All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 332 Mechanical Emperor, Shura arrives

"How could he be here? How could he die here!"

Yan Tu howled inwardly, unable to understand what was going on.

This is like the emperor's only eldest son dying in his living room. Even if it is reasonable, he can't explain it. Moreover, the Blood Demon King is not a reasonable person. To be his subordinate, it is best to have some indispensable real skills.

Now, no matter how good Yan Tu is at his job, he will still be in trouble when he returns. With the blood demon king's cruel temper, someone is destined to bear his endless anger, and Yan Tu will hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Capture it alive, or bring its body back to the Blood Demon King to give an explanation!" Yan Tu understood that this was his only way to survive, otherwise the blood poison waiting for him would only cause his body to explode and die.


At this moment, a deafening buzzing sound reached his ears.

Yan Tu followed the sound subconsciously, and immediately understood the meaning of misfortune never coming alone, and the stone hanging in his heart became even bigger.

The wind-binding spirit formation was broken.

"No one who comes here today can leave alive!"

The entire valley reverberated with the furious roar of the Green Demon King. The Green Spirit Demon Army let out overwhelming cheers and immediately rekindled their high morale to fight, launching a ferocious counterattack against the anxious Blood-devouring Sect.

"Old Xuan, thank you for your hard work. Go back to your home and rest." The Green Demon King said without looking back.

She floated in the sky riding on the strong wind, her black hair dancing wildly like a waterfall, her white jade arms spread wide, tightly embracing the invisible and intangible power of the wind.


The wind howls all over the world, sometimes ghosts cry and wolves howl, and sometimes it is vast and lonely. Those who hear it are frightened, and those who listen are trembling with fear.

"Wind Burial, Soulless Needle!"

She murmured lowly and raised her arms forward lightly.

In an instant, thousands of gusts of wind turned into invisible and colorless condensed needles, which were shot at the members of the Blood-devouring Sect with great accuracy.

Although they couldn't see it, they could hear the sound of wind that was no different from the grim smile of the God of Death, and they could also sense the violent wind spirit power that filled the world. This scared the members of the Blood-devouring Sect to the point of sweating, but they were well-trained and did not choose to escape. It is to use defensive weapons or magic to deal with it with all your strength.

Unfortunately, the wind needle was unpredictable and all-pervasive, easily piercing through their less-than-flawless defenses.


"What kind of magic is this!"

The tragic wails kept rising and falling, and they danced around the nothingness as if they were possessed by evil spirits. What was horrifying was that, although the scene was quite comical, bloody penetrating wounds were quickly appearing on their bodies one after another.

When some raise their heads, there is a hole as thick as a finger between their eyebrows, and they can be seen through the back of their heads.

As soon as some turned around, their torsos were turned into leaky sieves, and the armor on their bodies did not play any role.

Some were so miserable that no bones were left, penetrated and annihilated by thousands of wind needles, leaving only ashes flying in the wind.

But there must be fish that are far away that have slipped through the net. The Green Demon King looked at it with cold eyes and muttered something: "The wind has passed away."

She rubbed her fingers together gracefully, and saw little blue illusory birds emerging from her palms, flapping their wings and flying into the sky. They then showed extreme speed and sent warm blessings to every member of the Blood-devouring Sect.

The Wind Passing Bird lay obediently on top of their heads, pecked open their heavenly caps with its small beak, and then got in and jumped around, shaking their brains upside down.

The twelve Blood-devouring Sect masters who used the Wind-Binding Spiritual Formation must have enjoyed the highest treatment, being eaten alive by hundreds of Wind Passing Birds into bloody skeletons. The key to this process was to maintain a glimmer of vitality and 100% pain. .

Needless to say, the Green Demon King's ruthless methods are directly proportional to her beauty. Her ability to firmly hold the position of Demon King is definitely not in vain.

Yan Tu, the leader of the Blood-devouring Sect, also treats the other disciples equally, but as the sect leader, he can handle it without any injuries for the time being.

The magic knife in his hand circled around his body and waved out clusters of blood-colored sword light, blocking and intercepting the Wind Needle and the Wind Passing Bird. However, he was also suppressed and unable to fight back, and it was even difficult to escape.

At this point, with the blood poison in his body, he couldn't return to the Blood Demon Realm without accomplishing anything. That would be the same as jumping onto the guillotine. He would have to cause some substantial damage to the Green Demon King before leaving to have a chance of survival. It will be bigger.

"Eat your own blood and become a half-demon."

Desperate, Yan Tu had no choice but to resort to the last resort of the "Blood-Eating Demon Technique".

The demonic energy backfired all over his body, shaping it into a violent and disorderly half-demon body from the inside out. His skin was covered with ugly demonic patterns like earthworms, and his elbows, knees and other joints also had non-human orc characteristics. The pores all over his body It was several times thicker, and wisps of hot blood continued to spurt out from it, like a steam engine.

Not only did Yan Tu become a half-demon that could not be recovered, he also burned decades of demonic power.


In an instant, the demonic energy surged into the sky, and it actually rivaled the Green Demon King.

