All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 196 The entire Skull Island is in chaos

Skull Island.

Chu Xin was trapped between two buns sandwiching cheese. In front of him was a foul-mouthed monkey carrying a large crocodile, and behind him was a fat dinosaur with a supercar engine built into its body.

When the three of them were confronting each other, the young and brave Raton had already launched a diving offensive against the wily Kraken.

It was seen reaching out its claws after approaching the sea surface, trying to catch the shelled octopus with only a few tentacles exposed.

However, Kraken's IQ is not comparable to that of Raton.

Godzilla suffered a big loss, and he knew he couldn't take it lightly.

Therefore, it suddenly retreated, allowing Raton to jump away.

Not to mention whether Raton is good at water fighting, the hot volcanic rock structure alone is not suitable for entering the water. This is asking for trouble~

Raton missed a hit and was not angry. He turned back and took off to wait for the opportunity.

In this way, one day and one sea started to pull to the extreme.


This thundering sound originated from Chu Xin's two hammer tails.

Both of them swept towards Godzilla and unleashed brilliant lightning and thunder on it.

Explosive Thunder Tail Hammer!

The greater the power of the swing, the more violent the thunder and lightning burst out.



Chu Xin turned the two long tails into freely controllable thunder whips, waving them like a demon dancing wildly.

Continuous explosions were heard all over Godzilla and King Kong, and occasionally they accidentally hit the mountains. Suddenly rocks flew into the sky, and the vegetation turned into nothingness and ashes.


The extremely flexible King Kong seizes the breaking point.

It circled back, lowered its body and pounced, hugged Chu Xin's right leg from the side, knocked Chu Xin to the ground in a sumo wrestler's posture, and then raised the giant crocodile stick high to smash it down hard.

Godzilla also joined in the fun and launched a kick without hesitation.

But Chu Xin turned over and carried King Kong out, who was half leaning on him. His path happened to meet Godzilla's legs and feet.


King Kong's lower abdomen was hit hard, causing him to roar in pain.

Chu Xin swept forward with his tail again.

Bang bang!

King Kong flew upside down in response.

However, Godzilla resisted the thunder blast, grabbed Chu Xin's hammer tail with both hands, and pulled hard with brute strength.

King Kong struggled to his feet and joined in the tug-of-war.


How could Chu Xin tolerate them? He directly greeted them with three gravity rays.

Godzilla was okay, his body was strong and strong in his prime, but King Kong, who had been injured many times, was on the verge of being seriously disabled, and most of his physical energy had been consumed.


Chu Xin changed his mind and jumped into the air.

The wings fanned out like blades of hurricane, causing chaos all around in an instant.

Monsters such as giant skeleton lizards and long-legged spider mothers were also carried into the sky, and then scattered in every corner of Skull Island.

Suddenly, a thunder and lightning storm formed.

This is tantamount to Chu Xin opening up his own field, with full environmental advantages.


Godzilla knew he couldn't drag it out any longer.

It brews energy, the atomic furnace roars, and a mouthful of atomic breath spurts out.

The blue beam of light was like the only fire of hope in the endless darkness, burning out the thunder, piercing the black clouds, and blasting on one of Chu Xin's wings.

Godzilla, who has been charged by human nuclear explosions, is at the peak of his combat power. His power, accuracy and other aspects have been greatly improved.

Chu Xin's wings were not penetrated, and the free current on its surface formed a thin film that blocked a certain amount of breath, and the rest could not cause much damage.

But it's not ineffective.

Traces of burns gradually appeared on the wing membrane, especially the center point where many holes were cracked and the arc of the flap was not as good as before.

It stands to reason that he should have fallen to the ground and needed time to recover, but as his proficiency increased, his physique was also strengthened accordingly.

As for whether it hurts or not, it was meaningless to Chu Xin.

After experiencing these cards, I have never experienced any torture.

Just bear with it for a while.

Suddenly, Chu Xin discovered that King Kong was missing.

He was alert and immediately forced himself to climb higher.


The sound of breaking wind came from the ridge behind me.

It turned out that King Kong jumped up from the top of the mountain. His body was as strong as a high jumper, and the giant crocodile stick in his hand was like a javelin to win the championship. He swung it hard towards the junction of Chu Xin's three necks.

Its calculation was good, but unfortunately, this was Chu Xin's own storm.

He knew all the disturbances nearby.

The three arbitrarily twisted heads bent backwards, like giant pythons, knocking off King Kong's giant crocodile stick, smashing the tail to pieces with a hammer, and the blood in the internal organs was swept away by the hurricane before it exploded.

Then, both claws firmly clasped the back of King Kong's neck and one leg, and brought it hundreds of meters into the air, and continued to rise.


Godzilla's atomic breath shot up from the ground in perfect time.

