All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 285 Throw yourself into a trap? Bigger and stronger!

The next day.

The sun is shining high and the sky is clear. In ancient times, there was no way to lie comfortably on the beach and enjoy whiskey and white skin.

But this is the future a thousand years later. As far as the eye can see, there are pristine wilderness mountains and rivers. The endless rivers lie across the rusty and broken dams. Under the collapsed mountains, the concrete forests of the old era sleep.

“Without a doubt, this is the mark we will leave behind at Gikou.”

On the plain, the old man Achim stood up and looked around the ground worriedly.

The two track prints are deeply carved into the soil. The pattern is quite in the medieval European art style, like the murals on the dome of a solemn church. At the same time, it is also a proof of identity.

It should be said that the Guigu Club really wants to renaissance and inherit ancient literature, history and art from the heart, but they are also really stupid to leave such a conspicuous mark on others. What does it have to do with seeking death? difference.

"It's a miracle that you can survive until now." Chu Xin said.

"You are right. In fact, we have planned to replace the tracks for a long time, but many trading towns do not have suitable materials. Such important resources are controlled by a group of violent warlords who are like jackals, tigers and leopards. Trading with them is extremely risky. ." Achim replied helplessly.

"There are soldiers pursuing the saints." Young John took off his hat and rubbed his messy hair.

In addition to the mark of the Gui Guhui, there are also dense wheel marks of different sizes, and there are at least twenty mobile units!

"I'm afraid the Saint's Holy Father is also among them," the middle-aged Vincent pointed to two relatively large marks. "This kind of unique spiked depression is rare."

"The Saints' large army is hunting down the Gui Guhui, so those lunatic thugs can't stop." Achim exhaled and cursed.

"Everyone is in trouble right now, but we can't do anything to help. Damn it!" John was so anxious that he was worried.

Achim looked back at Chu Xin and sighed helplessly. He didn't want to drag Chu Xin into a near-death situation. Moreover, he didn't think Chu Xin could single-handedly fight against the crazy Saints organization. , you must know that the Holy Father is not a mobile city comparable to Cats and Dogs. It is more than 70 meters tall and has many weapons and equipment. The main reason is that the average person is not afraid of death. The number of people in the large army is at least three hundred and up. .

The Saints organization may not be able to fight against large mobile cities, but among the many violent forces in the wasteland, they are definitely one with a notorious reputation. Even if a warlord passes by Bone Burial Ridge, he must remain extremely vigilant for fear of The car overturned in the gutter.

Therefore, the atmosphere became silent and solemn for a while.

"I'm going to save them. Although I don't have any confidence, it's worth it even if I can save one person. It's not a loss even if I die. Anyway, my life was given by the elders." John said calmly and firmly.

After saying that, he turned around and walked along the print.

Vincent bowed silently to Chu Xin and followed him.

Achim cast his gaze sadly and gratifiedly, and then said to Chu Xin: "City Lord, thank you for your help and hospitality, but we have already made a choice. You know, it is because of our unity that our Guigu Association can move forward." As of now... there is a relatively safe canyon in the northeast, and you can leave the Buried Bone Ridge area if you walk there. I hope we will meet again later, and if we are still alive, we will definitely repay the favor."

After saying this, the old man with a gray beard straightened his back and left.

The backs of the three people shone brightly in the morning sun, igniting the fire of humanity in this cruel and merciless wasteland era.


Noticing the noise behind them, they turned around in shock and stared at Chu Xin who was following behind in surprise.

"I have already formed a rift with the Saints. In my eyes, they are already a group of dead people." Chu Xin said flatly.

What to go for?

How could he just ignore such a big fat piece of flesh from the saint?

This apocalyptic wasteland is so difficult, he must personally send those poor people to the Holy Father to enjoy blessings!

The three of them looked at each other. Although they were moved by this, Achim still smiled bitterly, "City Lord, I know that your mobile city is very unique, with ancient and luxurious decorations inside and outside. However, there are so many saints that you may be unable to withstand it. I really don't want to delay it." You go into the water.”

"I'm not doing it for you," Chu Xin replied frankly, "I'm just hunting."

"Hunting, hunting?" Achim was stunned. He didn't expect that Chu Xin actually planned to hunt the entire Saint organization. Although he didn't want to offend or belittle him, he couldn't figure out where Chu Xin's confidence came from.

But that’s it. There’s no point in talking about it any further.

"Okay, then I'll trouble the city lord." Achim said politely.

Bordeaux used to be rich in red wine. After thousands of years, the mountains and fields here are no longer manors and grape vines, but endless deep swamps stretching as far as the eye can see.

They are like the mud of the Devil's Abyss that gathers into lakes, dormant in darkness under the cover of shrubs and dead trees, always ready to devour every life that sets foot here.

