All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 330: Involved in the whirlpool of conspiracy

Chu Xin's "stability" is like the limiter armor worn on the No. 1 fuselage, which is only to restrain the "waves" of internal suppression.

Once various factors are met, it will transform into an even crazier "wild wave", such as now.

Of course, there were many demon clans in the city who did not flee with the crowd. Like Chu Xin, they took the initiative to face the enemy after some deliberation, either because they had received favor from the Green Demon King or because they did not want to transform into the Qingling Demon Realm. Ruins, wealth and life are all here.

All in all, the demon clan also has people who value love and righteousness.


The Qingling demon army had already engaged in a head-on firefight with the Blood-devouring Sect. As soon as they met, the two sides fought extremely fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, blood and flesh were everywhere.

The demon race pays attention to itself, tempers its demon body, and retains the wild instinct of the beast race. It is good at extremely fierce close combat. The throat, neck, forehead and heart are the priority areas to attack.

The demonic cultivator introduces the evil spirit into the human body, forming a body that is half human and half demonic, and practices deceptive and demonic techniques. The body practitioners practice the same technique, and their attacks are very fierce and vicious, and difficult to guard against.

It can be seen that both sides are not kind-hearted and kind-hearted people. They use a variety of weapons and spells, which can be said to be deadly. Although the battle is not as handsome as the immortal cultivators, it is more dangerous and bloody. If you are not careful, you will be killed. Broken hands and feet.


Chu Xin wielded the atomic battle ax glowing with blue light with the strength of a tiger, completely cutting off the back of a demon cultivator's neck from behind.

Because it was a swift and decisive sneak attack, the opponent had no idea, and the process was as simple as killing a chicken.

"Be careful behind you, these beasts are more insidious than us!"

In an instant, more than a dozen demon cultivators turned around and rushed forward regardless of head or tail.


Hei Ling really wasn't telling lies and didn't make any moves at all.

He immediately bloomed a pair of huge jet black wings, and his arms also had a layer of metal feathers like sharp armor, especially on the elbow joints, fists, knee joints, etc., extremely terrifying branches grew out of his flesh. Black Feather has completely turned into a murderous weapon that takes people's lives.

Even his cheeks were covered by a black feather mask, adding a bit of cold mystery to him.

The black feather was like a jet-black meteor, or like the flashing black lightning, flying back and forth between the house and the three demon cultivators.

Puff puff puff~

His arms were like searching for something, stabbing it in with precision from a tricky angle. When he reappeared, there were three still beating hearts in his hands.


A demonic cultivator stabbed in the back without saying a word, and his hands turned into bloody claws, pushing towards Hei Ling's vest.

He would not shout out the name of the move before taking action, and he would not even make any unnecessary noise. Regardless of his strength, this Blood-devouring Sect disciple's combat literacy was extremely high, and he had already surpassed many people.


However, the sophisticated Hei Ling was already on guard. His wings, which were no different from gold and iron, spread out backwards, clamped, intertwined, and stirred.

With one last flick, the demon cultivator that was trying to attack was scattered in the streets in the form of mutilated pieces of flesh.

Don't look at him as a "boss" in front of Chu Xin, and he can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. In fact, Hei Ling's strength is not weak at all. These demon cultivators will only be killed instantly when they confront him.

Meanwhile, not far away.

"Don't go! That little beast is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!"

"Call them to come over and help. If it's too late, we'll have to collect the bodies!"

The three middle-aged demon cultivators with colorful bodies were in a dilemma as they looked at Chu Xin, who looked like the God of War a hundred meters away. They subconsciously felt frightened and admitted that they had initially despised this beast that looked like a cat but was not a cat.


The corpse poison drill brutally penetrated the chest and abdomen of the demon cultivator, creating a large transparent hole from the front and back, and the internal organs fragments flowed out.

"I will fight with you!"