The blue beam of light passed over King Kong's scalp and hit Chu Xin's leg.

This blow successfully saved King Kong. Chu Xin, who was in pain, subconsciously let go of his claws, and the scalp-less King Kong hit the ground.


The movement was so loud that it crushed several skeletal lizards to death.

It managed to save a life, but it was still half dead and could almost be declared disqualified from participating in the war.


Gravitational rays also came down together, and the target was not King Kong, but Godzilla who had just finished ejecting.

Three beams of lightning intertwined and hit the center of its head.


Godzilla retreated continuously, falling to the ground after being severely injured.

Its eyes became visibly dull, and its pupils lost focus.

It is estimated that the brain is buzzing like crazy at the moment, and the upper body is in a super paralyzed negative state.


Chu Xin also landed and looked down at the fellow sufferers.

Although he still had the advantage with one against two, he did take several hits after several rounds.

Fortunately, after killing the Yamata no Orochi, his physical fitness has increased, and his muscle endurance has become stronger.

But overall, it was pretty easy.

On the other side, the battle situation has reached a major node that determines victory or defeat, life and death.


Raton, who became increasingly irritable and impatient, made a mistake. In order to catch Kraken, he hurriedly submerged one-third of his body into the sea.

Kraken seized the opportunity, all of his tentacles wrapped around him, and violently dragged Raton completely underwater.

This wave can be said to have half a foot entering the Palace of Hell.


The sea surface immediately seemed to be boiling.

Rodan started to flutter fiercely, but the more it struggled, the more complicated and cumbersome the tentacles were.

In just a few seconds, Raton's pair of lava wings were tied up by the tentacles.

Coupled with its shrill roar of water filling, it is quite fascinating~

Of course, only for Nantong among the Titans.

If this continues, it will definitely die.

But Chu Xin was far away, and the day lilies were cold by the time he flew over.


At the critical moment, a strange roar sounded from the sea not far away.

A huge and elongated shadow swept across the uncertain sea.

Before they even arrived, the surrounding seawater automatically condensed into turbulent whirlpools, like a miracle when a god descended.

That's a dark purple sea dragon!

A ferocious head is very similar to the Western dragon in the movie. The body is covered with sharp scales and has a pair of rugged forelimbs. The body is nearly two hundred meters long and ends with a huge mermaid-like tail.

The Destroyer camp, Tiamat, has the same name as the mother goddess in ancient Babylonian mythology.

It seemed to be a born king of the ocean. Its speed was as fast as an afterimage, and it arrived in front of Kraken in the blink of an eye.


A series of whirlpools formed under its control, making a sharp sound of water, and stirred fiercely.

Tiamat has the ability to control water and can create whirlpools and even waterspouts that fill the air, dragging enemies into the water and crushing them.

As the overlord of the water, even Godzilla, who is also good at underwater combat, has nothing to do with it. Only by dragging it onto land can we have a guaranteed chance of victory.

Puff puff puff~

Tiamat suddenly sank, erecting its sharp dorsal fin as sharp as a blade, and immediately cut off several of Kraken's tentacles.

Raton was also freed from this. It fluttered its wings like a drowned rat, hovering thousands of meters in the sky in shock, almost leaving a psychological shadow on the ocean.


But before it could take a breath, a cry that sounded more like a snake than a snake, or an eagle but not an eagle came from the thick clouds above its head.

The next second, a giant python with a pair of wings flew out of the clouds and started fighting with Raton who was caught off guard.

Protector camp, Quetzalcoatl!

Obviously, the giant beasts on both sides received orders from their respective leaders and came to help.

It was like a big battle involving the three domains of sea, land and air.


Godzilla regroups.

This scene seems to have awakened its memory of many years ago, and the tragedy and grandeur of Ragnarok are still vivid in its mind.

The roars of its deceased ancestors and companions echoed in its ears, giving it unparalleled power of faith.

As the strongest local life form, the atomic dinosaur family has great potential.

But various opportunities are needed to trigger it, and the endless power hidden in genes can be unearthed through media such as awareness, sacrifice, anger, and dying.

At this moment, the long-lasting memories engraved in the DNA put it in a state of excitement.

This kind of buff is like the people of the Red Nation recalling the cruel and cold-blooded actions of the Neon people. The uncontrollable rage and fearlessness arise spontaneously in the chest, and then the whole body is filled with power.


The blue light on the dorsal fin suddenly bloomed.

Godzilla stood up firmly, even his eyes glowing a burning blue.

The atomic furnace was operating at unprecedented overload, and wisps of visible light blue hot air gushes out from the pores of the skin and floats upward together.


At this moment, King Kong was stimulated and stood up with difficulty.