"The blood-devouring demonic art has a miraculous effect on restraining the flesh and blood body. Even if you are a wind demon, you can't get rid of the flesh and blood body after turning into a human form!"

Yan Tu, whose body had swelled, jumped on the spot. The moment the ground cracked, he jumped directly in front of the Green Demon King, and then swung out his claws heavily.


A cyan wind shield condensed to block its claw strikes.

The Green Demon King did not retreat, but instead used her slender and graceful right leg to kick Yan Tu hard in the chest.

Unexpectedly, Yan Tu also became fierce and did not hide at all. His hands with bulging veins grabbed the green demon king's right leg, and his rough and dirty fingers made deep dents in the snow-white and tender leg flesh. He swung out with all his strength.


The corners of his skirt were torn apart as he was thrown away. When the Green Demon King stabilized his figure dozens of meters away, his right leg was exposed from the jade foot to the thigh. The long and round arc made the half-demon Yan Tu breathe. A lag.

Chu Xin raised his head to watch the battle, and couldn't help but agree with Hei Ling that the Green Demon King was indeed a rare beauty.

Well, in every way.

By the way, Hei Ling hasn't come back yet?

Chu Xin looked around, and after careful observation, he discovered that there was a small black dot waving to him in the distance, and there was an even smaller black dot in his arms. Isn't that Hei Ling and Rui'er!

It seems that he has dealt with the pursuers and returned safely with Rui'er.


With a wave of his hand, the Green Demon King used his demonic power to re-form the corners of her skirt, covering up the spring beauty.

Then, Yan Tu launched an increasingly fierce attack. As a half-demon, he resisted and counterattacked the Green Demon King many times, causing some damage to her.

Gradually, Chu Xin realized something was wrong.

Why are these two fighting each other, getting closer and closer to where they are?

It seemed that Yan Tu was moving intentionally or unintentionally. Was he planning to take the opportunity to escape?


Suddenly, Yan Tu burst out with a powerful blow, knocking the Green Demon King back more than two thousand meters and spurting out a large mouthful of blood. She felt that the energy and blood all over her body was boiling and could not be calmed down, as if she was about to be swallowed up by Yan Tu. Essence and blood.

Just when everyone thought Yan Tu would strike while the iron was hot, he turned around and galloped without thinking.

"Don't even think about running away!" The Green Demon King hurriedly gave chase.

Just when everyone thought Yan Tu would use his escape technique to escape, he actually made an unexpected turn without hesitation.


Chu Xin, who looked at Yan Tu, was a little stunned, "Oh no (that's great), you came to me!"

"What!" Old Xuan was shocked.

"Mr. Five Poisons, run!" The Green Demon King's expression changed drastically and he shouted hurriedly.

Hei Ling handed Rui'er to Mr. Xuan and flew towards Chu Xin at full speed without hesitation.

Yan Tu was not stupid. He knew very well how much the Blood Demon King valued Luo Xiao.

In such a situation, even killing the Green Demon King cannot quell the blood demon king's anger. Only by bringing Chu Xin back can he divert the blood demon king's anger. He has already lost decades of skill and must not lose his life again. .

Blood demons and wind demons are both special demon clans that were not born from the beast clan. Of course, one is an evil creature containing evil thoughts, and the other is a pure creature of natural aura. Although the former is not as rare as the latter, it is also very difficult to produce offspring. The blood demon king and his blood demon wife have worked hard for hundreds of years to give birth to such a good, polite and well-behaved son.

"Don't worry, he's seeking his own death. I can't refuse my kindness." Chu Xin said to Qing Yao Wang, Xuan Lao and Hei Ling.

The three of them were stunned, thinking differently.

"Your spiritual power has been exhausted. Just surrender and capture him!" Yan Tu waved his right hand and released a large net full of blood, twenty or thirty meters long and wide.

"Exhausted of spiritual power? Then your luck is really bad." Chu Xin chuckled in his heart.

This is like the apostle who saw the No. 1 machine lying on the ground and wanted to pick it up, but unexpectedly this was just the beginning of death.

Even though his allies were almost dying of anxiety, Chu Xin remained motionless. His thoughts sank into the card pack, and he browsed through the many cards with full proficiency in a somewhat tangled manner.

At this time, he remembered what Yan Tu said, "The Blood-devouring Demonic Art has a miraculous effect on restraining flesh and blood." In this case, Chu Xin focused on [Storm Crimson] and [Steel Cable].

Master Yan, come and try to restrain yourself?

Storm Red was commonly used before, but Steel Rope had not been used much since he left the Transformers world, and Chu Xin was a little curious about how Huoyuan Star developed after he left, and what was the current situation of his six subordinates who were as close as brothers, that Has the cheap son bred from the tightrope gene grown up?

Ever since, Chu Xin decisively drew out [Dinosaur King Kong Steel Cable].

Of course, there is another more resounding title: Fire Source Star Creator God Mechanical Emperor!

Card switching.


The sudden glare did not stop Yan Tu's offensive. Feeling that it was just a bluff, he still pounced on Chu Xin with ferocity.


A thick metal edge flashed across, cutting into pieces the blood web woven by Yan Tu.