Under the disgusting and sticky bubbles, countless skeletons and mechanical corpses with arms and legs spread out were sealed like amber, sleeping peacefully.

If Burial Bone Ridge is the road to hell, then this is hell!

Because of the special terrifying environment, those large mobile cities are unwilling to set foot in it. After all, once they are trapped, it will be difficult to escape, so that years of plundering will be in vain.

However, for the ancient society at this moment, the Great Marsh of Bordeaux seems to be the best tomb.

A thirty-meter-high church-style castle faced the dark green "ocean", with wolf-like and tiger-like pursuers behind it.

"Even if we are swallowed by hell, we cannot let the historical treasures fall into the hands of those bandits. I would rather the ancient relics be dug out of the mud by future generations than let them wander and be destroyed."

The speaker was Simon, the elder of the Guigu Society. He was eighty years old and sat in a wheelchair with an indignant look on his face. Even though his appearance showed his age, his eyes that looked at death were piercing.

"City defense team, follow me out to meet the enemy. You must pull a few backs before you die!" a man holding a rifle yelled, and then led about twenty young adults to rush out resolutely, and exchange ancient treasures with ancient treasures. The fort was used as a bunker to launch a counterattack against the outflanking Saints organization.

The weapons they were equipped with were not bad, but their numbers were too inferior and they lacked sufficient combat experience. In just a few minutes, five or six young people in their early twenties were killed by the thugs.

The entire Guigu Society has a total population of only about a hundred, ranging from elderly people in their 70s to 80s to babies waiting to be fed. There are people of all ages. It is very difficult to assemble this city defense team with a certain combat effectiveness.


The saint's fortress of the Holy Father slowly appeared. The outer wall covered with skeletons made it extremely evil. The whole thing looked like a container with durians on it, but the golden inverted triangle on the front actually exuded an inexplicable sacredness. Let this ugly mobile city have a bit more weird beauty.

Rows of bare-chested thugs stood on the five-story fence. They all had inverted triangle totems tattooed on their chests, and they maintained the same serious expression and were extremely pious.

Under the huge golden inverted triangle is the control room of the Holy Father. Through the thick glass, you can see the long-haired man sitting in the only throne.

He has blond hair, blue eyes, thin and sunken cheeks, and a pure black robe covered with inverted triangle pendants. He looks like a heavy metal addict, but his eyes are cold and gloomy, and he is obviously a wise man.

Chief of the Saints, Spokesperson of the Holy Father - Charles.

"Those who resist are those who disobey the Holy Father and will be killed without mercy." He said calmly, full of confidence.


In an instant, all the mobile vehicles around the Holy Father rushed out with full power. Dust was flying for a while, and crude homemade bombs were projected out, exploding violently as they approached the Guigu meeting.

Faced with such a fierce and primitive offensive, the city defense team was unable to parry. Immediately, most of the people were pierced through the head by shrapnel and steel balls, and fell to the ground dead with eyesore.

This is a fantastic and bizarre era. Whether it is vehicles or weapons, steam, electromagnetic, medieval, super technology, nuclear energy and other styles and styles are stewed in a pot, and they actually appear in this wasteland at the same time, and this is also reflected from the front. The level of power and strength, the more powerful mobile cities and forces control the more advanced technology and equipment, directly opened a huge gap between each other, forming the current situation where heroes are divided and princes compete for hegemony.

"Take cover!"

"Don't stick your head out!"

"But they're advancing on us!"


However, the few remaining people were helpless. They were suppressed on one side and the encirclement was shortened on the other. If the firepower was unequal, they could only be beaten. A few precious grenades were thrown out and only a few thugs were taken away.


A crossbow arrow broke through the wind and penetrated the throat of the captain of the city defense team. Before he fell, he sadly discovered that the brother beside him had already taken a step ahead.

"Go forward." Elder Simon gave the order firmly.

Everyone showed frightened, angry and solemn expressions. The remaining fuel of the Guigu Club began to burn, and the small castle took steps towards the large swamp a hundred meters away.


Unfortunately, it backfired.

The Holy Father ejected an extremely thick chain, which pierced through the back wall of the Gui Gu Guild, clamping and dragging it tightly.

Then, a powerful force dragged the Guigu Society back!

Seeing the distance between the swamp and the swamp getting further and further away, the hearts of the elders and others became cold, as if they had expected that their companions would become dried meat and the antiques would be displaced.

This is also true. Out of the hundreds of people in the Guigu Society, at most a dozen people lost their lives and were controlled by the saints. The rest must become fresh protein.

Elder Simon hurriedly pulled his wheelchair to the control console. He took off the key hanging around his neck and inserted it into a groove below. A page "Are you sure to confirm self-destruction" popped up on the big screen.

"We still have a way out, that is to die with them!" the elder said in a suppressed voice.