It looked extremely miserable. Its hair was alternately burned by lightning and flames. It rolled in the lake and on the hillside, and was covered in mud and fuzzy corpses.

It is not only a battle for kingship, but also a battle to protect the earth!

Facing them who were already prepared for awakening, Chu Xin also gave them the highest seriousness and vigilance.

He soared high into the sky again, and the wounds on his wings had completely healed.

What follows is a real fight to the death!


Chu Xin opened his mouth.

In the middle is the thunderous gravity ray, and on both sides are the fiery jets of flames.

Gold and red intertwine in a spiral shape, like a hot bridge connecting heaven and earth.

Godzilla pushed away the eager King Kong, and then stepped forward himself.

Opening his mouth, extraordinarily thick and brilliant atomic breath spurted out.

It mobilizes half of the energy absorbed by the nuclear explosion and outputs it all at once.

Bang! ! !

The energy pair wave appears again.

For a time, the two sides formed an evenly matched situation.

The terrifying energy shock waves continued to spread, flying everything around them away. Even King Kong had to rely on the mountains for support.

Boom boom~

Nearby rocks and vegetation spontaneously combust or melt one after another, as if Antarctica, which never changes all year round, is being closely contacted by the sun.

The color of the sky and the earth changes, and everything is frightened!

This scene of a fierce battle between gods immediately forced the melee between skeleton lizards and other monsters to stop.

They all looked up and watched with horrified expressions, regardless of whether they were friends or foes. Their knees weakened and they fell to the ground in unison.

This also includes the sacred tiger, an extremely mysterious beast.

This guy is five meters long and has a burly build, quite like the white tiger that rules the west in mythology.

But the sacred tiger has a pair of sacred and noble antlers on its head, and the aura it exudes is also very ethereal.

It is called "His Royal Highness in the Wind" by local indigenous people and has hallucinogenic and other spiritual attack methods.

It's a pity that even a sacred tiger can only tremble uncontrollably in this situation.


Suddenly, Quetzalcoatl slapped Feiraton with his tail, turned around and rushed towards Chu Xin, who was concentrating.

Its IQ is obviously not low, and it actually uses a move to attack the east and the west.

However, the gap in strength cannot be made up by sneak attacks.

Chu Xin didn't look back at all, and directly threw out the hammer tail according to the distance of the sound and the change of air flow.


The petite and slender Quetzalcoatl was headshot on the spot!

Seeing his friendly troops being killed instantly, Godzilla was furious and increased the output rate of his atomic breath.

Its body temperature is rising rapidly, and such long-term power consumption has put too much pressure on its internal organs.

But fortunately, it is not real. The cooling system and other hardware facilities are very complete, and it can still last for a while.

Godzilla is like this, and so is Chu Xin.

The chest cavity, which stores a large amount of bioelectricity, is like a battery. Continuous mobilization not only consumes it like crazy, but also causes injuries to the corresponding body.

But fortunately, Chu Xin has the ability to regenerate. This advantage is enough to make many Titans look up to him.

High in the air, Raton was startled by Quetzalcoatl's behavior and broke into a cold sweat.

Shouldn't his boss blame himself?

Thinking of this, it immediately spotted the disabled Vajra and swooped down.


King Kong was so smart, taking advantage of Raton to close the distance, he picked up a boulder from behind and threw it, hitting Raton right in the face.

Then, it beat its chest and ran over, kicking Raton three to four hundred meters away.

Rodon took off and escaped King Kong's pursuit.


Not far away, two energy waves lost their stability and exploded instantly.

Circles of blue and gold intertwined ring-shaped impact belts scattered, knocking Raton and King Kong away together, and the ground was lifted out of the fresh mud layer below.

Godzilla smashed into a mountain, and Chu Xin was flying in the air like a lonely leaf.



Chu Xin, who remained 100% vigilant, turned his head and looked around.

Something seemed to be roaring in the dark storm belt of Skull Island.

It's a beast tide!

And it’s still a steel behemoth.

I saw a widely distributed aircraft carrier fleet, like the sword of Damocles tearing through the dark clouds, breaking into this world with a domineering attitude.

This scene is very touching.

One side is the battle between giant beasts and the other side is human technology. The two styles of painting create a huge conflict.

Whoosh whoosh!

There are also aerial forces composed of hundreds of fighter jets and bombers in the sky, carrying missiles one after another to give the behemoths a little bit of technological shock.

More than these.

"Woo buzz——"

The dark clouds were suddenly pierced by the brilliant aurora.

The blue-green fluorescence covered the fighter planes with bright gauze, and those Black Hawk helicopters seemed to be fighting for the gods.

The light source is a flying insect titan similar in size to Rodan.

Yes, on top of the Free State Air Force is Mothra, the Queen of Monsters.

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