
The out-of-control Holy Father lost control due to its excessive speed, and the main cooling pipe of the steam furnace was penetrated in two by an armor-piercing arrow, causing the temperature of the furnace to become unbalanced and the entire city to be on the verge of being flammable and explosive.


Suddenly, one of the tires of the Holy Father got stuck in a huge ravine on the ground, and then it rolled over and fell to the ground. It wiped out a long mud mark before stopping, and a few meters away, there was dark green foam. Great swamp.

Bang bang!

Beams of fire were like erupting magma, constantly shooting out of the windows of the Holy Father. There were explosions inside, and heart-rending screams came out dully through the steel walls, as if hundreds of ghosts were being thrown into it. Repeatedly frying in a pan of purgatory oil.

This scene shocked all the thugs and Gikohui residents.

They stared blankly at the Holy Father, which could not be revived, then glanced at the sharp crossbow arrows on the far mountain wall, and finally looked at Chu Xin, whose painting style was completely different.

This process was silent, and the few remaining thugs seemed to have lost their spiritual support. They knelt down like zombies and cried in agony.

Because Charles once said that the Holy Father is the only train to heaven and the Holy Father, and now that the Holy Father has fallen and the Holy Father's spokesperson is dead, they naturally have no chance to return to the Holy Father.

The thugs, who were filled with grief, turned their grief into anger. They all stared at Chu Xin, invisible hatred crawled out of their scarlet eyes, and blue veins suddenly popped up on each cheek, and the canthus of his eyes was split.




Without waiting for the remaining thugs to say anything, Chu Xin struck decisively, and the heavy machine gun poured out its full force regardless of ammunition.

There is no need to save bullets, there are plenty of supplies in front of you.

In terms of cruelty and ruthlessness, who else could Chu Xin be weaker than? A group of wasteland refugees with incomplete brain development, some of whom are just stupid and arrogant.

Regardless of whether you were made of flesh and blood or made of steel and iron, you were all blown to pieces ten meters away from Chu Xin. When the last bullet blasted the head of the last thug, everything was so miserable that you couldn't even put your foot down. Son.

The sky was already filled with dense crowds of vultures. They smelled the smell of fresh corpses. If they weren't afraid of Chu Xin, the great killing god, they would have come down to eat and their mouths would be full of oil.

At this point, the Saints organization, which had caused trouble for Guling for many years, has become an insignificant corner of history.

The Guigu Hui stood there and did not dare to move. The elders and others were all confused about the situation, let alone the purpose of this uninvited guest.

But it wasn't until Achim and the other three hurriedly ran out that everyone in the Guigu Society suddenly realized that they were friendly forces rushing to help, so they also opened the door and showed up.

Achim immediately told everyone the whole story and introduced Chu Xin to them.

As for Chu Xin himself, he had no interest in their reunion and began to devour all the vehicles of the Saints organization.

First, remove all small ones, and then use insect limbs, eagle claws, and gluttonous mouths to break up the huge Holy Father into pieces, and send the thugs inside into the crusher together to turn them into the fuel they need and consume them. The ammunition was also replenished.

Soon, the card text arrived as promised:

"Adopt a reasonable and effective long-range bombing strategy, carry out fire strikes against a large number of enemies, and only after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy before cautiously entering into battle, avoiding disadvantages, highlighting advantages, and finally beheading the enemy bravely and strategically, completely defeating the enemy;

I won’t comment too much on the basic operation of the host, so please keep it up;

Proficiency +14%, reaching 30%;

The number of times the gashapon machine is drawn is +1, currently there are 4 times;

Earn rewards:

The height is increased to about 100 meters, the width is 150 meters, and the length is 200 meters, and basic aspects such as weight, hardness, and fuel volume are increased accordingly;

Enhanced projection system, the host's projected image can appear anywhere in Phoenix City;

Output weapon: Blazing cannon (one on each side, 30mm caliber, 800 bombs, automatic bomb change, 4000 inventory, can consume fuel to generate bullets, the longest effective range is 3000 meters);

Hunting hook and nail lotus (1 piece, located on the front, in the shape of a metal lotus, with an extremely sharp tip that can easily penetrate steel plates, with a maximum range of 1,000 meters; when it penetrates the prey's flesh, the petals will bloom quickly and become stuck, making the prey unable to break free);

Mobile device·Toothed crawler track (newly added crawler device, which is gradually installed on the original relief tires when activated, has strong off-road capability, ensuring the stability of the grip and increasing the speed). "

"The profits from this wave are not small. Sure enough, we have to gain wealth through danger."