It is better to be swallowed up by the flames of an explosion than to suffer artificial torture.

Just when the elder was about to press the button, the assistant hurriedly stopped him and pointed out the side window.

Hoo ho ho!

I saw a low-lying mountain stream in the distance, and suddenly four meteors with trailing flames rose from the ground.

"What is that?" The elder was wondering when he noticed that the "meteors" were like four parabolas flying towards their area.

The saints were also distracted by the huge sound of breaking through the air. They looked up one after another. Their lack of knowledge and experience left them unclear. It was not until the four Stinger missiles quickly lowered their altitude and adjusted their position that the thugs instinctively Feeling danger approaching.


Before they landed, four more missiles took off, and the distance between the launch point and them was also shortening.


Charles stood up suddenly and stared in disbelief at the cannon that crashed to the ground.





After the four loud gongs and drums, there was a brief burst of laughter, and amid the dancing and celebrating of the thugs, there were four more roars of muffled thunder.

They were bursting with joy.

Each mobile vehicle has also been brainstormed. The crudely made and patchwork armor is as fragile as a large piece of iron sheet stuck together. Even if the people inside are not dead, they are still concussed.

Moreover, Chu Xin's Stinger missile is much better than the original version. Not only does it have a longer effective range, but its lethality is also extremely impressive. There is no pressure on combat units attacking the Saints.


As Chu Xin moved forward, he converted fuel into missiles and launched 16 missiles at once, giving those wasteland barbarians a bit of the shock of ancient technology.

Achim and the other three were dumbfounded. This operation of long-range missile bombing and washing the ground really shocked them. They didn't expect that even though Chu Xin Sparrow was small and well-equipped, it actually had such firepower configuration.

"It seems that the city lord is well-intentioned, and we are worrying too much~" Achim breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Sit tight and get ready for close contact." Chu Xin said. It was impossible for him to fall into a trap. He would only run to become bigger and stronger.


He accelerated with all his strength and was completely exposed to the enemy's sight after crossing a mountain.

But at this time, none of the thugs, including Charles, cared about Chu Xin's appearance. In addition, when he discovered that Chu Xin was the only one, the panic on Charles' face instantly turned into overwhelming anger.

"Surround it all, this is the Father's command!"

As a result, the Holy Father immediately led the remaining seven or eight mobile vehicles to turn around and charge.


Bombs were thrown high.

Chu Xin calmly used the heavy machine gun, forming a barrage of firepower to intercept all the bombs in mid-air. With the help of the insect limbs on both sides, he achieved a stable state at peak speed. He looked about to roll over several times, but unexpectedly crushed several of them. A Saint's chariot, four heavy machine guns fired at the invading enemies with all their might, leaving a mess wherever they passed.

The overall view and micro-management shown in this are the ultimate, and I am afraid that only Chu Xin, who is the incarnation of the city, can achieve this.

The three people inside Achim all vomited without exception, and they immediately understood why Chu Xin wanted to remind them.

"Crash it!" Charles roared angrily when he saw this.

In an instant, the thugs turned into death squads without saying a word, howling and attacking Chu Xin.

Unable to refuse the hospitality, Chu Xin simply opened his mouth, and the three eagle claws were like the claws of a gold miner, not forgetting to eat while outputting.

"What the hell~"

Seeing one of his men being eaten alive by Chu Xin, Charles almost lost his temper.

He pushed away the thug behind him who was controlling the Holy Father and took action himself.

His method is to hit him head-on!

He relied on the fact that the Holy Father was larger and heavier than Chu Xin, and seemed to be more durable. He believed that Chu Xin would fall apart in an instant.

"Who do you think you are, going against me," Charles stared angrily at Chu Xin's main hall and shouted through the public loudspeaker, "The Holy Father is Eternal!"

Hearing his roar, all the thugs were in high spirits and invariably drew inverted triangles on their chests.

Woohoo! ! !

Seeing that two mobile cities with completely different styles were about to collide, the insect limb on Chu Xin's right side plunged into the ground and became extremely dislocated.

Just at this moment when they passed each other, Chu Xin's body heard a clear sound from the amplified machine.

At the edge of the main hall square, a rectangular device with a simple and majestic shape stretched out. As the cold light filled the air, an eight-meter-long armor-piercing arrow flew out of the chamber of the Wind-breaking Ballista.


Charles stared at the rapidly enlarging metal arrow and felt chills all over.

The next second, the thick bulletproof glass exploded like a wafer cookie.

Immediately afterwards, Charles' head turned into a cloud of blood mist due to the friction of the arrow.


Through front and back.

When the armor-piercing arrow appeared again, it had pierced straight into the rock on the hillside eight thousand meters away.

The arrow shaft is in perfect condition, the arrowhead has some wear at best. (End of chapter)

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