Seeing that his companion was dead, the other young demon cultivator's pores opened and closed, wisps of blood mist emerged, and then he jumped into the air towards Chu Xin with a ferocious expression.

The last move of the blood-devouring demonic skill: devour one's own blood and become a half-demon.

Looking at the demon cultivator who was gradually losing his mind, Chu Xin calmly flapped his wings and slipped through the gap at a slow speed. He made an uppercut with his empty left hand and smashed the demon cultivator's jaw.

Immediately afterwards, the atomic battle ax was raised sharply, and the violent atomic energy emitted tore through the relatively strong bloody demonic energy. The ax blade struck into his chest. As Chu Xin moved forward, the battle ax was completely submerged.

With a "pop" sound, the young demon cultivator was split in two by Chu Xin from the neck down.

But Chu Xin didn't have time to breathe.

Because the three middle-aged demon cultivators and five or six young demon cultivators were outflanking them, many attacks came in an instant.


A sharp sound broke through the air.

Chu Xin multitasked, releasing mysterious demon darts that could penetrate the demon clan's flesh.

Just this breath, like a judge's pen, easily took away the lives of three young demon cultivators.

"You beast, you can't take care of yourself anymore!"

The bald middle-aged demon cultivator laughed loudly, and stabbed Chu Xin's back with the bloody spear in his hand. He seemed to have foreseen that Chu Xin's body would be pierced by the spear and sent flying.


The tip of the spear touched, but did not touch.

The cyan airflow condensed out of thin air and turned into armor to resist it.

It's the invisible green ray armor!

Chu Xin secretly thought that this armor was really good. It could withstand this blow without any damage. It was not in vain that he deliberately exposed his flaws.

"What the hell?" The bald demon Xiu suddenly felt something bad and hurriedly retreated.

How could Chu Xin miss this opportunity? He stretched out all his claw blades, cut bloody wounds on the middle-aged demon cultivator's arm, and injected several mixed poisons at the same time.

"Actually poisoned!" The bald demon cultivator laughed fearfully, "Unfortunately, the blood-devouring demonic skill I sent is extremely poisonous, and there is no point in poisoning me."

"The demonic energy that is exactly the same as the death blood condenses. It is indeed this group of people who poisoned Rui'er. It seems to have been planned for a long time. Then I am involved in a conspiracy whirlpool. It's really great." Through practical contact, Chu Xinde has confirmed.

The bald demon cultivator said proudly: "Compared to me, you are still too young..."


The bald demon cultivator, who was just glad to survive, suddenly had a frozen expression. He looked down at the bloody mouth on his chest and closed his eyes unwillingly.

Before he died, he was afraid of Chu Xin's profound thoughts, deep spiritual power and terrifying control ability.

The mysterious demon dart sneaked up from behind, penetrated into his body and shattered his internal organs, and then penetrated out from his heart. The whole process took at most two seconds.


After killing the beast, Chu Xin advanced instead of retreating, rushing into the enemy's encirclement with surging murderous intent.

"Although the boss is crazy, his state of mind is not chaotic at all. He is rough and subtle, but he is not restrained. He kills decisively, and his timing is so precise that it is terrifying. This can only be achieved by experiencing countless extreme fighting, hiss ~Where did the boss come from? When did the five poisonous beasts in the past and present become so powerful?" Hei Ling, who was also fighting fiercely, was amazed again and again. He was worried that Chu Xin would be trapped in a tight siege and found that his concern was unnecessary.

Just because Chu Xin and Hei Ling were in a favorable situation does not mean that all demon clans are like this. A large number of demon clans were killed and their true identities were revealed.

At this time, the Qingling Demon Realm has become a battlefield. Everyone running on the ground and flying in the sky are completely crazy. The exquisite buildings are destroyed by the demonic power. Various bloody magic weapons collide with each other, sputtering out colorful flames. Flow or particles.

If the Blood-devouring Sect dared to attack, they must be fully prepared. The fully armed disciples were not afraid of death, and the deceitful techniques they used made it difficult for the Qingling demon army to cope with it, making it difficult for them to take advantage of it at close range.