Just as Chu Xin was enjoying himself, his body began to expand rapidly and made a series of loud noises of mechanical collision, stretching, and friction.

Every part of Chu Xin's body, every pavilion and pavilion, seemed to be alive. They seemed chaotic, but in fact they were changing in an orderly manner, like Lego blocks that were assembled automatically and criss-crossed layer by layer.

The interior exposed during expansion is a huge mechanical component emitting steam, hydraulic rods making piston movements, precision gears continuously rubbing, and burning furnaces dripping with sweat, as if they are a set of vibrant internal organs functioning in an orderly manner. operation.

The soaring phoenix in the main hall is even bigger and more beautiful. Every feather is lifelike, glowing with a crystal warm luster. It seems that in the blink of an eye it will raise its head, cry, and soar into the sky.

In such a hard-core yet fantastic scene, Achim and hundreds of other people witnessed Chu Xin suddenly expanding to a height of about 100 meters!

The length and width also increased significantly. Compared with a few seconds ago, it was not a little larger. It directly caused a strong visual impact, and even the well-informed elder Simon was shocked.

"What's going on?"

"It's a miracle~"

"Ancient technology?"

The word "surprise" cannot be described. This group of intellectuals from the wasteland obviously had their brains idle, staring stupidly at the new, more spectacular and magnificent Phoenix City.

They tried to use the knowledge in their minds to understand, but their brains were turned upside down, and there was no knowledge point related to what they saw and heard at the moment.

"Could it's not scientific?" Vincent looked at the empty ground and couldn't help but have a bold guess in his heart, but he was always cautious and kept silent.


As the loud noise subsided, Chu Xin's expansion ended.

"I've made some small upgrades to Phoenix City, don't worry about it," he said calmly.

"Small one? The city lord is really good at joking." Achim muttered with a twitching corner of his mouth.

At this time, Elder Simon summoned all the people of the Guigu Society, and then took the lead in bowing to Chu Xin.

Achim has already explained everything. Simon, who is old but not stupid, can still understand the depth of his gratitude for Chu Xin's savior.

"Thank you to the Phoenix City Lord for his timely action and saving countless treasures and children. The kindness is as great as a mountain. We can't think of how to repay it for a while, but from now on, the City Lord is our best friend of the Guigu Society!"

When Simon said this, he almost burst into tears. It could be seen that he was moved by it from the bottom of his heart.

Not only him, but many residents also had tears in their eyes. From the despair of certain death to the hope of the rest of their lives, their mental journeys were full of twists and turns, and all kinds of emotions were mixed together at this moment.

After all, in this wasteland without laws and morals, being alive is a great blessing.

Human instinct is to survive. He had planned to self-destruct before, but he had no choice but to die. Compared to falling into the hands of thugs, death was the best option.

"I have already formed a rift with the saints. This annihilation is not all to save you." The situation is different from the past. In this situation, Chu Xin is too lazy to raise the banner.

"The city lord has a broad mind, which is more precious than diamonds in this era," Simon looked back and said with emotion, "Thanks to you, these children have the opportunity to continue to grow up."

What he saw were a dozen children around ten years old. They wandered around Chu Xin curiously and cautiously reached out to touch him. The fear and fear in their eyes were gradually replaced by novelty and joy.

There is no doubt that, having been immersed in a rich intellectual atmosphere for a long time, their temperament from top to bottom is extraordinary. It can be seen that Achim, Simon and others attach great importance to the education of their children.

Next, Simon and others expressed their intention to join Chu Xin without any hesitation, and they restarted the dying Guiguhui Castle.

So, the two mobile cities left Buried Bone Ridge together.

Early next morning.

In a hidden valley outside Bone Burial Ridge, Achim and about a hundred people were helpless around the completely ruined Guiguhui Castle.

After a long high-speed chase, and the control system damaged by the hook on the Holy Father, several core devices suffered irreversible failures, and there was no other way but to replace them.

Being able to run out of Bone Burial Ridge with persistence is already considered extremely tenacious.