Then, Yan Tu, who didn't know what was about to happen, felt an explosive smell that he had never smelled before, and the next second, a huge mechanical iron fist knocked him away hard.


After flying upside down, he released his strength in embarrassment, and when he took a closer look, he was suddenly confused and confused.

At this moment, there were no small Five Poison Beasts. Within Yan Tu's field of vision and recognition, he saw a fully armored giant nearly thirty meters tall standing on the top of the mountain, with a metal giant twenty-five meters in length. The sword dug into the rock and earth.

"Demons? Monsters? Or beasts? They don't look alike at all. Damn it, what kind of magic is it that can turn into such a different monster!" Yan Tu spat speechlessly.


The scarlet eyes reveal the ultimate oppressive feeling of majesty, domineering, bloodthirsty terror, and the violent and arrogant mechanical emperor needs no words, let alone description.

A sophisticated piece of machinery intertwined together to form an unparalleled metal body. Wisps of hot steam spurted out from the two dragon-headed shoulder armors. Just standing there shocked the menacing half-demon Yan Tu, leaving him at a loss. The ground stood still.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chu Xin raised his arm and fired a dozen explosive bombs.

Yan Tu, who didn't understand the reason, didn't dare to make a big deal, and immediately fought back with all his strength, using his flesh and blood body to face the so-called metal shell in his eyes.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, explosive bombs exploded one after another.

Unexpectedly, Yan Tu was hit back and forth by the heat wave. He finally managed to escape in embarrassment and landed on the hilltop opposite Chu Xin with his body covered in scorch. While confronting him, he assessed and judged the current situation.

"Although this attack method and body shape are unheard of, it doesn't seem to be powerful. It should be able to fight... It's just strange that the Blood-devouring Demonic Art has no reaction to it. Is there no flesh and blood in this guy's body? What an unlucky thing to encounter an inexplicable thing!"

As everyone knows, explosive bombs are only the most basic skill of [Steel Cable]. Seed Bombs, Roar of Behemoth, and Cybertron Armor are each more terrifying than the last. Of course, [Steel Cable] can only explode when facing mechanical life. Real combat effectiveness.

As incredible as Yan Tu was, everyone in the valley was also surprised.

Hei Ling stopped rushing to help, and a smile appeared on his face, "The boss is really hiding his clumsiness. Is this his real trump card? It's just like others, it's hard to figure out."

Elder Xuan and Green Demon King in the back looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"I can't tell what the technique is. He didn't mobilize any spiritual or demonic power when he changed his body just now. It's really obscure and mysterious." Elder Xuan said in surprise.

"The armor he is wearing at the moment and the weapons he is using, including the breath he breathes and absorbs, and the power to maintain physical fitness, are all very unfamiliar. They are completely unlike any training system I am familiar with." The Green Demon King breathed a sigh of relief, "But No matter what, Mr. Five Poisons only needs to have the means to protect himself, otherwise I will feel guilty in this life."

"He is seeking his own death. I can't resist my kindness. Mr. Wudu is confident. It seems that Yan Tu will not escape death today." Elder Xuan said.

At this point, within and outside the Qingling Demon Realm, except for Yan Tu, all members of the Blood-devouring Sect were not left alive, and they were all dead in miserable condition.

"I almost got fooled by you, you pretentious beast! In front of my absolute strength, everything is just a meaningless cover-up!"

Yan Tu roared and flew towards Chu Xin at high speed.

He is not boasting, as he turned into a half-demon, he does have some arrogant qualifications. With the blessing of decades of burning demonic skills, he is enough to fight against the Green Demon King.

Under the combination of various factors, Yan Tu had no reason not to rush.

In his opinion, it was death anyway, so it would be better to gain a chance of life here with Chu Xin.

Boom boom!

The spilled blood was so powerful that it converged into a meteor-like beam.

Chu Xin didn't bother and simply whispered: "Asura is coming."

100% super skill trigger!

The effect of [Shura's Advent] is: No matter where you are, in any world in the heavens, you can instantly summon six dinosaur subordinates to come and merge with you to become the Shura King. In the non-fused state, the six subordinates can exist in the heavens for half an hour. The combined state can last for half an hour; during this period, the host also shares the strengthening chain effect, and King Shura's strength is increased by 120%; and protected by skills, the six subordinates receive rule-level immortality blessings, making them immortal and immortal; the cooldown is 48 hours.

At this moment, the power of the system penetrated time and space, linking two unrelated planes.

Buzz buzz~

As six twisted halos emerged, the former comrades-in-arms and now the elders of the Fire Star Empire descended on this world.

Triceratops, iron slag.

Velociraptor, slash.

Spinosaurus, contempt.

Pterosaur, dart.

Brontosaurus, silt.

Stegosaurus, howl.

"What do I rely on!"

"What a good hand I have!"

"What happened?"

"Who started the teleportation! What's going on with those humans flying around?"

"Wait, brothers, I smell a familiar smell~"

"This familiar feeling of oppression approaching Tianling Gai is right!"

"Boss!!!" (End of this chapter)

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