During the seemingly chaotic but actually orderly advance of the Blood-devouring Sect, the Qingling demon army had to retreat to the demon king's mansion in a slightly embarrassed manner.

As for the masters of the Demon Clan, they were naturally entangled by the masters of the Blood-devouring Sect and found it difficult to escape for a while.

"It's actually the long-lost wind-binding spirit formation! Do you know me so well? What is your purpose!"

At this moment, the Green Demon King was regularly surrounded by twelve Blood-devouring Sect masters. The magic formulas they kept pinching out, combined with the runes, condensed the formation to restrain the Green Demon King, causing her to The power within this range is greatly reduced, and it is impossible to break out of the formation in time.

As she said, the Blood Devouring Sect was so well prepared that she felt chills running down her spine. She didn't understand how a group of human demon cultivators could be so familiar with her situation.

Although human immortal cultivators hunt and kill the demon clan, demon cultivators have no grudges or grudges against the demon clan. They even communicate with each other and often join forces to deal with the immortal cultivators. After all, demons, demons, and ghosts all surrender to the Demon Cultivation Tower and serve the same master.

"Sir, let me save you!"

Elder Xuan crushed a demon cultivator to death with his backhand, stepped on the void with his feet, and turned into an afterimage that shot towards the Green Demon King.

"Old monster, let me play with you!"

The deputy master of the Blood-devouring Sect appeared to intercept him and swung a long whip towards Mr. Xuan.

The whip was long and fast, and it also brought a large area of ​​​​magic mist. Xuan Lao was forced to fight.

"Old monster, you're not that good either~ The last time I stayed by that little monster's side, I managed to poison him, tsk tsk~"

This deputy sect leader is a woman who looks like she is in her early twenties, but is actually at least fifty.

"Is it you who hurt Rui'er?" Mr. Xuan's face suddenly turned gloomy, "Please prepare your last words."

He burst out with raging anger and attacked the deputy sect leader. He knew very well that only by solving these obstacles could he save the Green Demon King. Besides, he didn't think that the formation could trap the Green Demon King for how long, at most it would be close to a stick of incense.

Not long after, the Green Demon King suddenly became panicked, lost his position, and increased his efforts to break the formation.

Following her anxious gaze, one could see several Blood-devouring Sect disciples rushing into the Demon King's mansion and running towards Tingfeng Pavilion where Rui'er was.

"The young wind demon's flesh and blood has greatly improved my blood-devouring demonic power. King Qing Yao, please give me your beloved daughter." The sect leader Yan Tu said with a smile from afar, stimulating the Qing Yao with words. Wang's nerves, this wind-binding spirit formation cannot attack the trapped person from the outside, otherwise he would have fallen into trouble long ago.

"Beast! Is this your goal?" the Green Demon King roared angrily.

"Of course not. The noble girl is just a gift. Of course my goal is to kill you and destroy the Qingling Demon World." Yan Tu smiled with a determined look on his face.

"Who are you instructing?" The Green Demon King was not an idiot, and he quickly noticed something strange.

The look on Yan Tu's face was startled, and he twitched the corner of his mouth and said mockingly: "You'd better worry about yourself."

Just as the members of the Blood-devouring Sect were about to approach, a faster black shadow flew across the sky, entered the Tingfeng Pavilion first, and then took away Rui'er under the shocked and angry gazes of both parties.

But soon, the Green Demon King's side showed joy and luck, while Yan Tu's side was confused and angry.

Because it was Hei Ling who took Rui'er away.

"Damn, there really are some ungrateful guys meddling in other people's business!" Yan Tu said and was about to snatch it away, because Rui'er is the best hostage to threaten the Green Demon King. Rui'er is crucial to minimizing the loss. Even he was unwilling to face an angry demon king.

"Don't ever think about me!" Old Xuan, covered in blood, suddenly appeared and blocked Yan Tu.