"I'll look for it. We in the Guigu Association still have some connections, so we will definitely find a solution!"

"These devices are extremely rare. The key is that almost no one will sell them. Where can we find them?"

"If I remember correctly, the triennial super auction in the south will start soon, right?"

"Don't think about it, it's a gathering of jackals, tigers and leopards. Although there are many rare things in the super auction, you still have to be lucky to get them."

"Actually, we were able to participate in the auction, but we were auctioned off by others."

"How about we camp here? Stop wandering?"

"It's even more unrealistic. You can't survive for a week without strong force and sufficient resources. Not everyone can learn from Shanguo."

"Can we please ask him?"

"The Lord of Phoenix City has given us hope of rebirth. It would be rude to trouble him again. After all, where will he find those devices?"

"Then where is our future path?"

"There is an old saying in ancient times, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, so let's not be sad."

"But our car even broke down~"

"You kid..."

For a moment, everyone was speechless and didn't know what to do.

Simon sat alone under the castle of Guiguhui, as if he was spending the last moments with an old friend. His old age in a wheelchair contrasted particularly well with the mottled castle.

Achim came over and sat down, "Elder, we are not desperate."

Simon nodded, "I know, ugh~"

Achim touched the moving castle behind him, "The city lord treats people well. He also told me before that he wanted to take in some residents. Maybe we can?"

Simon thought for a moment, and the sadness on his face disappeared, "Gather everyone for a meeting."

Achim knew very well that this meeting would probably be a major turning point for the Guigu Society, but his intuition told him that the Phoenix Lord was a thigh worth hugging tightly.

Soon, everyone gathered under a giant tree and started discussing.

Chu Xin in the distance didn't really care about their final decision, and he didn't care whether Achim and the others would stay or go. At this moment, he was more concerned about the "three-year super auction" he accidentally heard about!

The bionic mechanical bug he devoured was a member of the South, and the South itself was a powerful comprehensive force. It was both a warlord who caused trouble for one side and a well-known business organization.

Compared to the Saints organization, which relies on robbery for a living, the South has more rules and logic on the surface.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the South is even more powerful than the Saints. The firepower of both sides is not at the same level.

In terms of human connections, Nanfang can respond to all requests, and countless warlords will take action for property and treasures.

In short, the South is very prosperous in today's European continent, and no one except those super big cities dare to offend it easily, let alone make an enemy of it.

“Super auction, I don’t know what will be sold~”

Chu Xin became very interested in this, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided to go and join in the fun.

He called Achim, "I have something small to deal with. I'll be back in a few days. I hope you will have the answer by then."

Achim looked at Chu Xin's tall figure walking away, and couldn't help but recall the appearance of Chu Xin when he first saw him. In a short period of time, earth-shaking changes had taken place, which was enough to prove how extraordinary Chu Xin was.

"An Optimus Prime is rising from the ground, and it's time for us to make changes." He secretly vowed to convince the elders.

Although the wasteland is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are countless forces from all sides, the European continent is so vast that it is really not easy to bump into humans.

No, Chu Xin drove forward at full speed for most of the day. Apart from the tire marks on the ground, he didn't even see the shadow of anyone.

Of course, it is also possible that others saw him but did not dare to approach him at all.

Chu Xin's physique is not as good as that of big cities, but it is enough to crush most rotten fish and shrimps. The key is that the unique architectural style is really shocking and intimidating.

In the wasteland, being too ostentatious is not a good thing, but being eye-catching and still living a happy life shows that you have a strong ability to protect yourself. As long as you are not a fool or a madman, you will not attack this kind of existence at will.

In the eyes of others, Chu Xin, who stands out from the crowd, is this type.

"With this distance, we can reach our hometown in the south tomorrow morning," Chu Xin looked at the map and thought, "We can't waste gas money on this trip. Hey, we might as well kill people and rob goods after watching the auction."

As he got closer and closer to the southern region, many mobile towns appeared with the same destination as him.

Some were big, some were small, and all had different styles. They were all thundering and galloping through the night wasteland, with thick smoke obscuring the stars and the moon.

Severe and greedy eyes were fixed on Chu Xin. If it weren't for the southern regulations prohibiting fighting in the jurisdiction during the auction, these warlords would have sharpened their swords against Chu Xin. (End of chapter)

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