's words, and retain the ability to communicate spiritually. "(End of chapter)

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