"What?" Yan Tu's eyes narrowed, and he turned back to look at the ground. He saw the deputy sect master with his hands and feet broken, paralyzed on the ground with only one breath left. His appearance was far more tragic than Elder Xuan, and he was obviously hopeless.

He stared at Mr. Xuan carefully and said with an angry smile: "You actually harmed your inner elixir? You lost two hundred years of life and fifty years of skill just to come to me and die?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Elder Xuan calmed down after seeing Rui'er being rescued by Hei Ling, and planned to hold Yan Tu until the Green Demon King was out of trouble.


Xuan Lao was an afterimage, and in a few seconds he launched a dozen fierce attacks on Yan Tu's upper, lower, left and right sides.

However, Yan Tu always stood in one position, blocking all the attacks with the sword in his hand, and took the opportunity to use his heart claws to tear off the skin on Old Xuan's chest and abdomen, exposing the bloody muscle tissue.

"Blood Drinking Slash!"

Yan Tu took advantage of his illness to kill him, holding a knife with both hands and slashing with a bloody blade.

"Eagle Flash!"

Xuan Lao used his escape technique and retreated several hundred meters, narrowly avoiding the deadly light of the sword.

"Cough cough~ cough, puff~"

If he hadn't suffered heavy losses in the battle with the deputy sect leader, how could he be in such a mess? In his heyday, he was completely unafraid of severe slaughter.

"Follow me, we must catch that little monster!" Yan Tu ordered a few of his powerful men.


Several people took the order and chased in the direction where Hei Ling disappeared.

"Since you want to die, then I'll let you do it." Yan Tu stopped being distracted and began to officially fight against Mr. Xuan.

at the same time.

In the lush jungle outside the valley, a dozen figures slowly appeared.

Although they all wore the uniforms of the Blood Devouring Sect, they looked at their companions in the valley with particularly cold eyes.

Moreover, compared to the evil spirit of the demon cultivators, the temperament of this group of people is more inclined to the demon clan.

"This sect that your Excellency secretly supports really has a lot of skills, especially Yan Tu, who has mastered the "Blood-devouring Demon Technique" given to him by Your Excellency to a great extent. Our brothers may not be his opponents."

"What if it's not my opponent? Yan Tu doesn't have to listen to us. The blood poison implanted in his body can wipe him out in an instant!"

"But when the Green Demon King gets out of trouble, Yan Tu probably won't be able to defeat that woman. It would be terrifying if she goes crazy, and the Blood-devouring Sect will definitely be destroyed."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the Green Demon King dies or not, and it doesn't matter whether the Blood-devouring Sect can survive or not. The role of Yan Tu and the Blood-devouring Sect is to consume the strength of the Qingling Demon Realm to the greatest extent, and to take the lead in clearing most obstacles for us, the Xue Zang Demon Realm. , after the Blue Demon King and Xuanji are seriously injured, we can enjoy the results without any effort!"

"The Sky Demon King has been imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower for many years. The demon clan has always been leaderless. One of the four demon kings who were once under the throne of the Sky Demon King is hiding in the sea and the other two are huddled in Shushan. The demon world has signed a ridiculous agreement with humans!"

"Only our master has a far-reaching strategy and thinks about the future of the demon clan! These scattered little demon worlds must be integrated and unified in order to gather the power to shake Shushan. And this peaceful Green Demon King must die. She lives to disturb the morale of the army. Instability!"

Through the conversations between these monster clans, the whole incident was clearly sorted out.

Among them, the young man who was protected in the middle was staring with curiosity at Chu Xin who was going on a killing spree.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, possessiveness, curiosity, excitement, madness, bloodthirsty, etc., so that his mental state was very distorted, and his face had a sickly white sheen.

The young man stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, murmuring excitedly: "The ultimate madness, the ultimate killing ~ perfect! It must be very suitable to be my pet!" (End of this chapter)

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